Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Downfall: Carida [One Sith vs. Republic]

Location: Carida City; turbolift shaft of skyscraper
Objective: Escape detection by Republic Troops
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] and Republic
...most men didn't pursue him this far which meant the soldiers that had followed him into the skyscraper adjacent to the one they'd just demolished must have been extremely persistent, maybe they were angry too. Ronan didn't remain in the room he'd crashed into for long. He stood back onto his feet and moved out of it around the same time that the soldiers were using their jetpacks to fly up the side of the building and crash through one of the windows five levels below him. Exiting the room he'd been in Ronan would move quickly, not at a run however as he made sure to stay out of sight of windows to the outside, and within a short amount of time he would have come to his destination...

...the turbolifts of the skyscraper were a quick method of transportation and despite knowing that any use of the turbolifts would likely be monitored Ronan activated them anyways. Not just one of them though, all of the turbolifts that he could which meant that at least three of them would be on the move ensuring he could better cloak his movements. He'd take the first turbolift that arrived, stepping inside and pushing the button that corresponds with the ground level, before the doors hissed shut and the lift began its journey downwards towards the main level of the skyscraper. Anyone watching the turbolift could see its descent...

...half way through its journey the turbolift would pause though, the emergency stop pressed, before resuming a short time afterwards as the button decompressed and travel resumed. No one was on the turbolift though. A fact anyone on the ground level would discover shortly. When the emergency stop had been triggered Ronan had exited the turbolift via the hatch on its roof, climbing out of the lift in the process, before making his way to the edge of the lift and leaping off it...

...he'd jumped across to one of the maintenance ladders reserved for use when the turbolifts required repairs and was now climbing down the lift shaft several levels below where he had originally been. His Sniper Rifle was still slung over his shoulder and the Camouflage Armor still covered him though it would be extremely less effective at the moment; the minor wounds he'd suffered crashing through the skyscraper window had already healed leaving behind a faint smudge of crimson in their wake...

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
OBJECTIVE: [member="Darth Janus"] learn his sekretz while smacking him around

Hands fell, fingerpads going to perch on her curved-hips. "Huh," chestnut-brows knitted together as she stared across at the golden-masked man. A genuinely perplexed look flickered across her visage.

One hand extended in a come-hither gesture.

"Oh, you're cute. Maybe you should start us out this time before I'm booked for the rest of the day."
OBJECTIVE: Beat up [member="Tahira Solo"]

"Oh, I don't think so." Tyrin said, another slight flicker. He really must have been nervous. "I don't have to defeat you here to win in the end, just keep you occupied."

Tyrin's lightsaber retracted silently. Strange how that worked, but it was clearly a sign he wasn't taking her seriously at this point. What kind of Jedi was just going to stand around and let the villain monologue when there were lives on the line?

"Whether or not my plan is foiled, as is no doubt your objective, hinges entirely on how fast you can overcome me and unravel whatever nefarious scheme I have cooking in the next room. The longer you stand there doing nothing, the sooner I win. Make sense?"

Tyrin shrugged. "But if you're just going to stand there like a dullard, I should probably get going. I have other people to kill. Your people, specifically."

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
Carida City Space Port
[member="Darth Janus"]

Gaze sharpened like a nexu finding its prey at the second flicker. Hands dropped from her hips. A dozen or so medium-ish rocks lifted from the ground including some pieces of rubble from the earlier air-strike. Using the force, she blasted them toward the sith in a relatively spread out pattern. She had a theory and it was time to test it.

"Stop playing games, sith."
OBJECTIVE: Beat up [member="Tahira Solo"]

The illusion dissipated upon contact with some of the rocks flung toward it. Tyrin would have preferred that she charged towards his illusion for melee combat, that way he could hit her from behind. Now she hadn't even moved far enough for him to do so. No matter, he would assail her from an equally vulnerable angle. He'd had enough time to navigate that far.

Appearing on either Tahira's left or right (whichever side didn't have her saber in-hand), the real Tyrin would suddenly become visible again. There was no warning, no condescending remark as it became obvious what Tyrin had been playing at before. Cackling blue tendrils of energy, Force Lightning, blossomed from the Sith's outstretched left hand before the rocks that crashed against the wall fell to the floor.

