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Populate Operation Arbiter | The Tion Necessity

2nd post






Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira


Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad


Western Residential District, City Outskirts,
Ambaril, Chandaar (Spring of 877 ABY)

The Druid, though he was having fun with his Hearts-and-Minds endeavours, was not impressed in the slightest.

Ambaril's outskirts, wide and vast though they were, had not been so fortunate to escape the social, moral and infrastructural degradation of the Western Residential District; and in seeing that an increasing amounts of these wicked settings were founded within the residencies (and in those of what may have belonged to families before) of otherwise-civilised streets in the area, Lord-Colonel Barran would become increasingly furious, and everyone around him knew it. The louts and degenerates who were running Chandaar's civilian regions into the ground, as dumb as they were in the Esoteric-Knight's estimation at the time, were smart enough to see that there was more beneath the venom at the surface; more than the snapping responses, more than the volume of Lord Michael's voice as it roared out as if from the depths of his gut, more than the pin-point pupils and icy-blue pupils that stared his loathing into the depths of their souls.

This was a hatred they knew, a hatred that drew from the very traits that defined them, a hatred for weakness in all it's many forms, that which the Wanderer inherited from the father who chased the storm. None were quite educated or in-the-know enough to realise who they were dealing with, but they still knew that this was no longer just a firebrand's apathetic brutality, understanding with ease that this was the establishment of a new food-chain, a pecking order that placed every last one of them at the precipice of the Empire's lowest common denominator. If the Woad so willed it, he could've marked each and every last one of these criminals for the firing-squad at the drop of a hat, but there was the order to win the masses over, and the perpetual urge to veer away from becoming a man like his father - providing a small, though fleeting chance that local incarcerations still awaited the mob swelling around Lord Michael at the time.

The mob, battered though their collective self-esteem was, (with the same going for their sense of autonomous freedom) was swelling with every gambling-racket, drug-hovel, gang-den and backstreet-cantina Lord Michael laid eyes on, though Barran knew well enough that many more were sneaking off to treat their broken bones, bruises and cuts they incurred in the affray. For these instances, however, Barran would care little, for these alone would each be a shining example of a just, deservedly-painful mercy, for it was a mercy alone that let them slither off to lick their wounds, a mercy that would resound in the hearts of the terrorised, silent majority they forced into a life they deserved to transcend in stark contrast. And as far as the unaffiliated civilians masses were concerned, such tales of the battered, bruised remnants of the brutish malcontents from before, as frightening as they would seem to the ears of the meek, many among them would have wry, sneering smiles of catharsis within hours of the Woad's first forays on Chandaar.

'You all hoped the Empire would forget Chandaar, so now I watch as you all BREAK EACH OTHER'S FACES FOR THAT SLIGHT!!!!'

Beyond the point of disengagement with region, as much as the Wanderer wished to involve himself more, the fates of the battered degenerates (no matter how light or severe their crimes were) would be left almost entirely at the hands of the masses who remained. Lord Michael had already assumed that some semblance of law-keeping presences would become prevalent from the moment he departed, but until then the Druid knew the wicked ones would need to be softened up as much as possible; for if the silent majority were to have any hope of exerting lasting power over these brutes, then they would need every last one of the city's many criminal elements as weak as Barran could manage with the time he had, a sad but necessary truth that kept the Woad from easing up on the scum around him - knowing it would help the catharsis take hold in the meek for the long run.

'An' what the feth are you looking at? Something in there you don't want me seeing? Huh?!?! IF YOU WON'T TELL ME, I'LL DRAG YOU IN THERE WITH ME SO WE CAN FIND OUT TOGETHER!!!!'
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Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Operation Arbiter
Temporarily attached to TASK FORCE DOOKU, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon, Section 1


The trio were winding their way towards the bazaar to complete the first leg of their patrol when they spotted a group of soldier further down.

"Sergeant, I think those are stormtroopers," Diel pointed out, referring to their armour. Though they wore old-style trooper helmets, their armour and bearing was unmistakable

"Mmh, our route is probably intersecting with the 908th detachment."

