Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]

On a Benduday just several weeks from the Battle of Coruscant, One Sith starships dropped out of Hyperspace over…


In the moments after the One Sith arrived, they began attacking orbital defense stations and landing troops on Carida.

On board a Scythe-class battle cruiser, Daella oversaw the initial strike. She reviewed reports that made it to the bridge. She tediously planned Operation Downfall and the Battle of Carida. She extensively reviewed the battle plans and compared it to her knowledge of the Republic’s inner workings as well as the habits of those that would be in charge. She chose to send the bulk of the One Sith military to Carida for an integral part of Operation Downfall. Now, she had to watch for the Republic’s response.

Sending a signal to One Sith forces connected to the communication system, Daella sent them a holomessage of her proudly standing tall and yelling, “Years of preparation in the shadows! Coruscant is ours! And now, this battle is just another step towards realizing our ambitions! I have but one word to bestow upon you:


"Imperial Forces, roll out!

[member="Aeon Caedus"] [member="sabrina"] [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="Darth Zelane"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Isolda"]
Location: Interdictor-class cruiser, the Ayrix.


The Ayrix was an Interdictor-class cruiser of ancient design. Famously the class of ship that the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, had utilized as his flagship, Darth Ayra had chosen this class of vessel to be used for three reasons. The first was her love for the past. Don't fix what isn't broken, as the saying goes. The second was that the One Sith would also have other vessels to compliment the class of cruiser. In the case that the Ayrix encountered a stronger ship, then all that Ayra need do is call for reinforcements. It wasn't like she was attached to the ship either, so in the case of abandon ship, she was well prepared. Her Niathal was in the hangar bay and there was always an escape pod. But the third, and possibly the most important, was it's interdiction technology. The ability to create a gravity well to stop hyperspace travel. That could be an important factor in the upcoming battle.

Stood on the observation deck of the Ayrix, Ayra waited for the ship to arrive in the Carida system; and when it did, her assault began.
Location: Exiting Hyperspace
Destination: Carida
Vessel: Consular-Class Cruiser
Alignment: The Galactic Republic


Hasjo Hallu stood at the helm of the bridge. White streaked lights turned into twinkling stars. The world of Carida lurked before them, surrounded by a One Sith fleet. The synthesised voice of the metalloid Nautolan called across the deck, "We're running dark, yes?"
The navigator answered, "Until we decelerated. No one could have missed the hole we tore in hyperspace."
"So where do we stand?" Hasjo asked of the weapons control officer.
"I've isolated approach signatures from multiple starfighter battle groups. Make it three bombers per group. In about twenty seconds, they'll be all over us. A dozen One Sith battle groups against a single Consular-Class Cruiser. Given those odds, I'm content with three... make that four kills." An explosion rocked the ship, Hasjo lurched forward, his gloved hand quickly reaching out for a computer station, keeping himself steady. "Report!" He shouted.
"Sir! Fire control to the turbolasers is offline!"
"General, the turbo lasers was my main offensive."
"Engines overheating!" a technician shouted over an intercom.
"Captain, set an emergency approach vector for the planet. I don't care where we land, as long as we land in one piece."
"Right you're, General" the Captain turned on the navigator, "You heard the man. Hop to it!"

The cruiser was relatively small, with a crew of nine and sixteen passengers. Four fireteams from the Sixth Battalion had accompanied Hasjo Hallu when they received the early warning beacons. They sat in their small quarters, placing on their new Tyumen-I battle armour, and the A1 Blaster Carbine, also known as the 'Harvester.' The Sixth Battalion was the UCW unit of the Antarian Rangers. They were trained in unconventional warfare, and in a ship this size against the great fleet of the One Sith, their only chance of survival was to land on the planet as soon as possible.
Whispers would murmur from the past.​
The Oracle's words stand as a warning
Words sieving like leaves in the distance, crackling in the flames of destruction.​
Coruscant will fall. All of the Republic will fall.
Words. Truth. Prophecy.​
And only stout fleeting ships can save them.
Words spoken as a warning upon the Jedi Temple that had fallen to dust on Coruscant not long ago.​
Fleeting ships... and a tidal's wave of heroes blood.
En Route to Carida