While Tyrin was an ardent admirer of Palpatine, he was not the kind of man to call forth a burst of lightning, then gloat, then another burst of lightning, and then gloat. That was how people messed things up. He would maintain the stream of lightning on Tahira until she fell, either unconscious or exhausted.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
Carida City Space Port
Darth Janus

That clever son-of-a...

The searing-lightning nipped along her flesh, sending tendrils of burn streaks up her left wrist-much like Kaine had done-as she released a powerful force push straight into Tyrin's chest, torqueing at the waist. Further TK abilities attempted to hone-in on the sith's wrists to give him a taste of his own electrifying-zing, going to manipulate his tendons and bones with an invisible puppet-like nudge. The golden-blade of her lightsaber erupted in a crisp, snap-hiss at her right side.
Desert towards Orbit
Allies: Pubs
Enemies: Sith

[member="Popo"] @A'donari Cinn

Sarge had been monitoring the fight in space for some time, as well as communications coming out of the capital. From what he could tell, enemy presence on the ground was pretty minimal. But what had surprised him was when he realized the new Supreme Chancellor - he wasn't sure who it was because he didn't pay much attention to politics - was aboard a ship in orbit.

And was personally helping to lead the battle alongside Ayden.

How did that even happen?

Regardless, A'donari had this covered, and the Jedi known as Preacher left the command center, knowing the base was in good hands.

Signalling some of the ground crews servicing the idling gunships, the Jedi jogged his way up the ramp and into one, a squad of soldiers filing in after him. Setting himself into a dropseat and pulling the harness snug, the man gave a nod. "Orbit. Heart of Coruscant." He says with finality.

A nod from the crew chief told him the order had been sent to the pilot and the dropship was moving to takeoff long before the ramp had even begun to close. Heading through the atmosphere, they passed into orbit and the massive battleground of space, skirting the rear edges of the Republic battle line to make a straight shot towards the Heart.

The pilot was already requesting clearance to land, but the trip wasn't exactly a short one.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Darth Shara's Flagship
Objective: Rearm the 71st Squadron's Fighters with more proton torpedoes

"Get these fighters rearmed and prepped for takeoff yesterday" Albrecht ordered as he climbed out of the cockpit of his TIE Defender once it had returned to the hangar, the various technicians and maintenance droids scrambling to ready the squadron's fighters for another sortie, with a fresh load of proton torpedoes to deploy against the Republic fleet. While the others waited in their cockpits, the acolyte went off to find one of the flight officers in order to confirm the squadron's kill scores. The results were nothing short of astonishing; they alone had claimed eighty fighters in one sortie, for no losses of their own. True, it wasn't quite the record of Rogue Squadron or the First Galactic Empire's 181st Fighter Group, but they were getting pretty damned close.

"Flight Sergeant Tagge, 80 kills in a single sortie is impressive enough, wouldn't it be best to cut your squadron's losses now?" the flight officer asked.

"We haven't suffered any losses to cut, Ensign" Albrecht countered, "And my Master still has yet to carry out his mission, now if you'll excuse me, I have a squadron of fighters waiting for me to rejoin them."

With that, he turned around and rejoined the squadron. After taking a moment to confirm that the warhead stocks had been replenished, Albrecht climbed back into his mount, gunned the throttle, and accelerated out of the hangar and into space, the rest of the squadron following a short distance behind.
OBJECTIVE: Beat up [member="Tahira Solo"]

Tyrin hadn't been expecting the Force push. That tended to happen when he assumed he could end a fight before it truly began in a few measly steps. Tyrin reflected on his failure to do so as he was flung into a nearby wall, his back crying out in pain as it smacked against the durasteel. At least he got first blood. Just after he had peeled himself from the wall, he could feel his nameless enemy trying to pluck at the tendons and bones in his wrists, stressing on them with the Force.

The last time Tyrin had gone up against a dedicated specialist in telekinetics, he had picked obsidian shards out of his ass for several weeks after the fact. He wasn't going to be puppeted around by one now, not again. His inherent Force aura allowed him some measure of resistance, but if he truly wanted to avoid the full brunt of such an attack, he needed to compromise her focus. Tyrin wrenched his hands back to where they belonged. He wasn't some marionette. He was a Sith Lord.

