Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: One Sith Flagship - Hangar
Objective: Escort Darth Shara
Allies: [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Veles"]

Albrecht watched his master's fighter launch from the hangar, and after a moment, his TIE Defender followed, the ion engines screaming behind him as the elite starfighter surged forward, rapidly accelerating into the speckled blackness of space. The rest of his squadron followed in pairs, the first ones slowing down so that the others could catch up. The entire squadron of sixteen Defenders then arrayed themselves on either side of Darth Shara, ready to annihilate anyone that stood in their way.

"Bloodfin Leader to all 71st Fighter Squadron flight leaders, report" Albrecht commanded.

"Bloodfin 5, standing by" answered the first.

"Bloodfin 9, standing by" answered the second.

"Bloodfin 13, standing by" answered the third.

As he settled down into the proper mindset for the battle to come, Albrecht reached out to the force and sensed the other pilots, in Predators, Annihilators, and various other fighters, force-sensitive or not, but all filled with the same sense of purpose: to fight back against the tyranny that the once benevolent Republic had come to represent. This wasn't treason in their eyes, this was stopping an old friend that had gone too far, becoming an enemy whose ambition had to be crushed. May the Force be with us, he thought.

"Anyone picking up their fighters? They don't seem to have launched yet" Albrecht asked to the various other pilots in the formation.


here for your dad
WHERE: Carida City
WHO: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
WHY: Warm, flaky, buttery Dark Lords

Placing down her cup and picking up the delicate pastry Evelynn considered it for a moment. Never before had somebody given a croissant so much consideration before actually taking a bite. Strive for culinary perfection, just let that butter melt a little bit more.

No, NO! Eat the bloody thing already! Stop this posturing, it's killing the people, the people want to see you eat. Maybe it's because you're uncomfortably bony. Maybe they dream of electric croissants. Who knows? If I knew what the people want I'd be the President of the Universe.

With lips now wetted the mute's maw opened...


Putting the pastry back onto the plate, the Silent Sister sighed as an armed someone interrupted the special moment. One Sith? Dark Lord? Listen lady, I carve my own highway. Like a petulant child she leaned back into her chair, tilting her head back so she could stare at Ashin from a different kind of view.

Wrong Zambrano, she offered with a silken kind of smirk, sickening to behold, and I'm afraid I don't have the Dark Lord's number. Granite eyes studied the yellow blade, brows furrowing ever-so-slightly. Are you planning on running me through? You'll ruin brunch.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Location: Approaching Sith Fleet
Objective: Engage Sith fleet, destroy [member="Alicia Drey"]'s unsupported forward ships
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], Republic Forces
Enemies: [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Daella Apparine"], [member="Alicia Drey"], [member="Albrecht Tagge"], One Sith Forces

Popo watched as a forward jab of Sith ships engaged his forces. It looked to be made up of antiques, ships he'd only seen in books and old holos. He glanced over scans and reports, his mind working overtime.

"Focus all fire on the Interdictor, bring the escorts closer in to block fire on the Heart of Coruscant. Keep our fighters close to the fleet, I want them defending us and keeping their fighters at bay," the Hutt commanded as he continued pouring over the reports and scans. He frowned as the sensors spotted what looked to be a small freighter nearby. He didn't know what it was doing there, but it wasn't giving off Republic codes and it wasn't a model he was familiar with.

"Keep up flank speed, but bring the fleet up three-zero degrees. Hit that freighter with a tractor beam from the Star and hold it in place. It won't slow us down but I don't want it going anywhere. Short of it having engines that I haven't even heard of, it'll stay there. Have the Heart of Coruscant increase rear shielding by ten percent and get me a firing solution on the Sith fleet. Once all ships have a solid firing solution, give 'em Hell."
| [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Daella Apparine"] | [member="Popo"] | [member="Albrecht Tagge"] |

Location: The Niathal
Objective: Take Popo dead or alive
Allies: Darth Shara, Daella Apparine, Albrecht Tagge
Enemies: Ayden Cater, Popo

The Ayrix's Commanders Perspective:

Indeed, the Ayrix was surrounded and outgunned. But not out maneuvered. Size mattered in war and the Ayrix was significantly more manueverable and swifter than the bigger ships of the Republic. That was why Ardent-class fast frigates were chosen to flank it. Together, the Interdictor-class cruiser and her allies flew around. Of course, the Republic and Protectorate had smaller ships in their arsenal as well. But they hadn't yet engaged the Ayrix and the Ardent's around her.

