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One Sith Group Training: Undead, Alchemy, and the Basics

Animus caught T'zanith as he almost fell coming back from the fight against the panther throwing his shoulder under T;zanith's arm and laid him down next to the Tombstone "You need to rest" Animus said looking at him, knowing he could see him back
Animus stayed with the group eyeing their surroundings blasting an undead here and there every time they got close. He ignited his lightsaber and his blaster in the other hand as a Panther attacked [member="Setzi Lunelle"] head on, but he had seen it pounce, as stealthy as it was, it thought animus was a blind as the others.
Animus from 15 feet pointed as it sprang, to be fair the Sand Panther is a Large creature and it pounced Horizontally to Animus, He blasted under where it's ribcage was located, and twice more for good measure.
Another attacked, this time at him right at his face, All Animus did was Kneel and swipe vertically, as the beast was split in two. Animus was showered in Panther blood, his long blonde hair now Red and dripping with blood.
" [member="T'zanith Zebron"] we are having Sand Panther for Supper today, I promise..." Animus was Furious. The thought of his Friend in danger, one who had saved his life put him in a position of Feral Lethality. Nothing would come close, everything that did, died.
Vengeance chuckled shaking his head as he had watched the group dive head first into trying to take down the Rancor. Sure they had succeeded in the end but at what cost.Now they were tired and still had much more fight on their hands in seemed. Mist turned to clear turned to darkness a darkness like the death with the Sand Panthers stalking them. He had a really good idea of what to do but he knew these Acolytes wouldn't stop long enough to even formulate a plan.

He had heard the mention of Force Sight and smiled. One of only two things that took away the advantage the darkness provided.

He closed his eyes and focused looking for the signature of the two panthers. He saw one fall and scanned looking for the other has it tried to flank Animus. He shook his head the group spread to far apparent gave the possibility of picking them off way too easy. They had survived sure but something told him they were still in for a very long night.

"Pull in close." "Those that need a moment of respite in the center." "The rest of us on the outside in a circle." "You all act as if you know when this will end.' "It would best if you all start acting like tonight is a war and not just another battle to rack up kills for your own glory."

Vengeance stepped forward checking on each one of the others to make sure they are intact. When he got to Animus and Trystis he looked at them.

"When you rush to quickly to battle you leave your friends and allies to die." "Work as a team and nobody tires out to soon, work as a team and nobody get's flanked." "I have been where both or you are." "Somebody much wiser and much stronger than me taught me to be better." "Not for personal glory but for the benefit of all One Sith."

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Trystis Ray"]
Zaiden nodded to himself, knowing that Vengeance had the right idea. They needed to pull together, to fight as a unit. Planning was key.

Especially as this was not the extent of Zaidens plan. This was the third stage. There were more Undead coming, and not all were going to go down as easily as the human versions. That was why he had arrived a week before the event started, to have time to bring everything together. So he did not have to expend energy today.

Unlike the youths Zaiden had learned to plan, and to plan far ahead at that.

Each warrior had attempted to much on their own so quickly in battle. Few still had the energy to be of use. Now was the perfect time to work as a team.

" Dwomutsiqsa..." Zaiden murmured, focusing a deal of his energy to summon a Smoke Demon. When the being appeared, it took the shape of a large humanoid then knelt at his feet.

"Go. Release the Maalraas." He murmured to his creation and the thing was gone, whisping into the wind as if it had never been.

Nearby, turned just two days prior, were 3 Maalraas, a species that had helped teach Zaiden to use his Force Cloak to the best of his abilities. While they only could use it as good as a Knight, their knack with the skill combined with hunting ability and lightsaber resistant bodies, made them a powerful opponent.

Even for a Master.

