Here's hoping I don't disappoint you / am able to meet your expectations. No pressure, eh?
[member="Khan Ra"]
Questions regarding my fight versus Zambrano. Do the both of us start near the middle point of the forest in view of each other, or do we get to choose if we are further or closer away from one another? I'm asking mostly so I have a general idea where to position myself in regards to the outer limits of designated zone. Are the red markers denoting the zone visible, if even dimly, through the fog or are they the kind we risk running past if we don't pay very close attention for them? Is it up to us to write in the markers when we approach them or should we leave that to you?
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Do you wish to have this take place with the Netherworld restrictions on the Force to make it more interesting / terrifying / macabre or would you rather allow the use of said powers? I am more than happy with either scenario, if leaning ever so slightly to allowing them to be wielded, but a fight where Zambrano loses his mind and chases after Yvette in a Silent Hill-esque forest is a great opportunity for some horror and immersive writing.
[member="Darth Venefica"]
Once the first round of elimination is done and over with, are the victors allowed to watch replays of the other contestants / fights from an IC perspective to better prepare themselves for them, or would you rather wish we kept IC knowledge of our opponents to a bare minimum?