The Justicar-class Command Carrier, Heart of Coruscant, found itself surrounded by four buzzing bees. As Ardent-class fast frigates concentrated their fire on as many turbolaser and ion cannon emplacements as possible, the Ayrix continued it's focus fire on it's engines. The resulting ripple of explosion at the back of the Command Carrier signaled that the Ayrix was creating damage to the H.O.C, but alas, at a cost. Several decks had reports fires and hull breaches. The casualty reports were off the charts.

If more reinforcements didn't arrive soon, then the Ayrix was sure to be doomed.

He patched into [member="Daella Apparine"]'s ship. "My Lord, the Ayrix is suffering considerable damage. I am requesting my location to be reenforced or we are sure to be destroyed." Switching the transmission to the Niathal, the commander communicated to Darth Ayra the following. "My Lord, we have intercepted enemy transmissions. It appears the Supreme Chancellor is on board the Heart of Coruscant, the Command Carrier that your forces are currently engaged with." Diverting his attention back to the battle, he didn't hear what Daella or Ayra had to say. He was too busy trying to stay alive.

Darth Ayra's Perspective:

The Niathal lurched, as it's pilot swung it to the side to avoid an enemy fighter swarms. It wasn't as agile as a Starfighter, so the Sith Lord at it's helm find herself at an disadvantage. The Interceptor's were doing their best, but were outnumbered as well. The act of attrition had a risk. Whilst sacrifice was a valid strategy in the art of naval warfare to achieve an objective, what if said sacrifice didn't end in the conclusion thus desired?

The Ayrix sent a broadcast to the Niathal. She listened to the commanders voice and so, her eyes fell upon the Heart of Coruscant. Twisting her ship towards the Commander Carrier, an explosion erupted to her rear view at the end of the Carriers engines. Lowering herself at the bottom of Popo's ship, where there was no armament to speak of, the Sith Lord used the time she had brought underneath the ship and away from it's cannon emplacements to figure a way of boarding it.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Space between the two fleets
Objective: Rescue the Ayrix from certain destruction
Allies: [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Alicia Drey"]

As Albrecht continued escorting his master, he heard a desperate broadcast over coms from the Ayrix, an ancient Interdictor-class Cruiser. The vessel was taking a severe beating and only barely hanging on. They couldn't afford to lose any ships if they could avoid it, no thanks to the Republic's numerical superiority. Cursing at the situation, the human acolyte openned up his coms and sent a message to his squadron.

"Bloodfin Squadron, this is Bloodfin Leader! Divert course to defend the Ayrix! Defend it to the last man!"

The first flight pealed off from the formation, followed by the second, the third and the fourth, all sixteen fighters bearing down on the Republic vessels attacking the Sith cruiser. Their first target was the Heart of Coruscant, more specifically the turbolaser emplacements. Of course, to do that would require making a strike in spite of massive fighter resistance. To any Republic-aligned observer, it would seem that these Defender pilots were either desperate, suicidally brave, or some combination of both, the last of which was the closest to the truth. After all, who wants to live forever?

"We have X-Wings inbound!" yelled out the second flight lead.

"Affirmative - engage the enemy fighters, leave the turbolasers to the frigates" the human acolyte ordered, his entire squadron pulling up and streaking towards the incoming XA-5s with all cannons blazing. A torrent of laser and ion cannon fire tore through the space between the two formations, multiple Republic fighters evaporating into brilliant fireballs, not a single Defender falling to enemy fire as the Republic formation was scattered. These guys were no Rogue Squadron, Albrecht thought in disappointment, hoping for a challenge, but nevertheless this made their job easier. So long as they could wipe out the carrier's fighter compliment and the frigates could destroy the enemy's heavy weapons, the Ayrix would be safe from further harm and would hopefully be able to limp its way back to the main battle group, and from there, escape to Coruscant for repairs.
Objective: Board enemy ships
Location: Hangar of a Sith ship.
Allies : One SIth
Enemies: Republic and their allies

Around the Sith Lord, black armored soldiers rushed into the boarding craft. Kentarch himself march with them, NCOs screaming orders. Soldiers checking their weapons, and officers giving one last look over everything. "This attack squadron will receive its intended target just as we enter Republic range. I will be giving orders personally, expect causalities and stay sharp." Darth Kentarch spoke as he boarded the ship. The soldiers took their respective seats, the the ship lifted off the hangar floor and glided out into space. The main assault was about to begin, and soon the fleets would collide over Carida.