As their patrol route brought the trio closer, two of the stormtroopers came up.

"Good afternoon." started FN-999. "I'm Nines of the 908th Legion, currently supervising the 83rd Platoon. What is your assignment here?"
"Sergeant Orik Dakari, three-oh-third FSB. Just patrolling the security cordon."

"Good to see fellow legionaries here," Diel added. "We really gave the blues a good thrashing on Nirauan, eh?"

A priority signal came into his communicator.

"We seem to have a serious disturbance out in the Western District... QRFs being deployed."

Orik mentally calculated the distance between the groups on the map projected by his armour's onboard databank. He and these stormtroopers could hoof it and beat the QRFs by a solid minute if they cut through one of the Condemned blocks.

"We can reach it first if we go now. What do you think?" he asked FN-999 .
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Operation: Arbiter
Location: City Interior - Commercial District --> Western Residential District
Unit: 908th Stormtrooper Legion - 83rd Stormtrooper Platoon --> 6th Stormtrooper Platoon
Interacting With: Orik Dakari Orik Dakari | Open to others

"Sergeant Orik Dakari, three-oh-third FSB. Just patrolling the security cordon."

"Good to see fellow legionaries here," Diel added. "We really gave the blues a good thrashing on Nirauan, eh?"

"Indeed, it's good to see those traitors got what they deserved." replied FN-999.

"A good first test for the Empire's spacetroopers as well, right?" added Spat.

"Yes, the 1st Space did well." responded FN-999. "Hopefully that program will be expanded soon. Anyways-"

FN-999 was cut off as a priority signal entered his helmet comms, alerting him of trouble in the city's outskirts. It seemed as if the MPs got the same signal, as Sergeant Orik turned to address him.

"Let's go." was his prompt reply.

"Spat, tell Padd that he's acting platoon CO and then join us ASAP." ordered FN-999.

The group sped off towards the Western Residential District, feet pounding as he recalled the fastest navigable route to the district. As they continued to run, now joined by Spat, FN-999 explained his rationale.

"My legion has ten platoons stationed in the WRD under the overall command of one of my most capable lieutenants." stated FN-999 to the group. "The platoon I just left is one of the few in the Commercial District, but I think he can send a WRD platoon to reinforce us that can meet us along the way."

[Bigfoot, this is Nines.]
called FN-999 over his intercomm. [Critical situation report in your area. Requesting a platoon at the given coordinates. I will take command.]

[Understood.] replied the lieutenant colonel. [I'm sending the 6th to the coordinates to await your orders. They should be there in 5 minutes or less.]

[It better be less. Nines, out.]

The neighborhoods the stormtrooper pair and MPs ran through grew more decrepit, closer to the epicenter of the civil conflict in the area. The troopers withdrew their pistols in favor of their rifles, better suited for sustained urban warfare.

Five minutes and sixteen seconds later, the group arrived at a T intersection in the road and found a stormtrooper platoon rushing in from the left in rows of five.

"Keep going straight." ordered FN-999. "We're almost there."

"Uh, well- I used to be young and dumb, I guess." He shrugged. There was a little wriggling guilt of his past that occasionally surfaced -- the feeling that he could've spent his time a bit better. Running around the galaxy, fighting in tournaments, getting disastrously high... he couldn't regret all of it, but there was still that feeling of lost time, as though the purpose he had now was extending back into his past.

"Pretty sure I'd taken, like, a key bump of glitteryll when I came up with the idea. There was a bunch of whackos and freebooters headed out there, to pick a fight, check the place out. You hear- well, I heard a lot of whack shit about Haruun Kal, how it's kinda- hell. Yeah? Of course, I didn't really know better. Spent about twelve hours there before dipping. I was pretty crossed at that point, so like, I can't remember much. Pretty sure some dude on an akk dog beat my ass." He glanced at Rhogo, and again had a slight nervous feeling over nothing.

Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Operation Arbiter
Temporarily attached to TASK FORCE DOOKU, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon, Section 1


Michael Barran Michael Barran FN-999

Orik signalled his two MPs to follow him as they followed the two stormtroopers, who kept up a rapid pace.

