[member="Seria Ventreme"]
The only thing I took to pm in regards to your post was your first, when I clarified some things re Elpsis' equipment, and voiced scepticism about the flash freezing working the way you seemed to anticipate. I didn't take issues with you attacking her in melee. Or with you attacking her after that. If [member="Joza Perl"] had not intercepted the super heated objects you tossed, Elpsis would've taken damage from concussive force.
As for Elpsis tossing fire at Seria in my last post, to be blunt, I was uncertain whether your char was giving up or just waiting for another chance to attack. It seemed to me like she just laid down to seek cover. Hence why the fireball Elpsis tossed at Seria was not big or intense and more meant to suppress her. I didn't expect you to take damage from it, which is why Seria being able to defend herself against it is fine with me.
As for Seria having healed already, she suffered attacks from three masters over the course of the last posts. Unfair? Yep, very much, and I feel a tad bad about it, but Seria choose to charge them. So even with enhanced healing, I find it very unlikely that she'd have healed by now. As for blowing up the jetpack, Thraxis shot at Elpsis and hit her. Ergo, she hit back at him.
Elpsis is injured from the blow to the shoulder and the bullet to her foot, but hardly out of the game.