Watching out the view-port, the cluster of One Sith ships moved towards the Republic fleet. Fighter escorts flew around them. "We'll be in the Republic's range in two minutes." A voice over the comm system said. Kentarch nodded and quickly replied. "Their fighters are flying close to their capital ships. They know are plans. Take us straight to the Heart of Coruscant, that ship is our target." As Kentarch spoke the ships adjusted their trajectory and moved towards the capital ship. They would be in the frey soon.
Location: Space
Objective: Locate and neutralize The Protectorate Fleet Commander
Allies: [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Enemies: Ayden Cater [member="Popo"]

Darth Banshee decide she would take on the protectorate fleet, her fleet keeping in formation began to head towards them. Though her ship was cloaked, she could see what was happening on her view screen. All her star fighters have been launched as well her bombers, the fleet kept formation her job was to work out which of the ships was the command vessel and board it during the heat battle. Then force them to surrender, or kill them if that failed. She had [member="Brin Vext"] G2 battle droids on board, to complement her marines.

Her fleet began to get range of the protectorate fleet, but before then her fleet under command of Admiral Tibrius opened a channel to them. This the fleet commander, to protectorate fleet. This is your last chance stand down and move away from combat zone. Failure to comply will result in us having to attack you, please withdraw. The One Sith did not open war with The Protectorate, but they would not let them oppose them ether.

As last ditch diplomacy started, Darth Banshee looked through her view screen, she saw Leviathan-class Super Star Defender that was the ship she planned to board. It would have a massive crew compliment, her job was to wait till had been weakened first. Other wise her strike force would be over run. No doubt her Admiral would target that ship first, to weaken it for her.

Location: Forgofshar Desert Military base
Objective: Battle Meditation
Allies: [member="Sarge Potteiger"]
The words from the Master beside him were true. Although the wounds still fresh from Coruscant; Adonari could not allow emotions to work in the Sith's advantage. Especially when they were being aided by a former Jedi Master. Nodding to the man beside him, who was looking over the holomaps of fleeting ships above the planet and live active feeds from soldiers reporting in across the map, expressed his respect for the man himself. His skill and wisdom in warfare alone meant Adonari would have no ego involved towards the coming battle. If there was a time to be brash now was not it.​
"You're word goes far in my book. Allow me to do what I am best at as well."
Planting his feet shoulder width apart, crossing his arms behind his back, and closing his eyes to the world around him broke off his connection to the physical world.​
"I will still be conscious so if you need me then just speak Preacher."
With no further words needed Adonari released his mind into the force. First into the Jedi he held within. The Peace of the Force filling his heart giving him strength and channeling his energy outwards into the world around him. The feeling of connection so deeply within oneself before releasing into the world dropped his mind into the true depth of the force. His reach grew out further and further sending tiny vibrations into his spiritual being with the connection he felt with the soldiers within the Military base. The Peace Adonari had allowed to fill his body from the channeling of Light would be emitted into the feelings and actions of the forces preparing for battle. Their minds firing on all cylinders and actions fueled with resolution and understanding of something deeper; whatever that so happened to be for them personally.​
A calm exhale released from Adonari's nostrils. It was the only sign of his reaching out within the Force for soldiers who were stationed on the out skirts of the Military base.​
Location: Undisclosed Skyscraper overlooking Circle of Merchants Headquarters; Carida City
Objective: Neutralize soldiers around the Circle of Merchants Headquarters
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic
...the dark abyss known as space seemed to be where the majority of combat was going to take place today however Ronan was already on the ground which meant that he didn't currently have much to do other than wait. He remained crouched down by a wall in the room he occupied just waiting for the signal to come through; he received it when he patched into the comms of the One Sith and other local networks to discover that the battle was already underway above Carida. That was his cue. Sliding up against the wall he'd been crouched against Ronan would stand straight and move towards the large window in the room where he'd already cut open a hole...

