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One Sith Intelligence?

I. Rankings
OSI conforms to the widespread three-tier system. Members will assume one of the following rankings:

1. Agent - "Apprentice" tier. Equivalent in power and prestige to Sith Apprentice, Jedi Padawan, and Trainee Non-Force User ranks.
2. Special Agent - "Knight" tier. Equivalent in power and prestige to Sith Knight, Jedi Knight, and Adept Non-Force User ranks.
3. Master Agent - "Master" tier. Equivalent in power and prestige to Sith Master, Jedi Master, and Elite Non-Force User ranks.


4. Director of One Sith Intelligence - The Master Agent who leads the organization. May only be filled by one character at a time.

II. Structure
OSI is composed of various Bureaus, each with its own specific role and purpose. The structure of OSI is lifted directly from Imperial Intelligence in the Star Wars canon. Members may only belong to one Bureau at a time, though they are encouraged to switch Bureaus at their discretion, since an Agent's job is not stationary, and will only spend a fixed length of time in one Bureau before being reassigned. This also gives members a variety of roles to play.

All Bureaus are open to all ranks of Agents except for the Ubiqtorate, which leads the organization. The Ubiqtorate may only be composed of Master Agents. Likewise, the role of Director of Imperial Intelligence may only be filled by a Master Agent.

Master Agents who are part of the Ubiqtorate may also serve in another Bureau at the same time.


One Sith Intelligence is led by the Ubiqtorate, a type of board of directors. The membership of the Ubiqtorate is a closely guarded secret, even to subordinates. The Ubiqtorate formulates strategies for the bureaus of Imperial Intelligence or presents them with a set of goals which the bureaus were then to establish strategies to accomplish.

The Ubiqtorate is led by the Director of One Sith Intelligence. The Director is also the public face of OSI, ensuring the smooth running of all branches of Imperial Intelligence and even planning missions directly with agents should the need arise.

Adjustments Bureau

The Adjustments bureau is the elite black-ops unit of OSI and answers directly to the Ubiqtorate's members. If a situation devolves to the point that the bureaus and their various branches were unable to control it, an Adjustment unit will be sent directly by the Ubiqtorate to take charge of the situation and fix the problem. Orders to Adjustments are always verbal and written records of their missions are never kept.

Internal Organization Bureau

The Internal Organization Bureau (IntOrg), serves as the internal affairs and internal security apparatus. Their goal is the security of One Sith Intelligence, both from an espionage and operations scale, as well as a physical security standpoint. IntOrg agents are well mannered but also ruthless to the core. They rarely if ever abuse their power and they enjoy a good reputation among the rest of OSI, despite their responsibilities. Information inside IntOrg is heavily secured against unauthorized access by other bureaus, but there are no restrictions against other agents of IntOrg. This is a means for IntOrg to monitor itself: every decision, action or piece of data generated by a member of IntOrg is available for any other agent to examine. This lack of secrecy, and often privacy, make it nearly impossible for an enemy agent to operate within IntOrg.

IntOrg is separated into two branches: the Internal Security Division and the Internal Counterintelligence Division. The Internal Security Division, or IntSec, are the security police for the physical locations of One Sith Intelligence. They are the only visible uniformed branch of One Sith Intelligence to openly carry weapons in OSI facilities though plainclothes officers monitor crowds outside to spot trouble. The Internal Counterintelligence Division, or IntCon, is the internal affairs and counterintelligence service of Imperial Intelligence. IntCon is organized as a miniature One Sith Intelligence and divided into three units: Analysis, Operations, and Intelligence. The boundaries between the various units are often blurred and IntCon was known for its informal atmosphere and loose structure.

Analysis Bureau

The Analysis Bureau is responsible for handling large amounts of data from tens of millions of sources, searching for enemy activity by analyzing the patterns or trends in the data they handle and transmitting the information to the Intelligence Bureau. Analysis also handled, examined and copied useful technologies, even developing a few of their own. The Analysis Bureau has several branches that deal with various areas.

The Media Division is the section of Analysis responsible for the handling of public scandocs, newsdocs, holos, comlinks, beamcasts, and every form of media in the One Sith. They search for patterns of hidden meanings which might betray a clue as to an enemy's plan and operation.

The Signal Division examines the channel through which information is transmitted. Signal samples and checks carrier wave codes and protocols, scan rates on scandocs, and image packs on holos to see if any vital information is being squeezed through. Signal examines line noise to check if it contained a pattern rather than random error, and broadcasts and beamcasts to see if the backup information sent with the primary information matched, and, if not, how they differed.