They would need to come together.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Jardo Snow"] @Reverance @Animus Malgus [member="Nulgath Zardai"] [member="Trystis Ray"] @T'zanith Zebron [member="Vengeance"]

(Just a reminder, this is going to be a difficult battle with a few of you so weakened, but this doesn't mean death. Zaiden has full control over all undead in the thread. He will stop them from killing any of you. Also don't worry the Smoke Demon will not be used on you guys lol. It was just because Zaiden did not want to leave the arena.)

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi closed her eyes to try and follow along with the Force sight lesson. She listened to [member="Animus Malgus"] and then [member="T'zanith Zebron"] explain the mechanics, but when she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but the infinite blackness of the Shadow Arena. Her hand was suddenly taken by the Force, and the acolytes were corralled together, which was a little unnerving in the pure darkness. Her eyelids fluttered closed again, and with great concentration, she tried "seeing" with the Force. Using both Force sight and keen hearing, she was able to witness the panther attack, although the vision wasn't as clear as she hoped. Her own fear threatened to break her concentration, but she kept her gaze steady on Acolyte Zebron and Malgus as they fought the panthers. The more the brunette acolyte stayed calm and funneled her energy into the Force sight, the clearer the picture became.

But like Vengeance and Master Zaiden warned, the concentration was taking its toll, and her energy was waning. Setzi needed to pull from her reserves but how?

The darkside fed on rage, anger, frustration, emotion... out of these, rage was the quickest for the acolyte to reach. She succumbed easily to rage, especially in terms of her own self-choices as well as anger, tinged with grief, over the death of her sister, which sometimes caused her to double-over in physical pain. She used all of her darkest thoughts and emotions to keep the Force sight intact.

In the distance the Maalgaas growled, an unearthly, low sound that she heard reverberate through the graveyard...

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Trystis Ray"]
Animus went into the 6 o'clock of [member="Vengeance"] hearing his words and following his orders. At least Vengeance, a sith knight was with the group. Made Animus feel a bit more confident... He heard the Growl of a beast... Maalgaas... Animus had never seen one, but from what he could see through force sight, which was right now beginning to tax him heavily, as sharp pains of migraine hit his brain like razors, The Beasts were huge.
"Vengeance... I really hope you have a trick up your sleeve, because chit just hit the Thruster"
A beast lunged at him as Animus dipped the Blaster into it's mouth and fired, the beast mouth fuming with smoke retreated back, but then came back with a full Lunge ripping the blaster out of Animus' hand, and beginning to stalk him.
Animus raised his lightsaber to his face in the Juyo stance... "Common Ugly... Let's Dance"
The beast and Animus engaged in battle, The beast's Maw tearing at Animus' Chest but missing and Animus lightsaber blows bouncing of it's skin like it was Ultrachrome, Back and forwards they went. The beast looking for a clear attack on Animus And Animus out maneuvering it, and trying to find ways to get under it, to its vulnerable underbelly
Animus could not keep this up for long, his Force sight was beginning to wane leaving him blind for milliseconds. He Wished T'zanith were beside him.

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"]
T'zanith moved himself into the middle of the Acolyte circle and noticed that [member="Setzi Lunelle"] had surprisingly gotten the basics quite quickly but he also knew that her sight wouldn't be a very clear one if she tapped into her rage to fuel the sight. "Calm down this skill requires a clear head to use to it's fullest as there should be a balance between your emotions and mind." He said as he took her hand and funneled a bit of his force energy to her.
It wasn't much but it should help the young woman as he, himself used the force to knit and hold the scratches around his body closed. He could stand but he knew he shouldn't be in the middle of a fight, not yet at least. What he could do however was a force echo, a skill of his own creation which saturated the area around them with force energy and made it easier to see the affected area clearly in the force, to T'zanith it was like actually having functioning eyes but to them it would probably just make it a little easier to distinguish the area around them.
T'zanith would support the other acolytes the best he could, helping them get a hang of force sight if they just asked for it.
Seeing Animus in trouble he shot a force push to unbalance the creature he was fighting it would help but not by much. "Animus calm your rage to a cold one, think use your head not your rage. Outmaneuver the beast." He said to Animus to help him a little as he looked around for the other beasts, all he could see were small silhouettes in the force, a ripple here and a ripple there. He wouldn't be able to fully pin point one until they attacked and dropped their force stealth.

