Orik Dakari
Imperial Military Police

Operation Arbiter
Temporarily attached to TASK FORCE DOOKU, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon, Section 1
"You have command of this platoon until the crowd is disposed of." called FN-999 to the MPs. "If you want to come along, go ahead. However, I wouldn't recommend it."
Orik nodded.
"I'll clear this place up. And scan for outstanding warrants."
The MPs dispersed, assisting the Stormtroopers in moving the wounded to the medical transports that only just showed up. Several identified felons were bundled up and escorted to another transport.
"What a mess," one of the drivers commented, poking his head and arm out of his open window.
Jes walked up with a resident of the area handcuffed and pulled along, her head bandaged.
"Sarge, check this, caught a big-name distributor with an outstanding warrant."
Orik nodded. "In with the rest, and ride with them as an escort. Don't want them shiving each other before they spill."
The private nodded and moved away, prisoner in tow. Orik spotted Diel kicking discarded improvised weapons into a pile.
"Burn it?" he asked simply, as Orik walked up.
"Middle of the street. Make sure they all see that no weapons are allowed."
"What about the, uhh, Barran's posse?"
Orik frowned. He really, really wanted to arrest the biggest culprits and the most violent ones. But that stormtrooper was defusing things with the Colonel, and it might be unwise to do that now. But then, he did dismiss them like they were nothing once the troopers showed up.
"Corporal," he called to one of the stormtroopers.
"Helmet cams recorded the whole thing, right?" the Stormtrooper nodded.
"Arrest those with a firearm or assaulted another with a weapon. Bring them back to my outpost, our brigs can cool them off for a day or so. The rest... I'll deal with the paperwork." The Stormtrooper nodded and he called to his men, who fanned out in small groups through the dispersed crowd.
"What do you mean the rest, Sarge?"
"Blanket reprimand for the district. We'll be back here tomorrow to post up the notices... might even get the detained ones to do it. Remind me to get in touch with OccupAdmin to reprogram the holo-screens too."
Diel stared at Orik, who continued to look around at the street's public holo-screens, gauging their distances.
"Am I forgetting anything?"
"Sergeant, I... I don't mean to sound insubordinate-"
"Then don't?"
"-but what the hell are neighbourhood notices going to do? They're only paperwork and admin poodoo. Maybe the Barran had it right."
Spat, the Stormtrooper sergeant, strode up to the pair, signalling Orik that he wanted to talk privately.
"No offense intended, but, sergeant to sergeant," he whispered as they stepped to the side. "Maybe you've been in the office trenches for too long if violence ain't... look, I don't think your idea is gonna change anything."
Orik recoiled in annoyance and turned to Diel, speaking loud enough for both he and Spat to hear.
"'Paperwork and admin poodoo' is the bedrock of order. You may not like the sound of it, but Empire's order is built on stability and rules, and an official reprimand and citation is as much a weapon of the Empire as a gun or fists." He turned to Spat.
"Understand this: I will use any tool at my disposal, be it a gun, billboard or mascot doing a funny dance down the road. Notices and public announcements, while 'frivolous', do change something: they are tangible, real physical proof of the Empire and its laws, and that both are here to stay and act. That Barran was not right. How will Chandaar respect the law or see the Empire as any different if their encounter of an 'Imp' is a brute leading thugs to rampage the streets?"
An awkward silence stretched for a few seconds.
"You got a point, MP, but you gotta admit, busting heads has some good," Spat finally said.
Orik looked out at the broken street and buildings, looking like a great wind had ripped through, no better than the next street that had seen fighting in the civil war.
"Yeah, alright."
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