[member="Popo"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[member="Alicia Drey"] @Other Sith Baddies

Ever since the fall of Coruscant, the Protectorate had maintained a number of small fleets patrolling the major hyperlanes throughout the Republic. The Republic needed time to revamp their war machine and bring their fleets back up to full strength. By contrast, the Protectorate had seen conflicts with the Bando Gora, Atrisians, Fringe, and Sith. Their sovereignty was tested again and against, and each time they came out of the conflicts on top; bloody, but unbroken. So they were in the perfect position to aid the Republic in their darkest hour.

One such fleet kept a position near the edge of the Coruscant sector. Ayden took measure of the Republic's territory and determined that the Sith were unlikely to strike at anything west of Coruscant, east of Hapes, or south of Cato Neimoidia. So when the alert went out that a large Sith force was detected en route to Carida, Ayden sounded the call and the fleet moved to engage the Sith at Carida. Unlike Coruscant, where there had been no advanced warning, there would be a fight for Carida. A true fight, one the Sith wouldn't be able to win so easily.

The first ships that reverted were MC-125s, blockade runners. They immediately opened fire on any non-Republic fighters in the area, clearing the way for the rest of the ships. Thirty seconds later and a pair of Shield-class cruisers reverted to real space and deployed their shields, sheltering the budding formation as more ships dropped out of hyperspace. Next were a pair of Sentinel-class cruisers that immediately began securing Republic and Protectorate channels and attempting to scramble anything else. While a pair of blockade runners chased off Sith fighters, the first true warships began to appear. Several Warden-class and Stalwart-class heavy cruisers appeared in battle-ready formation, assembled in a delta formation.

Again, there was a large jump in size as six Star Defenders appeared. The main battleships, the Antilles-class and Indomitable-class, were positioned in front of the Belsar-class carriers. Despite their large size, there was something else that came that dwarfed even them. The Leviathan, the Protectorate's largest warship, slid out of hyperspace. It seems almost to claw its way out its length was so great. So it was then that the first Protectorate fleet arrived over Carida.

On board the Leviathan, Ayden stood in the center of the bridge. The barest outlines of the planet were visible from the viewports. While he cared about defending the planet, it was not what held his attention. The Sith fleet in orbit were. "Launch all fighters in defensive formations. Begin landing operations. Concentrate the bulk of our dropships on the capital city. Target the major starports, military installations, and important civilian centers. Keep twenty percent of our dropships in reserve and on standby. If the Sith take an interest in some other city beyond the capital, I want us to be right on their heels."

Legions of dropships and starfighters began streaming from the Protectorate ships. Most of the support craft stayed in formation with the fleet, but a few dozen starfighters broke off to escort the dropships, gunships, and other suborbital craft down to the surface. Dropships began offloading scores of Protectorate soldiers, droids, walkers, and tanks. Many of them took up defensive positions around the city's central government area, while others fortified the main starports. Civilians were evacuated and sheltered as best as they could be while in the midst of a Sith invasion.

"Signal the fleet. Close all empty hangers and fortify to ones that remain open. I don't want any would-be boarders to get any funny ideas. Prime all weapon batteries, shields at full. Once the rest of our allies arrive, or a tempting Sith target presents itself, we attack." Ayden ordered as he pulled out a cigar and put it between his lips. He wasn't there at Coruscant. He couldn't stop the Sith there. But he could make a difference here. The Sith wouldn't take another Republic world.

