Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Centurion [OP vs OS]

Location: Temple
Allies: The One Sith and ugly vong things
Enemies: Those what you ma call it`s, oh yer OP

Harley watched as the sith troops formed up, they were getting ready to counterattack. Acolytes were being allocated to lead troops into battle, she was assigned to an Assault landing craft. She had a platoon of soldiers with her, the ship was going to be used to out flank the omega troops. She got on board it, and with a buzz it quickly took off. She part group thousands of them, all heading towards the thick of action. This was a defened planet, after all the republic had tried to take it back. So ground troops were in abundant supply, probably numbering in their millions. This was not including the vong, the force only knew how many those were on this planet know they set up home.

The ship moved swiftly across the ground, she could see Blade fighters and Darts as well as some Axe wings being launched. Soon there would be fleet action, in space above to try and cut of their retreat. Though they had come in force none the less, so nothing was certain for now. All she knew for sure, was soon she being fighting them.
She watched them carefully for a few minutes, checking for any sentries she may have missed. The lone command vehicle was nestled away off the road. Clearly they had thought to hide it here out of sight in the thick smog. Khallesh and her team of hunters had been tracking the sound of a fire support team who had been attacking their positions with their moorters. Instead they had found this. The back doors to the machine were open and Khallesh could see the fleshy pink creatures insides using their computers and issuing orders to the troops ahead.

Carefully she pulled a blast bug from a pouch. It tested its wings and she lifted it. A tricky shot this one. Her arm stretched back and snapped forwards. The bug hissed through the air as it sped forwards, the team of Yuuzhan Vong leaping down towards their enemies. The slight curve she'd put on the bug's flight had been near perfect. It arced around into the back of the vehicle and detonated with a blinding flash. The screams drove her on further, amphistaff in hand.
[member="Cira"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]

The battle raged behind her; her ability to divert the Vong creations, and the works of alchemy that fought alongside them, had gotten them past even the quiescent Chom-Vrone, a particularly nasty mountain-sized security system. To come this far, she'd had to switch back and forth from Vongsense to the Dark Side of the Force -- not a challenging transition, though she'd had to do it very rapidly. These pretender alchemists of the One Sith were prolific.

With the bulk of the defenses warded away to fight the really ridiculous force the Protectorate had brought to the table, Rave entered the temple in short order, her sword dripping black fluid and her mind intent on the blood trail. Vong bile spattered the floor as she gestured with the blade.

"Thirty meters that way. Do what you do."

She'd sprinted while pulling off something fairly staggering with her mind; she could use a break. Rather a lot.
That Place With the Woman
[member="Cira"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Nyos Val"]

Sarge looked down at Rave for only the briefest of moments, two of his grossly overarmored and overarmed warriors taking up positions around here to keep the enemy at bay should they seek to take on the weakened woman. The majority of the rest were either already dead or taking up positions behind rubble and the like to buy time for the Colonel to do what he did.

The impossible.

He was always the one to do the impossible.

He and a squad of his men took the thirty meter journey, stepping into the battleground, a phalanx of blue lead by a tank in grey. "Honey." The helmet booms, voice mechanical. "I'm home."
The air was scorchingly-hot from the detonation of the blast bug. It found every gap in her armour and made her skin slick with sweat. She drove on through the heat towards her first target. The poor human was rolling on the ground slowly, a smouldering mess of burnt flesh. Khallesh ended his suffering with a quick slash from her amphistaff’s tail.

A human roared towards her from the wreckage of the ship. Huge for their kind and heavily muscled, his armour smoked and his eyes seemed to glow with rage. He appeared almost as the avatar of Yun-Yammka. The Yuuzhan Vong Huntress met him in glorious battle. He came at her hard and fast. Her first strike had been poorly timed, the amphistaff barely clipping his shoulder before he bore her to the ground.

The human was exceedingly heavy, he pinned her down and tried to use his weight to keep her there. He was all rage and no technique. He surprised her with his strength, lifting her by the shoulders and slamming her back into the ground several times. Her head swam, but she took the blows to get into a better position. She slid her knee under his chest, as her other foot found his hip. That took the pressure off as he swung some ineffectual punches. With one quick motion, she twisted him to the side with his next strike. The human rolled and she followed, bringing one knee up to his chest to hold him down. She found her Coufee with her now free right hand. One quick precise slash and she was coated in the human’s crimson blood.

