Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Centurion [OP vs OS]


I Shall Know No Fear
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Rave Merrill"]
Target: [member="Harley"]

"Uriel Squad, this is Nerf Leader."

In the middle of the epic dust storm of battle, where the Protectorate and One Sith lines met in furious melee, Uriel Squad was still in the thick of it. They themselves had not been reduced to swords and combat knives-- even bolter stocks-- but their brothers around them certainly had, at the backs of the Colonel and Rave Merrill. Blaster fire echoed around the explosive drumbeat of bolters, plasma blasts providing scintillating candle-light through the murky haze.

Overhead, a squadron of OS-I1 Rangers, the beloved interceptors of the Protectorate, took a low flyby over the battlefield, passing hard right over the furball below.

"Go, Nerf Leader," commed Uriel, who, after watching the furball pick up and things start getting hairy, had changed tacks and was going headshot after headshot versus incoming enemies.

"We just picked up a flight of bombers and dusted 'em all. Lost two of our own. We'll keep you posted."

"Affirmative, Nerf Lead. Good kill."

For now, things were going well. Uriel was pleased with the progress of the vast Protectorate force, tactically advancing on every position. The Inquisition was doing their job with the mechanical precision they had been traned for, bolters tracking every which way to destroy every incoming target. Even as more One Sith troops landed, the azure bulwark showed no signs of stopping.

But where had that Sith gone? Likely, into that transport she'd came in. Logical place of cover when attacked, given the distance and time. Uriel was not one to totally lose track of a target like that.

"I want a shooter on that grounded shuttle!" ordered the Brother-Sergeant; as if to answer him non-verbally, a missile launcher let forth an anti-armour round, intent on putting a hole in the cockpit of the shuttle and flipping it over.
It was hard to tell a girl whom you pretended to fall in love with the night before that you're leaving in the morning to go get breakfast and that you're just gonna take your stuff with you. And then just end up going to breakfast by yourself and ignoring several dozen phone calls over the period of six days or so. Heartbreaking, tragic stuff. But that was life, wasn't it? Speaking of life- and the ugly caricature of what Kaiden could only interpret that life decided to throw all the ugly and awful traits of species into one, stood before him. Apparently, she made the other Vong back down by just looking at him.

Kaiden was good at shockboing. So much so, that the Mandalore himself sought him out to train him. Needless to say, he was fast, he was quick, and he was proficient in dodging hits from the front. All he had to do from a weaving attack was bob to the left. His hands came up near his chin, and he stepped forward. Stepped forward fast enough to claim championship of titles and belts across the galaxy-wide. Fast enough to punch Sith in the face- fast enough to be the leader of Havoc squad. His brass-knuckle adorned fist went for a light lovetap on the Vong's nose.

"Don't pussyfoot me."

[member="Khallesh "]got issued a challenge in the form of a punch in the face.
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

The Yuuzhan Vong hunter had lashed out with a two and a half metre living spear. It wasn’t a single step to cross the gap between them, not unless her opponent had legs that went all the way to his armpits. Still, he was fast. That he had the bravery to challenge a Yuuzhan Vong in single combat already made him a worthy opponent. All the more curious why he had been back here with a mortar team far away from the front lines where any warrior seeking a challenge should have been.

He was skilled, and Khallesh was fresh out of training. However, Yuuzhan Vong warriors had been bred and genetically modified for close combat for millennia. They had fought Jedi in single combat, and made a mockery of the skills of the Noghri. They fought whole wars in close combat, it was life for them, not a sport. As fast as he was she had kept on her toes and had ample time to lean away from the strike. It still connected and pain blossomed from the strike to her nose, blurring her vision, but she took the auto-hit. Glorious pain, honestly earned in combat. She accepted it, relished it in, allowed her body to turn it into focussed rage. Her heart pumped hard and fast.

As he had crossed the gap between them a gentle stroke instructed the amphistaff to become flexible once again. The head of the staff, which had been close to her body as she’d struck out with the tail end was now within a foot of the human. Sensing prey, it lashed out on its own. It reached for the human’s arm as it struck her, coiling around his forearm with terrifying speed. It opened its mouth exposing its fangs, fresh venom already dripping from them, and started striking at the arm it wrapped around.

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Location: The Vongformed ruins of Aldera's palace.
Allies: The One Sith | [member="Silara Vantai"] | [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] | @Tsavon Kraal | [member="Nui Akona"] | [member="Darth Acarus"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Harley"] [member="Khallesh "] [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Vaermina"]
Enemies: Omega Protectorate | [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Rave Merrill"]
Objective: The Spirits Within
Theme : Heart of the Swarm


Sometimes the greatest journey,
Is the distance between two people.