The Cryptanalysis Division, or Crypt, is responsible for all code-breaking. All evidence of coded communication found through Media and Signal's work are transferred to the Cryptanalysis Division.

The Tech Division is the branch of Analysis responsible for analyzing an enemy's hardware, figuring out how it works and devising methods to provide Intelligence with superior hardware. Tech is given a lavish budget and a number of highly skilled personnel whose moments of brilliant inspiration could translate into innovative technology.

The Interrogation Division is responsible for the handling of enemy agents captured by OSI. Interrogation is not as bloodthirsty as their Sith counterparts, which would reduce their effectiveness in cracking prisoners. Nevertheless, they had a larger purpose. Unless the captive agent was believed to hold vital information, interrogation is minimal.

Intelligence Bureau

The Intelligence Bureau takes the data from the Analysis Bureau and runs it by a group of experts to predict what the Empire's enemies will do next.

The Sedition Division predicts trends of groups that offer resistance to the Empire. The Crisis Branch was not permanent but could be formed in times of crisis out of experts from the other branches. It would be under the control of the Ubiqtorate, but could also answer to the Dark Lord himself.

The External Communications (ExComm) Division manages the equipment that relayed emergency or high priority messages between the various bureaus of OSI, the Ubiqtorate, and the One Sith military that require fast and immediate delivery.

Operations Bureau

The Bureau of Operations handles the covert operations which are beyond the scope or require greater resources than those of the average operations capabilities of local Imperial Intel assets. It was divided into six distinct divisions.

The Surveillance Division keeps watch on serious threats to the Empire. Sorting through information and unerringly selecting suspects currently involved in anti-Imperial activity, Surveillance does its job with surprising and deadly efficiency, despite their small size.

Renik Division is the counter-intelligence division of the Bureau and of Imperial Intelligence. While the Internal Organization Bureau performs counter-intelligence operations for the internal operations of Imperial Intelligence, Renik focused on operations within the One Sith as a whole. They specialize in identifying and dismantling enemy intelligence operations. If a particular operation is considered to be potentially useful to the Empire, Renik will hand over all information on the enemy intelligence operation to the Infiltration branch, who will then take it from Renik and deal with it accordingly.

The Diplomatic Services (DiploServ) Division of the Bureau amounts for a sizable portion of the personnel for trade and diplomatic missions found in the One Sith. They also account for the political experts advising the One Sith planetary governors. DiploServ personnel are well trained and expected to perform only their overt duties. Others are more clandestine agents, sent on specific anti-Republic missions or to establish and organize system cells within their mission area.

The Infiltration Division is responsible for planting agents in enemy organizations. They are reassigned to the Intelligence Bureau where they assist agents within the sector branches, and then later assigned to Sedition section. The agents undergo intense training and are exposed to mnemiotic drugs to enhance their learning. Those who survived with their minds intact acquired a great deal of knowledge, and are then transferred back to the Operations Bureau and assigned to Infiltration. They would be tested to see which mission profile suited them best.

The Destabilization (Destab) Division is known as "the quiet branch." No one knows much about Destab's operations or personnel. They are, however, known for committing full-fledged atrocities rather than legitimate intelligence operations. Officially, Destab specializes in "taking the fabric which holds a people, society or government together and unraveling it." They instill pure terror into a population, and destroyed any semblance of social order.

The Assassination Division is embraced by other agents, long considered a legitimate means of removal of key members of the opposition. Assassination's agents are trained to take every advantage, to use every trick and matter of subterfuge possible. Assassination is careful to select targets in which mission success is probable.

CompLink Bureau

The CompLink Bureau uses software secretly installed on computers throughout the Empire to monitor electronic communications. The spyware would transmit information packets to orbiting hyperspace transmitters that would forward the information to CompLink Bureau for study by the Analysis Bureau.

Sector Plexus
The Sector Plexus is the hub for all information processed by One Sith Intelligence. Sector Plexus maintains a database filled with information on every Imperial Intelligence officer, their aliases, and their activities, and uses Plexus courier droids to securely transport this data across the galaxy.

III. OSI Database
It will be the goal of One Sith Intelligence to maintain an enormous database filled with all known information collected about enemy factions, persons of note, their dealings, movements, and other vital information. All agents from all bureaus will contribute to the OSI Database. The Database may be used by all members of the One Sith for planning and strategic purposes, but it will especially be used by OSI for mission planning.


[member="Ludolf Vaas"] Looks excellent so far :)

We have some people in the CIS eager to RP with our intelligence folk. So if you want to finalize this and PM me the info i can throw up in the Military sector, you could get to RP'ing

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