(Don't click unless you want a total fleet breakdown)
Two Antilles-class Star Defenders
Two Belsar- class Command Carriers
Two Indomitable-class Star Defenders
Four Warden-class Heavy Cruisers
Four Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers
Two Sentinel-class Cruisers
Two Shield-class Cruisers
Ten Blockade Runners
Fleet Total: 25,000 meters

Hanger Craft:
Twenty-four OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons

Nineteen OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
Ten OS-B1 Bomber Squadrons
Seven OS-B2 Bomber Squadrons
Eight OS-I1 Interceptor Squadrons
Seven OS-I2 Interceptor Squadrons
Eighty-Four Peregrine Gunships
Forty-Eight Protectorate LAACs
Thirty-Six Inimica Gunships
One Hundred Four C/T 400s

Twenty-Four C/T 400cs
One Hundred Forty-Four M47 Dropships

Fifty-Six M32 Agrevant Dropships
Thirty-Six CXR-75 Heavy Dropships

Sixteen M59 Heavy Dropships

8 Strike Corvettes

Ten OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons
Six OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
Sixteen Inimica Gunships
Thirty-Two M47 Dropships

The Hound

Location: Carida City Starport
Objective: Engage the Sith Ground Forces and Protect Civilians
Allies: All Levantine Sanctum/Republic members and Allies
Enemies: [member="Darth Isolda"] and All One Sith PCs

The sound of hydrospanners and echoed in the distance of the sleepy starport hangar of Carida city. The sound of engines starting and stopping brought peace to the young man's mind as he waited for his companions' return. A medical supply run into Republic space, routine. And with Turin's skills at the helm of a ship, he thought he could help with simple jobs like these. It didn't interrupt his training of the White Current and that was what was important. At least to him.

Meditation on a quite place such as this small hangar was a treat for the young man. The sounds of the automated world brought him more peace than the absolute silence of a meditation chamber. But something was wrong. He could feel a great darkness approaching, a familiar darkness.

It came to him all at once.

Sith warships, fighters. Death marches and Sith Lords. Despair and pain. Two figures stood side by side, leading the Sith to the destruction of some unnamed world, a woman, unfamiliar and a man, his hair long, the shape of his face familiar but the exact details hidden by a veil of darkness. And all at once, all was engulfed by the Dark Lord in a wild, never ending inferno.

He awoke with a start, the sound of ships breaking the sound barrier overhead waking him from his horrific vision. Screams and explosions now echoed where once there was the soft whir of hydrospanners and the serene hum of engines.

The Sith had returned.


Klaxons blared, and Kiyron sprang from his bunk at the Carida Military Academy where he was awaiting the next deployment after being recalled from the Jalor sector after Coruscant fell. He checked his comm. Sith invasion. The color drained from his face, bit he set his jaw and grabbed his gear, strapping on armor as he hurried through corridors filled with well trained personnel hurrying to stations, cogs in well piled machines. He strode into the command center, armor ready, helmet under one arm, and started assessing the situation as whomever was the CO began assessing plans. He would await his orders and take whatever he had of his team where they were ordered.
Blessed are the peacemakers
The savage in man is never quite eradicated.

Somewhere on Carida, there was a beam of energy, shot out upwards and outwards, to and fro, here and there. It screamed across the mountains, rolled along the plains, tumbled across the rivers and above and beyond the planet. It came from a place of peace, but there was a certain savagery, a certain amount of fury to it. It was not filled with hate, nor a strict desire for vengeance, it was there and that was the announcement. Those who came into contact with it, knew the signature, knew the man that had caused it, voluntarily or not.

A body, toned by the high gravity, stood, and held the heavy Mandalorian iron in his hands, a breastplate, that had saved his life many a times. Eyes slowly opened, muscles began to prepare themselves for the excruciating task ahead. Tracyn took a deep breath. He looked upwards, towards the sky that was slowly being dotted with incoming dropships, the nauseating hatred spewing from their occupants.

"I still have hope you'll come back, Asha."

He said, quietly, because today could be the last day he could say it. But he had no intention of dying again. But those who sought to destroy the way of life he had helped built, would die in droves. That he would see to personally.