At once, a dozen illusory copies of Tyrin sprung off from the original, sprinting towards Tahira and screaming at the top of their lungs. They seemed to multiply even after that, losing the original in a sea of screaming Tyrins. The exact contents of their screams and shouts varied from copy to copy. Some of them were just ranting, others were reciting Umbaran cooking recipes, at least one of them was yelling phone numbers. It was a teeth-grating cacophony meant to drive Tahira temporarily crazy.

"͢ON͢É ̛E͢I͜GH̶T͝ E̸I̸GH́T́ ̧THR͞E̶E ͏NI͏N͠E ̢SEVE͠N̛"̕


As if that weren't enough, some of them swung their lightsabers as Tahira as they ran on by. Naturally, they would harmlessly pass through her regardless of what she did.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Darth Janus"]

The pounding in her skull was beginning to overtake the pain in her arm. But being the wife to the most powerful illisionist in the galaxy had its perks. Eyelids closed as she dared not trust her vision but instead relied fully on what she felt through the force.

Her concentration and hold on the sith lord was broken but she could keep track of the real one, even with the cacophony onslaught. Annoyance trembled on her lips before resolve set in her jaw. Eyes snapped open, her skin glowing as she released a 360 degree force-light blast, her lithe figure the epicenter.

It was enough to make a sith attend daily confessions at the local church to avoid this kind of burning.
Find someone [member="Ryan Korr"] and help out a Sith [member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Sith affiliate
"BRiNg iT yoU FRaCkBAGs!!!!!"
Racket's dumb ass had made a B-Line for the front lines of the battle. It was right where he wanted to be. Just out of sight of the big ships focusing on the other big ships and with plenty of targets.​
The ship being controlled by the crazy rodent was flying in a huge infinity symbol path through the sector allowing his on board allied pilots to fire at will upon any and all Republic ships in the area. The slightly suicidal path was paying off in some regards. That was until the... well.​
Red lights were blinking throughout his cockpit signalling enemies were firing upon his vessel. Pulling out of his flight maneuvers with a hard yank to the right took the ship side over side in a role that would make even the most experience pilots want to let go of their lunch. Racket didn't let up.​
Everything that connected the ship and Racket's tiny body shook like it was going to break apart into thousands of pieces. The left side of his ship had taken the full effects of the attack though the torpedoes hadn't collided with his vessel only detonated beneath. The explosion had sent the ship into a faster spin sending it off course by a lot. Two Republics ships took to engaging his ship. RAcket now knew this because the lady voice was all but screaming it to him.​
A huge Sith ship was close by. Thruttled down and yolk dead ahead sent the ship screaming through space. Eyes bulged from his little head while a fresh cig replaced the old. A foul hiss erupted from between his lips. Something primal was awakening within.​
"ShOot BAck YoU FRacKErS!!!!!"
Turrents erupted sending death from the back of his vessel. The enemies took evasive maneuvering to a new level as did he. Spinning the ship in a hair line over the edge of an ally vessel brought him close to death. Slamming the yolk down right afterwards was for sure going to bring him the death wish he flew with. His vessel seemingly groaned as it arched around the body of the ship on feet from it. Cheers sounded from the pilots of his ship as one of the Republic ships slammed into the vessel they had just barely avoided. Yolk slammed backwards bringing the ship arcing nose up before it slammed to the right and back all the way forward dropping them again. He spun the ship right, upside down along the belly of a massive ally ship, and barreling forward out into the battle once again. Regrouping had been RAcket's only option and it had paid off. Time to rejoin the fight. His vessel burst forward into the open space battle field that was filled with fighters everywhere. The yolk slammed forward towards the atmosphere of Carida. Not far away a group of Republic fighters were making way to regroup with their forces. Throttle full brought his vessel aligning behind [member="Ryan Korr"]​
"OPEN FIrE!!!!"

Carida City...

