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One Sith Group Training: Undead, Alchemy, and the Basics

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar

Setzi watched in horror as the graveyard literally came to life, the dirt shifting, the shuffle of the undead emerging from their centuries-old resting places. In the pit of her stomach, she felt immense fear. Oh feth, what did I get myself into now? she thought.

The stench in the air was unbelievable, and Setzi gagged, despite her best intentions. But she rallied and ignited her lightsaber. As one of the zombies lurched forward, she cleaved it in two with her saber, watching as the hot entrails sizzled on the cold ground before her. The halved zombie writhed still alive, still beckoning to her. Setzi grimaced but stood firm. The dead are the dead, after all. But her vulnerable thoughts flashed to Chastity, her sister who she assumed was dead, and through the darkest magic, the female zombie before her almost took on the look of her sister.

"Back from where you came!" she screeched at the undead, fully channeling her rage, carving the head off of the doppelganger of her sister. "Back to the grave you go!"

Setzi turned to gaze at those around her who seemed less disturbed by the malevolent creatures who, at least to the acolyte, enticed her to join them in their graves. Those silky, luscious dark beds in the ground. If I could only lay down for a little bit, I'll be okay, she thought longingly looking at an evacuated casket.

But sweat began to pool on her brow, and she distractedly clawed at her face to wipe her hair from getting in her eyes. "I am not going to lie with you!!!!" she screamed and with more fury than she could ever imagine, slashed and hacked at the undead as they converged upon her.

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member'Trystis Ra"]
Animus watched as the Undead Ghouls surrounded the Tomb he stood upon. With ultimate balance he stood at the tip of the Crypt's pointed rooftop, the ghouls slowly encroached upon Animus at five angles. Animus waited until they got closer, at least 6 feet close before executing a lightsaber throw while somersaulting backwards boots first into a ghouls face.
Using the Undead's partial cranium as leverage for impulse he dived forward angled to the ground as the lightsaber made short work of an Undead's midsection. Rolling in the ground impossibly fast, he rose up with an Aerial roundhouse kick that sent a corpse reeling back while in his other hand he called his lightsaber back to his hand and in its return severed the head of the ghoul animus had previously parted from his lower body.

An Undead approached from his back hands wide as animus executed a low sweeping kick followed by a horizontal slash of his saber that split the falling undead in half vertically because of the angle of his saber. Using his Telekinesis he focused on two massive Boulders next to the tombstone he previously sat upon that easily each weighed 100 pounds.
Focusing on the Boulders they began to move, then float. Both hands extended but his right hand still wielding the ignited saber he moved them to the position of the Undead whose face he stepped on, and the Undead who he roundhouse kicked. One Bolder for each Body. The Boulders flew in their direction with fury and force, battering aside an iron fence and a cracked a stone pillar on their way. the force of the impact caused two large foxholes filled with undead guts and rotten tissue.
The Sand and dust debris after the impact was a sight to Animus, Blades blue hum the music of glory to him, he did want a red one soon...
Animus opened his stance in an inviting manner and bellowed a roar of pure rage and hatred.
Breathing heavily, he focused his power on the crypt he stood upon, "Rise!" Animus Bellowed in Rage as he focused his rage and fury upon the Structure.
It began to rumble and crack, loosening its grip on the ground, roots snapped, rocks tumbled, every part of the Crypt not on his center of force concentration being the center crypt itself began to shake unsteadily. Animus raised both hands to the sky in a fit on the desire of Omnipotence itself, as the Crypt began to rise
"TRUE POWER" Animus roared as he laughed maniacally in the ecstasy of Power itself, of Strength and Fury, of the Power of the Dark side engulfed him in a lovers embrace of Pain and glorious agony as the pressure of the Crypt weigh on him no more than a Large Stone, still pulling deep inside the fury inside him, lifting the Crypt 15 feet in the air.
it's intent on crushing a large group of undead who were now making their way to the pile corpses of those Animus had crushed with the Boulders, it hurled now at graceful speed, and sheer pure force
. The Crypt was not particularly big, no more than 11 feet big and 12 feet wide, But filled with stone and granite insides made it very heavy.
The Impact was enveloping, debris and pebbles flew at all directions, wood, stone, decayed Skin parts, and all other things flew in a cloud of dust and the smell of death.
Animus felt spent, as if he had just ran a small marathon, far from exhausted but panting and sweating profusely. Quickly he forced himself to the stance, visibly shaking he pulled a water canteen from his back and took a large drink, half emptied it as he put it back he began to see more and more undead from the mists... Animus "Show" had cost him dearly, woozing and dizzy the show of force had drained him of much energy.