...the E11s Sniper Rifle he was holding had been outfitted with a zoom scope and a suppressor to ensure that his shots couldn't be tracked easily. The Camouflage Armor Ronan was wearing would only augment his natural ability to hide from the elevated, out of the way position, as well. Blending into the background even as he came to stand at the window Ronan would lift his rifle and slowly feed its barrel through the hole he'd cut in the window earlier so that he could aim the rifle at a downwards angle. Leaning in afterwards Ronan would begin using his zoom scope to find troops positioned around the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants while he caressed the trigger of his rifle slowly, waiting for that perfect shot... Ronan scanned the headquarters he'd have patched into One Sith comms again before stating...
"Overwatch confirms Republic and Allied troops on the ground. Jedi presence around the Headquarters is negligible. Engaging." seemed somehow fortunate that Ronan hadn't seen any of the force users at this specific location seeing as how they all appeared to have certain talents which allowed them to avoid his perfectly placed shots time and again but regular soldiers would have a much more difficult time of that...

...he painted different targets all around the Headquarters for the Circle of Merchants, committing them to his mental memory, until he came upon his target. Two men stationed on the roof of the headquarters, armed and likely providing an overwatch similar to his, who were unaware they were now being observed by him. Aiming Ronan would use his zoom scope to magnify the two men, he waited and inhaled a breath that saw his chest rise, then as he exhaled he would compress the trigger with his index finger...

...the sound of the blaster rifle firing was negligible, nobody would hear it considering the distance the skyscraper was from the actual Headquarters, and the only sign someone had fired would be the thin bolt that streaked towards the target before catching him in the chest and dropping him. The rifle had recoiled backwards with the shot and been absorbed into Ronan's shoulder easily. By the time his first shot had reached its target Ronan had already zoomed in on the second man and a subsequent squeeze of the trigger would have dropped him with a shot to center mass, right below the collar bone, as well. Two shots and two kills. Just like that one of the posts at the Headquarters was compromised and Ronan still had four more shots left in this power cell for his rifle...

...carefully beginning to scan the ground around the Headquarters again Ronan would start to pick out his second target; it wouldn't be long before the soldiers discovered some of their own had been killed...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
TO DO (not like that): [member="Evelynn Zambrano"]
FEATURING: [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

The smirk didn't exactly sicken Ashin so much as induce nostalgia. She'd raised teenage girls. "My grandfather served the original One Sith seven centuries ago. I know how things work. Pass it on."

Staying perhaps ten metres from Evelynn, she leveled her lightsabre. "I'd bail on Carida if I were you. Won't ask again."

Rosa Gunn

Location: Carida City Starport
Allies: [member="Turin Val Kur"] [member="Ilias Nytrau"] @Tahira Solo & all Republic
Enemies: One Sith

Rosa sat the bothan down, eyes flicking back towards the supply ship. All of her supplies were there. "Stay here, I'll be right back." She rose to her feet once more and surveyed the chaos from the shelter of the Starports centre, trying to see if she could get to the ship without getting killed. The force decided that it wasn't a good idea, and gave her such a signal in the form of Tahira Solo, a frown flickered across her face as she recognised the woman, unable to pinpoint where from. Now wasn't the time to play the 'do i know you?' game. She accepted the bacta patches "Thanks. Rosa Mazhar." She moved back to the bothans side and tore open a patch's wrapping and fixing it to the wound on his head.

Another explosion shook the starport and Rosa cast her eyes warily skyward. Those that could walk had fled form cover, but even from here Rosa could see several more trapped, or too wounded to get themselves out of the line of fire. "We need to get everyone--" she was interrupted by her comm link snatching it from her belt relief washed over her. "Turin! I'm alright. Are you ok? Where are you? Have you seen Ilias? We need to get everyone inside. Jace is dead. We got the supplies on the ship but I need them in here. Are you alright?"

Words spouted like vomit from her mouth in an unstoppable flow. She couldn't help it. The last time she'd been in a conflict of this scale had been Roche, her nerves were more than a little frayed.


here for your dad
WHERE: Carida City
WHO: [member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
WHY: Inducing nostalgia.

Well then ask your grandfather to pass it on, I'm busy.

With that said and done the woman returned to an upright position and inwardly remarked that what she had just said was incredibly childish. You're supposed to be a lady, a Queen, a beast master, not a petulant girl. The fact that she had held about as much poise and dignity as a teenage girl caused a frown to emerge upon her face.

Oh well. At least she still had her croissant.

The pastry made it about three inches from Evelynn's mouth before Ashin spoke again.

Frustration. Would she ever get to feast upon her brunch? Contrary to her surname the blonde mute was incredibly unaware of the One Sith's invasion plans, although now that she had been filled in somewhat...