“A good fight,” she called to her colleagues who were dispensing with the rest of the Protectorate forward HQ with merciless efficiency.

“Just one human though,” commented another of the new members from the group of Hunters under her command. She noted the lack of respect in his tone.

“Sergeants,” another of her group, a male of limited intellect, but with much experience remarked. “Some of the largest and toughest humans take that rank. They often fight hard.”

Khallesh nodded at his words, flashing a glance to the one who had first replied. She pulled back the Cloak of Nuun and removed her helmet so that she might hear more clearly. She turned her head back and forth, letting her enhanced senses sort out the various sounds and echoes.

“The artillery is five hundred metres that way!” she said, replacing her armour and collecting her amphistaff, which wrapped itself around her waist. The group of Hunters blended back into their surroundings and stalked their next prey.
Location: Outside Alderaan Temple
Enemies: Protectorate Forces
Allies: None
Objective: Crush Their Hope
Theme: Requiem by Avenged Sevenfold
Her eyes, glazed like beacons of fire, shone brightly amidst the plumes of smoke and sulfur that clouded the temple, watching the forces of Man intrude upon the Dark Lord's territory like the Army of Light descending upon the Sith of old. A smile etched itself across her beautiful face like a scar and her hands raised to part the sea of ash. Her footsteps were echoes upon the ears of those who dares reach too close to her, pushed towards their ears from every direction through the advanced art of telepathy, and as she lowered her arms the true nature of her dark aura became noticeable, visible even, to the naked eye. A mist of horror, whispering things of terror into the ears of the Protectorate as she strode down the steps solemnly, spread from her very being and began to cloud the sky with its putrid darkness. The sound of thunder boomed over the horizon and lightning lept from the Vahla's fingertips to knock away those careless enough to run at her in their delusions of grandeur, a maddened glint visible in her eyes. She was no Alchemist, no mere soldier, and though her skills with a lightsaber had been impressive, it was with the horrible truth of the Dark Side that she truly excelled, for as she walked the waves of the Dark Side rippled from her like an unholy flood, and she was its covenant.
The words that were uttered from the depths of her mind, spread far and wide through the use of telepathy, echoed within the ears of those nearby like the wailing of a wraith of the force. Of those present in this pathetic battle, she was the one to be feared - she was the Sorceress, and with the gesturing of a palm, the tendril of darkness that formed itself from the terrible mist around her showed this horror to be true. Like the serpentine tentacle of some ungodly beast it rose up and uncurled itself before reaching down with a sweeping strike, eliminating those whom stood in her way like the hand of something far more sinister.

And then laughter filled the air.

"Fly, Protectors of the galaxy!" Came her jeering words, raising another hand and pushing away a foolish footsoldier whom had some idiotic sense of bravery with the force. "Flee before the terror of the Dark Side. Surrender and your death shall be quick and painless, fight and I will rip your innards from the fleshy sack you call a body!" Silara proclaimed, laughing as she tossed away another fool.

Let them come for her, let them come to take their holy vessel, she would like to see them try.
Location: Outside the Alderaan Temple
Allies: One Sith, [member="Silara Vantai"]
Enemies: Protectorate
Objective: Kicking in faces and what not (Defend the temple against incoming forces)
Theme: Through Blood and Dirt and Bone by Trivium​

Cryptic shafts and abandoned causeways, Gabriel led the Vong in gesticulation towards the insurgency. Don’t break the ranks, he muttered to them, as his arm swung in the general direction where the landing pods emergence scarred the grounds and buildings in smacks and explosions. But he had no desire to break against them like waves against cliff-side, only to wash back out into the sea, unchanging and of no impact. No, a step down the stone steps, he glanced at the sign above that marked an abandoned apothecary. Clever, he thought, as he shut the doors behind him and felt the cold breeze of underground chasms and labyrinths of yellow stone. Without the force, one would quickly find themselves lost, to starve and remain a skeleton until the end of days or, should the unthinkable happen, and Alderaan be blown to smithereens. Banish the thought! Gabriel walked in semi-audible thuds against the dank flagstones that lined the path way. Left hand clung to recently lit torch blazing in oranges and reds, giving a few feet of visibility into the corridor before him. Ups and downs, left and rights, the path took on a lingering notion towards convergence upon the temple entrance.