"QRF is bogged down by foot traffic on the north bridge," Diel reported, keeping an eye on the updating situational map as they continued through the winding paths.

Orik wondered if this disturbance was the harbinger of a larger revolt. Useless to speculate now, he told himself, at least until they made it to the situational area. At least with a delayed QRF, if something else came up elsewhere they could divert quickly.

Five minutes and sixteen seconds later, the group arrived at a T intersection in the road and found a stormtrooper platoon rushing in from the left in rows of five.

"Keep going straight." ordered FN-999. "We're almost there."

The group continued on, bolstered by the stormtrooper platoon.

"You all know the RoE and protocol, right? Weapons tight, and only proportional force. We don't want to set off-"

They rounded the corner to find a wide, busy street at war with itself. The notoriously dangerous road was now filled with a mob flooding into the buildings lining the road, occupants being dragged out to the battered with fists. Here and there a small fire had broken out, and a grand melee was in progress along one side of the road. However, what Orik would have thought to be the ringleaders, the noted scallywags and gangers, were instead nowhere to be found, or disorganisedly mixed into the melee. No, at the head of the mob was a man in Imperial uniform screaming gibberish.

No, not gibberish. Galidraani?

Reacting with practiced ease, the MPs lowered their visors and raised their weapons to eye level. Diel blew on his whistle, a mechanical enhanced contraption that pierced even the roar of the mob.

"Troopers, formation! Set to stun and observe Rules of Engagement!" Orik called to the platoon of stormtroopers with them. Facing the mob, and especially the leader who was ahead of the pack, Orik called into his helmet mic, his armour's speakers cranked to maximum:

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Sahar|Imperial Knights|Operation Arbiter
Tags:// Rakaan Horne

"Well I uh-well."

Rakaans words took her by surprise; not used to having someone challenge her own words; she stuttered in her response before giving up on even responding lest she acknowledged out loud that Rakaan was even right in this case. She awkwardly turned away to hide her embarrassment and continued to walk ahead, pained at being caught out in that moment.

"Maybe I will, I doubt i'll get the red carpet treatment."

Truth was, she'd been years prior in disguise, a simple stow away from Kandara, Sahar had wandered those streets and the many levels of the grand planet. It had been an eye-opening experience, an urban metropolis of which nothing on Kandara or even the Imperial worlds could match. In some ways, it was like being in a literal ant hive, only with a million times as many occupants. Almost suffocating in it's density and vapid in the multitude of neon adverts that assaulted the senses.
3rd post






Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira


Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Orik Dakari Orik Dakari FN-999


Western Residential District, City Outskirts,
Ambaril, Chandaar (Spring of 877 ABY)


With the host of brutes already battered and bruised tenfold to the last man, it didn't take long for knees to buckle and hands to rise up in compliant defeat, and within moments, the very mob Lord Michael was tormenting gave in to the weight of the Empire's Disruptor-rifles. Just as quickly as it had all broke out, the Druid's irreverent method of ousting malcontents would meet a rather unceremonious end, a matter of which that wasn't sitting well with the Woad, but in seeing that he had no other choice, all Lord Michael could do was shrug as the last of the strip's criminal class knelt to authority in surrender.

'Look around you, gentlemen.... These kneelers you see, every last one of them has chosen to wreak havoc on the local citizens, the law-abiding majority. Honestly, the farther we go into the district here, the worse it gets, though as you can see - I broke this lot already!'

Then all of a sudden, the Wanderer turned to slap one of the worst of the criminals he was tormenting before, striking the spice-dealer across the jaw with a back-handed disrespect to make a point before he continued,'They work only on fear now, and I needed just a little bit more out o' these scumbags before I sent them scattering.', staring the purest of loathing into the eyes of one he slapped before he finally turned to address the latest Imperial arrivals.

'Hearts and minds, remember? Your ammunition isn't permitted here - time to handle these streets with the strength of your fists instead! Either way, you're working within my jurisdiction this time. Play the game or play elsewhere.... Your choice either way, fellas.'