Animus smirked and sat, lotus position... cleared his thought. Serenity is the key to Battle Meditation. His body shaking in near colapse he meditated to regain his strength.
[member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Nerius"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"]
Zaiden was surprised, somehow his urges had been overrun by the Undead lunging at Reverance as well! He had been dead to long, and was now learning how out of practice he was. Pulling upon the link between him and his darkside creations, he roared his will into their meek existences.

His fellow Master was off limits! The man was here to teach as well, he need not train!

Then he returned his attentions to the crowd of youths. Nulgath spoke to him, and Zaiden replied, "There are few things I will not teach, that being one of them. Besides that, it is a very low percentage of beings that are able to use Sith Magic."

His eyes fell upon Snow and his Djem So, who was using it almost intrinsically which was a plus. It seemed this sort of test was exactly what was needed for the boy. Many simply need that extra push to survive, and a few targets!

Acolyte Lunelle caught his attention next, and he was surprised by the ferocity by which she fought. It was some what surprising. But maybe she had some demons that haunted her...

Walking through the graveyard uneffected he paused at the young woman, "Are you ok? Whatever is happening remember these are just a part of training...ok?" His voice had dropped to a caring baritone. He was no longer the manic sociopath he once was. Now caring came easier.

But then again, it was fun to raise hell.

From behind the largest crypt to the south came a large set of thunderous booms. The Undead would instantly pause, listening to the will of their Master. As more showed themselves from below ground, a throaty almost painful roar could be heard from very close...

Then a large Bull Rancor appeared from behind the building. Its flesh mostly still intact, it was evident Zaiden had slain the thing himself to bring for the event. Its walk hardly even brought to mind the Undead. It simply seemed partly wounded if anything.

"Alright kids listen up! This may have been a cake walk so far but things change now!" As he was yelling a few minor roars could be heard from somewhere to the north, "You will now be facing a moderate sized force. For everyone one of you expect roughly 7 or more human undead. Plus, now you all have to figure out how to take down that Rancor and the Correllian Sand Panthers on their ways!

"This is going to be getting a lot more difficult!!" Then glancing to his ally Master he called, "Got anything you want to toss into the midst?"

Just like that a real battle began!

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Trystis Ray"]
Let's not start the fight yet, let's actually get some sort of planning in

He couldn't help eye his handy work. The three fallen corpses lay around him, each one with a yellow gash where the crimson blade had sliced. The roar was almost a break, it meant something worth fighting. He heard as the master up front told them what they were dealing with, and he shrugged. He wasn't really bothered by a rancor, he had plenty of practice from his days stuck inside Sempra's palace.

He stopped, using the force to pull a map to him. He wasn't sure where the map would come from, but he was happy to note it was one of his own, from his ship. Actually, saying that The Rogue Skipper needed an upgrade. Perhaps he'd ask if he could take one of the Sith cruisers. They would be more fun to play with than the rusty old bolt bag he was currently flying.

Slowly he watched as some stones begin to move around the map, all controlled by his force powers. He wasn't exactly sure how he was doing it, but he chose not to question none the less. He watched as a few more smaller stones floated around the map, each one symbolising one of the members of The One Sith in front of him and around him. He watched as the biggest rocks, Razor Shot and the other two stood still, while the rest of them moved towards the rancor and the other nasties.

It would be clear to anyone in the force which rock was supposed to be them. The Jardo rock slowly made it's way across the map to the general location of the rancor, marked out by a large rock. He watched as the rock showing Animus made it's way towards the panthers. He then watched as the rest of the rocks went for the undead.

