Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Such events could be tiresome, and it was only after they were finished that one could truly breath. For the Baroness they were always a means to judge others and watch their movements, to test their own motivations as to why they were there. Few would ever impress her, and few would ever been requested to remain for business. The Baroness had already seen many others out of her home, and only a select few remained, requested to remain in the parlor as they were greeted one by one by the Baroness.
Usually it was the more important ones or those deemed so by the Baroness that were kept until last, providing her more time with them than the other individuals. For the woman that sat behind the desk, business was always one such way to get her attention.
"Send for the next one please Mira."
The Baroness spoke as a young woman bowed before opening the large double doors. Golden-Yellow hues looking upon the figure that would arrive. Her arm outstretched and welcoming her guest to the seat across from her desk before the young slave would close the doors behind her.
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
Usually it was the more important ones or those deemed so by the Baroness that were kept until last, providing her more time with them than the other individuals. For the woman that sat behind the desk, business was always one such way to get her attention.
"Send for the next one please Mira."
The Baroness spoke as a young woman bowed before opening the large double doors. Golden-Yellow hues looking upon the figure that would arrive. Her arm outstretched and welcoming her guest to the seat across from her desk before the young slave would close the doors behind her.
[member="Darth Arcanix"]