Rakaan Horne



Sahar Sahar

His eyes set themselves over Sahar for no more than a moment, and to see her sudden retreat inwards forced a sourness to his own features - the smile remained, even if it had shifted into a saddened, sympathetic one. Rakaan had wondered what it was that lead to her involvement in the Empire, if she was a Force User found and thrust into the ranks of the Imperial Knights, someone so dedicated to their ideals that she enlisted on her own volition, or if there was an all too familiar fall from grace. He didn't know, couldn't know, much like the others.

"Maybe once," the man mused, "Now, not so much."

The Imperials of the New Imperial Order, destroyers and conquerors of the Sith may have once been hailed as foreign heroes of a shared war. But these new Imperials of a new dawn, no, their war with the Jedi and the Alliance had set them on a course against those that would have once believed them the greatest the Galaxy had to offer. Perhaps that was the design of the Empire from the onset, or it lost itself along the way.

"I doubt any of us would now." He confessed, "But maybe you give yourself the chance to set your Imperial self aside every once in a while. Just be Sahar, or whoever else you want to be. Go wherever you want."




TAG: Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira | Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad | Michael Barran Michael Barran
GEAR: Armour | Lightsaber | Pistol |Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout



One devastation to the next.

Civil war never seemed to be far behind when an Empire moved forward. Now rubble and ashes had to be rebuilt for the brave souls that had fought for prosperity.

But with devastation came cockroaches.

The Child of Serenno stood with her hands on her hips, violet eyes scanning the area, Mira at her side. The young Atrisian had grown into her own, strange customs and all. Riana had no idea when she had taken the orphaned girl in that she would grow into such a formidable Imperial blade.

"Sensei, where do we begin?"

It was good to hear her say that again. The scare they had on Tython had Raina appreciating being referred to in the Atrisian manner more than ever.
"You up for a little hunt, Mira? That's where we start." she said before starting down the street.

As they moved, Raina spoke again.
"The civilians are our priority, however. Your healing aptitude might come in handy. But I need not tell you to be swift with blade and the Force if some scum cross our path." The young woman was quick to go to the rescue of the weaker - that much Raina had seen. The Jedi doctrine had been ingrained in her before she ever ended up in the Empire. The Imperial methods would be jarring for any person with a softer approach to the Galaxy. The Inquisitor could not help but wonder how much longer the young Atrisian would stick around, despite the love she held for the girl.

Her violet gaze had just caught sight of fellow Knight Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad when a small explosion flung already blown-apart duracrete in all directions. Raina's hand went up instinctively to shield her and Mira from the debris.
"We need to find them!" the Inquisitor growled, looking from her Squire across the plain to their fellow Knight.

The insurgency would burn before the day was over.



As the explosion rang out, Mira leapt behind Raina as she defended them. Pulling her lightsaber hilt out, the half Atrisian blinked up at the chases. While her fellow knights were attacking the enemy, there was a lack of protection for bystanders. The civilians were her main concern, both by Demici's orders and by her moral code. She reached up and tugged at her mask, pulling it over her green face. "Affirmative."

She darted with swift footing, jumping up to the rooftops. She glided from building to building, keeping tabs on the several criminals running from Sensei Meinrad.

One criminal pulled a grenade out, tossing it to throw the knights off track. Mira extended her hand, catching it midair with the Force and raising it to the sky. As it detonated in the air, an explosion sounded from below. A second grenade had been chucked at a small pawn shop. Civilians shouted and cried out. Mira gritted her teeth. They were trying to help the people! She shouted to Meinrad, "Sensei Meinrad, continue on without me. Sensei Demici, I am tending to the wounded at the shop."

The girl leapt down, landing in front of the shop. Her black hair flowed in the wind as she turned and looked towards the building, activating the SOS beacon on her vambrace for a medical unit. There was no way she could do this alone, but these people needed aid! She put her lightsaber hilt away, running over and using the Force to lift a boulder off a trapped man. "Is anyone else wounded?

