Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [OOC Sign-up] Convergence — GA/SO Junction of Naalol and Eiattu 6



The Galaxy is on the brink of a monumental conflict as the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order draw dangerously close to one another. The once-distant factions are now separated by only a few strategic systems, with their borders poised to collide in a struggle for dominance. This impending clash is set to unfold on two crucial planets: Naalol and Eiattu 6, where the outcome of the battles could reshape the balance of power in the galaxy.

The Sith Order, driven by their insatiable hunger for control, has successfully conquered Sullust, a vital stronghold that strengthens their grip on key Hyperlane routes. Their next target is Naalol, a mountainous planet strategically positioned near the new border. As the Sith forces prepare to take over, the Galactic Alliance, ever vigilant and determined to thwart the Sith's ambitions, readies its defenses to protect Naalol from falling into the hands of darkness.

Simultaneously, the Galactic Alliance is making its own move to bring Eiattu 6 into their fold. This lush, resource-abundant world lies on the cusp of the Sith's expanding frontier. By securing Eiattu 6, the Alliance aims to split the enemy's advance, preventing the Sith from establishing a formidable border that would impede Alliance movements and threaten countless other systems.

The stakes are high, and the fate of these two planets will play a pivotal role in the broader conflict between light and dark.


Objective I — Eiattu 6
While the Sith Order solidifies its grip on Sullust and focuses on taking over Naahol and Eiattu 6, the Alliance rapidly amasses its fleets and armies to prevent this. If both Naahol and Eiattu 6 were to fall, the Sith Order would have a stable border against the Alliance, further strengthened by the strategic position of Sullust along two converging Hyperlanes.

The planet can not be allowed to fall.

On the surface of Eiattu 6, the GADF has already secured the former Imperial Citadel, as well as the Eiattu royal palace, and awaits the impending Sith army. The New Jedi Order, on order of the Council, deploys its revered Jedi Knights to stand together against the dark forces of the Sith Order.


Objective II — Naalol
Naalol, once the site of a great campaign of the Confederate of Independent Systems, built prosperously under its discerning watch, lay in ruins in its absence. The thin veil between nature and creature, beast and field, had reopened. Devastation followed. Those unspeakable horrors that had remained locked in the cavern, held by the power of the Mandragora, breeches the magiks and roamed free to consume and lay waste to everything within their path. Word of the rampant destruction reached the Dark Council and the attention of Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner .

Upon the order of the Dark Council, Sith forces were dispatched upon the world to eliminate the threat and build a stage for the looming war waiting to break out between the Sith Order and the Galactic Alliance. But the Sith takeover is not without resistance. An Alliance Task Force is sent for the planet, meant to target key points to cripple the enemy infrastructure and weaken it to be liberated.

But some resistance has also appeared from an unexpected source.

Battle locations:

  • The Veil: The realm of the dead and living collide in the caves and fields that lay outside of them. From the belly of the caverns comes the stench and heat of death. Beasts and other Nether monsters swarm the surface, so any attempt to control the planet relies on controlling the caves.​
  • The High Tower: An old bastion from a war long passed still stands, albeit in ruins. Beasts overrun the fortress preventing the Sith Order from using it as a staging area for their war. But with continued efforts, they threaten to retake the fortress. The Alliance must prevent the Sith from taking it.​

-Big Thanks to Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner for co-writing this objective


Objective III — Sullust Run
Located on the intersection between the Rimma Trade Route and the Silvestri Trace, Sullust has historically always been a major hub for trade in the Galaxy. With important exports such as ships, computers, hyperdrives, and droids, it has much to offer to any faction that lays claim to the Volcano Planet. Furthermore, it may easily serve as a staging ground to launch fleets down the merging hyperlanes, and supply said fleets from its advantageous logistical position. For this very reason, the Sith Order turned its focus to the planet and recently took control, further threatening Alliance space.

In response, alongside a much larger front on Eiattu 6 and Naahol, the Galactic Alliance sends a Task Force of strike vessels to Sullust in an attempt to cripple its infrastructure. The priority targets are important space stations, the Sullustan Orbital Shipyard, and other crucial structures that facilitate the Sith fleets currently in orbit of the planet, awaiting orders to potentially pierce into Alliance territory.

The Sith will fight hard to maintain their grip on the planet, and with their fleets positioned in orbit, it's no easy task to target infrastructure. Only the most bold and experienced pilots are sent on this mission.

This is the OOC Sign-up for the upcoming junction. The thread will be posted in a day or two, so take the time to find writing partners and have fun!


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