The Sixth Battalion had at last made it into the city. The four fireteams, along with nine naval crew officers with holstered AB-1's accompanied Jedi General, Hasjo Hallu. The Nautolan was a shadow of his former self. Part machine and part Nautolan. The One Sith had turned him into this beast during the Battle of Coruscant. Upon the Temple Steps he had carved a path through enemy ranks before being overwhelmed and gunned down. His wounds were most severe. The Jedi Knight of the Silver Order took the lead, stepping against the precipice of a fallen structure. Duracrete was torn asunder, revealing the titanium poles that held it all together. Fires raged throughout the city, a great fleet amassed in the sky above. Most of the fighting was being done up there, but there were those down here that caused their own hell upon innocent lives. The Sixth Battalion were here to stop them. The fireteams wore state-of-the-art equipment from Silver Engineering. The Tyumen-1 powered assault armour. Hasjo brought his A-2 to kneel, the stock tight against his pouldrons. He peered down the scope. The rifle had a range of twelve-thousand kilometres. He was welcomed to the sight of a thousand tiny firefights raging throughout the city. Some of them were Jedi and Sith engaging in duels as troopers fell beside the behemoths of power. Corporal Todd McLawrence spoke up, his A-1 lowered, "You didn’t answer my question."
The Jedi glanced away from his scope, throwing a look to the marine, "You want to know if we're losing?"
"I know we're losing. I want to know if we've lost."
"The Navy will put up a good fight" Hasjo reassured him.
"Better late than never.." Todd answered, seemingly unhappy with the response. Hasjo continued to scan the city, he felt something. A tremor in the force. A shift. A disturbance. Finally he locked his scope onto a district. His synthesised voice cut through the deafening silence, "One-point-two-clicks north. Space Port. Someone is in trouble. We'll rendezvous there. I'll be taking a shortcut. Quick march, marines." They nodded in confirmation. Solitary luminescent cerulean lights from their armour pierced the rain drops, watching their leader with an emotion that could only be known as respect. Hasjo returned the rifle to the designated marksmen of the fireteam he had taken it off. He pushed off the edge of the building, falling into the cityscape below. His heavy durasteel boots thudded against duracrete and duracrete, bouncing from ledge to ledge as he made his way down. He surged with power from the Force. A versatile armoury of close-quarter weapons dangled from his hip. From the exotic lightwhip to the legendary San-Ni-Staff and the not-so-common Lightsaber Pike. The Exotic Weapons Master was truly a walking barracks. Coming upon the ground in a roll, he climbed into the drivers seat of a civilian speedster. The ignition burst the engine to life with a monstrous roar of the engine. Slamming the accelerator to the floor, Hasjo took to flight towards the Space Port.

@[member="Tahira Solo"]
@[member="Darth Janus"]
LOCATION: Space between the two fleets
HOSTILES [member="Racket"]

Apparently a single fighter managed to make it through the Lord Protector's corvettes' AA fire. At least, that was the impression Ryan got as lock on alarms blared. How they hadn't seen the bogey incoming at several miles out was beyond him. He must have missed the bandit's blip on the radar. Stupid mistake. Korr flipped the activation switch on his four Miradyne short-range sensor jammers that would make targeting him with missiles or computer guided laser fire a nigh impossibility. The jammers would also disrupt the hostile's communications and make picking up Ryan's Shrike-class Interceptor on radar extremely difficult.

Ryan pulled into a vertical turn, pointing his nose up and pulling Gs as he looped up and around, bandit still on his tail.

He commed in, voice irritated at the bandit's erratic behavior.

Red Three: "Someone get him off my six."

Red Five: "I'm on it."

The problem with engaging an entire squadron of starfighters all on your lonesome is that you cannot focus on everything at once. For instance, get wrapped up in a two circle dogfight with a single space craft and you lose situational awareness of the rest of the battle. In the case of engaging an entire squadron with no backup, losing situational awareness is more or less a death sentence.

As Racket came in behind Ryan, blasting away, Red Five rolled in on Racket's six at around three thousand feet out, got within the weapons envelope, and got missile lock. The rest of Red squadron waited for the bandit to try to jink away from the missile. Of course, dodging a missile shot up your six was easier said than done. Optimally you would put your 3-9 line in line with the incoming missile, because missiles function in lead pursuit, that way it would spend all of its fuel trying to get to you and have no room to course correct.

In this case, it didn't really matter what Racket did. Jink in any direction away from the missile and even if he somehow managed to evade it one of the 12 members of Red squadron would be ready to stuff more missiles and laser fire up his tail. And with all the sensor jamming going on from the Shrikes' Miradyne short-range sensor jammers, he was essentially flying blind. This was generally why one did not engage an entire squadron with a single craft.

"Got tone," said Red Five, "Fox Two! Fox Two!"

Two hellbender concussion missiles, locked onto Racket's heat signature, shrieked silently through space straight for his six.