Slowly, the rocks would give battle, and as soon as the rancor rock and panther rocks fell, Jardo ordered the rocks into the main battle. Slowly he watched as all the rocks gave battle, then fell as the undead rocks were thrown aside, a clear sign of victory for the Sith Order.

"Any questions?" he asked politely, the dark, icy edge to his voice. He sounded less like himself and more like he was possessed, which wouldn't exactly be a bad thing.

[member="Razor Shot"]
[member="Setzi Lunelle"]
[member="Animus Malgus"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
[member="Trystis Ray"]
Animus was now regretting the show he had just performed, it had drained him of every little bit of energy he had. Animus breathed in, and breathed out.
Trying to recover that energy through battle meditation was hard, considering there was now a huge beast roaming the cemetery, was that... a Karking Rancor!?
Animus sat in the broken granite that was the Tombstone he had first sat upon, he could not move, his body would not allow it.
It was as if his body was completely numb, The force around him spent, the strength he waivered now turned into forced Gasps of air as he Hyperventilated, sweating profusely and exhausted. He steadied his breath, controlled breathing to calm himself, the Crushing steps of the beast got closer and closer... He removed his mouth cloth and put it over his eyes. Animus was going to challenge himself right now, Challenge himself to fight with no eyes of the body, but the eyes of the force... to his surprise the Force sight did not come , the energy was just too spent, his body was too tired for it... but how?
He clenched his fists in defiance with the little strength he had his eyes of the force popped open, draining him of that little strength. Using the force would become much more difficult now, he was running on fumes.
He still sat there, in meditation attempting to recover his strength while still seeing what was around him

Razor Shot said:
"This is going to be getting a lot more difficult!!"
Animus Smirked and in a hushed, tone that denoted his Physical exhaustion but also his undying will he said "Bring it on.."

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
At Master Zaiden’s voice, Setzi snapped out of her feverish reverie and blinked at him. There was an unusual kindness in his tone, and again it reaffirmed her belief that the Sith, at times, were not that different from the Jedi. Although when she trained at the Praxeum on Arkania, it was never in a cemetery full of bloated, rotting corpses.

She collected herself and nodded at the Master.

“I’m okay,” she said. She went to slash another zombie, this time with more focus and less unbridled zeal, but she heard an explosive noise and, like the undead around her, paused to look at the source of the sound. A deafening roar assaulted her ears.

An enormous bull rancor, the largest of the species, appeared behind a large tomb and began to lurch forward. Apparently there were Corellian Sand Panthers on the way. It was becoming a veritable zombie zoo and she had to hand it to Master Zaiden. The training was certainly creative, if not a bit terrifying.

It appeared that another Acolyte was taking on the incoming panthers, so Setzi focused her attention on the rancor. There were many open graves in the cemetery so using Telekenisis, she began to shift the dirt, conjoining the holes to make one giant hole in front of the rancor. This was not an easy feat as some of the dirt was more compacted in the deeper areas, and it took quite a bit of concentration which was strained because of the zombies attacking. She couldn't do this on her own with the results she wanted.

“Can anyone weather shape?” she shouted to the other trainees over the din of the roaring beasts. “If we can fill the hole with water we may be able to drown the rancor!” Setzi didn’t have this particular skill, but she wasn’t above a little teamwork to take down the monstrous creature.

[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Razor Shot"]
Two massive roars from Feline Hunters rang in Animus' ears.... They were circling him... slowly stalking him as he sat eyes closed in meditation. The Force Sight allowed him to see the Sand Panthers however he was not familiar with this creature and had never even heard of it.
Animus breathed in and Breathed out, his Stamina and Force Stamina was slowly returning, but it was still not enough.
Another Roar was heard as a third Panther appeared now finishing the circle. He was the Prey, and they were the hunters. Animus cleared his mind and focused. His breathing now became steady, no longer did he Hyperventilate and felt as exhausted, still spent and tired but a now he could move and such.
He did not make a single move, not a sudden impulse as he faced the fear of the large beasts who encircled him readying to pounce and attack.
Animus quietly sat cross legged as the circle of deadly feline predators slowly... began to encroach..

