| [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Aeon Caedus"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Darth Helios"] |
Almania, Underground Laboratory.
Thirty three years ago.
"Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" said Vazela. Ahead of him, suspended in a bacta tank, was a Yinchorri male. It had been eleven years since the man had been kept in this environment. The Bacta surrounded him sustained his vitals, so that he had not yet become deceased, whilst the various tubes inserted into him supplied the nourishment necessary to keep him alive. The hooded male, who had been his captured for the past decade and a bit, continued to speak.
"Darth Plagueis the Wise was a powerful and wise Dark Lord of the Sith who was said to be able to bind and manipulate the very cells that created life itself. He was so powerful that it was said he was able to bring those that he loved back from the brink of death itself."
"I first heard this tale when I was a child, growing up in a Sith Temple on Korriban. I was destined to be one of many Sith of that time, who was merely born to continue the prorogation of future Sith, until the cure to the Gulag virus had been found... Destined to learn the ideals, beliefs and doctrines of the Sith, until to die and pass them onto my prodigy, so that the Sith Order could continue... How pathetic."
He turned to the nearby droid and signaled for the subject to be lowered out of the Bacta tank and onto the operation table that had been prepared for him and his dark captor. Bacta was drained out of the tank, whilst the medical droids went about the business of transferring the Yinchorri onto it. Vazela continued to speak into the recording device beside him.
"Following this tale, I too have become aware of the midi chlorians and the properties that all living beings possess. They are the key to unlocking your mind, Yinchorri, of which I will be able to manipulate all forms of life. You are but a pedestal to greater things..."
As the Yinchorri subject (victim would be a more accurate description) was lowered onto the operations table, Vazela moved around, continuing his explanations into the records he made, from which he would be able to refer back to later for further study and analysis.
"I have identified three components to the midi chlorians that are inside you; and of which all living beings possess." He gestured around him to the other Bacta tanks. Hard to see, more beings floated inside. It was almost like Vazela was showing off to the Yinchorri that laid before him.
"The Aperion includes and unites all matter, giving it shape and cohesion. Aspects of the aperion include gravity and electromagnetism- though, the term encompasses everything in both shape and time. Many of the abilities understood as belonging to the Unifying Force are tied to the aperion."
"The Anima gives life- but not thought- to animals, plants, and other living beings. Midi-chlorians are responsible for inducing and sustaining anima in almost all species. Many of the Living Force abilities are tied to the anima."
"The Pneuma is the expression of conscious thought. Thinking, self-aware minds contribute to the collective pneuma, which is accessed by many naturally telepathetic species, as well as by the various mind tricks of the Jedi and the Sith."[/I]
"To break into the mind of another living being, it is easy to identify that the path to converting thinking, self-aware minds into conscious thoughts guided by one who possesses the skill to break and manipulate the pneuma. But what if the anima found in this Yinchorri, and by extension- all other living beings- resists such mental based manipulations and subsequent changes to the subjects way of thinking. The brains of all living beings, of which the pneuma exists in, are held together by the aperion. Is it possible for the aperion to then resist the mental based influences on the pneuma? Does one need to break all three parts to the midi-chlorians in order to influence and control the very essence of life? If so, then my mental based suggestions, when discovered, will be more powerful than any Sith Magic. It is not mere based mental influence or manipulation. It is very definition of controlling life."
Set to discover the facts and truths to the theories he had been studying during this subsequent self imposed exile from the Sith Order, Vazela picked up a scalpel and began his work. He was not just looking to just control life here. He was looking to control his own, in anyway he saw fit. For the Gulag Virus had ravaged his man, as it had all other beings in the galaxy of the current era; and so his delving into this strange and arcane form of Sith Alchemy was, with some hope, the key to curing himself of the virus that had placed the galaxy into a Four Hundred Year Darkness...
Prakith, Darth Shara's Library.
Present day.
He felt himself beginning to expire the moment Orcus had made contact with him. Through the combination of Darth Vornskr's Force Slow and Darth Helios's Force Grip, of which Darth Phobos's Force Stun had slowed him down, meant that the precautions he would of taken against Orcus's belly flop were negated almost instantaneously. There would be no Force Wave to generated enough Force Energy to push Orcus away from him. No movement of limbs in order to spread the surface area of his body, to physically prepare himself for Darth Orcus's crushing. But he was Vazela and he was burdened with great purpose and of desire...
In his mental mind, he envisioned himself standing a plinth, on a level plain with Vornskr, Shara, Orcus and the other One Sith in the library; and in this vision, imagined himself beginning to topple and subsequently fall from the summit of his stone, towards the abyss below. Falling, into the void. A sinking feeling, gripping his body. Dragging him away and into insignificance. A mere man, who tried to stand against those that would rule the galaxy and burn away those who stood to them. Vazela, the Fallen One...
As he came to a stop in mid air in the mental image, Vornskr and Helios felt their techniques upon what was left of Vazela suddenly sever their holds. They were still there, after all, they were still casting, concentrating and thinking on the telepathic and telekinetic based powers given by the Living and Unifying Force. Inside, Vazela had blocked his pneuma from the mental based suggestions of Vornskr, whilst the aperion that held him together could no longer be held by Helios and his powers. Vazela concentrated, to stop himself from expiring. Holding together the midi-chlorians that had created him, so as to not let them expire as they would have, after his immediate death.
Underneath Orcus, as the midi-chlorians were held together through Vazela's control of them, he concentrated further on the anima that had given him life; and through the power of his pneuma, of which held his thoughts and self-awareness, began a manipulation beneath the fallen Jedi Knight. A purple hue illuminated beneath the whale creature, as Vazela held himself together through the power of his dark technique. Midi-chlorian based manipulation, that had tricked Shara into thinking he was but a twenty year something, a child in relative terms, which concealed the decades of life he had already experienced.
Bones began to snap back into place; and blood, through the power of cell division and replication of the Sith Alchemy, began in earnest, all concealed underneath Orcus's giant frame. When the whale opened his giant mouth to bellow into the ear drums of the Dark Jedi beneath him, Vazela felt disorientation and deafness. He felt the teeth of the One Sith clamp around his frame and dig down, to crush his skull; and if not for the technique he had begun, then Vazela would of met the same fate of Plagueis.