[member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Razor Shot"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
The advice from T'zanith was welcome, and immediately Setzi tried to quell her rage and grief. As once a part of the Jedi Order, she just automatically assumed that calm and focus equated to lightside energy. It was refreshing to know that you could be serene and practice Sith magic. Learning is what the girl had come here to do, and she certainly was delving into what she hoped to accomplish - one more step on the path to mastering the darkside of the Force.

T'zanith gave her some of his energy from fingertips to fingertips, and this was enough that she was able to ignite her saber again, and letting him go, she assumed the Form I stance, a fighting style favored by Jedi which might give away the fact that she used to be part of the Order. But Darth Pyrrhus had yet to teach her a favored combat style of the Sith, and to fight the snarling Maalgaas, she needed to rely on all available advantages. Her vision cleared due to Acolyte Zebron's Force Echo.

One of the Maalgaas lept at Setzi, and she slashed it back with a two handed sweep of her lightsaber. Her blade cut through its fur and skin, but when it hit the bone, it would go no further. Expecting to fell the large beast, she was taken by surprise at the fact that her saber didn't cut all the way through, and the stealthy creature lunged up and took an enormous bite from her left shoulder. Knocked down, the Maalgaas jumped on top of her but with both feet and Force augmentation, she kicked it off. Her shoulder was wracked with pain, and she could feel the blood, wet and seeping through her loose fitting top.

[member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="T'zanith Zebron"]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Although any mention of calm seemed counterproductive to Sith training, Trysts didn't have time to speak on such matters. Instead, he had to dive out of the way of a pouncing Maalraas, rolling as he landed. He had barely perceived the thing's motions out of the corner of his eye - it was somehow concealing itself.

He closed his eyes, reaching out not with sight, but with the purity of perception. Even then, the creature was blurred to him. Far from mundane camouflage.

Don't call for help - don't show weakness to them. He waited as the feral thing nearly wrapped its teeth in a severing bite around his arm, letting the pain of its razor teeth alert him of its location. Grinning, he unleashed a shout of Force energy that hurled it backwards, monstrous fangs falling to the dirt as it collided with a gravestone. He flicked his wrist, and a tiny, glinting metal blade - closer to a razor than a knife - appeared in his hand out of his sleeve.

He could try finishing it now...

He whirled, and the shard buried itself in the eye of the creature attacking [member="Setzi Lunelle"]. "Use your feelings!" He shouted to her. "Embrace your rage and hate or you'll never be able to control the power of the Dark Side!" Then, the other maalraas launched itself at him, sending them both rolling in a vicious struggle.

[member="T'zanith Zebron"], [member="Animus Malgus"], [member="Razor Shot"]
Hard to calm down with" The beast tackled animus and dove him to the ground, On the ground animus Struggled with his lightsaber to keep the beast off but the monster had already gotten a couple of shots ripping at Animus chest, it was then animus plunged his lightsaber under it's belly, it's only weak spot.

Now animus Rose covered in the blood of a Sand Panther, a Ryloth, Undead, and a Maalgaas. He rose with Grace, dignity and pride, stance ready. Focusing his pain to his force sight, keeping focused and his eyes closed at all times. He held the line in front of T'zanith, nothing would get past Animus while he still breathed, well, maybe except for Two Maalgaas.

They Flanked Animus, as he held his saber hilt towards himself, this is it... Im dead. Animus Thought, as the two beasts crept upon him, with his Telekinesis he sent a fury of rusted iron bars at them but to no avail, the beasts just crept upon him... He was ready, death was upon him, death in the shape of two monsters, But he would not let them reach T'zanith.

