The final company that dealt with the Chiss was
Csillian Laboratories. One name stood out -- [member="Sila Blaire"].
Further investigation lead to the following information. After Sila Blaire's apprenticeship under Grand Admiral
Davin, she managed to utilize resources provided by him to put her vast knowledge to some good use. So, she invested in the creation of the Csillian Laboratories that would be where the Chiss Ascendency's weapons of war would be produced.
With the money, Sila contracted architects at TranStar construction to build the laboratories while she scouted the remains of the Gulag virus ravaged Chissspace for the scientists and engineers that would work for the Ascendency at Csillian Laboratories. Once construction was complete and an appropriate number of employees were brought to the location, Csillian Laboratories had begun operations under the supervision of Davin's apprentice.
Currently, Sila Blaire serves as the owner of the laboratories. As such, she shares her knowledge with those who work there for the Ascendency. The main business that the Csillian Labs work on is Xenobiological study. Before becoming Grand Admiral Davin's apprentice, Sila was an avid studier of poisons and various alien species. Poison is known as the weapon of politicians and the diplomatic Chiss will be needing such a weapon if they plan on becoming a force in the galaxy. The Xenobiological research also leads to bioengineering such as the bioengineering used on the insects used in the
parasite bomb. Also, the Csillian Labs have projects regarding the research and development of Chiss weaponry including charric weapons and vape charges. Once more investments are granted, the Csillian Labs plan on researching and developing parasite and radiation bombs for the Ascendency and it's allies.
Cyrena's eyes would perk at this. How extraordinary. This is certainly interesting information.
Csillian labs has a strict no alien policy. Any non-Chiss are not allowed within the facilities. Chiss hybrids are only allowed in non-secure zones. Csillian Labs are kept as secure as possible, featuring many security checks, it's own security force, and an advanced encryption network so no plans could be stolen by the enemies of the Chiss Ascendency.
This would mean that they would need to use full blooded Chiss to infiltrate or perhaps interact with this business.
The facility was built with 4 separate laboratories in order to maximize efficiency by reducing the confusion involved with multiple sciences being studied in the same area. The Xenobiology labs study the biological systems of various alien species that are most abundant in the galaxy such as humans(including various near-humans), twi'leks, and others. This division is made to exploit weaknesses in the species being studied that can be exploited by the Ascendancy.
There is a branch of the Xenobiology labs called Bioengineering. In Bioengineering, scientists perform experiments on various species to maximize their potential on the battlefield much like the insects that were made to destroy the Killik in the Swarm War. Another division within Csillian Laboratories is the Weapons research and development division. There, maser weapons, known as charric in Cheunh, are developed for the Ascendency. Improvements on developed charric weapons are also being researched within the laboratories. Also, less so than charric weaponry, other forms of Chissweaponry is researched and developed like the vape charge. The final division of Csillian Labs is the Armor research and development. It is here that
Fractal-pattern armor and more are developed by the engineering genius of the Chiss minds tasked with creating the armors that shall protect the Ascendency's soldiers of war.