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"]

Nulgath was satisfied yet disgusted with [member="Razor Shot"] answer. The knowledge of raising the dead was a technique not every Sith should have. Master Razor was very wise to hide is secrets. The disgust came from the epicanthixs assumption that the man before him was comparing himself to the other Acolytes running around the cemetery as is it was a playground. Nodding to Razor nulgath responded " I see.." and rolled his eyes. Whether nulgath expected the man to show him the secrets or not, both would work in his favor. Nulgath found that telling the strong willed no was a positive. Nulgaths drive to uncover more secrets of the darkside was fueled once again.

The scene had changed from eerie and dreadful to very boring. As the undead bull rancor appeared Nulgath tilted his head with some interest but as soon as the other acolytes reacted he gaze them all a annoyed stare. The so called training session was beginning to feel like babysitting and that was a task far below him. Caught in thought and by surprise as a undead crept behind him gripping his shoulder. Nulgath found himself instinctually grabing his Shoto saber in a reverse grip and relentlessly retaliating against the monster in a rather viloent display of rage. All of his attacks had no form to them but were extremely effective as he used his Shoto as if it were a combat knife.

Deactivating the blade of the shoto Nulgath looked up at [member="Setzi Lunelle"] as he made her remark about weather shaping. They were lacking in that area but Nulgath was not. He summoned the mist and filling a hole with water was slightly different. It was within his capabilities yes, but the epicanthix would not help in the manner they wanted. " Ah Yes! I shall... assist you." Nulgath spoke loudly in his response.

Focusing on the air and mist nulgath began to move with the force altering the environment. Responding to the Epicanthixs will the elements around were altered, the mists threw thicker into a grey fog. It came in like a breeze and expanded outward rapidly due to Nulgaths anger. Within minutes no one would be able to see anyone past arms length with physical eyes. Giving a Sinister smile the Epicanthix slowly began to back away and eventually turned around to leave the Cemetery. If no secerts were willing to be shared, then he would search in more ripe places.

[member="Animus Malgus"]
[member="Jardo Snow"]

I'm leaving. Ive gotten what I wanted for my story.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
[member="Animus Malgus"]'s personality chafed with Trystis as much as it always had - but for now, he could overlook it to focus on the more pressing matters. For example, the fact that no one seemed to want to deal with this Rancor directly.

Fortunately for you, he thought, I don't mind getting my hands dirty. Rising from the trance of Battle Meditation, its energy still resting fresh within him, he vaulted forward with the power of the Force. This place was strong in it, and his fellow learners were preforming powerful elemental manipulations: The air was laden with a thick, unnatural fog and the earth had shifted to open up in front of the Rancor.

"I'll bet you wish you knew how to pace yourself right about now." The acolyte said cheerfully as he strode past Animus. The beast's sense of smell was keen, but it had difficulty precisely targeting Trystis in this obscured environment. Its blows sent up fountains of dirt as its claws plowed into the ground like descending meteors.

It stumbled forward, lurching towards its prey - but found nothing but emptiness were it stepped. Now how do we finish it... he thought. He was curious as to when they would get to the arcane studies, but he enjoyed combat enough to focus on the matters at hand - like the humanoid dead lurching towards him and his fellows.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"], [member="Razor Shot"], [member="Jardo Snow"]
As two panthers pounced on [member="Animus Malgus"] they stopped in the air just above him and out of striking reach. Slowly rising up and then slammed bone crushingly hard against the tomb stones on either side of the acolyte hard enough to smash them and bury the limp piles of flesh. Out of the mist T'zanith walked slowly his open robes billowing as he walked passed his fellow acolyte, he wasn't done with the panthers though as he raised his hand again and electricity arched up from the ground under them and stayed there until the flesh was roasted enough to eat, not that anyone would want to.
"Seems you've still not learned to pace yourself Malgus." He said, his voice slow and deathly calm as he walked forwards and then ignited his red and blacked cored cross guard saber. He had stayed out of the cemetery for a while now as he watched what was happening and this seemed like the perfect time to reveal himself to the others. The teachers were veritable maelstroms of force energy as they stayed close to one another making a tornado in the force in his eyes. There were a few he knew of among the acolytes. [member="Trystis Ray"] for example, while he hadn't spoken to the man he had still been a comrade in arms during the rebels attack on Csilla.
The other was the obnoxious [member="Nulgath Zardai"] who during a class had gotten under T'zanith's skin enough to make it on the aspiring knight's hit list, he still kept being the same slemo as before. A zombie shambled towards T'zanith and was quickly dodged and sliced it's chest causing it to fall down limp and lifeless, like it should be. He felt that ending two of the Panthers had drained half his amulet of power and he was sure he'd need the entire power reserve of his Tonka amulet to even attempt to take down the rancor but given that he now had time to gather strength into the Lightning he would sent at the rancor. "keep it distracted and also Animus cover me while I gather my strength."