They would HAVE to kill him. Then suddenly, As they began their pounce, Animus dove straight for one of them, Arrogance fueled him, "I will kill you Both!!" and Juyo served him well, Slicing and dicing on the offensive always attacking lightsaber in a flurry of strikes that to the untrained eye would look like Multiple lightsabers. One of the beasts pounced at him high and the other one attacked low but Animus somersaulted in between them attacking and swiping at the underside of the one who had dove high Slicing the beasts insides as they dropped to the flow before it's body reached the floor.
[member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Razor Shot"]
Zaiden watched them all give the young lady different advice. Use your emotions, don't use rage, forget your emotions stay calm - which seemed odd as the emotional spectrum is what best unlocked the darkside...

With one of the Maalraas now dead, he was nodding slowly. But Animus was attempting to take on more than one with his limited strength. So he was slightly worried.

Folding his arms, Zaiden reached out telepathically and severed the brain stems of the remaining 2 thus they dropped instantly. With a twist of his hand accompanied by a flick the rest of the undead fell to the side. Not useless but removed of energy for the moment.

"Animus you attempt to much. If I were you I would attempt to limit myself." He called as he began letting light filter through the Arena. Looking to each of them he called, "Even with that though, good job all of you. My last test could be the facing of a Smoke Demon, if you all feel up to the task."

[member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] @T'zanith Zebron
T'zanith had read about smoke demons in his studies in the sith archives on Coruscant. "Count me out of that one.. I know when I've reached my limit." He said as he held his side tightly and then looked around him at the others. "Using force sight with your emotions will not speed up the ability rather it could cloud it, however if you wish to use your rage as fuel, cool it as you use it so you gain the power but not the clouding that it brings to the mind. To do so you need a clear head which will help to keep the focus and energy necessary to maintain Force sight."
He then said as he turned to [member="Trystis Ray"] and his expression grew a little grim. "There is a time and place for emotions to fuel oneself and what we just faced wasn't one of them. When outnumbered and unable to see you need a cool and calm head to survive. It was the reason I corralled you all together and Instructed you in Force sight. [member="Vengeance"] came up with a good plan because he maintained his cool and put his emotions second as he thought on the situation. With your ability in battle meditation, I would advice you in cultivating a cool and collected mind as well as delve into the study of tactics as those two would probably help you immensely in the furthering of that particular ability." He then said as he placed his hand on Vengeance's shoulder and nodded to him thankfully.
He turned his head towards [member="Setzi Lunelle"] and smiled a little, in a kind manner. "You have to work through your rage so it will help you instead of debilitate you, I could feel the confusion that followed from the source of your rage. If it isn't controlled it will lead to your end." He said to her before he moved to [member="Animus Malgus"] and tapped his shoulder. "Don't fight this one, neither of us is ready for it." He whispered to him as he headed towards [member="Razor Shot"]'s position to sit down and relax. He knew the other acolyte's might not take his advice to heart but he hoped they would as he could see the potential each and every one of them had, even though he was an acolyte himself, he wanted them to grow stronger so they would survive.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
As Setzi lay on the ground, blood from her shoulder further darkening the fabric of her black training top, she listened to [member="Trystis Ray"] give her the opposite advice of [member="T’zanith Zebron"]. Would these Sith Acolyte’s make up their minds!?! Rage would not be difficult with the amount of mixed messages she was getting!

But gritting her teeth through her pain, her brow wrinkled in contempt, she slowly crawled to her feet. Luckily the Maalgaas were gone, killed by the rest of the acolytes. At least some of the Sith could be counted upon for camaraderie, if not, confusing advice over the darkside of the Force.

Her hand swept over her wound, and she pulled her shirt down only a fraction to look at it. She was bitten pretty badly and would probably need a bacta patch.

Or perhaps?