A slow smirk would twist upon Zhaera's lavender lips. Her wings would unfurl for a moment before they would sweep behind her back. The Horde would continue to fight, led by the trusted Warrior caste leaders like Nui, Tal’Verd, and Khallesh.

Two figures stood next to her. That of Nui and another, the Hound of the would be Goddess of Vahl.

Bright golden eyes would burn like the twin Tatooine suns as they would bore their gaze down upon [member="Sarge Potteiger"]. There he would be, enclosed in some infidel contraption that would hide his features, making him appear nearly two heads above the others. Thick metal plated, halberd in arms and glowing as bright as the morning star.

Despite the battle that raged, silence would grow. Pregnant. Full. Finally she spoke her singular command.

"C͡lai͡m̵ ͠t҉he͠m al͢l͝."

For like Nui, the Hound, and that of Tal'Verda, so they too will they be claimed for the glory of Yun Amon.
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Uriel"] [member="The Hydra Queen"]

Glowing blue lenses, bright as a clear blue sky, met the golden orbs cast down upon him. His halberd rose, and when it came down, it clove a charging Vong in two. "Stand firm, brothers." His augmented voice snarled, "For the Protectorate, and our Lady, you shall not falter." A roar went up from the assembled masses, and a large standard bearing the symbol of the Inquisition was born aloft by a short man by the name of Hastings.

The Captain was using said banner as a weapon, impaling anyone who got too close and alternating between it and a bolt pistol held in his other hand.

Without a word to Rave, he began moving forward through the tides of blood that lapped at his boots, intent on reaching his only objective.


Her and those bloody wings.

He'd once told her he'd wanted her to spread them and fly. Now he hoped they'd wither... so she could fall. "If you want me, come get me." He practically roared the words, [member="Rave Merrill"] gone from his mind in that moment. As ever, all he could see were him and her. Everything else was background noise.
OOC: Didn't see length of spear in any of previous posts. That's a long spear.

Fight from your chin. Keep your head in line, be able to move. Your arms are your guard, drop em and they drop you.

Kaiden, was not fresh from training. He was probably one of the galaxy's more hard nosed soldiers, leader and reformer of Havoc Squad, and one of the more successful acts in shock boxing. So a matter of ducking and moving. Kaiden was a champion shock boxer, and moving his arms and his hands was literally instinct to him. Especially when that something was about to attack it. The amphistaff had a hard time keeping itself level, with Kaiden moving his hands in such a way that they were turning. His armor prevented the coiling from restricting his movement, and what he did next, prevented the Amphistaff from doing a lot of damage.

He pressed his arm on the top of the snake-like amphistaff's head, and rolled his opposite forearm as it snapped at the back of his durasteel-plated gauntlets. The combined weight and pressure of armor and muscle made the coiling beast squirm. It bit through the metal, but failed to make it passed the armorweave. It's skin was scaly and hard, but it still acted the same way as any other snake species. Put pressure on the head, it'll stop. So that's what it did. It stiffened to protect itself, and Kaiden removed it from his arm, holding the beast just slightly below it's head, letting it fall to the ground, to either be left alone or commanded by it's master.

"Fight me like you mean it. Not your stupid staff."

The venom's acidic properties burned a hole in the Havoc Squad armor, and started to burn through the armorweave. It dissipated shortly after. but not before burning his skin ever so slightly. He cringed behind the helmet. He went to a different boxing stance, one that he liked to call the Coruscanti box. He was now on the offensive, and moved towards the Vong huntress, growling at her.

"So arrogant and so foolish."

A quick jab to the face, and a second to the stomach. Knuckle-duster adorned hands screeching towards the Vong huntress with terrifying speed and precision. He wasn't champion because he was good at boxing, he was good at it because killing and hurting people was all he did.

[ think of the philly box. can't really think of a better name. ]


Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum

Runewarrior of the Clan Veranum (Chaotic Good)
//As per agreement between me and Canal this is a 1v1 duel, please nobody intervene//

Location: Unknown part of Vong-formed ruins
Objective: Duel Canal
Allies: OP, None PC wise
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"]

Heavy metal boots would clink, cracking of rubble and dirt being grind into the ground underneath the weight of a stout figure as an armored war axe wielding figure made its way until it found a Vong to fight.

Or to be specific a Vong-formed soldier in the form of Canal,

"Oy, you thar!"