Why should I leave?
Chaos. Destruction. Pain. Pleasure. It sounds like there's a world of fun to be had. I like fun.

There were no guesses on what kind of fun the Silent Sister was referring to.
Location: Space between the two fleets
Objective: Rescue the Ayrix from certain destruction
Allies: [member="Albrecht Tagge"] Darth Shara Darth Veles Alicia Drey

There were few places Gunderson felt more at home than the cockpit of a star fighter, so in that respect, this part of the battle for Cardia was right up his alley. Zooming through the void of space, the former Jedi Ace kept his icy demeanor about him. Or maybe it was just the lack of any demeanor in general, meh, technicalities. As he zoomed after Shara and company, he picked out a trio of Republic fighters zooming in from above.


Pulling up on the stick, he leveled the weapons of his fighter with the area of space slightly ahead of the fighters and fired. Blood red blaster bolts sprung forth, slamming into the engines of the X-wing. If he could've heard the sound, he'd have hear the scream of the pilot as his fighter careened into one of his wingmen turning both into fiery twisted metal debris. As the final fighter doomed past, he cut left, bringing himself behind it and firing again.

As the pilot weaved back and forth Cale was tempted to quote Darth Vader, this one was flying like one in tune with the force. Posssibly Jedi. The pilot coiuld dodge blaster fire, but missiles were different. Flipping a switch and changing his weapons, Cale held his position behind the enemy long enough to hear the drone of a confirmed lock. Pulling the trigger he watched as a rocket shot through space and engulfed his enemy in fire.

He nodded to himself in approval, easing his fighter back into formation. There were plant more Jedi to kill.
Location: Approaching Sith Fleet
Objective: Protect [member="Popo"]
Allies: Ayden Cater, Republic Forces
Enemies: Darth Shara, Daella Apparine, Alicia Drey, Albrecht Tagge, One Sith Forces

About damn time he got back in the field, desk work sucked. Clad in GUNGNIR MKIII in head to toe Jorin stood with arms crossed behind the supreme chancellor. It had been years since he'd been in the field, fething years. He wasn't going to waste hi time here. Resting in two holsters on either leg was an S6 blaster pistol and on his back hung an SR4. And that didn't count the five ARCs at his back armed with the same damn things.

"Supreme Chancellor, where do you need me?" The supreme commander asked with total humility. It was hard to accept he wasn't just a grunt following orders anymore, and he hadn't adjusted all that well to civvie life, but he wasn't hereto adapt. Jorin was here to blow stuff up.
High Orbit over Carida
Allies: [member="Popo"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"]

"Divert Nova group to defend the Republic flagship," Ayden ordered while taking in the battle. The Sith were making a beeline for the Republic flagship. That was going to be a very poor tactical choice on their part, as it exposed them to the Protectorate's flanks. The five Protectorate blockade runners broke away from the main fleet and zoomed across to the Republic fleet where they began to fire on any approaching Sith ships.

Before he could give another order, a transmission came in from the One Sith. Ayden held a bemused grin as the rest of the transmission was given. He didn't even wait for it to end before he signaled the comm officer to silence the bridge so the enemy admiral wouldn't know or here what was about to be said. "Order the fleet to launch the rest of the dropships then close their hangers. Signal the Shield cruisers and tell them to prepare to lower their shields and have the rest of the fleet prepare to fire on my command."

After that, he nodded and the com channel was unmuted. "That's most generous of you. However, I have a counter offer for you." He nodded with that last word and the order was sent to the rest of the fleet. The Leviathan was perfectly angled so that when the Shield cruisers dropped their umbrella shields, it was lined up perfectly with that of an approaching Victory-class Star Destroyer. So when the first of its heavy hypervelocity guns fired, it was targeted right at the bridge tower of the ship. The bridge shuddered and the lights flickered for the barest of seconds as the gun fired. Then came a second explosion of light heralding a second slug aimed for the enemy ship's bridge. At these ranges, as fast as the slugs were moving, the odds of missing were slim.

All along the Protectorate fleet line, the ships opened fire with everything they had. Each of them targeted a different ship. Similar flashes of light erupted from the front ends of Aurelius' Judgement and Light of Corell as they fired their own heavy, long-range hypervelocity guns followed by barrages of heavy turbolaser fire. Streaks of blue ionic energy slashed through space towards the approaching One Sith fleet while salvos of concussion, assault concussion, and cluster missiles were fired. White streaks, the briefest outlines of heavy energy torpedoes exploded forward while the Stalwart-class cruisers began to turn and open fire with full broadsides.