She knelt down to the man with crushed legs, pulling her mask aside. The knights were supposed to be beacons of hope, not harbingers of destruction. She would be unable to heal his legs, but she could use the Force to mend him enough, until medical units arrived. She lifted her hands, holding them over his wounds. Using the Force, she concentrated on closing his bleeding wounds, all while speaking to the shopkeeps, "Please, bring the critically wounded here. I are here to help you, friend. We are here to help you."

Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
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Operation: Arbiter
Location: City Interior - Western Residential District
Unit: 908th Stormtrooper Legion - 6th Stormtrooper Platoon
Interacting With: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Orik Dakari Orik Dakari | Open to others


The group found themselves at the scene of an open street brawl.

Reacting with practiced ease, the MPs lowered their visors and raised their weapons to eye level. Diel blew on his whistle, a mechanical enhanced contraption that pierced even the roar of the mob.

"Troopers, formation! Set to stun and observe Rules of Engagement!" Orik called to the platoon of stormtroopers with them. Facing the mob, and especially the leader who was ahead of the pack, Orik called into his helmet mic, his armour's speakers cranked to maximum:

"You heard the MP!" called FN-999. "Set to stun and do not fire unless fired upon. Close ranks!"
As much as FN-999 didn't appreciate being lectured by a sergeant, the situation on the ground was too hot to start a chain of command debate in the moment. For now, he would just have to trust the MPs, who, to be fair, were more specialized in civilian control than FN-999 and his cohort. After all, his days as a First Order riot trooper were nearly two decades behind him.

The stormtroopers joined the MPs in raising their rifles, pointing them at the crowd more broadly without isolating individual targets. At the same time, they stepped closer to each other until they stood shoulder to shoulder, forming a wall of white armor through which no rioter could breach. They stood at the ready as the MP sergeant delivered his riot control orders, awaiting a shift in the crowd.

That all changed when the ringleader of the chaos made his presence known.

'Hearts and minds, remember? Your ammunition isn't permitted here - time to handle these streets with the strength of your fists instead! Either way, you're working within my jurisdiction this time. Play the game or play elsewhere.... Your choice either way, fellas.'

The son of Lord-Regent Barran himself was recklessly brawling with the unruly mob, fists swinging wildly. Even if he was coming out on top, his antics had angered the crowd, and anti-Imperial sentiment spread with each being's face he punched in. His irreverent attitude went against the tenets of order and rationality the Empire held so dear, and it angered FN-999.

Still, he was conflicted.

This man was the son of the most powerful individual in the Empire. Even if he had fought in several key battles with Lord Erskine and formed a loose friendship of sorts, it was still possible that he might be scorned by the father for berating the son. In the end, it was FN-999's love for the Empire that won out. He believed deep down that Imperial law excluded no one, even its highborn. If he was punished for rightfully correcting the young man's behavior and putting an end to the local unrest, then the principles of Imperial law would be tarnished for months to come.

FN-999 hoped his subordinates wouldn't notice the slight tremble in his limbs.

"On the contrary, you're working within my jurisdiction, Colonel." rebuked the legion commander, his voice cold as ice. "End this foolishness at once and obey the MPs, who know better than both of us what must be done. Do not tarnish your father's name."
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4th post






Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira


Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Orik Dakari Orik Dakari FN-999


Western Residential District, City Outskirts,
Ambaril, Chandaar (Spring of 877 ABY)

'On the contrary, you're working within my jurisdiction, Colonel.'

Huh? An' there I thought King Lucien was at the helm o' this....
There was something familiar to this one, though Lord Michael couldn't place it, either way, he knew this obviously high-ranking Trooper Officer was working on behalf of his father, on behalf of one the Wanderer still wasn't on the best of terms with at the time. Not that there was any discernible way for Nines or Dakari to know this, nothing except for rumours and the conjecture of observant guardsmen and the likes, but there was enough tension between both Barrans that the younger held ever more obstinately as a Pellaeonist as time passed. The complete opposite of the man he could have become as a Free-State officer in the Tarkinist vein, a position he only held to in his drunken states of whiskey-fuelled fervour in his youth, a position that subconsciously fuelled a rather aggressive beginning to his military career, irregular and proper alike.