"Force be with me, and with the Republic."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Location: High Orbit over Carida
Objective: Engage the Sith fleet
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Enemies: [member="Daella Apparine"], @All One Sith PCs

The past few weeks since the Fall of Coruscant had become a whirlwind of activity. The Republic had taken the near-mortal blow and, while it had not fully recovered, was rapidly regaining strength. The One Sith had caught them down and distracted, at their weakest, they would not do so again.

Fleets had been massed, new ships built, new weapons designed. All for the war effort. All for the defense of the Republic. Counter offensives would soon begin and, to prepare, fleets were massed at key planets, waiting for the order to jump to the broadcasted location and then, to Coruscant. The Republic would retake their capital, but for now, they had a war to fight.

The One Sith had made the mistake of attacking Carida. While normally this would have been a good tactical decision, the high alert status of the Republic military as well as the preset battle plans in motion meant that a large fleet stood over the planet, preparing for the offensive to soon take place.

Popo himself was on station aboard the Star of the Republic, a MC180 Remembrance-class Battlecruiser. The Star was at full alert by the time the Supreme Chancellor reached the bridge. At his polite request, the Star’s Captain relinquished command to the Hutt.

Popo was at the helm. This was a fight before. Now… now it was a war.

“We will beat to quarters,” Popo stated, using the slightly archaic term out of habit. He’d started fleeting hundreds of years ago and had never really outgrown the old habits. “I want a status report and I want it five minutes ago.”

Quickly, reports were sent to the command dais and Popo scanned them over. With a nod, he started barking out orders to combat the Sith fleet.

“Bring us about, hard a-‘larboard. Aim for the center of the Sith fleet. Nose down, One-Five Degrees. Engines at Flank Speed. Full power to bow shields. Ready the guns and bring our defensive weapons online. Launch all fighters and send all troops planet-side, short of the dedicated Marines on board. Open up comms to the fleet,” the Chancellor barked. When the comms lit green to show an encrypted frequency, Popo nodded once. “This is the Chancellor to the fleet. All ships, all fighters. We are under attack by the One Sith. All hands, beat to quarters. The fleet will pull to ‘larboard, one-five degrees down angle, to the Sith fleet center. Hold fire until you have a firing solutions. When you do… send ‘em back to Hell.”

The Hutt didn’t bother opening comms to the Sith fleet. There wasn’t a point now. He could warn them until he was a big, blue Hutt in beskar but it would do absolutely nothing. Instead, he opened up comms with the Omega Protectorate, who’d arrived at the first sign of fighting. Popo made a note to have whoever had sent off the distress signal promoted for quick thinking and taking the initiative in the face of overwhelming danger.

“Glad you could make it, Lord Protector,” Popo said with a polite nod and a thankful tone. “I see you brought some toys to play with.”

[member="Ayden Cater"]

Fleet List
Star of the Republic MC180 Remembrance-class Battlecruiser – 2,000m
Heart of Coruscant Justicar-class Command Carrier – 2,000m
10x Watts-class Heavy Cruisers – 10,000m
2x Nudcha-class Assault Cruisers – 1,800m
10x Altier-class Line Frigates – 4,000m
10x Metellos-class Carrier Frigates – 3,500m
5x Taboon-class Carrier Corvettes – 800m
5x Jabiim-class Corvettes – 900m

Total: 25,000m
ALLIES: [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Popo"] [member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Na'Varro was doing what any sensible fighter would do before a battle. Carb loading. The bearded Sith Lord had just microwaved some space pasta bake, and now he was eating it. One did not go to battle on an empty stomach. It wasn't proper. Perched on a ledge while various Republic military types busied themselves with menial tasks, Alen ignored all the weird looks he was getting. Yes, he was a Sith. Yes, he had tried to kill the Supreme Chancellor on Coruscant. But he did have reasons to support the Republic on Carida. Just as he had reasons to support the One Sith on Coruscant. Na'Varro did not want hegemony of any one galactic power in the Fringe's neck of the woods. He hadn't talked to anyone else in the Fringe about it, but that was why he was here. And that was why he was going to kill a Sith Lord today. It just made sense.