A stone slab shifted with the press of a button as Gabriel emerged from the shadows near the stairs, a stalking butler, present and absent at the same time, conforming to the darkness that protected him. Laying senses upon the incoming forces and crimson eye upon [member="Silara Vantai"], Gabriel felt the wash of her presence. Having been so inundated in the Vong forces, he took the slightest moment to bathe in the force residue of the one before him. Forced fear and brimming to the edges, a thing to bring teeth to clench. He approached her side, his mental constructs affording him defense against her mental attacks, should they be unfocused and aimed indiscriminately at those in the vicinity. Such was a thing born from the constant reminder of the failure within, the menace that plagued the Sith Lord with constant and sporadic mental attacks and flashburns.

The black armorweave robes covered his expression, covered the body and armor beneath, but did nothing to mask the animosity that poured out of him; a thing he would force feed to the protectorate like drinking water from a fire hose. He would open his own misery and give them everything, not a single thing withheld. Against his person, the sith dagger, arm mounted sith lanvarok, and spare Makashi lightsaber remained sheathed. He tossed the torch and it bounced, echoing in wooden thuds against stone and splashes of embers, as Silara brought her talents to the forefront against those who chose to face her.

Painless…” He spoke in whispers as he reached out with the force, implementing a format of Shatterpoint against both his person and that of Silara’s. Each footstep, each breath, was a ripple in the pond, forever tracing out and deflecting against rock and cobble. A torchlight in the darkness of a cave, filled with methane pockets. Which would erupt, which would set off the chain of events? He would search for them and steer them towards the path that most benefited the One Sith. His right hand found the embrace of the rancor tooth hilt, still warm from its last swift gesture. It would remain extinguished for now, though he would continue to build upon the foreboding darkness that dwelt within, a thing of near matching nature, coalesced with the alchemical being's aura in which his words were directed. “Such luxuries...I will not afford.While his words were hushed and whispered, Protectorate forces would likely derive meaning in the odd sense that the phrases carried beyond their acoustic level.

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Location: The Vongformed ruins of Aldera's palace.
Allies: The One Sith | [member="Silara Vantai"] | [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] | @Tsavon Kraal | [member="Nui Akona"] | [member="Darth Acarus"] | @Reverance
Enemies: Omega Protectorate | [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Rave Merrill"]
Objective: The Spirits Within

Theme : Heart of the Swarm

Some call it the red strings of Fate. Others merely say it is the Force. For Zhaera Shai -- it was all about Yun-Amon. The infidels had breached the palace ruins, led by another who resonated at the fringes of the Hydra Queen's mind.

A sneer would draw across her lavender lips, commands sent out through her master villip for slayers to find the treacherous being. None the less, some things were better taken care of personally.

What manner of forces were to crash against those within the palace would see the crash of not only Yuuzhan Vong forces, but that of the Skraal as well. A mob mentality, hand in hand with the Vong would move to overwhelm the ground forces moving into the ruins.

Hydra herself would come from the shadows, twin glowing eyes narrowing upon the landscape before her. Her eyes would close, focusing searching.

Lids would snap open at the discovery of her objective. With a sneer, wings would flare open, taking to the air. A roar of fury would go echoing throughout every villip, a charge of action.

The Protectorate would pay for their audacity today.

The Hound

Location: Remains of the Vong Formed Palace
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: The Protectorate; [member="Sarge Potteiger"]; [member="Rave Merrill"]
Objective: "Safeguard" the Hydra Queen for the One Sith

The protectorate.

In a past life this man seemed to have fought beside them. How long ago that was, a much simpler time for the young man. Sitting on a balcony on the Vong formed palace he watched the skies as their pods dropped like meteors from the heavens his cold stare followed one such fireball. Raising his left hand as if to reach out and touch the thing he flicked his wrist to the right. The pod tipped and spun, nudged by the Force. Spinning out of control it crashed into another pod, erupting into a ball of flame and molten metal.

Looking to his left, no longer interested in the shooting stars full of people he wondered why his Chosen had sent him to this desolate place. He would much rather have been by her side, where he felt he should have been. But alas, that was not his duty. His duty was to do as she commanded, for what she spoke were the words of the Goddess.

