@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Hey. Sh*t happens and I'll be damned if I'm called out on it. IRL > RP. That's a rule of the RP world, in
general. So with all due respect I must say that it isn't cool but that's not my main concern right now.
However, what is my main concern is you thinking that you can move like that in full armor of that kind. Or that you have even a slight iota of speed advantage over Alachei, with or without training. Especially since - you even said it yourself - she is lighter and more slender than you (though the twig thing actually was a minor oversight and you are correct in that, though as it is mostly insubstantial I will not go into specifics and detract from my point). Training doesn't make something physically weightless or massless. It is still very much physically there. You also try to move to counter my counter in a way that would realistically pop that arm right out, probably more likely to straight break it from the elbow, but seem to completely ignore that fact; and I ignored it as well because I was being nice. Then at some point I'm apparently not there, you just bypass me - holding a lightsaber in the ready - and ninja my bodyguards who are obviously at range as they are holding guns. I didn't say they walked up to you and pressed the darn things into your temples, and professionally speaking that's not even remotely smart of a gunman, so I'd like a little respect to the fact that you outright killing them is completely unfair; NPCs or not. Lastly, biologically speaking Alachei has both a reach and flexibility advantage over you; that is not even in question. She is also naturally several fold more bestial than you by the simple nature of their biology so such reflexes and attack styles in line with yours (giving benefit of doubt here again) are hard to doubt. Finally she is adept at swordsmanship, and just because a saber isn't a physical sword, doesn't make it any less of a
sword in the long run. Force isn't everything in battle. The only way I'll see you as absolutely superior in terms of combat ability and techniques is if you were a Master, but you are not. And again; all while I keep trying to play nice with you. /:3
You put all that together and your post was just highly, highly unrealistic. I'm sorry to say it because
I have nothing against you but it's got to be said.
Edit: I'm almost positive I'm forgetting one thing, but I'm sure if it was that relevant you'll figure it out before I do. :X
Tracyn Ordo said:
Don't play a game of tag and get tagged and then say you're not playing that ain't cool
I have no problem continuing this when I return to activity. I am not denying you your duel. I am simply postponing it for a few upon decision that this - this very discussion - would be unable to continue for too long with the minimal level of activity I'm about to hit after ths morning until the day after new years.
All I ask in return is that you don't play a game of tag and try to rewrite the rules.
(((I'd also like to amend that I erased the one line of her having actually disappeared; she can stay from the sidelines ICly, and I guess it won't hurt. But certainly don't expect an auto hit. Especially not from the particular post in question.)))