Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Operation Shadowdance: TSE Invasion of NIO-held Muunilinst, Orinackra and Ord Thoden




Commonwealth Forces: Willan Tal Willan Tal Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood

Allies (NIO): Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Enlil Enlil Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Areyon Areyon Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Noel Strasza Noel Strasza
Ravraa Vyshraal Ravraa Vyshraal Zakaria Black Zakaria Black Hâwmâr Lurais

Allies (NJO/GA/FO/SJC/): Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina Bernard Bernard
Kiara Ayres Bright4 Bright4 Varn Barakis Varn Barakis

Allies (OTHER): Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Vilaz Munin Vilaz Munin Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Enemies (TSE/CIS): Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Darth Mori Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Eva Betrik Eva Betrik Lady Marrow Lady Marrow Bastian Briareos Bastian Briareos

Gowrie's Loadout

Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion (Mechanized/Artillery/Infantry)
55 Cataphract Tanks
20 AFVs
5 MLVs

2 Predator Launch-Platforms
2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Field-Medic Platoon
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad

4 Stolen MLVs
2 Stolen Ammo-Transports


The Glow of Death V - A Not-So-Redoubtable FOB (part 1)

<"Scott to Wildcat One! Clear to move and to choose your would-be redoubt when you arrive, plenty decent lines-of-sight to choose from.">

'Deag Obair, Neach-dìon Aon!'
*Good job, Guardian One!

<"Gabh air do shocair, a-thighearna. Chan e neach-brathaidh Woad a th ’annam! Tha Galactic-Basic ag obair nas fheàrr an seo, Neach-dìon Aon a-mach!">
*Calm yourself, Milord. I'm not a Woad spy! Galactic-Basic works better here, Guardian One out!

A roar of collective laughter lit up the Thistle from within, even the half-understanding Commoner Captain Reed could tell what the sudden irritations from Scott had been, and all finally relented on Guardian One, knowing at the root of it all that he was just as wild as they were. Others would've shrugged it off, but it was plain for all to see that Scott had something to prove by his transfer to Wildcat Battalion, something that took Gowrie's notice in the best possible way; it wasn't asked whether Scott was a born clansman or not, but it was beginning to show that the Wildcats' own Guardian One had more than common blood coursing through his veins, showing something of a storied family history in the way the Guard-Leftenant carried himself. If Guardian One had been a simple ranker, rising to such a position, then there would be a natural standard he would struggle to keep with once his commission had been bought out and settled into properly, but even under the Third Imperial Civil War's apocalyptic conditions, Byron Scott was flourishing in ways that only a Tuath noble or clansman could.

'Any dafties here gid wae Clan-names an' such?'

'Haud the bus, Milord.', Commoner-Captain Reed interjected, getting the gist of his new Lord-Commander's line-of-thought by the question's general content alone. Their ACV was on the move again, giving extreme cause for peak-alertness, but everyone was suddenly invested in the Lord-Colonel's inquiry into Scott's ancestral roots, all wondering if the highly-skilled Guard-Leftenant was something more after all, with each and every one of them almost chiding themselves over putting such thoughts to the backs of their minds. Leaning in closer, the Battalion's only Woad curiously prodded,'Are you tryin' ti tell me there's a chance Leftenant Scott could be a Tuath nobleman? Or a Clansman at the very least? You Tuaths an' yer esoteric ways really grind mah back teeth sometimes, honestly.', with an eyebrow of his own to offer in response to the one his Tuath-born commander threw his way beforehand.

'Whit's that mountainous region north o' Westcape called? Ah'm way too far North in mah upbringin' to know the touns an' such doun that way.... Minnonraer! THAT'S THE WAN!!! Clan Scott are the ancestral rulers of Minnonraer, and once upon a time, bitter rivals to the Milton-gang! Your auld stomping-ground, sir....'


The Glow of Death VI - The Not-So-Redoubtable FOB (part 2)


We are much too exposed out here... In the light, the dark, even behind cover - these ruins have eyes that kill!

Bantering away as the Thistle drew closer to their would-be command-center, the occasional outcropping of vehicles and infantry detachments would be spotted along the way as they waved the Lord-Commander's ACV through, each acting with their own unofficial confirmations of safe-conduct as the Thistle proceeded at a steady pace. With one discovery bringing about enough excitement to shorten the journey somewhat, the other revelation that reared it's ugly head was showing to be a perfect means to continue in the efforts to combat stress, boredom and fear; a distraction that was welcomed by all, even Captain Reed, who was still being mercilessly subjected to the wind-up efforts of his commander's trusty crewmen by the time the Thistle started slowing to a neutral-engine halt. Not that Alun cared much for it, he was always outspoken about his common heritage, and his disdain for all the crime-infested corners of Westcape in general was always a subject he ended up ranting (and quite ruefully) about.

