Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cedric Dorn

Good luck on finding all the pieces of Moridin. Thats like the greatest scavenger hunt ever. Make sure to destroy the pieces as you go along though, cause if you bring too many together they'll start to reform.


Disney's Princess
@[member="Balaya Zambrano"]

Dang girl. Way to go. You've most certainly got my character outmatched in armory and sheer omnipotent strength. Well played. Looks like I'm gonna have to get your character talking if I want to survive this encounter. So far, Karen has yet to discover a weakness that she can exploit. You've done your homework and covered all the bases quite well. I'm impressed. :D
Really it's all about post quality, if you are a poodoo bag master popping out little half assed paragraph posts. You are going to get your ass kicked plain and simple. I know when I fought Noah with Rolland my posts just ate his and I won. You just got to be able to roll with the punches and take the L when you know you've been out written. That being said I know I've power gammed a fight because I didn't like the person but you learn to mature as a writer and look at things fairly. I mean is sarge going to slaughter all of my droids. Yes, yes he is. I'm probably going to be out of the invasion in a few posts and the win will count towards sarge but the way I see things it's not about winning, it's about telling a story. @[member="Break"]

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