Setzi had been healed before by Sith Magic. It wasn’t something she necessarily wanted to repeat because she knew how fething painful it had been. But if no traditional forms of medicine was available out here in the cemetery…

“Master Zaiden, I need healing. What are my options?” she asked, relatively calm for someone who had a gaping bite-mark in her pale, delicate-skinned shoulder.

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Vengeance"]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Trystis rose from where he had been entangled with the corpse of the Maalraas - Although it had been killed, he had used a fragment broken off of a crypt to pound its skull to something the consistency of jelly before stopping, just to make sure it would stay dead. He tilted his head curiously and looked at Zaiden.

"A smoke demon? Master Zaiden, if you don't believe we can kill the Maalraas, why even offer?" He was growing mildly impatient, though knew better than to disrespect someone so strong in the Dark Side - in his experience, such people were subtle, quick to anger, and possessed of boundless power and cruelty. "Test us until we satisfy you, but I, personally, would rather not waste time on combat training when I came here for arcane knowledge."

[member="T'zanith Zebron"], [member="Razor Shot"], [member="Setzi Lunelle"], [member="Animus Malgus"]
Zaiden smiled, looking to the woman, "Over the hill there is my ship. My droid Nersis will take you to my personal Bacta chamber. You can use it until you are healed to perfection." Glancing to the youth that spoke of Force Sight he smiled, "I have used Force Sight for years, likely longer than you have been alive, in exclusive companionship with the Darkside. It matters not what you focus on to use it. Rather how hard you attempt to.

"Arcane knowledge? What is the knowledge of how to survive a Smoke Demon or the Undead?" He asked with an arched brow, then chuckled, "But it would seem you all came for some sort of sacred information. So how about this, whoever can win now between a battle of you all and the remaining undead can get an exclusive lesson. Of whichever of my abilities shown that they would like.

"Reanimating Undead, Smoke Demons, Bent Light, or even Ataru, Juyo or Soresu if you so choose." He said with an arched brow. Most of them were tired to the point of needing reprieve so this would be the perfect time to finally declare the best of them all.

[member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] @T'zanith Zebron [member="Animus Malgus"]
Vengeance listened and watched each of them pretty much do the exact opposite of what he had recommended to them. Each trying to do their own thing. Each still trying to take glory for themselves and each paying for it in kind.

Vengeance kept his eyes closed focusing with a calm mind. As the final beast circled picking a target Vengeance would calmly thrust, then rotate his wrist and slash. As the beast swung Vengeance simply leaned back his stand fluid his knees slightly bent on foot in front of the other. When the beast jump Vengeance simply reached his arm back and force pushed it back out.

Vengeance shook his head when [member="Trystis Ray"] balked at the Masters lesson choice.

"Arcane Knowledge, Combat, no matter what form it comes in it leads to the same goal." "Personal growth, more importantly the ability to remain focused during high stress." "No amount of knowledge in the world matters, will not matter when a Jedi is trying to impale you with a saber if you can't keep your wits about you."

Vengeance spoke to the Group as a whole.

"Anything can be defeated if you know how or are willing to find out." "Whether Smoke Demon, Undead, or Death itself."

As the group diminished Vengeance smile softly each had fought honorably. Vengeance who had been pacing himself the whole time spoke to [member="Razor Shot"].

"I still got a little bit left if you wish to continue the lesson My Lord."

[member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="Animus Malgus"] @T'zanith Zebron
Animus was wombed, he had nothing left. His arm was bleeding profusely, and his chest and ribcage was gashed by Maalgaas teeth. Animus was not stupid, but he was something worse, we was Proud, and arrogant. Sweat dripped from his brow as he attempted to steady himself and open his eyes as the light slowly reached through the place and he opened his eyes for what seemed to have been hours using force sight. He grasped his head containing the Pain and agony of the migraine...

