“Hmm…” She hummed with her lips against the glass in thought, rolling her eyes away from him for a second. “It’s been a while but I’ll show you a few moves.” She lowered the mug to the table again, acquiescing to his request. Rising swiftly, she took a step back from the table and fixed her gaze on his, eyes lidding slightly.
‘I don’t have music
or the proper costuming, but typically the movements are meant to be gentle and drawn out. She flicked her wrist followed by her elbow, a smooth motion connecting the two movements as she let it travel up to her shoulder. As she did so, she would slide her rib cage to the side, forward, side and back as if drawing a small circle. Gradually she would turn, raising her arms above her head and alternating delicate hand waves with hip undulations. Her movements were practiced, never rushed or too pointed. “Subtle, never overtly sexual…with a mischievous touch.” As if to make the point, she tilted her head over her shoulder to look at him, hair falling behind her. “It’s better enjoyed with the music and costume, though.”
[member="Khalan Vhett"]