'End this foolishness at once and obey the MPs, who know better than both of us what must be done. Do not tarnish your father's name.'

Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky move from the auld-yin, so it is. Cheeky indeed.

Turning to the nearest of the kneelers, Barran then shook his head as he shouted,'WELL YOU HEARD THE MAN - FETH OFF!!!! SCATTER BACK TO YOUR HOVELS, ALL O' YE!!!!', watching his plan vanishing into the side-streets and out of sight as the mob took their chance to escape the wrath of the Imperial justiciars. The shaking head continued for a few moments longer before another trademark acquiescent shrug was offered to the situation, then after turning to face the officers responsible, the Druid muttered,'Brutal.', to himself as he walked up to the firing line and stepped between barrels - strolling calmly towards Nines in particular.

'You're an idiot.... But I understand. And for the record - of the two Barrans, I'm the one you should feel safer around. Food for thought, mate.'

No doubts could be had for the frustration set on Lord Michael's face, plain as paper for all to see, but in stopping after walking past the two officers, the Imperial successor's chosen Magister Militum would adopt something of his father's patience in concluding,'Saw an old bottle o' Corellian in one o' those cleared cantinas back there, follow me if you actually want accords to be reached today.', lighting a cigarra as he turned to lead the way. The only real signs of his frustrations by then would be the sound of his mildly baulking growls of discontentment as the reverberated off the buildings around them, followed by much milder flareups of disapproving head-shakes that gave way to reason every time.
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Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Operation Arbiter
Temporarily attached to TASK FORCE DOOKU, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon, Section 1


Michael Barran Michael Barran FN-999

"On the contrary, you're working within my jurisdiction, Colonel." rebuked the legion commander, his voice cold as ice. "End this foolishness at once and obey the MPs, who know better than both of us what must be done. Do not tarnish your father's name."

Father? And how does this Stormtrooper know? Orik wished he had his helmet HUD so he could confirm who the Stormtrooper was.

Even more astonishingly, the man at the head of the mob backed down. He would be lying if he did not say he was relieved for the intervention. Most people did not respond well to direct orders from MPs.

'You're an idiot.... But I understand. And for the record - of the two Barrans, I'm the one you should feel safer around. Food for thought, mate.'

Orik heard Diel curse aloud over their comms, and the sergeant couldn't blame him. Barran? Like, that one?

The crowd dispersed, and Orik directed the stormtroopers to give first aid to the injured. And to write down their identities, of course, if what the Barran said was true about these being criminals.

"We letting him go, Sarge?"

Orik was of half a mind to write out a charge sheet for the Barran, but frankly the Colonel probably had no superiors to whom Orik could submit one.

"Yeah, let him drink."

While the rest tended to the wounded, Orik walked up to FN-999 .

"Thank you for the assistance... Sir." Orik hazarded a guess at the stormtrooper's rank.




Operation: Arbiter
Location: City Interior - Western Residential District
Unit: 908th Stormtrooper Legion - 6th Stormtrooper Platoon
Interacting With: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Orik Dakari Orik Dakari | Open to others

"Thank you for the assistance... Sir." Orik hazarded a guess at the stormtrooper's rank.

"FN-999, at your service. replied the legion commander. "Feel free to call me Nines. I'll take care of that one for you."
'Saw an old bottle o' Corellian in one o' those cleared cantinas back there, follow me if you actually want accords to be reached today.'

Speak of the devil.

"Very well, I'll amuse you." replied FN-999. "Better that than another pointless riot."

"You have command of this platoon until the crowd is disposed of." called FN-999 to the MPs. "If you want to come along, go ahead. However, I wouldn't recommend it."
The lieutenant legion commander turned to face the rowdy junior Barran, who presently motioned to lead him to a nearby cantina. He followed close behind, politely ignoring the grunts and growls coming from the clearly agitated Barran. Even if the Empire espoused itself as a meritocratic state, FN-999 was still hesitant to publicly discipline such a notable figure. It would be better to get him drunk and drowsy, avoiding a high-profile scandal in the privacy of a local cantina.