Standing now he entered the temple. It seemed there were others that intended to do harm to the abomination they called [member="The Hydra Queen"].
[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Cira"] @Vaermina
Palace Ruins

Sarge stood like a breakwater against the oncoming tide, men in resplendent blue powered armor standing around him. Starbusts leapt from the glowing barrels of disrupter cannons, backed by the pounding staccato rhythm of heavy bolters and the whine of blaster cannons. The regular Protectorate forces were the beachhead, but he and his men were an armored phalanx propelled forward by two things.

Rave, and momentum.

That momentum took them here, and Sarge simply stared at the Queen as she came before him, halberd glowing like an overcharged powerpack. Dug in, his men would buy him the time he needed to see this through, for good or for ill. Absently, his fists clenched tighter, a hint of unease in his gut. There was always the chance of failure, but...

He was so calm he wondered if he weren't mentally disturbed, but that was a rather silly line of thought. He'd rather be calm than nervous.

Even if he secretly would rather be nervous.
A moment's rest was far from enough, but she could manage. And really, there was a fundamental distinction between 'I'd rather be resting' and one's genuine limits. She'd spent eighteen hours over a forge, more than once; a Talisman of Concentration or a mastercraft blade required that kind of physical and spiritual stamina, and she'd made many of each. No need now to flit between Vongsense and the Dark Side: she drew on the latter with all the cold sharp intent of a war widow, though Skirata had never loved her back.

Her weapon of choice was Entropy, the enchanted songsteel blade she'd forged with demigod scales and a gallon of her own blood. Of all her creations, and she'd never been short on ambition, Entropy was likely the greatest. If she died here, her soul would revert to the blade; their bond was that close and that instinctive. Some spent their time mastering energy or arcana; some invested themselves in rings or scepters; Rave had chosen something more practical. The blade was already black with Vong blood, her golden leather gloves tacky on the grip. She fought like the Sith Lord she'd been since youth - Darth Talion was the name she hid. Nobody today could have mistaken her slaughter for the tradition-bound, somatically confined arts of a Nightsister. That, more than her presence, was the vulnerability she'd had to accept to come here. Anyone with half a brain would understand that she had delved into the Sith arts for purposes of making billions in the alchemy business. Many might even suspect the Nightsister was a genuine Dark Lord. But today, as she butchered precisely and en masse using possibly the most powerful Sith sword in five millennia, she knew her commitment to be unmasked.
Location: Ruins
Allies: [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: [member="Vaermina"]
Objective: Return [member="Cira"] Home

Nyos followed the wave of Protectorate soldiers into the Ruined Palace. He slew Vong and Sith left and right, his Ripper doing as it's name described. He emptied the power cell in the chamber and switched weapons again. Back to the Ravenclaw and his Vibrosword.

He dashed forwards to the edge of the line, blaster shots absorbing into his armor, he slashed, hacked and disemboweled the Vong and Sith that fell unfortunate to his blades.

He felt at home slaying the enemies of the Protectorate as he had done in days past. Too many days he'd spent in his lab, and now he was back in the line of fire like he was home at last.

The Hound

Vong Shaped Palace
Enemies: [member="Nyos Val"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Allies: One Sith [member="The Hydra Queen"]

The Protectorate forces were bold. They deserved to be. They were probably the most competent and well equipped military force in the Galaxy. They earned that right at least. But boldness was not what would win them the day here.

He sucked his teeth as a single red blade snapped to life, a second silver blade following shortly after. From the way the Skraal and Vong fought these Protectorate peons, it seemed the head of the spear had already found its way deeper into the palace. Hopefully the Queen hadn't made a fool of herself and gotten killed.

Or rather, maybe there was a little part of him that wanted her dead. The abomination made him sick, as did the Vong and Skraal. How the Chosen worked with them was beyond the mind of this young man.
Location: The Vong Palace
Allies: OS [member="Vaermina"] [member="The Hydra Queen"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Silara Vantai"]
Enemies: OP [member="Nyos Val"][member="Rave Merrill"][member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Noah Corek"]

