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One Sith, Two Sith, Red Business

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Such events could be tiresome, and it was only after they were finished that one could truly breath. For the Baroness they were always a means to judge others and watch their movements, to test their own motivations as to why they were there. Few would ever impress her, and few would ever been requested to remain for business. The Baroness had already seen many others out of her home, and only a select few remained, requested to remain in the parlor as they were greeted one by one by the Baroness.

Usually it was the more important ones or those deemed so by the Baroness that were kept until last, providing her more time with them than the other individuals. For the woman that sat behind the desk, business was always one such way to get her attention.

"Send for the next one please Mira."

The Baroness spoke as a young woman bowed before opening the large double doors. Golden-Yellow hues looking upon the figure that would arrive. Her arm outstretched and welcoming her guest to the seat across from her desk before the young slave would close the doors behind her.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Taeli had waited after the party, as the Baroness had asked of her, and she was glad to finally be done with the annoying-ness that such things led to. Even after all this time, she still was not a huge fan of these types of parties. At least she was finally getting to the main reason she had traveled to Avidon, even if she had picked up a possible new apprentice from this whole thing. Sometimes, it paid to be in tune with the Force.

Golden eyes fell upon her, and Taeli wondered if they had been caused by a similar mutation as her purple eyes, but she had to say this was an impressive office.

"Thank you for seeing me, Baroness Magrath, it is a pleasure to finally have a chance to speak with you longer than a few moments," Taeli said with a smile, sitting down across from the Baroness.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
With a silent nod of her head the Baroness watched as her next guest stepped into the room. The woman speaking as she sat there quietly and listened. There had been many guests and not all of them would have gotten the chance to speak with the Baroness. Those few that did though were hand picked by her, usually due in part to something they said, did or had shown during the proceeding. Sitting forward the Baroness brought her hand up, the young slave girl returning to her side before she spoke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Would you care for a drink?"

It was only gracious for the Baroness to offer her guest a drink, her large Nexu laying its head against her lap, resting after its own excitement of watching its Mistress during the event. The young slave girl though stepped to the side, pressing a panel on one of the large book shelves that lined the room, causing it to slip to the side and reveal the selection of wines and liquors beneath.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

"I must politely decline anything alcoholic," Taeli said, bowing her head slightly in deference. "As I'm sure you can understand, a woman in my position must keep a clear head at all times, my colleagues are rather . . . cut-throat so to speak. But, if you happen to have Bastion Black Tea anywhere, I would appreciate a cup of that."

The Baroness was an interesting study, the epitome of what it meant to be aristocrat, and someone who knew they wielded real power. If she could iron out a deal, the Baroness could indeed be a very powerful ally. The fact she also had a nexu pet was another indication of power, both the kind money could buy and can't buy. Station and manners were important.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Giving a silent nod towards the slave girl Mira, the large book shelf was slid back into its proper place. Her hand though moved towards the shelf to the left. Sliding slender fingers over another book, the shelf popped open, revealing a large selection of teas from across the galaxy. It was clear that the Baroness liked to be prepared for any event, and whom knew what other wonders remained hidden beneath the book shelves that lined the room.

"I can understand fully."

The Baroness gave a silent bow of her head as the slave girl brought out the tray with a pot, preparing the tea for the guest as the Baroness remained silent for a moment. Sitting forward though, in a more appropriate posture for a meeting, her hand pushed out any small wrinkles upon her deep purple gown. Her golden yellow hues locking upon her guest's.

"Now then, what proposal has been brought before the Baroness tonight?"

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

"A proposal of mutual growth and prosperity," Taeli said, accepting the tea from the slave girl. She personally didn't like the practice of slavery, but she wasn't about to say so out loud to her gracious host. "As I briefly mentioned earlier, I run one of the primary ship designers for the One Sith, on top of being a droid and anti-matter research company. What I would be proposing is a possible expansion into the Oligarchy for my company, joint and contract for it as requested by you of course, a way to perhaps rapidly expand your government's power beyond this system and just your own company."

It wasn't too specifc yet, but then that was what these types of negotiations were for. To hash out such details as needed, in a polite and respectful way.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Baroness listened closely, it was one of her more used skills as she kept her golden-yellow hues locked with her guest's. Bringing up her cup to take a sip, she carefully set it and the saucer plate down. It was tempting to say the least, to bring in more revenue with a new company, as there was only so much that her own could accomplish. Of course it also meant bring the Avidon Oligarchy closer to the One Sith, and it was always good to have a powerful ally. With the position of the Avidon Olgiarchy so close to the Republic and Mandalorians, the warmongers that had destroyed the former Sith Empire, it was always good to have powerful allies.

