Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Sith Dominion of Csilla

"Yes," replied Kirk to [member="Darth Mierin"] just as he finished the last bit of transfering the data.

Then, Kirk took out a gun - another one he had procured from a guard - and shot the console a few times. This would make it irreparable without getting a complete new one. This left the One Sith in control of what the public would know had happened that day.

"It's done," said Kirk, despite not really needing to do so after having destroyed the console.

Arturious Engel

[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Arturious sliced down the last standing guard in the pack before turning to the other Acolyte with a smirk.

"Nothing like a little bloodshed to boost your spirirts."

Arturious turned.

"Now shall we see what is behind door number 1?"

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Arturious Engel"]

Sawa kept her eyes trained on the acolyte while the knight they had with them went off into the room. She moved letting her own body amplify her movements and she opened the door going for the prototype lab. A smirk creeping upon her face while the door opened and her eyes scanned the room with a flick left and then a flick right... Then she was moving inside checking for people.
The Sith Acolyte smiled when he had checked his communicator and then he had taken a seat in the Captain's chair, however it was the Admiral's chair and he gave him his brightest smile when he sat in it. It was filled with contempt and he chuckled when he saw the look the Admiral had given him.

I won here.

"Now we wait."


Zaruan walked into the console room and he looked to [member="Rytek'irk'intrano"] and raised an eyebrow when he had destroyed the console and then he looked at [member="Darth Mierin"]. She was the real one in command here between the two so he addressed her.

"Allow me to be named Syndic or Aristocra of House Nuruodo." He said with an obvious tone of want. "I shall let it be known that that the Aristocra's had meant to betray you from the start and I had received word that the Fleet that had come was meant to ambush your Force and keep you here as a hostage. My people will have to believe me, since to them I would have no reason to lie."

Arturious Engel

[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Arturious shrugged as apparently his fellow Acolyte did not share his enthusium for swordplay. Arturious turned towards the Tech lab walking up to the door without hesitation thrusting his blade into the controls forcing the door open.

With a qucik scan Arturious cut down anyone inside the room and began to collect anything of use from the lab. Not knowing what was important and what wasn't Arturious grabbed everything he could carry that wasn't bolted down starting with documents.
Kirk turned to @Zaruan. He gave a few seconds to examine the Chiss.

With a blunt answer, Kirk replied, "We already have chosen the new Aristocra. Follow me and the One Sith, though. Prove yourself and you'll be rewarded."

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