The wife-wife team of [member="Ashin Varanin"] and [member="Spencer Jacobs"] were not far away. Alen hadn't looked in their direction for some time ... their symbiotic nature made him think of Kitt, which of course brought the usual feelings surrounding separation. Not a good thing to have on your mind before you come to grips with the enemy. Alen crushed the feeling down. [member="Kiskla Grayson"] was nearby, Alen caught her eye and waved with a smile. He remembered her from the last Fringe elections. Nice enough girl, good Jedi, and kind enough not to try to arrest him or kill him on sight. He'd have to thank [member="Popo"] too ... considering that not long ago they'd been trying to kill each other. Good fight, that one. Alen put down his pasta bake and whipped out his phone. Time for a few pre-battle texts.

To Popo: Hey man, sorry about last time and thanx for being cool with everything. Hope your arm is ok and the fleeting goes well - Na'Varro

To [member="Kitt Solo"]: About to go fight some Sith, thinking of you. Also, I should be home around eight so feel free to swing round for late dinner? Miss you xoxo

The Sith Lord pocketed his phone, sighed, then unclipped his lightsaber hilt from his belt and started levitating it to take his mind off things. Waiting was the worst part about war. The constant fear of death wasn't so bad, but sitting on your butt while things developed? Not so fun. Na'Varro just wanted to hit something. He got the feeling that Varanin did too ... the Sith Lord chuckled. Him, Spencer and Ashin teaming up ... Team Arbiter, possibly the deadliest team in the galaxy.

He sincerely wished the One Sith the best of luck. They were going to need it.
Location: In a dropship
Objective: The usual
Allies: None nearby, One Sith otherwise
Enemies: The Republic forces in general, anyone who gets in his way specifically.

Agnusdei quietly and calmly sat on the bench of the drop ship as he waited. Around him stood various Sith or soldiers, but he minded his own business and sat quietly. He had laid his cane across his lap and he wore his usual attire of black clothes, cloak, and hat. The bleached, long-nosed mask covered his head and black, leather gloves protected his hands.

His goal today? Nothing in particular. He couldn't fight as the rest could nor was he sensitive in the Force as the majority of the faction, but what he lacked in martial prowess, he made up for in intellect and cunning. Agnusdei had long decided to keep under the radar of the faction. Slinking to and fro, creating his experiments, concocting viruses, and generally furthering his research. The end result? Nothing of note. Yet.

His notes and projects all pointed to the same result, however, though it would take some time to reach. That, and a few more test subjects...


Sith Flagship
Shara stood in the middle of the hangar of the One Sith Flagship. His eyes searched over the vessel in front of him with careful practiced motions.

It was an Annihilator class starfighter, an ancient vessel by all accounts but one that was still more than relevant in today's state. This one ship in particular had been heavily modified. The modification however were not to inhibit or enhance function, but was instead modified in order to make it so Shara could actually fit inside of the ship. More than half of the panels had been taken out, the seat had been removed, and the overhead cockpit had been drawn back in order to allow for more space.

All in all the ship was mostly unaffected, thought admittedly when Shara flew the modified starfighter it was a bit slower than it would usually be, though that hardly effected him much given his skill in the darkside of the force and the way it enhanced piloting. Plus, the fighter was still maneuverable and allowed for many quick darting actions that others did not.

“Are we ready?” Shara growled to a nearby group of pilots. They stood near similar ships, though obviously unmodified. The pilot nodded to Shara, and the great beast smiled slightly, it was time.