'Ooftya! Whit were the chances o' that? Ohohohohoho! I wonder if he knows aw'ready! Bets 'e duzz, Bets - he - does!'

'Heh! An' bets he does'nae even care about it that much, Mortimer.', the Lord-Commander interjected, sliding the side-door open as the gravel steadily stopped crunching beneath the Thistle's tracks. Turning back to the others, Lord Aron beckoned his crewmen out with a simple wave of the hand, jumping out as Leftenant Scott's men approached from (what they viewed as) the best choice of secluded location for the command-centre, and from what the Kellas could make out so far, it looked very much like they had chosen the right spot for their FOB after all. Ticking all the right boxes, with even greater potential for further-disguising and fortification, Gowrie knew this was the right spot without even needing to step inside, but the Lord-Colonel also it would be better if he didn't tempt fate so early into the op. Muttering,'I suppose we better take a wee gander inside, eh?', Lord Aron then sneered a little before rounding on Scott's men and concluding,'Lead the way, gentlemen. Show me what your commander found on his merry travels!', with an appraising tone.

They were led through an open terminal of what appeared to be the cadaverous remnants of an underground transport station, subject to years of degradation and decay from the outside, and the world's aches and pains from the battles of before. Such rigors, however, (noticed in the diminishing amounts of friendly-cautions as they continued) would become less-pronounced as they marched deeper beneath the building's surface, with details in the architecture showing aesthetics from recent centuries that the Thistles crewmen recognised with ease. Several lines of defence were likely to be set along each layer of the complex they passed, all with extensive room and access for hidden, or stolen vehicles; but their journey came to fortunate stop at a double-door that led down a hallway to their intended destination, a lush, luxurious lounge-and-bar combination which had been built in a country-club aesthetic.


Full o' the pleasant surprises the-day, Leftenant....

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Beskar'gam | Main Weapon | Side-Arm | Melee | Grenades
Cradle | RUUSAN Injector + Chernil'borg |
Ravenous Grenades


Attached to Prefsbelt Special Warfare Command

One of the strongest traditions that remained within the pysche of the Mandalorian, unfettered by the devastation wrought unto them by the Republic, Sith and everything else was the ability to hunt. The instincts that came with it, to track, to bait, to stalk, to kill. Stalking the planes of Concordia with his kin, hunting the game with his single shot cycler rifle, it seemed so trivial in retrospect but in truth, it was hardly about conditioning the body or putting food on the table.

It was a game played in the mind, to know the enemy, to have patience, to pay attention to detail. These were the things that stayed. And here, the hunted had become the hunted. Ingrid has been made consciously aware of Carlyle's gaff and now sought to exploit it. From his perspective, there wasn't any reason not to. Worst case? She died, a fate that might have been unavoidable as is. While the Sons of Mandalore had amicable relations with their New Imperial counterparts to this point, you could try and hit just about any sign of proof that they were not kind to their enemies. Be it COMPNOR labor camps on Echoy'la for captured Sith, Kyber Dark. Wasn't anything he could think less of them for. Had the Sons been given their own way, he doubted it'd be much different, perhaps with less shades of industrial brutality and more of personal touch, to look into their eyes each and all before cutting them downs.

Regardless, the track record did not prove well for Ingrid so she might as well play on Rausgeber's insecurities and bargain...not for freedom, but for control. Control of his fate within the New Imperial Order, the government and nation which might be his last stop, killed once over after the collapse of the First Order. However, there came the question how long this game would last and in the end, why not just take this simple deal? To leave.

He didn't like how it smelt, not at all. Something else was at work. Regardless, all it seemed like was Ingrid was only going to leave on her terms and not anyone elses.

Trajan made his way to Carlyle, speaking in a hushed tone to the Admiral Regent.

<"Something's off, here."> He said before glancing the way of the Eternal Empress again.

<"Pretty simple agreement, letting her off...but it doesn't seem like she's leaving off her terms. And I can only guess...because something is coming for her."> Trajan suggested, narrowing his eyes beneath the T-visor.

<"We have an incursion into the system...if you have a ship a bit more stalwart than this, I'd leave now and mount up...I'll stay with her...and take the bait."> Trajan suggested to Carlyle.

<"You understand, Admiral?"> He said to affirm Rausgeber's understanding.

