Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Sith Dominion of Csilla


Mierin scowled. Well at least they knew no more guards would be coming to interrupt them.

The lightsaber was deactivated, placed back on the slithering belt that rest on her hips. She cracked her neck slightly and stepped up next to Kirk.

She said nothing to the Chiss, but instead turned away from him and began to walk down the hall. Those who remained within this facility would be killed. The Chiss who knew of this meeting would be purged. The Pureblood stepped over corpse after corpse.

Arturious Engel

[member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Arturious would press forward with the Sith Lord timming the volley of bolts fly their way. Once he saw and openning Arturious shot forward like a cannon aided by the force slashing across the chest of the nearest guard before seperating a second guard's arm from his body.

Arturious would waist no more time permitting progress to the objective from being held up any longer.
XoChitl would meet [member="Rytek'irk'intrano"]'s eyes for a moment, only to turn towards one final lethal bolt to the head of a remaining guard. "Getting better..." she'd say in sly compliment, the heels of her pumps clipping against the floor in the wake of her assassinations.

She would tuck the small hold out blaster aside, then moving beyond him. "Already on it."
"Assassinations should also already be complete," continued Kirk as he began to walk down the hall toward the control room, "The next Aristoca will be indebted to the One Sith, and the hostages kept on Coruscant should keep them compliant."

Eventually, Kirk and possibly even [member="Darth Mierin"] would reach the control room. Its bulkhead door was sealed shut - lockdown. Kirk took a look at the console and plugged a datapad in it - typing away to hack it. It would take some time, unless Mierin herself had a different idea.


Mierin had reached the bulkhead door before Kirk did, only waiting for him to arrive in order for him to provide cover, just in case.

The lightsaber was once again loosed from her hip, and she plunged the red plasma blade into the durasteel door. Cutting through the blast door would take time, but less time than slicing into the controls. Already the metal began to glow and simmer with the heat of the blade, slowly falling apart as it melted into tiny pieces.

Mierin pressed the lightsaber further in, cutting and burning through the blast doors.

Within the Chiss began to ready their arms, reaching for Charric rifles and pistols, scrambling to defend the control room as the Sith lord sliced through the door.
The final company that dealt with the Chiss was Csillian Laboratories. One name stood out -- [member="Sila Blaire"].

Further investigation lead to the following information. After Sila Blaire's apprenticeship under Grand Admiral Davin, she managed to utilize resources provided by him to put her vast knowledge to some good use. So, she invested in the creation of the Csillian Laboratories that would be where the Chiss Ascendency's weapons of war would be produced.

With the money, Sila contracted architects at TranStar construction to build the laboratories while she scouted the remains of the Gulag virus ravaged Chissspace for the scientists and engineers that would work for the Ascendency at Csillian Laboratories. Once construction was complete and an appropriate number of employees were brought to the location, Csillian Laboratories had begun operations under the supervision of Davin's apprentice.

Currently, Sila Blaire serves as the owner of the laboratories. As such, she shares her knowledge with those who work there for the Ascendency. The main business that the Csillian Labs work on is Xenobiological study. Before becoming Grand Admiral Davin's apprentice, Sila was an avid studier of poisons and various alien species. Poison is known as the weapon of politicians and the diplomatic Chiss will be needing such a weapon if they plan on becoming a force in the galaxy. The Xenobiological research also leads to bioengineering such as the bioengineering used on the insects used in the parasite bomb. Also, the Csillian Labs have projects regarding the research and development of Chiss weaponry including charric weapons and vape charges. Once more investments are granted, the Csillian Labs plan on researching and developing parasite and radiation bombs for the Ascendency and it's allies.

Cyrena's eyes would perk at this. How extraordinary. This is certainly interesting information.

Csillian labs has a strict no alien policy. Any non-Chiss are not allowed within the facilities. Chiss hybrids are only allowed in non-secure zones. Csillian Labs are kept as secure as possible, featuring many security checks, it's own security force, and an advanced encryption network so no plans could be stolen by the enemies of the Chiss Ascendency.