Shara was by no means a fighter ace, he was by no means the greatest pilot in the galaxy, But he was capable. With an escort of fighters and heavy fighters his purpose would be more than easy to full fill. Or so he hoped. A slight frown showed on his face, first the fleet needed to get closer, and the battle would need to begin.
[member="Daella Apparine"]

Location: Aboard Daella's Scythe Class Main_Battle_Cruiser
Objective: Observe and advise on the fleet battle.
Allies: Currently One Sith
Enemies: Republic and allies as only necessary.
Music: Some Dandy Space Music

"Ohh all the credits and stars combined that was just; the worst. Imperial Forces, roll out"? His tone mocked her in a not so obvious way as to be outright. And for good reason as he despised this woman but realized his protections only went as far as her red line. So now the chance had appeared and he took it. "Wheres the thunder in that? Say something to get the boys blood fired up. Imperial Forces, crush the Republic. Imperial forces, break them". Cypher shook his fist and took a step out to get that tyrant feel to his words. "That was also five words not one. Thought you ought to know". Grinning pure enjoyment having gotten in some verbal stabs. Cypher was a happy man right now. Likely his host was not. Daella was never going to be someone he went out to please though. "But enough of me on your rousing battle speech. I'm here to observe and advise. And to see if the Sith can keep their momentum. One victory taken by surprise is grand. Now the hornets nest is provoked. Prove the One Sith should get more help from the Suns. And the results will... perhaps sway me further". Cypher took up his causal stance. Eyes watching out over Carida and the unfolding battle. His fingers pulled down his chin whiskers every stroke. The battle was of large scale, and the Republic had Protectorate backup. Out classed Cypher believed the Sith to be, in short time the tides would reveal their work. He need only be ready to make a dash if they rose to high.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Sith Flagship, Hangar
Objective: Take Off and provide escort for [member="Darth Shara"]
Allies: [member="Darth Shara"]

"Affirmative, my Lord" Albrecht responded to his superior's question, his worried expression hidden by his flight suit's helmet as he stood there, ready to follow his master into battle. He was well aware that he had royally screwed up during the Battle of Coruscant, and now was his chnce to redeem himself, again in command of the Bloodfin Squadron, now a fully-fledged Sith military unit, the 71st Fighter Squadron. Like the previous battle, they were equipped with TIE Defenders, not quite as quick as an Annihilator, but even more maneuverable and easily as heavily-armed. His own Defender had been repaired using the parts of some wrecked Predators, after several components were stripped for use on his gunship, which was still undergoing some minor refits back on Coruscant.

On the other hand, he didn't have much reason to be worried - the entire squadron consisted of battle-hardened veterans, most of them formerly mercenaries until being offered a more lucrative deal as legitimate military personnel. The life of his master was in good hands.

"Bloodfin Squadron, scramble!" he commanded the others before they all dispersed, the Acolyte climbing down the ladder into his fighter's cockpit, where he began the startup sequence for his craft's engines, shields and various other systems, while awaiting clearance for takeoff. He signed to the mechanic that all systems were functional and closed the hatch, allowing him a brief moment to focus on the battle to come.


here for your dad
Location: Carida City
Objective: Cup of chaos, milk and two sugars, please.
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic

What, you're already in Carida City? That is some amount of nonsense, I'm going to write a strongly-worded letter to the roleplay judge that tolerates me the most! You'll regret this! Yeah, that's right, I'll show you, I'll show you all!

You calm down there, Rambo. This is the Force. This is the constantly intertwining web that is weaved every single day. Every single time five galactic players of note bump into each other in a dingy Nar Shaddaa cantina, that's the Force. When you bump into your one true love several times over the course of a few years in a galaxy full of trillions and trillions, that is the Force. So to you I propose:

Welcome to the Force.

Evelynn Zambrano picked at the delicate pastry that sat upon her plate, fingers lightly picking at those golden flaking layers. Who knew that the Silent Sister actually ate? Was it wise for the mute to be seated outside a quaint little cafe upon a Republic world? Of course not. It was a dare, it was a challenge. The blonde did not hide under thick robes, she sat there as bold as brass, sipping on her stimcaf so casually, so coolly that it was recommended that you wear sunglasses to look upon her.