ALLIES | NIO | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak
ENEMIES | TSE | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken | Errix Feh'room | Tranquility Tranquility | Seela Leini Seela Leini


Location: Muunilinst, outpost hanger.
Objective: 3
Allies: Hâwmâr Lurais DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Areyon Areyon Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Willan Tal Willan Tal
Enemies: Lady Marrow Lady Marrow
Equipment: Silver Crossguard Lightsaber, Imperial Knight Battle Armor, Speeder Bike, Verpine Lancer

The fear was intoxicating, as was the roar of the the speeder bikes all around. Only a few hundred men, armed with only speeder bikes, the mines that came with it, Verpine Lancers, and the balls they were carrying. These Troopers were afraid, these guys were nobody, while yes posted at Muunilinst to bring it to prosperity. Jin could tell these young men haven't seen combat against the Sith. So of course it had to take a mix of balls and stupidity, or even bravery to try and turn the tide of the battle. Even a few good men on speeders and lancers could help take out the bastards that dared invade the glorious land they bled for. Now it was time for them to repay the Order with duty and courage. Jin gave a reassuring nod to a few that only seemed to quietly shake, as if trying to hide the fear.

Jin didn't have much of a plan. He didn't even suspect the Sith would be bold enough to go for round three against the New Imperial Order. Yet here they were. Now he had to rally boys, not men but young boys posted to a quiet outpost. After such a long uncomfortable silence, Jin began to speak in hopes of bringing some type of calm to the shaken nerves of the young men before they rode off on a ride that would go down in the history books. Gripping his own lancer tightly, his palms sweaty as he still continued to rev the engine. His tone showed the empathy that the young Kyrel was feeling, all in hopes that it would work. "I know you all are afraid... I am too, and like you I think this might not be much. But all it takes is speed, courage and some good men to do the job. Let this echo history, let this remember as when the New Imperial Order did not cower in fear, but went out with a bang! If we die here, then we die in hopes that we saved this world. That we drew the line in the sand today! For Iron and Hell, we ride!" The boys that had seemed almost hopeless, started to to raise they're heads. Looking at the young Imperial Knight with some respect, but with a will to join out in the battle.

With the loud roar of engines the numbers of some 300 men rode, with lancers at the ready, be it a tank, or a trooper. Nothing would stand against the likes of speed and verpine lancers to make quick attacks along the enemy lines. The speed of the cavalry had seemed so great, that they seemed to pass within the blink of an eye, any trooper that they saw were impaled by the thick sharp material, even giving an electrical jolt. So far the plan in Jin's minds was to link with nearby forces, perhaps some heavy guns mixed with the riders would be a deadly combination. It might be enough to turn the tide and drive the Sith forces back, if only for a little while. Riding in droves as if the 300 man force was like a deadly swarm of insects.

They moved in two powerful lines, as if a flood had cascaded down through the death and destruction. With Jin leading the men, he soon began to sense someone dark had noticed the Calvary was coming, Leading his charge towards the direction. He soon broadcasted along all New Imperial Channels, this time with a hint of triumph and cockiness in his tone. "Yahooo! Yeah boys here comes the Cavalry anyone on the outskirts and close by? Open to offering any support I can. We must regroup, and start pushing these Karking Sith Murglaks outta here. Does anyone copy to bring in the pain?"

He ended the transmission, in hopes of any units could respond, he needed some direction so that he and his boys could strike. It was clear that this battle would not be won with forces spread out all around, but joining with each other was the only way out of this. It was the only way to save the homefront. Sheer determination and willpower on his mind, even as he felt like he was getting close to such a dark presence that could threaten the next moves he made. The ground mixing between that of the blown ruins from explosions both targets, and sometimes stray explosives. The sounds of battle grew both within the city, and on the outskirts that he was gunning for. Making him all the more eager to help out where he could. That's if this half cocked strategy worked?
Absolute Knowledge Corrupts Absolutely



Tag: Areyon Areyon / Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Objective: III - Front Hydra
Equipment: The Marrow Blade
Themes: Here

The weapons clashed like beams of light from distant stars, hers a shimmering beam of pure dark-side energy drained from her own veins with his, the more conventional saber epitomizing the scientific expanse of the galaxy. Parallels drawn, industry versus nature, science versus magic, order versus chaos as they two of them clashed putting their bodies into it. ~This guy's strong, I can't take these hits head-on for long.~ She'd think to herself, gritting her teeth through the grin. A flash of an exchange would pass as she would parry off his blade, whipping around with her tail as she could hear and feel the chitinous blade catch, her opponent drawing back to assess the damage that had been done. And now the game was on.

"I would hope so! So, here's the game! If i touch you with my blade, I win! My plant surge channeling through the blade will activate the intert haemotoxin i just hit you with, I've yet to test using it this way, so, game on!"

She she would stare at him with eyes of wide enjoyment, the battles taking place around them were beginning to slow, as natural lines of battle would form in urban bottlenecks, cover proving difficult to break through as the Sith would struggle to get any deeper hold short of attempting to out maneuver their enemy. But the Storm troopers were smart, damn smart, there were few means to get around them that wouldn't expose the attempt to another group on their flank.