"The moment those Sith fighters get within two kilometers of us, I want all flak cannons to open fire. Any that get through are to be targeted with the quad laser cannons. If any make it close enough to begin attack runs, have the fighters engage them at will." At the same time, one of the fleet liason officers turned and shouted. "Sir, the Eye of Duihr is reporting an anomaly with their sensors. They say there's a cloaked ship out there." Ayden smirked and looked forward. "Find it and tractor it."

One Leviathan-class Super Star Defender
Two Antilles-class Star Defenders
- Sword of Ihaer
- Osarian Justice
Two Belsar- class Command Carriers
- Breath of Innehes
- Wings of Grace
Two Indomitable-class Star Defenders
- Aurelius' Judgement
- Light of Corell
Four Warden-class Heavy Cruisers
- Spirit of Rhommamool
- Fallen's Burden
- Redemption
- Endless Vigil
Four Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers
- Everest
- Winter's Night
- Nomad's Retreat
- Breaker of Fate
Two Sentinel-class Cruisers
- Pillar of Dawn
- Eye of Duihr
Two Shield-class Cruisers
- Shield of Corellia
- Shield of Fondor
Ten Blockade Runners
- Nova (Five Corvettes)
- Nebula (Five Corvettes)
Fleet Total: 25,000 meters

Hanger Craft:
---Twenty-four OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons
---Nineteen OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
---Ten OS-B1 Bomber Squadrons
---Seven OS-B2 Bomber Squadrons
---Eight OS-I1 Interceptor Squadrons
---Seven OS-I2 Interceptor Squadrons
---Eighty-Four Peregrine Gunships
---Forty-Eight Protectorate LAACs
---Thirty-Six Inimica Gunships
---One Hundred Four C/T 400s
---Twenty-Four C/T 400cs
---One Hundred Forty-Four M47 Dropships
---Fifty-Six M32 Agrevant Dropships
---Thirty-Six CXR-75 Heavy Dropships
---Sixteen M59 Heavy Dropships

8 Strike Corvettes
---Ten OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons
---Six OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
---Sixteen Inimica Gunships
---Thirty-Two M47 Dropships

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Space between the two fleets
Objective: Rescue the Ayrix from certain destruction
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Darth Shara"] [member="Darth Veles"]

"Splash Five!" Albrecht announced over coms as another fighter fell to his Defender's cannons, having been rendered helpless by his ion cannons before his lasers finished the XA-5 off. So far, this battle had been a slaughter - virtually the entire fighter complement of the Heart of Coruscant had been wiped out; that was the price they paid for sending in inexperienced grunts, though to be fair, most of the Republic's best non-Jedi pilots had been either killed or captured at Coruscant. Of course, this was only welcome news for a moment, as an alert came in informing Bloodfin Squadron that another fleet had joined the fight from the Omega Protectorate. He couldn't risk splitting the formation up, the acolyte knew, as the primary reason for their success was that the squadron always attacked together - without that coordination, even the best pilots would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Either way, this operation was going horribly, horribly wrong.

"Omega Corvettes inbound!" reported Bloodfin Five. Albrecht checked his sensors and indeed it appeared that five corvettes, appearing to be Corellian, were inbound on the fleet. They were fast for corvettes, but the thing about Corellian warships was that they tended to sacrifice in defensive armament or shielding in order to have higher performance. Sixteen TIE Defenders would be more than enough to handle five CR90Es, especially because [member="Ayden Cater"] made a critical error of his own:

He deployed the corvettes without fighter escort.

"Bloodfin Leader here, break off and engage those corvettes!" he commanded as his fighters made a quick snap-turn and made a beeline for the Corvettes, rapidly closing the distance. Between the sixteen fighters, they had 72 laser cannons, 32 ion cannons, and were capable of firing 32 warheads in a single salvo. If allowed to get in range, those five corvettes wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance against that sort of firepower. Unless the Protectorate's fighters repositioned to intercept them immediately, all that would remain of those corvettes would be clouds of debris.
Location: Space between the two fleets
Objective: Interception/Superiority
Hostile: [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], Republic

"Red Three checking in," Ryan said into the comms as he signed off. Red Squadron was about to make an attack run on the incoming TIE Defenders.