Ryan continued to pull in his turn so that the bandit wouldn't get a pure pursuit shot on him, all the while listening to the ripples in the Force to predict the bandit's next move before it happened.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Location: Closing with the Sith Fleet
Objective: Cripple the Sith Fleet, Disable/Cripple/Kill the Niathal Freighter and unsupported Sith ships near the Republic Fleet, Defend the Republic Fleet
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Cody Jorin"] @Republic Forces
Enemies: [member="Daella Apparine"], [member="Darth Kentarch"], [member="Alicia Drey"], @ANY ONE SITH FORCE, ESPECIALLY BOARDING ONES

As the Niathal fired its lone missile, point defense systems on board both the Heart of Coruscant and the Star of the Republic detected the warhead on their systems. Immediately, the defensive weapons targeted, tracked, and destroyed the single missile before it could do any damage. Had a swarm been fired, things might have been different. As it was, a lone missile was an easy target for a command ship's defensive array and the guns were able to easily protect the tractor beam the Niathal had targeted. In response, multiple flak, quad laser, and point defense systems began to lock on and fire on the Niathal as their targeting systems identified the freighter as a hostile enemy.

That one volley, however, was not the only one fired from the defensive guns. As [member="Darth Kentarch"]'s assault came for their target, the various defensive guns on the two command ships as well as the various carriers and cruisers opened fire on the attacking force as the star fighters around them grew thinner from the barrages and the Republic fighter screen. The volume of fire wasn't impenetrable, but coming from a 25km fleet in a warzone, it wasn't exactly something to sneeze at.

Meanwhile, around the fleet, hangar doors shut and sealed. Marines reinforced access points and prepared for boarding actions. Non-essential personnel reported to armories for weapons and body armor. Anything or anyone boarding, Jedi or Sith or Soldier, would find themselves hard pressed to advance anywhere in any of the ships of the Republic fleet.

As for the Heart of Coruscant, her captain was a canny one. He boosted the shields in general, dropping power from the main guns to hold up the shield. At the same time, he shot damage control and repair teams to the engines in an attempt to return their engine power.

The Altier Line Frigates continued to engage the Ardent fast frigates, easily keeping pace despite their heavy arms and armor. The Line Frigates kept pace with the Ardents, all ten pouring weapon fire and warheads into the enemy while taking the worst of the fire in stride. Here and there, Altier's showed damage, but their heavy armor and heavy shielding prevented any crippling damage to the escort ships.

On the bridge, Popo glanced at the reports before him and watched as the fleet closed with the Sith. As the range rapidly counted down, one of the techs spoke up.

"We have a lock on the Sith fleet, sir," came the cry. Popo nodded once.

"All ships, depress bow six-zero degrees. Aim for the center of the Sith formation," the Supreme Chancellor ordered, operating on the general assumption that the enemy commander almost always resided on the largest ship. "Hold fire on all weapons targeting the larger Sith fleet until we are approximately four kilometers from their fleet, though continue to engage that Interdictor and her escorts. Target their engines with our capital guns. Lock on all warheads to their bridge. Between those two, we should be able to cripple either the Pallaeon's engines or leadership, or both. If we crush the bridge, we might even cripple their fleet's command structure. At five kilometers, give orders to the bomber wings to engage the Pallaeon's bridge as well. Have them use the fleet as a shield or screen if they need to."

Star of the Republic MC180 Remembrance-class Battlecruiser – 2,000m
Heart of Coruscant Justicar-class Command Carrier – 2,000m
10x Watts-class Heavy Cruisers – 10,000m
2x Nudcha-class Assault Cruisers – 1,800m
10x Altier-class Line Frigates – 4,000m
10x Metellos-class Carrier Frigates – 3,500m
5x Taboon-class Carrier Corvettes – 800m
5x Jabiim-class Corvettes – 900m

Total: 25,000m

The ion cannon shots from a vast majority of Daella’s fleet continued to fly toward the Star of the Republic. Daella continued to watch the simulated traverse of the ion bolts across the vast distance of space toward the Republic fleet - which should strike something soon. Before she could witness whether or not the ion cannons had any effect, [member="Cypher"] gave his opinion about the location of [member="Popo"].

With a curt reply to [member="Cypher"], Daella said, “I know this. Their highest officer would be on the Star of the Republic simply for being the safest ship.

Klaxons then began to sound. [member="Popo"] managed to get the Republic fleet dangerously close to the One Sith’s by having the absolute full output of the ships’ engines pushing them forward.