This would mean that they would need to use full blooded Chiss to infiltrate or perhaps interact with this business.

The facility was built with 4 separate laboratories in order to maximize efficiency by reducing the confusion involved with multiple sciences being studied in the same area. The Xenobiology labs study the biological systems of various alien species that are most abundant in the galaxy such as humans(including various near-humans), twi'leks, and others. This division is made to exploit weaknesses in the species being studied that can be exploited by the Ascendancy.

There is a branch of the Xenobiology labs called Bioengineering. In Bioengineering, scientists perform experiments on various species to maximize their potential on the battlefield much like the insects that were made to destroy the Killik in the Swarm War. Another division within Csillian Laboratories is the Weapons research and development division. There, maser weapons, known as charric in Cheunh, are developed for the Ascendency. Improvements on developed charric weapons are also being researched within the laboratories. Also, less so than charric weaponry, other forms of Chissweaponry is researched and developed like the vape charge. The final division of Csillian Labs is the Armor research and development. It is here that Fractal-pattern armor and more are developed by the engineering genius of the Chiss minds tasked with creating the armors that shall protect the Ascendency's soldiers of war.
[member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Tyrin wasn't much for killing. He never derived any particular satisfaction from it, unless it was someone he particularly loathed. Still, these nameless, faceless Chiss had to die. It was regrettable, truly, that diplomacy had failed them this day. But there were approximately eight billion other Chiss laying around. It was doubtful anyone of import would be missing the ones who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There wasn't so much as a sound when Tyrin popped back into existence behind a trio of Chiss. The three were too preoccupied with trying to get a clear shot on Kraal, and didn't notice Tyrin until his saber had cleaved through their backs and severed limbs. If they weren't dead when they hit the ground, they would be within a timely manner.

A fourth Chiss witnessed this and fired a single bolt for the Umbaran. Tyrin merely swatted the bolt back towards the Chiss with his lightsaber, striking the guard who fired it in the chest.

Alright, perhaps there was a little satisfaction with that one.


The Girl fell to the floor dead, and the guards raised their rifles. It was too late however, as soon as he pulled the trigger Sven threw the small object in his hand into the room. It tumbled end over end several times, beeping once, then twice, then a third time.

As the first of the Charric bolts flew from the guards, the tiny object exploded.

The force of the explosion threw Sven from the balcony, tossing him into a light pile of snow beneath. The guards on the inside were not so lucky. A massive explosion tore through the confined room. Pieces of the table and the things upon it were thrown about, and the pressure from the blast tore apart the insides of the guards, killing them almost instantly.

Within his armor Sven's organs remained safe, and as he landed in the snow he let out a heavy breath.
Just before [member="Darth Mierin"] would have finished cutting the hole, Kirk managed to hack into the console of the door and force it to open. The entire bulkhead receded down into the floor and exposed Mierin to the line of fire. The Chiss immediately began to fire upon her as Kirk remained behind the cover of a durasteel wall.


As soon as the door moved down Mieirn face changed into shock, though almost immediately her lightsaber took on a defensive stance.

Bolt after bolt struck her lightsaber, one of them singing the flesh of her arm. She hissed in pain, and pointed her hand forward. A massive burst of lightning came forth, it jumped throughout the entire room singing and burning flesh, destroying electronics and wiping out those Chiss who desperately tried to stay alive.

Mierin killed them all.
[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

The number of Chiss at the facility quickly dwindled. The battle in space continued to rage on. After Daella deftly beheaded a Chiss guard, there was not another one nearby to continue to fight.

The outside seemed to be getting pretty secure - as far as making sure any Chiss that would resist were dead. The rest would have to be within the surface facility itself.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth ShĹŤjĹŤ
Shipyards - [member="Darth Nephthys"] [member="Malphas"] [member="Arturious Engel"]
Objective: Secure the Shipyards.

