Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open thread on Naboo, all welcome!


@[member="Akodya Mune"] "Too Long; Didn't Read"
It's what you say when a post/thread is too long and you just the quick version.
In this case, by the time I read the whole damn thing, it's already five more posts in. >_<
Oh, the joys of no post order. xD

Akodya Mune

@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"] LOL OH, I see, sorry about that. It is a pretty interesting day at that cantina.

Benjamin Tives

might i just add that i got so confused when i saw this thread... i didn't see the name and had to take a double look =P

Akodya Mune

@[member="Maximilian Mercer"] Oh yes, very fun! I can ffeeeeeeeeeeeeell a little rough housing coming on.

Akodya Mune

@[member="Maximilian Mercer"] Very strange... >3> but a fun day. This could be interesting.
@[member="Akodya Mune"] If it comes to conflict I'm sure it will. What the hell would Max say to his superiors to justify aiding a Jedi if the story got out? Or vice versa for yours, in addition to the attacking a knight thing xD This thread has the potential to accidentally throw our characters into chaos.

Or we could just all talk.


Akodya Mune

@[member="Maximilian Mercer"] LOL PRETTY MUCH. Oh no, Akodya's perfect little jedi record ruined for attacking a another Jedi knight along with a Sith Trooper? I am loving this more then I should. This is thread fodder I am tellin' you.



*tags me*
*doesn't mention me in post*

Akodya Mune

-bows- Thank you for your gracious forgiveness oh fabulous one...

This is what happens when I get to excited about a thread guys.

Akodya Mune

I just realized, is the punchline of the joke going be they all start fighting?

because that is not funny at all.

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