Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [OOC Sign-up] Convergence — GA/SO Junction of Naalol and Eiattu 6

Jarek would like to join as well! I'm thinking either objective 1 or & 3 (open, to be honest).

Could I partner up with someone? Normally I would like to write Jarek with his Master, but since he doesn't have one yet, I'd imagine he'd be under someone's command. That'll help push writing out for him, too.

Also, if any Jedi are looking for a good 'ol rivalry, Jarek is in need of one. This seemed like a perfect time to set one up.
If anyone wants a fighter vs fighter for objective 3, lmk. Could always crash land on the base and do some blaster/fisticuffs, too.

Also WARNING: will probably only be able to do about 1 post a day.

AND, anyone from Misfit feel free to hop in you want to.

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