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Reverance"]
Animus Smiled hearing his fellow Acolyte's voice and the sound of bone cracking against the Granite as he smashed the Two panthers into it like sacs of meat for the Grinder.
The Third Panther pounced quickly on Animus, he was on a sitting position and the Panther attacked him from his back. Animus dived down , back to the ground ignited his lightsaber upwards as the Mighty Cat pounced on him impaling himself on the lightsaber.
The Cat was massive, and Animus was not going to use Telekinesis to lift his corpse that crushed him. With much effort he managed to get from under the Big Cat's lumping body.
Animus rose and smiled in the general direction of @T'zanith Zebron "I'm afraid so my friend" Animus said laughing as he dashed towards the stomping Rancor.

"Hey!! UGLY" Animus yelled, still looking at the Rancor through Force Sight because the Mist [member="Nulgath Zardai"] has summoned is so severe, Physical eyes would be lucky to see past a few feet. Animus dashed up the broken stairs of a stone Mausoleum that used to be there, he stood about 11 feet in the air on the last step of the broken staircase of Granite.
Animus pulled out his Nabooian Blaster and aimed at the things signature. Breathed in... exhaled and squeezed the trigger. 7 Shots, center mass.
The beast gave out a massive roar, less out of pain more out of annoyance as he engaged in a stampeding charge towards Animus' position.
The beast got closer and closer the impact would destroy the Mausoleum ruins.
"T'zanniiiiiiittth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Animus shouted as the Rancor slowly charged upon him "Hurry Up there will ya!?" Animus prepared his stance, still exhausted and running on fumes, but more than capable of jumping out of the way.
[member="Trystis Ray"]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
One Sith had opened up a pit in the ground. Another warrior had clouded the arena with fog. Trystis had risked life and limb to lure the revivified monstrosity to the edge of the gaping hole.

Then, [member="Animus Malgus"] and @T'zanith Zebron proceeded to then hurl everything they had at the monster, leading it away from the pit towards themselves. I can still work with this.

Trystis closed his eyes and sent out his strength in the Force to his two peers. The Battle Meditation would make them stronger - hopefully strong enough to clean up the enormous mess that was unfolding in front of him. It would require concentration to grant his allies the potent energy, however. He would need to avoid interruption.