The Dwarf called out, slamming his feet into ground to get into his Earth Magic fighting stance,

"Ye think ye can just come to a planet and ruin its 'vironment how ye like? Well guess wha', it naeh yer planet ta begin with!"

Ghor called out, he had a bit of a soft spot when it came to those things, after all his ancestors had to abandon their home due to environmental collapse caused by invaders bringing unregulated industry which led to the said collapse.

"Sa get yer soggy Vong arse off o' 'ere!"

And with them fighting words the Space Dwarf grabbed one of this axes, throwing it with his strength enhanced by the Force, using a bit of telekinetic trick he gave the axe a little push to make it fly just that tad bit faster, he was an apprentice but it was always better than nothing! Anyway, after the smaller axe was thrown at Canal the dwarf cocked his heavy blaster repeater, taking aim at the Vong-formed.
Location: Vong formed ruins
Allies: OS and Vong
Enemies: OP and a Dwarf
Objective: Fight

Killing off soldiers that were once called allies and comrades didn't affect the Vong formed Canal's emotions or feelings. After his transformation his whole personality changed making his whole character change. Behavior, emotions, everything about him changed, and that could never change again. Or maybe. Who knows?

His crab armor was so superior to Protectorate soldiers since it was much more durable and could withstand against slugs' blasters, and lightsabers. Nothing comparable to the Mk. I that couldn't take multiple shots or hits from slugs, blasters, and lightsabers.

Then, a voice from someone was heard within the area of where Canal was in. He turned around to see the man and what he found instead of a tall grown was a small dwarfish man. He thought he would be facing someone big and muscular, not a dwarf. Funny, but he admired his courage. It took a bold one to face Canal.

"Your fate," replied the warrior, and he began rushing towards the dwarf with nothing but a vibroblade sword. He dived and did a somersault to avoid the thrown axe that was aiming for him. He did saw the blaster that the dwarf held in his hand, and when a little guy had a big gun in his hand then you can bet that this isn't someone to screw around with.

Not at all.

[member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]

Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum

Runewarrior of the Clan Veranum (Chaotic Good)
Location: Unknown part of Vong-formed ruins
Objective: Duel Canal
Allies: OP, None PC wise
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"],

The Dwarf watched the Vong dodge his axe with keen Dwarven eyes, channeling the power of his ancestors in an ancient spell as he stomped his foot in Canal's direction and called out,

"Baruk Khazand!"

He would aim for the spot where Canal landed to try and open up a small sinkhole filled with quicksand, a precise modification of the terrain, he could not do anything bigger outside of raising a stone shield or a boulder to trip someone over it, but the little hole should be enough to slow Canal down or stop him completely, that is unless Canal would be able to adjust where he would land or cover that hole up, or dig himself out in time if he would indeed fall into the trap.

For the Dwarf had already the large repeater read and pulled the trigger, stabilizing himself in a secure stance as he rained a steady stream of hot, hot blaster bolts in Canal's direction to melt even through his armor.
Allies:[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Locale: Ruins

Nyos moved with the Protectorate forces further into the Vong hell-hole. Until then, he'd never seen what had become of Cira, and he was not happy with what he saw. His former Lady Protector now was deformed and dark, nothing like the former beauty she once was. He hated the Vong before this, but now, now was much worse.

The Hydra Queen, with her devil wings and glowing golden orbs, surrounded by the Vong who corrupted her. He growled beneath his mask and broke the line. Running towards the Queen, twin blades splashing blood over the dilapidated ruins of the room. Roaring his metallic challenge to all Vong who dared come close. He ran through most and slashed the rest. Hacking his way to the Queen, Nyos found himself standing in front of her.

[member="The Hydra Queen"]

The Hound

Objective: Protect [member="The Hydra Queen"]
Allies: Hydra Queen and One Sith
Enemies: The Protectorate [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Uriel"]

Such audacity these metal men held. They crushed the Vong beneath their boots and thought themselves superior. He scoffed as one such man, sword in hand thought it appropriate to cut through the lines to face this creature he was tasked to protect. Standing beside her, with a flick of his left wrist he assaulted the man with a strong telekinetic push to the left. The aftermath of the attack could have ended up in a variety of ways.

He hoped none of them ended with a broken neck.

The beast within him hungered for more.
[member="Nyos Val"]
Location: Ruins/Hydra Queens Presence
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Enemies: [member="Vaermina"]
Objective: Be the Sith Hunter he was

Nyos turned towards the man who waved his hand at Nyos. From behind the mask, Nyos smirked. An ace in the whole saved the cyborg as Nyos figured he'd tried to use the Force on him. The man would soon realize, it was not going to be so easy to dispatch the cyborg. His gear would be his defense against the Sith and his swords would find their mark.