Diverting power to shields in Unit 1,” yelled out Cula Ise, the male human shield technician. The Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer and escorting ships in unit 1 began to strengthen their shields in preparation for the upcoming volleys of turbolasers and missiles.

Continue Unit 1 reverse thrust!” ordered Daella as the Unity, accompanying Harrowers and Nebulon B starships continued to inch away from the fast Republic fleet.

Before any further action continued to take place, Daella sent a holomessage to the rest of the ships near her, “This is Darth Junra, commander of the fleet! Stand tall, men, women! Your commander stands with you on the front lines! Know that if you fall, I fall as well! Though you may be inexperienced, know that I believe you have the ability to defeat the Republic! Do not give them any victory and fight til the end as I will!

Some time had passed and the Republic fleet had yet to fire upon the One Sith’s fleet. Daella took note of this. They seemed to be rushing for melee range to Daella.

Looking to the Weequay weapons specialist, Daella demanded, “Get the mid units to fire upon the Republic’s first line! Use this as an opportunity to whittle them down before they even get here!

The Scythe-class battlecruisers and other starship in the middle of the One Sith’s discus-shaped fleet began to attack the front most Republic ships with a combination of ion cannon and turbolaser fire. The focused fire on a select group of ships could pose a danger to most types of ship’s shields and hull.

As the One Sith launched their attack, Daella ordered, “Update me on what the Republic fleet is doing…

1x Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer [1.6 km]
1x Torment-class Star Destroyer [1 km]
8x Harrower dreadnaught [6.4 km]
16x Scythe-class battle cruiser [8.8 km]
1x Enforcer-class picket cruiser [0.6 km]
22x Nebulon B Frigate [6.6 km]

Total: 25 kilometers

158x Predator-class starfighter squadrons
52x Neutralizer-class bomber squadrons

Dropships & shuttles not important


[member="Ayden Cater"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
[member="Darth Shara"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Albrecht Tagge"]
Location: Closing with PoPo, Lord of the PubPub
Objective: Board PoPo's ship
Allies: [member="Popo"] [member="Ayden Cater"] Republic
Enemies: Sith

Skirting the back line of the Republic fleet, no sooner had they crossed directly behind the Heart - at quite some range - they took a sharp turn and gunned the heavy dropships engines to catch up to the massive flagship.

Moving through fighters and bombers returning to ships for field repairs and rearm, Sarge could practically taste the desperation of the pilot as he tried dodging turbolasers and missiles that had missed their targets but were still moving through the void - and still fully capable of destroying their transport.

But before long they were hugging the hull of the Heart, transponder keeping them from being fired on especially as they crossed through the atmospheric shield and the dropship turned, ramp lowering so that Preacher could move down it and clear the ship.

No sooner was his first boot on the floor of the hangar than it was gunning the engines and lifting the ramp. He wasn't even out of the hangar before the dropship was heading planetside again to return to base.

Now he was headed to the bridge, making note of how many people were preparing for counterboarding operations. He had to make sure of his orders before doing anything.
High Orbit over Carida
On Board the Leviathan

Allies: [member=Popo]
Enemies: [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Darth Shara"]

The enemy was certainly tenacious, he would give them that. Even in the face of superior firepower, they resisted. Of course, desperation breeds creativity, and they were truly desperate now. TIE fighters clumped inexplicably along the path of what would be the firing path of the hypervelocity gun, despite no outward signs that that would be the case. Perhaps they thought it would just be a turbolaser barrage. Regardless, the slug tore straight through them and sent the interdictor spinning.

Their fighters hadn't launched, though they were firing salvos of missiles. As the Light of Corell was out of their line of fire, most would be targeting Aurelius' Judgement. Visually, it was an intimidating sight to see so many missiles coming in. However, they would first have to fly through a field of flak fire. Starbursts of white-hot durasteel peppered their flight paths. Most would never find a target, and some would not strike at appropriate angles and simple dent or bounce off the casing. The lucky ones would find sweet spots, prematurely detonating the payloads or damaging the propulsion just enough to send them off-course.

Naturally, their numbers were so great that a bulk of them passed through the flak field; battered, but still armed. Ayden had to make a snap decision; divert fighters to intercept the missiles and open his fleet up to the approaching fighter swarms from the second Sith fleet or not. Ultimately, he decided to keep his fighters back. Quad laser cannons opened fire first, filling the space up with streaks of viridian. Soon after, the point-defense systems kicked in and began targeting the incoming missiles. While they began eliminating the missiles in whole groups, there were simply more missiles than there were available defenses.