[member="Razor Shot"]
T'zanith had taken every scrap of power his tonka amulet allowed him to take as he gathered the potent dark side force energy around him as he gathered up lightning in his hands. Just as he was about to let it loose on the rancor the battle meditation kicked in and he felt a new found surge of power which he only added into the force lightning gathering in his arms, hungrily devouring every scrap of power that [member="Trystis Ray"] sent his way before ultimately letting it loos towards the rancors head as it charged towards [member="Animus Malgus"]'s position on the mausoleum ruins.
The lightning that surged from T'zanith wasn't normal, for one thing he was giving every scrap of power he could spend into it and the other was it's color, unlike normal blueish Lightning this one was crimson red and joined into a single large lightning bolt. As it hit the rancors head it didn't explode or the like instead it burned it's way through and kept going up towards the sky. On T'zanith's end however he had to contend with the backlash of using so much power while not trained in it's use, the lightning arched around him right before exploding forwards, ripping up his sleeves and leaving burn marks all over his hands and upper arms. His robes were burnt and tattered and he fell to his knees with his hands shaking.
He felt sick to his stomach as the wave of exhaustion, the dark side and the rotting stench hit him, causing him to fall forwards and puke a little. Standing up after it he wiped his mouth with a tatter of his robe which he then threw away, his hands would be almost useless until he could get them wrapped in kolto infused bandages. "is it dead?" He then asked as his sight had temporarily turned off due to the consumption of power.
"What the.." Animus saw a bolt of Red lightning sent by [member="T'zanith Zebron"]smashed into the head of the charging Rancor slightly missing Animus but a ripple of the lightning zipped past his nose. Igniting the rancor in fire, the Rancor bellowed a massive roar but his charge did not stop, he charged straight for Animus. Animus' eyes popped open in amazement as a blast of such power did not slow down the beast, instead the Rancor head ablaze charged at Animus with more force, but suddenly Animus felt Power, his energy and stamina returned. Animus made a mental note to keep [member="Trystis Ray"] on his good side and along for fights like this before he jumped on the Rancors back being licked by the flames of the Ignited head burning the chest of his robes. Animus ignited his lightsaber as he maintained balance of the Rancors back.
The Rancor then Smashed into the ruins of the Mausoleum full force almost knocking Animus off his back and into the ground, the impact made Animus Grab on to the back of the Rancor the flames of his ignited head burning Animus' arm inducing a cry of pain.
Feeding off that pain, feeding off the Energy of the battle meditation, Animus rose up to his two feet still signed and his robes burning and grabbed his lightsaber with both hands in a downwards thrust on the rancor.
Plunging the Lightsaber into the Rancors back and then Jumping off, trailing a line from his upper back through his neck on the other side of where the red lightning had shot the Rancor.
The Lighting had made a gash into the Rancors neck, Animus lightsaber made the same depth of a gash on the other side.

The Rancors fire enguled head dropped to the ground seconds after Animus hit the ground and started walking away from the rancor.
The Rancors head now was the biggest light in the Cementary... Still on Fire, the flames licked the Rancors severed head as it layed to the ground.
"It's dead now" Animus said laughing before he closed his eyes and activated force sight, now ignited in seconds. as he saw Undead approaching Tristis Ray. His smile faded as he pointed his gun at one particular undead too close to Tristis. He could only see the signature of the undead through the fog.

Animus never fired a pistol in spray, he pointed, leveled his pistol, Sights on the Undeads head 106 yards away precisely...

Inhaled... the Fumes and smell of Burnt rotten rancor head alive in the air, the foulest smell Animus had ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Exhaled slowly as every ounce of air left his lungs... Squeezed the trigger 1 shot.

The Moving Corpse' head exploded as animus Smiled twirling his pistol in a Bandolero way and set it back in his holster turning off his lightsaber.

"Well that was fun" Animus Joked as allways. "Now, you gotta teach me that thing you did. " He yelled at [member="Trystis Ray"] Golden eyes visible even through the fog locked on the meditating Sith. He let out a long drawn out laugh, heartfelt. These were his brothers... he knew he would die for them if he had to, the Sith needed brotherhood and Comradery. Animus would see it come to that. If it killed him...
Zaiden watched as the Rancor fell, his eyes having no issue what so ever being able to see through the mist. Mostly thanks to his natural talent with Force Sight. Glancing back to the side, he watched as the two Sand Panthers rose to their feet and began to shakingly move closer to the group.

They were silent as usual. A being that Zaiden had learned from to be the type of Assassin that he was. When they stalked, if you were unaware then you were dead!

Magically the youth he had commented that used Force Sight, shot through the mist in a really good shot. But near impossible to make, distance wise, and combined with the over all coverage.

The youth would find that his sight would soon be tested.

As more of the undead began to shamble closer, Zaiden raised a hand and hurled the mist from the area. Next, while the youths seemed surprised to be able to see, they would notice the grounds shadows stretching at impossible angles. Growing longer and darker, it seemed the darkness began to raise skyward - because it was.

One of Zaidens coolest techniques was his Shadow Arena which made a massive section of his choosing completely absent of light. The darkness being so black it was tangible, impossible to see through, or even to create a light source.