Sith and Vong, no greater combination of the perfect prey for the newly born Hunter. Nyos trained himself on the man, recognizing him as someone who once fought under the OP banner, now with he fought the same vile beast as his former leader. Nyos would purge the man from the Vong and Sith alignment, he must, as it was his duty to save his infected allies, he was a doctor after-all.

Bring it, Sith vermin. I will cure you like I cure a plague.

Nyos tightened the grip on his two swords, Ravenclaw in the left and his own Vibrosword in the right. He took an offensive stance, arms held loosely to the side, and legs prepped for movement.
Location: Ruins
Allies: OS and Vong
Enemies: OP and a Dwarf
Objective: Fight

He was unaware and doubted the abilities this little one, for everyone mostly thought that big guys could easily stomp little people due to their height. But, even the littlest ones had something up their sleeve. And Canal was just being cocky at the moment, like always. Always underestimating his opponents in combat despite what they are or who they are.

Suddenly, he felt something at the bottom that was soft and was covering up his feet. Looking down he saw that there was sand, but not ordinary sand. It was taking him down to its bottom where it could make him vulnerable for any attack if he was to be immobile. By himself and with no tool hr would begin to try to dig out his feet with whatever method was suitable to get out of the quicksand.

As he was busy with himself getting out of the sinkhole he then felt momentum from the kinetic energy of the blaster bolts coming from the dwarf. Hot they were and his crab armor did the best to protect him from any crucial harm that seemed fatal. Layers of it would melt, but the armor was not destroyed or finished yet.

"Damn you and your size!"

[member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]

Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum

Runewarrior of the Clan Veranum (Chaotic Good)
Location: Unknown part of Vong-formed ruins
Objective: Duel Canal
Allies: OP, None PC wise
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"],

"Ye know wha' else be wee?!"

The Dwarf called out to the Vong as he continued his determined barrage, grabbing one of the canisters on his belt and pushing a button before throwing it in Canal's direction,

"Concussion 'renades!"

And so while Canal would be trying to dig himself out of the quicksand, which isn't the best method, probably better would be to put hands on each side of the small sinkholes and try to pull himself out or grab something nearby and pull himself out, maybe use amphistaff as a vain if he has one?

Anyway, he would be able to see the canister land in one of the sand filled ditches his feet were in, yellow-orange light rapidly beeping faster and faster as the countdown to explosion was quickly reaching its climax.

If he wouldn't be able to get out fast enough the grenade may knock him out but at least it would get him out of the quicksand holes!

The grenade was one of those Anti-Force User grenades Hevana made for OP, that referred to the mechanism the grenades used, sensitive to changes in momentum and pressure that made them go off quicker, making pushing or throwing them aside not much of a viable option.
Khallesh had taken the time to free a Coufee as the Protectorate soldier grappled with the amphistaff. The wicked blade wasn’t as versatile or deadly as the staff, but it would suffice in a pinch. She had no interest at all in fighting to some alien concept of hand-to-hand combat. The human darted back in close, remarkably fast. Her blade caught nothing but air as his two punches came in hard.

There was a crack as the knuckle duster caught her jaw and broke it. That was going to take a long time to set and heal, she knew. The second punch was an order of magnitude more painful, but would actually have a much lower effect on her ability to fight. Pain was just pain, it meant nothing in of itself to her except the knowledge that she had earned it in combat with a worthy opponent. She wished that she was wearing her Skerr Kyrric, rather than the Cloak of Nuun that kept her form blended into her environment. His punches would have been as rain drops against the hardened crab’s shell.

The man’s footwork was closely controlled, and his hands fast. However, he seemed determined to stick with punches. She held no such qualms and would happily use her knees, feet, elbows and teeth. Time to test her opponent’s groundwork. As he was close her left leg shot out, and then bent at the knee. She went to place her heel on the outside of the soldier’s knee to try and destabilise his balance. If that didn’t work her amphistaff was slithering behind him and ready to coil around his legs.

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]
Destabilized balance- yeah that was the thing she was trying to do. And it worked, worked like a cotton picker or a machine in a factory. Pain shot through his knee, but not much. Knees were designed to bend, and the armor he wore took some of the blow. Then, the damn amphistaff came around and coiled around his legs. He shook his right leg like a dancer on Nar Shaada, and the thing slithered up and away from the two.