The first missile impacted against the hull of the Judgement. It was an unimpressive explosion, given that it was a missile more suited to blowing apart starfighters than targeting the hardened hulls of capital ships. But then it was joined by a second. Then two more. Then eight more. Soon the front of the ship almost looked like it was on fire from the number of missile impacts. "Switch the shield projector to the Judgement. Keep its shields from going down. Have its captain order shields to double front." The blue light that seemed to tether to the Leviathan to the Innehes' switched targets and began to envelop the besieged Indomitable.

Elsewhere, the first Sith fleet had apparently grown restless or suicidal as they charged forward. The decision here was clear and simple. "Target their bridges. Bring down their shields with concentrated turbolaser and ion cannon fire then hit them with the assault concussion missiles. Blow them to bits." The Stalwarts were in a perfect position to fire their heavy warheads at the second Sith fleet (Shara's) while opening up a broadside assault on the approaching Sith fleet (Banshee's) around the projected shields of the Shield cruisers. The Warden-class heavy cruisers continued to pound away at the lines of the second Sith fleet with their long-range turbolasers while energy torpedoes zipped through space at the Sith cruisers.

The Shield of Fondor faked a power fluctuation, lowering its shield while the Shield of Corellia fired thrusters and brought it directly in the path of the approaching fighters. They would have to break formation or crash straight into the shields. This would make them easy pickings as quad laser cannon fire would pepper the approaching Sith fighters and corvettes before the squadrons of Protectorate fighters moved to engage them.

One Fury had its engines blown clean off, though its pilot was resilient. He managed to steer it straight into the starboard-side hanger of the Leviathan. The explosion ripped a hole clean through and damaging the interior hanger-space. The forcefield kept the atmosphere in, but fires started and dozens of deckhands were injured or killed in the crash. "Get some soldiers down there, Keep the hanger secure. I don't want any Sith boarding the Leviathan. and fire on their flagship. Break it in half."

- Targeting Bakuran Star Destroyer (Shara)
Two Antilles-class Star Defenders
- Sword of Ihaer
- Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
- Osarian Justice - Targeting Bakuran Star Destroyer (Shara)

Two Belsar- class Command Carriers
- Breath of Innehes - (Shields at 83%)

- Wings of Grace - (Shields at 94%)
Two Indomitable-class Star Defenders
- Aurelius' Judgement - (Shields at 60%)
- Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
- Light of Corell - Targeting Bakuran Star Destroyer (Shara)
Four Warden-class Heavy Cruisers
- Spirit of Rhommamool
- Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
- Fallen's Burden - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
- Redemption - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
- Endless Vigil - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Shara)
Four Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers
- Everest - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)

- Winter's Night - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)
- Nomad's Retreat - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)
- Breaker of Fate - Targeting Scythe-class battlecruiser (Banshee)
Two Sentinel-class Cruisers
- Pillar of Dawn
- Eye of Duihr

Two Shield-class Cruisers
- Shield of Corellia
- Shield of Fondor

Ten Blockade Runners
- Nova (Five Corvettes) - Aiding Republic Forces
- Nebula (Five Corvettes) - Engaging Sith Fighters (Banshee)
Fleet Total: 25,000 meters

Hanger Craft:
---Twenty-four OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Nineteen OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons
- Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Ten OS-B1 Bomber Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Seven OS-B2 Bomber Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Eight OS-I1 Interceptor Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Seven OS-I2 Interceptor Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Eighty-Four Peregrine Gunships - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Forty-Eight Protectorate LAACs
---Thirty-Six Inimica Gunships
- Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---One Hundred Four C/T 400s
---Twenty-Four C/T 400cs
---One Hundred Forty-Four M47 Dropships
---Fifty-Six M32 Agrevant Dropships
---Thirty-Six CXR-75 Heavy Dropships
---Sixteen M59 Heavy Dropships

8 Strike Corvettes
- Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Ten OS-G1 Fighter Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Six OS-G2 Fighter Squadrons - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Sixteen Inimica Gunships - Engaging Sith fighters (Banshee)
---Thirty-Two M47 Dropships