Completely unaware of what this day was about to bring, the immoral creature smirked into her cup. What she craved here was chaos. For a Jedi to notice. To know who she was, and what she was. But until then, brunch would have to suffice.


Clone Out of Time
Location: Spinara Plateau, Caridia Military Academy
Objective: Evacuate Civilians, Hold the Line
Allies: Republic, @Kiyron
Enemies: Sith
Music: Star Wars Jedi Temple March

RC-1025 just finished shaving when he heard the alarm. They were being invaded. Immediately the Commando ran for his locker and slipped on his armor. He may not remember much of his past but his body remembered the most efficient way to don his Katarn armor. In less than a minute he was suited up with DC-17m in hand. He rushed out with the other soldiers and officers as they went to their battle stations. The Commando tried to raise his superior, [member="Kiyron"] on the com. From the sound of it there seems to be another Sith invasion. He needed his orders.

Talon Vosra

ALLIES:[member="Vala Melina"] [member="Ki'an Karr"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], Other Jedi
ENEMIES: [member="Darth Isolda"] (likely in some way), One Sith.

He couuld feel the eddies in the force, the Zelosian Master stepped out into the warm air his black hair blown about by the wind that swept the high plateau. A predatory bird soared over head circling on heated updrafts as it searched for food. Talon shuddered to think what it would be eating if the force was speaking true.

The Cardia academy was one of the best flight academies in existence at one time and Talon had come here to teach his Padawans lessons in the fine art of not crashing in the Cardia simulators. However, as he had taught them in the crystal caves, "when the force calls to you, you answer".

The sun sat high still as Talon stood watching the sky. The clouds sat undisturbed as they drifted across the pale blue sky. She was somewhere close, in the system somewhere, or she was projecting her presence here strongly, but either way he knew it meant something significant was going to happen, here.

He looked at his Padawans. They trusted him with their training and he trusted the Force to guide his teachings. He sat on the ground in his black pants and white tunic. A Jedi utiliy belt rested on his hips with a ELG-3A blaster hanging on one side. He was dressed for investigation and blending in. Only the twin lightsabers gave away his affiliation. He crossed his legs as he sat and closed his eyes to meditate.

"Time to Meditate." He said clamly, "center yourselves in the Force prepare your minds and hearts. Remeber the code."

He straightened his back and began to speak again ad the headaches began.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge." He said as he reminded both himself and the others of the words they were to live by, "There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force."
Location: Undisclosed skyscraper in Carida City
Objective: Presently undisclosed
Allies: The Sith & Allies
Enemies: The Republic & Allies
...Ronan Dyre had arrived on Carida before the invasion had occurred much the same as he had done on Coruscant. He had no identity, he moved in anonymity, there were only ever whispers as to who he was or where he might have been. It's even completely possible to argue that people who have seen him, spoken with him, might not remember him at all afterwards or that they might know him under an alias as compared to his real name. Even the Sith he'd dealt with when arranging for his assistance in this invasion likely did it through proxies. Ronan was always ever so careful when it came to these things...

...he'd booked passage on a Freighter, made all the proper arrangements and then disappeared as soon as he'd made it planet side. Of course he had contacts, fences, men that could acquire all the proper credentials for him and the proper codes that would give him access to the places he needed to be. All it would cost was credits and Ronan had an abundance of them even before his role in the Invasion of Coruscant...

...Carida City was a beautiful place with all the skyscrapers and architecture that Ronan would need to put himself into position for an effective overwatch. In fact that's where he was now; in a skyscraper that overlooked the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants. The Headquarters itself may have even been an adjacent skyscraper or highrise; Ronan would ensure he had a good view of the main entrance to the building. He was several stories high, maybe kilometers away from his target even, and he was waiting for the appropriate time act...