Her shuttle was hit as headed towards the battlefield, it was shot down behind the vong place. As the cockpit exploded, it began fill with smoke, a mask came down to give her oxygen. As the flame wreck plummeted towards the ground, it spiralling as it did. She began to feel sick, and dizzy as it did. Then the was loud bang, as the wreck crumpled inward towards her. It finally stopped, she strapped into her seat upside down. The two soldiers next to her were dead as doornail, killed in the impact. She could not see her lightsaber anywhere, as she tried to figure her out of her seat. Then she saw it, it had fallen of her during the crash. It laid out of arm's reach, she closed her eyes and cleared her mind. She then reached out and focused on the handle, it moved from the ground into her hand. She smiled and said Yatsi to herself, she figured the rest were dead. She then turned the blade in and began to cut herself out the seat. As she cut away her restraints, she fell to floor of the wreckage. Straight on to the corpse of another soldier, she picked herself up. The cabin was full smoke, and oxygen mask was no longer on her face. She put lightsaber through what was left of the hull, and began to cut her way out it. It a took awhile, but when she finally got out she was all four coughing the smoke out her lungs. After this she fell on to her back, and saw the med pack all sith soldiers carry. Then used the force to pull it in to her hand, she moved away from burning wreck, and began to treat herself. She saw few more soldiers finding the way out, no more than four them though. She told them, Right puddings do a quick scout and find out where we are. One of them just laughed, and then replied ​You're leaning against the vong place wall, I think we should get in to defend it. She picked herself up, and then So be it. She and what left them began to move in to place outer wall. In hopes of defending the vong queen.

Rosa Gunn

Vong Formed Palace
Enemies: OP
Allies: OS : @[member="Vaermina"]

Her bare feet were silent as they passed over the cool stone beneath, head foggy with carsunum, riddled by the emotion of others. She stopped beside Vaermina, clicking her tonuge at the disgust that rolled off him. "I don't know what you're problem is," she growled from behind her golden mask, "if anything you are worse than she is. You chose this path. She did not."

She closed her eyes and reached out to the incoming enemy force. "Such determination, such passion. All of it wasted." She spat the last word with hatred. "What they seek is already lost. Go, Hound, kill what you can." She turned away from him, padding back up the steps she moved through the ruins, climbing some till she was in an alcove tucked out of site.

Whatever Darth Layil had been it was gone, buried deep beneath layers of torment of pain. There was no army coming for Rosa Gunn, she'd made sure of that in her last memories as that person. Bitterness, pain and fury fuelled her as she reached out across the battlefield, waves of fear rolling out in the force, seeking to grip hearts, to freeze limbs. A simple message went out to those that came for Cira.

She is already dead.
Spurred on by the avatar of the Yun Harla joining battle, Khallesh and her group moved across the broken terrain with greater speed. There was no particular need for caution, with their Cloaks of Nuun and the thick smog they could move within metres of Protectorate troops without being seen. Khallesh's exceptionally keen hearing helped them weave a path between any other soldiers as they made their way to the support fires team.

They made no sounds as they charged. They were amongst the mortar team before they were noticed, amphistaffs snapping out and finding gaps in the heavy armour of the soldiers. Khallesh leapt at the two humans next to the squat weapon. They reached for firearms, but too late. She landed in a crouch, her left hand flung her staff out at the furthest from her. He slipped from her grip and wrapped itself around his neck. Without pause her taut muscles exploded, launcher her onto the second soldier. He shouted in surprise as her nearly invisible form shoved him to the ground. One hand kept him from raising his pistol, the other grasped the base of his helmet. She slammed his head into the ground, once, twice, three times. With him discombobulated, she risked raising both arms and clasped both fists together, slamming them down onto the faceplate of the soldier. Pain shot up her forearms, but the plate cracked under the strike. Her quick hands unsheathed her coufee and plunged it into the opening. The human screamed, but his pain would be taken away quickly.

She shoved herself up off the corpse and strode to the other victim, finding her amphistaff writhing around its prey. The creature was loathe to leave it's kill, but it heeded her command and wrapped itself back around her waist. Her team were beside her again within a few moments and she asked for further orders through her villip.
[member="Khallesh "]was tearing through the regulars with that stupid amphistaff like fat kid at a buffet. Kaiden, however, lately, looked like he had been the fat kid getting torn apart. Aging wrinkles and a healthy diet of cigarettes, whiskey, and painkillers and other odd drugs made him have a less than stellar appearance. He pulled back the slide on his slugthrowing handguns, and stepped out from cover as the men around him were slaughtered by the Vong.

The Vong met the bullet with a greeting and a how-do-you-do, much like a spaceship met the ground instead of the tarmac. The bullet took the shortcut to the back of the Vong's skull through his forehead, and the Vong found himself in a particularly dead state of being. The other Vong followed their buddies like imaginary friends jumping off a bridge that mothers so periodically thought was a clever question. Kaiden tore through the Vong, finding himself near the queen of mean and even the more queen of ugly herself.