Taking a moment she leaned forward, steppling her fingers together as she thought on the proposal. The Baroness closed her eyes for a moment, listening to the purring of her tamed nexu before they seemed to shoot open again. Her contemplating on the deal though required more information as she brought her hands down, letting them rest against the table. The slave girl Mira seemed to not miss a beat as she set the teapot down before pulling out the datapad again, ready to take notes.

"You've begun to peak my interest in the deal. Though what is it exactly that you desire?"

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Well, she had her curiosity, now to get her full attention, Taeli thought. Details did make or break deals after all.

"What I desire is the establishment of shipyards with the Avidon system that can produce starships for both the Sith and the Oligarchy," Taeli stated, pulling out her datapad and pulling up representations of the two facilities she would want to build here. "This one here is our Mark I shipyard that also doubles as an anti-matter research and production facility, which the Oligarchy would have access to at a premium, and the second is our Type III yard that can produce several ships at the same time. I would be proposing establishing one of each of these within the system."

With the expansion here, or at least hopefully here, Krayt would have a better foothold in this region of space she knew. It also would have the added benefit of moving the Oligarchy towards a more positive view of the Sith and movement towards an alliance.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Leaning back slightly, the Baroness took a moment to think, her hands coming together as they rest against her chin. Shutting her eyes for a moment, she listened. Hearing the proposal of what the woman before her wished for the system, and all of which was offered for use of both the Sith and the Oligarchy. It was a tempting offer, yet there were always those little details that needed to handled and dealt with.

Opening her eyes, those golden-yellow hues remained fixated upon the woman. The Baroness allowing a small smile to grace her lips as she lift her cup of tea and took a sip. Setting it down, her hand brushed out the few wrinkles in her gown. The words she was looking for as she listened had seemed to come to her as her lips separated.

"We have drydocks, numerous in nature on Avidon itself. What would the access to the Shipyards truly mean for the system and the Oligarchy?"

It was a question that the Baroness desired to see answered, one that she was eager to hear. For her this was another little test, to try and glimpse the true nature and motive of the woman. Though the Baroness in that moment was still allowing herself to error towards the possibility of allowing such a venture.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Besides a larger industrial capacity for the Oligarchy?" Taeli said, tilting her head a bit. The Baroness was sharp and being very cautious she could understand that of course. Honesty would be best for this situation, as she always seemed to discover. "I'll be perfectly honest with you, I want to build closer ties with the One Sith, possibly even a formal alliance. These shipyards would be at your complete disposal of course, on top of what your own ventures are, but they would be also available for us to provide starships. These ships could be assigned to help patrol your system or assist you in whatever plans you might have your neighbors."

"I won't lie and say everything would be all rainbows with your more powerful neighbors, but then . . . you rather need connections and I'll be frank you need more than what your own resources can supply," she said, taking a sip of tea. "I suppose I can revise the deal so that you receive free shipments of anti-matter and we would develop weapons and systems that would also be exclusive to the Oligarchy if that would please you."

[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
"Closer ties to the One Sith, a phrase not spoken lightly nor should it be. Such ties, even if we were not the ones holding the reigns, could be disastrous to my people."
The idea was still tempting and had not been disregarded by the Baroness, she was intent on finding out how this would play out. For her though she had lives to think of, and even if she herself was already a member of the One Sith, that knowledge was not known. Having a company in her system though with ties to the One Sith was more than enough to act as a beacon for the Jedi and the Republic to come snooping, actions in themselves that she wanted to fully avoid.
"I understand your desire and your fire in your heart. I have millions of lives though, all of whom look to me to ensure their safety and survival. Closer ties to the One Sith while still being so close to the influence of the Republic is a dangerous move."
[member="Darth Arcanix"]​
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

"That would be an eventual goal, and need not be mentioned until your system has established itself enough to hold against the Republic," Taeli replied. "I understand you're concerned for your people, I truly do, and if it would make your mind more at ease, the shipyards we build here would not bear the logo of Krayt Industries, but instead have the official markings of either your system or your company. They would still be Krayt-run yards secretly, but to an outside observer, they would just be more yards developed by your company."

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