Sawa kept moving kept going, as the chiss started shooting each other she let her blade slice into the throat of another before moving onwards and grabbing one of the soldiers. His neck being exposed as her eyes flared a bright silver, her fangs snapping in place as she bit down on his neck and used him as a shield to take blaster shots as she raised the mans weapon and fired into the face of another before proceeding forward. Her chiss shield and blaster.
Kirk hardly had to do anything to secure the control room. [member="Darth Mierin"] seemed to be in control of the situation. Kirk made it to the console of the control room and began to go to work on it - sending data to One Sith intelligence while deleting the console's copy of it.


The Chiss Commander and his two other men followed behind [member="Rytek'irk'intrano"] and [member="Darth Mierin"], and when they had reached the control room he ahd taken cover with the other Chiss just as the Sith Lord began to suffer from the blaster bolts being fired at her.

I must become a Syndic, or an Aristocra to secure my place in the One Sith.

He thought to himself.


Mierin relaxed slightly as the last of the Chiss fell to the floor dead.

She scowled at the back of Kirks head and then looked to the wound on her shoulder. The smell of singed flesh stuck in her nostrils as she touched the wound, licking her fingers slightly and placing them on the burn to cool it down.

The hiss of her lightsaber suddenly snapped shut, though this time she kept the hilt within her hand.

“The faster this is done, the better.” Her tone implied she wanted this done with.

Sven Talith

Sven lay within the snow for a moment, unmoving.

He was alive, that much he knew. He could feel the cold once again creeping in on his armor. The yelling was what started him moving again, commands shouted in Cheunh to begin scouring around the estate. His body shook slightly, and finally the assassin managed to stand up.

The King of Byss had done his job here. He had spoken perfect Cheunh, he had killed the Aristocra's entire family, and those guards that remained would think him to be a Chiss assassin. More could not be done.

Slowly he rose up in the snow and crawled away.

It was time to leave.
In a few minutes the One Sith's Fleet had continued to fire upon the Chis Fleet, the first Chiss ships that had come out of hyperspace were destroyed within the first few moments of the battle, the same could be said for a handful of the One Sith ships, but there wasn't enough losses for their to be a cause for worry.

The rest of the Chiss Force was soon shot down, disabled, and or in the midst of being destroyed. Soon, fire between the ships ceased and Malphas opened up another channel with the remaining ships.

"Halt your resistance, the One Sith Fleet will destroy you. Lower your shields, and accept your defeat. More victories are on the horizon." Malphas said to them as if it was cause to be proud.

"Contact, [member="Daella Apparine"], and [member="Darth Mierin"]." The Pureblood said once the battle in space had been completed. The retrieval process of damaged ships was beginning and boarding had already commenced. "Tell them that, we have suffered minimal losses and that we have won."

Surely the order to cease combat against the Sith forces would have spread.

[member="Darth Nephthys"]


Mierin responded to [member="Malphas"] almost immediately.

“Well done.” It was a short message sent over he communicator, bu the apprentice deserved some praise. She knew well his want of becoming a fleet commander, and today he had taken the first steps of doing just that.

Despite herself, the Sith Lord smirked.

"Hold position." Mierin sent to him next, the smile fading and her face returning to her impassive motion. "We have nearly finished."
[member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Tsavong Kraal"]

With the outside of the facility secured and only minimal casualties sustained, Tyrin moved for the large blast doors that comprised the entrance of the facility. It was at this particular moment he regretted not wounding at least one of the guards. Then maybe they could have given him the code to open the facility. The Umbaran approached the console, however, and found the doors to be unlocked.

How totally convenient. Perhaps the control room of the facility was compromised.

The doors slid apart, revealing a duo of technicians who had been attempting to flee. They had not received the memo that there was fighting outside. Understandable, really. No one was alive for long enough to send it. At the sight of Tyrin and his activated lightsaber, they turned tail and fled, screaming for their lives. It was pitiable, and so Tyrin only halfheartedly walked after them.
So it was with the combined work of her fellow Sith Acolytes that they entered the control room. By now, there was little resistance, and what pockets there were had been attributed to a Chiss House that was seeking political power.

A nod from Nephthys to her fellow brethren would send them to secure the rest of the tech labs and prototype areas. The focus now was on securing the databases.

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