Walking slightly ahead of Michael, FN-999 approached the cantina door and held it open for his companion before following him inside.


Sahar|Imperial Knights|Operation Arbiter
Tags:// Rakaan Horne


Such suggestions were not valid; there was no other, no purpose besides the knights and the cause in which she was lifted from poverty to serve by the Emperor's side. Anything else was just a distraction, weakness in its barest form that served only to divert her attention from the true purpose and path.

"It is what it is."

Sahar admitted blankly, hiding her true feelings behind the same old mask she always presented to the outside world. It had always been her way out, even back when she was an orphan scraping out a living in the poor backwater of the desert world Kandara. Everyone was a potential danger back then, be it slavers in waiting or the local employees of the town police.

Rakaan Horne



Sahar Sahar

It is,” a thoughtful look settled across his face, and Rakaan waded further forwards in between the dense crowds of the commercial district; aliens of all sorts, of all colours, shapes and sizes seemed to have surrounded the former Jedi. Yet, all the while, Rakaan paid them no mind.

It was with a knowing smirk that he turned his head over his shoulder and spoke aloud in a matching tone, “It doesn’t mean it always has to be, does it?

He did not wait for answer. Instead, he marched forwards into the crowd.

5th post






Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Tish Cowen Tish Cowen Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira


Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Orik Dakari Orik Dakari FN-999


Western Residential District, City Outskirts,
Ambaril, Chandaar (Spring of 877 ABY)

'Very well, I'll amuse you.'

Not a good start.

'Better that than another pointless riot.'

Mild compliance was enough, though like,"Amuse", the word,"Pointless", would also serve as a needless irritant in the moments, and though he had plenty to say in answer to both, the Wanderer held his tongue and continued on with his walking trajectory in wordlessness. Going on to maintain his wordlessness in hearing Nines call out,'You have command of this platoon until the crowd is disposed of.', addressing the MPs behind them in setting to his delegation task with a finality that hinted his acquiescence to the situation, though the Lt. Legion-Commander still appeared to have much he needed to do in order to give off that impression.

'If you want to come along, go ahead. However, I wouldn't recommend it.'

However, after hearing this, the Lord-Colonel leaned his head back so he'd be visible over Nines' shoulder, shaking his head before tilting it back towards the bar, the MPs' commander was coming with them whether he liked the idea or not. By the time they made it to the cantina, politely led in by FN-999 as he opened the door for Barran and kept it open for Dakari as he closed the gap between them, the Woad was in a calmer frame of mind to talk with the latest arrivals to the developing situation in the heart of Ambaril's Western outskirts.

And as he reached for the bottle and three of the cleanest glasses he could find, Lord Michael poured generously-even measures for the others, but instead held his hand up to briefly keep them from bastardising it before he muttered,'Always let it breathe.... Whether it's whiskey, Tihaar, Mantellska-brand paint-thinner vodka, hooch or any other strong Galactic spirit for that matter. You always let it breathe.', as he set the cork back into the bottle-top's opening, subtly making his point in a veiled metaphor that he was sure the others would find easy to comprehend. Then, with a polite couple sups of the Corellian nectar, Lord Michael's eyes widened appreciatively as the strength of the kick pleased him enough to continue,'For starters - you do realise we'll have to clear the rest of the strip ourselves now, right?', lifting his busted hands and showing off the broken knuckles to drive his point home.

Word was travelling, but it was still a hope to even assume it was enough to rally the law-abiding majority into action yet. More action was needed, more statements and examples were required to sway such a downtrodden district in such a manner. But it was that majority they needed, amassed morality of the sort they wouldn't see until more of the region's vultures had been battered and berated into submission, as in the end result of all successful,"Hearts and Minds", actions, the silent majority always found their voice after seeing retribution exacted violently on their tormentors.


Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Michael Barran Michael Barran | | FN-999 | Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

A violent disturbance occurred nearby, in the form of an explosion with duracrete debris flying in every direction within its effective radius. Effortlessly with the Force he stopped any debris shooting towards him, though those around him would be unlucky to be harmed from the blast. Disorder would follow with people retreating from the incident while other injured remained where they were until treated or moved by whomever; medical personnel or brave bystanders that were not scared off so easily.

He scoffed, letting go of the debris suspended in the air by his will.

A fellow Knight, a Mirialan, appeared with a strange attire with few words to spare to him. He did not require assistance to perform this task, though she and any were welcomed to accompany him; however, the Mirialan left him to pursue another task demanding her attention.

He walked steadily and without hurry in his pace which could be strange to those whom upheld and enforced the law. Were he a younger man, he would have raced to catch the nearest criminal. Now, however, in his age Simon learned invaluable lessons from his youth he religiously applied to where he stood and walked. These criminals were nothing but crude and amateurs; cowards whom preyed on the weak. They scoured like rats fleeing from a feral cat and they would forever run until trapped in a corner. A certain truth is that the people’s justice would always come, no matter how late or soon.

Their aim was to win their hearts and minds? So he shall with an iron fist.

His left hand reached out and through the Force gripped a live body, a criminal who was scavenging for objects that did not belong to him with others joining in such debauchery. Preying on a local shopkeeper that sold droids and parts. Pressure would begin to crush on the criminal’s throat, finding it a bit hard to breathe.

“Let it be known,” he spoke aloud for all to hear, “this district will no longer suffer or tolerate the degenerates that aim to exploit the innocents longing for a return to normalcy and prosperity.”

“To those who wish to exploit the weak and helpless,”
and another criminal from the same group was suspended in a Force Choke. “Will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgressions; furthermore, those who shelter these criminals or know the identities of these cowards, who fails to come forward with this information will be treated as equally guilty.”

And so the throats of the two individuals at the mercy of his choke were crushed and fell still at the earth, a public execution to those witnessing.

“Report any criminals or suspicious activity to any Imperial personnel.” Surely they knew how to identity those from the Empire. He spared no more words as it would be unnecessary. Simon already attracted the attention of the public and would send fear down the spines of any criminals seeing what he had done. Their fear would be their downfall. The Templar marched with resolution, patiently hunting the agents of injustice.
The Stone That The Builder Refused


Operation Arbiter | Commercial District | City Interior
Objective: Make your over to the Spaceport District with the medical supplies to the humanitarian station; decide whether to divert to the disruption.
Allies: Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio

Kase blinked, taking in the senior Knight's admission. He tilted his head to his side- the Korunnai equivalent of a shrug. Looked down at Rhogo. Rhogo glanced back and tilted his head to the side in return. Consequently, he didn't notice the nervous look Dorian gave his familiar.

"Sounds like you had quite a trip", he said finally. "And it sounds like you got one the wrong side of one my clansmen. You aren't the first to come to Haruun Kal and have an experience like that." His tone was matter-of-fact, as if he were reading a weather report.

Further exposition was interrupted by an distant explosion, then a chirp from comms:

"Civil disturbance in the outskirts, units needed for security cordon and first response needed!"

He looked at Dorian with wariness. "We have medical supplies, and I'm sure there's hurt people, but were going to the Spaceport District. Do we divert?", Kase asked. As a Knight-Errant, he'd defer to Sicarrio's judgement.


Sahar|Imperial Knights|Operation Arbiter
Tags:// Rakaan Horne

"No, but-Wait where are you heading? Hey, WAIT!"

Sahar shot him a stunned look before sighing loudly and following his lead into the crowd. Quietly moving and sliding past the masses that filled the street, an annoyed expression on her face only grew louder as she went deeper in. She wanted to be anywhere else but here, and yet Rakaan insisted on moving further.

Sahar would strangle him right now if she could, but to do so would be utterly stupid and self-defeating. It seemed Rakaan was dead set on bringing her into her worst possible place to be. She was not made for this.

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