Kaiden dropped two more Vong with well placed shooting right in the face parts, and narrowed his eyes at @Khallesh.

He tucked his pistols away into the holsters under his arms, and slipped on his brass knuckles. They were durasteel and another hard metal, but that didn't sound half as badass as brass knuckles. He cracked his neck, narrowing his eyes at the she-Vong. Vong, really all looked like they had been thrown into a blender and come out the other side praising the blender for making them so god damn fugly.

Kaiden began to understand why races from other galaxies and beyond dark space didn't really like to visit them.

"Come and get some of me, you noseless freak."

A Vong stepping down in front of her men from singular melee combat? That'd be one hell of a headline in the Vong times.
Khallesh and her small team of elite Hunters were a long way from the front line. They had been a group of six when they’d set out, working their way past the Omega assault, relying on their Cloaks of Nuun and the smog spewed out by the thamassh’s to go unseen. They had been only five when they’d assaulted the isolated mortar position, slaughtering the crew and preparing to fall back before they met a significant force.

However, it seemed they had left one alive. A dangerous warrior to be so far from the front lines of the conflict. So when he gunned down three Yuuzhan Vong Hunters, he left Khallesh with just a single companion, not a force of warriors.

And so she was somewhat confused when the man dropped his weapon and issued a challenge in their guttural tongue. The razor bug in her hand buzzed in annoyance at not being freed from her grip. Slowly, she placed it back in her pouch. She would not sully her tongue with the language of the infidels unnecessarily. She simply held out her hand to indicate to her subordinate to step back. As Subaltern, it was her responsibility – no her privilege – to step forwards and meet him in single combat.

With a gentle tap her amphistaff stiffened into a straight spear. Light, on the balls of her feet, she approached her foe. The tail extended as the tip of the sphere, with a virtually monomolecular tip the staff could slice through armour and flesh with ease. She lunged forwards quickly, choosing not to put too much force into the blow so that she could maintain her footwork and pull back. A quick test of her opponent’s capabilities.

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]


I Shall Know No Fear
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"], [member="Rave Merrill"]
Target: [member="Harley"]

Uriel Squad knew that their only chance of victory here was the destruction of the enemy. There could be no other result.

Vox links crackled with life, orders shuffling around as the tide of blue washed over the positions of the One Sith with deadly efficiency. Corpses would pile up around the angels of vengeance, the warrior-champions destroying all around them with practised ease. Battle-brothers all, the azure conquest would continue. The wall of fire, perfect execution of tactica imperialis, would no doubt serve as a reminder of the true superior force on this battlefield.

Before them, the silver-clad master of the Black Citadel shone as a beacon of destruction. To his left and right stood his battle-brothers, ready to engage. They knew their targets. Brother-Sergeant Uriel, commander of Uriel Squad, levelled his bolter at the first One Sith he could find as a target. Four more joined him on the same target as a heavy laser cannon and a flamethrower was also levelled, ready to take on their target. His scoped bolter painted a dot right on Harley's centre of mass, ready to fire high-explosive Sith-killing rounds from his heavy infantry weapon.

"Open fire!" commanded the Sergeant, and as one the squad unleashed a torrent of hell against the Sith leaning against the palace's outer wall.

In the grim darkness of that day, there was only war.
Allies: The One Sith and those ugly vong thingys
Enemies: [member="Uriel"]

She saw the red dot get painted on her, she leapt to one side. As she did the weapon fired, she was clear of shrapnel but the blast. The shock wave carried her a good few meters further, she landed in a heap behind the wreckage. She looked back over her shoulder, she saw what was left of platoon. They were not so lucky, there guts and blood and bone, were spread all over the place. She thought herself, that was lucky. She got up and dusted herself down, behind the safety hulk metal. She saw more ships coming in, more assault landing craft, and they were carrying more troops for the fight. She saw bombers up above, she knew she find cover soon otherwise she blown up by her own side. She also had to move before the omega troops hit her again, then she heard a whistling noise. Death was coming, and was coming from above. She head into the wreckage of the assault craft, it was safest place for her to be. She did see her favourite toy in there though, something she would use later a disruptor cannon. She smiled she would returning fire when, the bombs had dropped.

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