"No..." It was a whisper, a refusal to allow himself to surrender. He would rather die fighting that live as a coward, he looked at [member="Razor Shot"]. Blood dripping from his wombs, sweat and beast guts still clung to his robes. "Im not giving up..." His body betrayed his words as he dropped to one knee clenching his fists.

breathing heavily, recovering some of his strength he pulled out his Water canteen and drank deeply. Water. The Nectar of the Force. Always dipped with Antibiotics and energizers, also a little fruit for the taste. Animus reached inside his very soul to rise from his kneeling position. T'zanith told him to be intelligent, and he was right, but Animus was not hearing any of it. Let the demon kill me, if he could then he damn well deserved to. Weakness... Was not tolerated, in the Sith and Animus would not be the weakest link, he rather be dead.

Animus nodded at Razor, as if to say bring your monsters. Animus knew deep inside he could not fight another Maalgaas, he would be lucky if he could fight off another Sand Panther without dying, but that wasn't the point, the point was Animus would not back down, no matter how bad he was hurt , no matter how much blood he had lost he would pull from deep inside him and rise up even if it was to die in the attempt.

The Allure of a lesson with Razor shot was not what Drove Animus, it was the thought of *What if this happened in a real situation? Would he leave T'zanith to die because he was not strong enough? would he have to bury his friend because he was incapable of doing anything? Was he about to watch his friends die because he was too weak?*

"No!!" Animus raged in answer at his own question, his body fighting him savagely not to stand up, not to fight, to sit down and rest. But he would not bend to his body "I wont sit by and watch you die damnit" His teeth gnashing in the pain of his migraine and open wombs as he rose up slowly. All Animus had was his spirit, no strength left, no tricks, no Powers in the force. Just Will. The will to fight. Was it enough? Hell no. Did it matter? Not to Animus. He nodded to [member="Vengeance"]

[member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Setzi Lunelle"] [member="T'zanith Zebron"]

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Setzi was exhausted and depleted of energy. Her shoulder throbbed with the bite wound, which was now at risk of becoming infected. The brunette acolyte winced in pain and nodded appreciatively at the instructor.

“Thank you, Master Zaiden. I will make use of your medical facilities.”

If anything, Setzi despised giving up. But the Maalgaas bite intensely painful and raw, making it impossible to remain in the fight without repercussions such as blood-loss, scarring or even risk of going into shock. As the instructor had said, this was training and not punishment. She hadn’t experienced defeat at the hand of a real enemy. The defeat was internal, and she could live with that, even if it made her a weaker Sith practitioner at this time.

Learning Force Sight had been a valuable lesson though and she pondered over the mechanics again as she made her way to the bacta tank.

OOC: Setzi is leaving the training grounds. Thank you to all and especially Master Zaiden for the opportunity!

[member="Razor Shot"] [member="Animus Malgus"] [member="Vengeance"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="T'zanith Zebron"]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Trystis listened to the advice of Zaiden and [member="Vengeance"]. He was breathing somewhat heavily, trying to regain his strength. "I understand. As for this last challenge - tell me when to begin."

He closed his eyes, deeply aware of [member="Animus Malgus"] and [member="T'zanith Zebron"]. The bite wounds, scuff marks, and dirt betrayed a building weariness from using his Battle Meditation in the heat of combat. He called his knife to his hand with the Force and waited for the order to start.

[member="Razor Shot"]
"Well it will be simple. A quick battle, non lethal, only utilizing lightsaber play. Whomever can cause the others submit wins." Zaiden said with an interested look.

[member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Animus Malgus"] Vengeance
Animus cocked his head, "So... No Demons?" he asked almost fearing the response, fighting a lightsaber battle with fellow acolytes was something he could do, but he also knew he was the weakest acolyte here, and the one with the biggest wombs, but the prospect of not having to face Maalgaas, Sand Panthers and whatever other beasts [member="Razor Shot"] could conjure was a breath of fresh air. Animus sat, well, fell down landing hard and gripping his water canteen with both hands as he emptied it.

"So, who's first?" He said wiping his face and grinning through his pain.

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