I firmly believe that a smart Apprentice or non-Forcer who's willing to take hits can go toe-to-toe with a Master, any Master. About a year back, someone on this board took a non-Forcer with a basic blaster rifle up against a Master I've RP'ed since 1998, and you know what? Je'gan Olra'en took a blaster shot to the gut and had to leave, because that dude did a fantastic job. Or look at the last tournament series I ran. Tyger Tyger, with an E-11 and a scattergun, took out a pyrokinetic walking armory. Ashin has scars from Knights and Apprentices.
Taking hits makes it more real and more fun, and earns respect. And respect is just as much component of victory (if that's what you're both shooting for in a sportsmanlike way) as are writing quality, character rank/experience, and cleverness. Put simply...the more hits you take, the more people will take hits from you.