"Alright kids. Now, Animus is to be a needed player. Teach them Animus; how to use the Force Sight. Remember though, if you continue using it you will need to also battle the headaches and exhaustion. So find a median."

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Trystis Ray"] @T'zanith Zebron

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
As a thick mist swirled through the cemetery, Setzi squinted her eyes and tried to see what was going on. She wanted to make sure that the rancor fell in the sinkhole she was trying to create, but soon enough, other acolytes began attacking the creature, and Animus Malgus finally defeated it, its head a ball of flames on the cold ground, causing steam to rise.

With a flick of his hand, Master Zaiden wafted the thick fog away from the area. But something was not right visually. Setzi saw the shadows grow unnaturally long, the space around her losing its definition. Again, like the mist before, shadows consumed the light, and the graveyard was plunged into darkness. A prickling fear crept into her stomach and made her heart tap against her rib cage. She tried to look at her hand in front of her face and could barely see it. When she then turned to her saber, and realized she could not see that, she de-ignited it, awkwardly clipping it back onto her belt.

There was no skill she knew that could combat this darkness, so she got ready to send a telepathic message to Master Zaiden to find out where he was, but then heard his voice cut through the eerie silence.

Force sight. An intriguing power, and one Setzi was eager to learn.

She waited for the tutorial on it to begin, sidestepping any stray undead who were still shambling about.

[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Razor Shot"]
"Me!? But i just barely got the hang of it!" He saw nothing then... Pure darkness... Who was this guy? Summon Darkness? the Dead? a Karking Rancor? What Else could he be capable of doing? He closed his eyes and activated force sight. The Sight Taxed his energy, but he used it a lot these days so he was beginning to get accustomed to it little by little.
"Ok listen up!" Animus said in his best Commander Voice. The one who taught him was T'zanith, his Master in this ability, was T'zanith so he figured he would use the same technique. Word for word. "This is not about your eyes, your Physical eyes, but the eyes of the spirit. If your will. Close your eyes, you wont need them, focus the Force! in your eyes, Open your eyes." He thought back to when [member="T'zanith Zebron"] had helped him with the Ability to open his eyes for the first time... Indescribable is the feeling, to see things in such a way, to see the force like it is, it's true form. "The eyes of your Spirit, Your eyes of the Force" Even having the ability to actually see with his true eyes it was hard to explain.
"Focus the Force on where your eyes are, and open your eyes... of the Force" He said with finality as he looked around with Force sight at his companions.
[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Jardo Snow"]
T'zanith couldn't help but start laughing at [member="Animus Malgus"]'s awkvard little instruction of force sight. "What he means is focus the force into your eyes as it will be associated with sight in your own mind, then as you've gathered enough then open your eyes without really opening them. The feeling should be the same but your eyes shouldn't open. Now I'm going to use telekinesis to guide you all towards me and while you all focus on it I'll make sure to protect you all. I'm half miralukan so I already see with the force so I can see all of you and anything that is coming towards you." He then said as he used telekinesis to pull on every acolyte's hand to guide them into a group. "Be patient when it comes to this as it took Animus a few hours to achieve force sight." He then said as he ignited his saber after the acolytes were grouped together. Then he noticed them creeping towards him and the rest of the group. 'They weren't dead? but how?' He thought as he readied himself to fend the panthers off while the others focused on learning force sight.
The first thing that happened after he had moved a bit away from the group as he was fighting the Panthers, was that his back was slashed by one of them as T'zanith barely got out of the way. With his saber he began to slash wildly around him but the panthers were to quick for him to get a clean hit instead he scratched them as much as they were scratching him. With an extended hand he reached out and gripped [member="Animus Malgus"]'s Lightsaber and brought it to his off hand. Soon he was the center of a whirling storm of Lightsaber slashes as he increased his assault on the Panthers who also increased their assault on him.
After what felt like an hour of intense strain and pain he emerged victorious, bloody and tattered like never before as he limped back to the other acolytes, handing Animus back his saber as nearly collapsed were he stood from the over whelming urge to rest and recuperate.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Vengeance"]

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