...the room he occupied had been cleared, he was kneeling down with his back to a fall dressed in the Camouflage Armor he often used which bent light and allowed him to become one with his surroundings ensuring all but the most observant eye would miss him, across the room was a large window where a hole had been cut to accommodate a barrel. Holding an E-11s Sniper Rifle across his chest Ronan remained calm, vigilant, as he waited; he'd chosen the modified Blaster Rifle due to its ease of transportation as compared to his much more illegal Disruptor Rifle. Kneeling down Ronan remained ready but comfortably, his armorweave was fitted well beneath his armor and his secondary weapons were carefully concealed along with extra energy cells for his sniper rifle, he was alone with his thoughts at the moment...

...he waited; he'd know what needed to be done and when...

Vala Melina

Location: Spinara Plateau near Carida Academy
Objective: Prepare for Battle, Protect the Republic
Allies: [member="Talon Vosra"] Ki'an Karr Tugoro Taidarious and the Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Music: Star Wars Jedi Theme Lightside of The Force

It is a beautiful day on Carida. After spending most of the day in the flight simulators it was good to finally set foot outside. Vala didn't think she did too badly but she wasn't going to sign up to be a Jedi Ace anytime soon. Lightsabers were more her thing. He guided them outside but he seemed distracted. Vala wasn't particularly strong in the Force but even she could feel that something was brewing above. She too looked at the sky until her Master drew their attention and had them meditate. She joined him in meditation as she sat on the ground and closed her eyes. She wore the traditional earthly toned robes Jedi were known for. Her hood was over her head casting a shadow over her face.

She whispered with her Master as they recited the Jedi Code. Each verse brought her a greater sense of calm but the last sent a chill down her spine. Today was going to be a test for her, that was for sure.
Location: Forgofshar Desert Military base
Objective: Attending to ground forces
Allies : [member="Talon Vosra"], [member="Alen Na'Varro"], [member="Popo"], [member="Tracyn Ordo"], @Kiyron,[member="Hasjo Hallu"], [member="Turin Val Kur"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Ben Watts"]
Darkness had long since fallen over the base A'donari had been stationed at by the Council. Everyday had felt the same to him as his orders were specific. Turn the Carida Military base into a strong hold. It was a difficult feat but one he was on the verge of completing. Walking through the ranks of soldiers who were going through their normal duties brought him comfort throughout the late hours. So did the Nautolan Battle Armor he had adorned since arriving. The prospects of attack were high from the Sith and being caught off guard was not something he was going to allow happen twice. Slow footsteps moved him through his ranks. Real rest hadn't come to him since long before the fall of the Jedi Temple and this night was proving to be no different. Only this night came with a sense of urgency crawling under his skin. A'donari could feel the truth of what was to come.​
They were on their way.
The comm on his person at all times carried a females voice to his ear, "Master Cinn, scanners are picking up heavy class ships falling from hyperspace. What are your orders?"
Thinking quickly of the reason the Sith had gotten the jump on them before made his answer simple.​
"Alert everyone. Send word to any other Jedi on planet to prepare their forces. The Academy and Military Council needs to be warned immediately. Last I had heard from him Master Vosra had stationed himself with the Padawans. Warn him of what we know." Around him he could see soldiers look at one another while hearing his words. All of them wearing stern looks and moving into high gear immediately. Only a second later a soft siren was calling out into the night. "Have all men on standby and ready for battle."
His words quick while his legs sprang to life underneath him. Running with force enhanced measures A'donari found himself at the Military bases command station where the woman had sent the message to him. Upon his entry orders were passed down from Generals and Captains preparing the Ion Cannons, Heavy Turrets, and arranging men into ready positions. Three Malos-Class Heavy Gunships were in the sky creating a defensive measure around the base to protect the ground forces in preemptive attacks.​
A'donari had watched to many friends die to allow anymore of them to give their life.​
Tonight the Sith would have to get through him.
Nautolan Battle Armor -

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