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Location: Space surrounding the Herder
Objective: Defend the Herder from the Light of Correl
Allies: [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Ayden Cater"]

"That Star Defender's getting a bit close for comfort, Bloodfin Leader, should we do something about it?" Bloodfin Two asked as the squadron left the besieged Star Destroyer's hangar, under fire from the enemy warship. Albrecht took note of the incoming warship, bristling with heavy defensive armament. Each TIE Defender carried a total of eight proton torpedoes in their warhead launchers, times sixteen fighters made for a total of a hundred and twenty-eight warheads, of which thirty-two could be fired at any given time from their twin launchers; only the most massive warships had shields capable of withstanding a barrage that intense, the acolyte knew, and he was well aware that the Protectorate probably knew this as well. On the other hand, he was aware that ships of that size typically didn't carry a large compliment of fighters, so unless the ship had more hangar space than was standard, he could probably safely assume that it would rely mostly on point defense systems to fend off enemy fighters as opposed to a fighter compliment of its own.

"This is Bloodfin Leader, affirmative - Bloodfin Squadron, engage the Light of Correl, but keep an eye out for any fighters or bombers that might be launched - eliminate them first, then turn on the Star Defender itself" Albrecht commanded, "Do not use your proton torpedos on their starfighters - save them for the capital ship."

"Roger" the others answered in unison as the Defenders accelerated to attack speed, spreading themselves out to present smaller targets for the Light of Correl's point defense systems, rapidly closing the distance to firing range - only 45 seconds to go before they would be in a position to fire.
[member="Albrecht Tagge"]

Nova Squadron continued to harass the TIE Defenders. Unlike the craft the Sith used, these were modern ships with modern systems. They had significantly better performance than the Blockade Runners of the TIE Defender's era. They broke off and kept pursuing the old fighters. Three of them opened fire with their quad laser cannons while the other two broke off in opposite directions and came in from the sides, keeping them corralled in, at which point they'd find themselves under fire with blasts from the turbolaser cannons and bombarded with concussion missiles. If the pilots thought that they'd shaken the Corellian craft, they didn't know Corellians very well.
Location: Space
Objective: Locate and neutralize The Protectorate Fleet Commander
Allies: Darth Shara, Daella Apparine Albrecht Tagge
Enemies: Ayden Cater Popo

The fleet had finally closed in the protector fleet, know their guns where in range total range. Though the ship where old they had massive amount ordnance, that began open fire on the protectorate fleet. The admirl smiled as he did not think so many ships would closed in and survived. Then his ship became the attention of the main protectorate battle ships. He order ​Keep the kriffen shields up, the fire power just got more intense. He new no matter what he did his ship was going down. His face began to sour as his engineers began counting down his shields. He had no choice All hands abandon ship, I repeat all hand abandon ship. With that his crew began running all over, scrambling for the escape pods. He how ever remained on the bridge. He planned to ram the ship into one the enemy ships a Stalwart-class Heavy Cruisers..........

The rest of fleet also came under heavy fire some other ships, but they where know no one in direct charge of the fleet. Though they kept with main battle plan get close enough to board. They would be soon in position, boarding crews began boarding the verity of boarding craft, Nune class shuttles , Crix-class shuttle and Lambarda shuttles. The furys would lead the way by trying to storm the hangar bays. As they lined up ready to begin three of the MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser got a damaged by broadsides from enemy ships.

As the rest of feet lined up for boarding action, and firing at full force on the enemy fleet. Darth banshee ship dragons breath dropped it`s cloak and fired all its weapons at Leviathan-class Super Star Defender. She then gave the order Captain Markus please landed her on that ship. Markus looked at her and realized what her plan was Yes my`lord. She planned to land near the bridge area of the ship and cut her way through the hull, and then board her. Markus lined the ship up ready, and a fighter escort came to help them.....

10x MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser 7800m
5x Victory II class Destroyers 9000m
10x Ardent Class frigates 4000m
30x fury 4000m
1x dragons breath 110m
450x CF9 crossfire starfighters
210x tie fighters
108x Predator class fighters

1x Victory II class Destroyers destoryed (admiral tibirus ship)
3x MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser damaged
4x Victory II class Destroyers doing repairs due to sever damage
5x fury damaged
5x fury destroyed
174xCF9 crossfire starfighters destroyed
30x tie fighters destroyed
12xPredator class fighters destroyed

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