The ground. He'd been metaphorically on his back and down and out, but now, he was literally eating the dirt. He'd been eating a lot of crap in his life, so it wasn't exactly foreign to the Havoc Squad commander.

Then again, you didn't get to the Havoc Squad commander by being a shock boxer champion. So, he weighed his options like his doctor weighed him. Except, the doctor didn't tell him to eat more leafy greens and not drink and smoke every night. What did he know, anyway? Doctor's usually just looked up whatever the problem was. Knowledge was just superficial and he was a combat medic, so he knew his limits.

But he also knew that he shouldn't be pushing them when it came to his health.

Back to the fighting and the thing that could end his life, Kaiden decided to do the smart thing. Grapple. He was on the ground after all, and there wasn't much to do on the ground besides bleed, cry, mourn the loss of your dead friends, or stare at the sky- or fight. Fighting, came natural to the aging, washed up Commando. It was in his blood to be a ignorant jackass who liked to mercilessly pound people's skulls in. But usually, those people didn't get a kick out of it.

So that was new.

"Come and get your lovin'."

Kaiden growled, before he moved his left leg on the left side of @Khallesh's right leg, and his right leg on her kneecap. A simple push with his right foot and leg, and a swift pulling motion with his left leg would probably make the Vong go down, or at least stumble and have to regain footing, depending on her (he wasn't honestly sure, being that Vong were always ugly) combative ability.
Location: Vong Formed Ruins
Allies: OS and Vong
Enemies: OP and a Dwarf
Objective: Fight

He was still stuck in that sinkhole and decided to do a different tactic in getting out of it, or try getting out of it. With the vibroblade that he had he impaled it through the ground and used that to begin pulling himself out of there. Then, a beeping was near him. There were different beepings he was used to and around with, such as an alarm clock, grenades, the tick down of a bomb, etc. He looked towards the direction of beeping and saw a concussion grenade which was even said by the Dwarf.

Oh, no. Not good, especially if you were sinking down in a sinkhole full of quicksand. He began pulling harder to get out of the sinkhole, but that grenade would definitely get a score in him. He was, you could say, almost somewhat out of the sinkhole when the explosion erupted from the grenade.

All that was next was darkness. Not dead, but knocked out due to how close he was to the grenade. Just a limp knocked out man.

[member="Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum"]

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
Location: The Vongformed ruins of Aldera's palace.
Allies: The One Sith | [member="Silara Vantai"] | [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] | @Tsavon Kraal | [member="Nui Akona"] | [member="Darth Acarus"] | [member="Reverance"] | [member="Harley"] [member="Khallesh "] [member="Darth Layil"] [member="Vaermina"]
Enemies: Omega Protectorate | [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Rave Merrill"]
Objective: The Spirits Within
Theme : Heart of the Swarm

And the battle would rage.

Zhaera would give a snarl, just as her legs would shove her up and forward. Her wings would expand, taking her to flight. How dare he?! That singular thought would race through her mind, shooting into the fore as her rage would spur on the horde of Skraal and Yuuzhan Vong alike.

So he wanted a fight? Then he would have it.

She would fly high and up, only to come back from behind her intended target. From her hand would fly a blast bugs that had latched onto her armor. The blast bugs were the Yuuzhan Vong's version of a guided missile, sent at [member="Sarge Potteiger"] 's direction with every intention of exploding against him.
[member="The Hydra Queen"]

Sarge watched as she took to the air and brought a hand up as the energy in his hood mounted. Turning and releasing it, a great bubble of crackling purple energy appeared in front of him. One the blast bugs impacted, he let the shield drop so that the explosion would carry through and rock him in his armor. One foot set forward, and the other back, as he stabilized himself against the flaming winds.

Hand still raised, the crystals in his hood responded to his attentions, allowing him to bring a harsh downcurrent of air directly in front of the flying Vong Queen. Turbulence would, hopefully, force her to land - at least briefly.

Around them the storm raged, and as they had done so often in a past life and another place, they became the eye.
Allies: The One Sith and those ugly vong thingys
Enemies: Uriel

She was waiting inside the ground assault craft, when she heard an explosion. She had no idea what it had hit, she looked outside. The area was full of smoke, she took the disruptor cannon. She made a run for it, there was complete banket smoke covering her escape from the craft. She looked for somewhere to hide, before the smoke cleared. She saw a destroyed omega craft on the ground she head to it, it was some sort fighter. She saw the pilot was still alive, as she got there. He tried to pull a gun on her, but it was too late as he scumbed to his wounds as he did. She leant down, making herself small against the target. She then began to try and aim her weapon, at the group of omega troops who had fired at her.

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