The young Jedi punched a few buttons on the dash array before taking a good grip on the yoke. He breathed in deep, letting the Living Force flow through him and wrap him in waves of serenity. Korr let the calming waves carry him far from the chaos of the space battle and into a place of peace. He stood in the Abyss, emotions stripped away, and stared down. He could see his inner storm, swirling emotions that threatened to break him, but in the Abyss they could not touch him.

Ryan closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. When he opened his eyes again his gaze locked onto the targeting display. Hostiles inbound. Ryan broke off, wingman at his four o'clock, and moved to engage one of the TIEs.

"Red Three, engaging!" The Padawan swung wide, coming in at the Defender's two o'clock. He squeezed the trigger. The Shrike-class Interceptor's two heavy cannons unleashed a stream of laser fire at the TIE. (Albrecht)
The ion cannon shots from a vast majority of Daella’s fleet continued to fly toward the Star of the Republic. Daella watched the simulated traverse of the ion bolts across the vast distance of space toward the Republic fleet. Before she could witness whether or not the ion cannons had any effect, the Unity received a message from the Ayrix.

Quickly, Daella responded via the Unity’s comms, “Fall back to Unit 1.

Unit 1 was a division of Daella’s fleet that included just the Pellaeon-class Unity, the Torment-class Star Destroyer, and a few Nebulon B Frigates. This was located near the center of a disc - with the broad side facing the Republic fleet as if a giant, filled circle faced them. Unit 1 continued to move away from the Republic fleet at a slow pace - at least compared to the rate at which the Republic accelerated.

With a wave of her hand, Daella signaled the weapons officer to get her fleet to fire a mixed barrage of turbolaser and ion cannon fire at the Republic ships closest to the Ayrix and its escorts. The cover fire might have given the Ayrix the opportunity to fall back toward Daella’s fleet. However, Daella did not approach the Republic fleet as it advanced toward the Sith.

In the meantime, Daella hastily asked the Ayrix, “What’s the justification for saying the S.C. is on H.O.C.?

While not a clairvoyant, Daella had her reasons for asking for confirmation. She had no ties to Popo, and therefore did not know whether he was here or not with certainty or where he might be - even if she did fire upon the Star of the Republic.

1x Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer [1.6 km]
1x Torment-class Star Destroyer [1 km]
8x Harrower dreadnaught [6.4 km]
16x Scythe-class battle cruiser [8.8 km]
1x Enforcer-class picket cruiser [0.6 km]
22x Nebulon B Frigate [6.6 km]

Total: 25 kilometers

158x Predator-class starfighter squadrons
52x Neutralizer-class bomber squadrons

Dropships & shuttles not important

[member="Ayden Cater"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
[member="Darth Shara"]

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Space between the two fleets
Objective: Destroy the CR90E Corvette Formation
Allies: Cale Gunderson
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"]

"What do these guys think they're doing? Honestly, they outnumbered us three to one, and STILL lost without inflicting a single loss on us!" Bloodfin Five snarked over coms.

"Cut the chatter, Bloodfin Five" Albrecht growled in annoyance as his targetting computer indicated distance to the corvettes. Just a bit longer until they reached firing range for their proton torpedos and...his train of thought was interrupted by laser fire lancing out from beside his cockpit's viewport.

"Break! Break!" the acolyte yelled out as the formation scatted into flights of four to evade the incoming attack. Quickly reversing his direction, Albrecht caught sight of one of the attackers, a Shrike-class Interceptor. He was familiar with the type: quick and nimble, but not particularly durable, and poorly-armed compared to a standard starfighter. The TIE Defender, being an elite fighter, could easily match the Shrike in maneuverability, but the Shrike might be a bit faster - a comparison of firepower between the two was no contest, however, the Defender having four laser cannons, two ion cannons, and two warhead launchers to the Shrike's two laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers. Coupled with the fact that these pilots were among the best available to the Sith meant that, unless these Republic pilots were veterans as well, this was going to be a fairly one-sided engagement in the Sith's favor.

"So some new challengers have arrived, huh? 100 Credits says they don't last two minutes" Bloodfin Five quipped excitedly.

"All units, engage! Show them the might of the Bloodfin Squadron!" Albrecht commanded as his flight of Defenders made a quick handbreak turn, then roared back towards the Shrikes, cannons blazing once in range.

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