Lady Marrow would dig in her claws and be the one to lunge forward this time, keeping her stance and frame low as she would make her approach as her weapon gripped tightly in two hands would lower to the side of her right hip, blade touching the ground behind her as it would only leave a minor cut in the ground, however plants, weeds and other plant structures that lay beneath the earth would grow in the wake of the blade, slithering as they would break through the concrete and creep outwards as she would bring her blade up, striking for his hip intending to follow through, intending to bring the weapon up and through his body to his opposing shoulder.

She was no fool however, he had the almost insurmountable advantage of reach with that mighty Pike. Should its length be used intending to strike the lady early she would abort her attack and launch her own strike early. Not intending to overpower his strikes, she didn't have the might, but she would bring her upper body down, her blade rotating up and down on the lance with the momentum. Using the force of the strike as she would almost bounce off the force of his strike she would use the impact and his weapon as a level to shoulder roll, letting a leg out and bringing her heel down for the side of his helmet.

So close to him now, she would be able to open up with a flurry of quick strikes with her saber, aiming for extremities as she would engage him, wrists, his leading foot if he had one under his arm, the side of his waist. She didn't wield her weapon with finesse, it was a practical thing, her body moved around her weapon as she gripped it like ti was going to leave her, compromising some of her stance. A skilled swordsman might attack around her blade, as it seemed her ability revolved around it, like she tunnel visioned on her use of it, leaving almost everything not in the enigmatic blades vicinity exposed.

Unknown to lady Marrow however, the clock ticked on her Marrow Blade, not used to wielding the weapon outside of her garden where her powers were fed by the font of her power, allowing herself to pour force power into the blade at an excessive rate. A Rookie mistake that would make this assault, this game, not only unsustainable but potentially dangerous for herself as her naivete would show. But for now her nimble form struck with wild instinctual strokes as her tails would sway through the air behind her, waiting for an avenue to strike, coiling, furling and unfurling like smoke in the water behind the racing creature they were attached to.



T h e _ R e n e g a d e
New Imperial Order // Genesis Rangers
Outer Rim Territories // Muunilinst // The Assembly
Tenebrae Armor / Hand Of God / BH 'Durin' Charric Blaster Pistol / Jackal / Grenades / Light Saber

F a d e

The Assembly had flooded the plaza like a thunderous herd-leaving nothing but a revolving door and the faint wail of alarms, coats and caffe were discarded on the marble floor in the wake of the attack. In the upheaval Sybila remained, a bystander to their own panic. The tell tale pain grasped at her chest and she inhaled sharply as another explosion shook the foundation of the building. The remnants of the SS-1 and EE-1 Squads respectively stood out from the distraught support staff that raced down the halls with other evacuees. Panicked voices and brisk orders dwindled until there was only silence.

Sybila reached up, digging her servo into the fur mantle of the coat-letting the heavy woolen coat slip from her form, the dark cloth piling at her boots as she stepped over it. Without the confines of something as simple as her helmet, there was no live feed of the carnage or red lines cutting a swath through life signal. It was almost peaceful, yet the truth was it was ignorance. The woman waited patiently, eyes searching the remaining men’s faces as Nima’s orders poured over the comm link. The corner of her lip betrayed her as the Major mobilized without reservation. There was faith in the woman, the Major had long taken up the mantle she had abandoned and Sybila didn’t dare interfere.

“I suppose you were right about the coat Cinn.”

“Efficiency can’t be beat ma’am. Ban’s enroute now-”

The call of the war machine wasn’t the same as the call of something simple as revenge; both had their toll though. The black clad men of the first squad and security detail were priming their weapons, two men taking point at the door. She knew each plate and the name inscribed on them, the veterans of Genesis and men of the 307th, what was left-and those who hadn’t been blown to kingdom come. Sure shots. Trackers. Bloody Animals-surviors from the first deployments on Cathar half a decade ago under the crimson blade and resistance fighters. What spare ordinances were traded hand to belt as they locked in with precise hands. Ban Arroyo emerged at the end of the hall then, the Zabrak joined their preparation, a heavy metallic container in hand-dropping the armor cache at her side as he locked in his Repeater.

”Target’s on approach..” Cinn spoke up, hesitant as he motioned with the data pad in hand.

“Good, buckets on boys,” Sybila crooned, “Ban you brought my Jackal I do hope.”

<”It’s in there, special regards from Appw’rii of course.”>

There would be no need for a show, the distant ringing of blastplate and troopers approached and she seized one final breath as she turned around. Sybila discarded the case at her side, the distant thrum of energy swelled in her peripheral and her mind reeled. The sweet whispers through the unseen were there, tantalizing; it was desperation. These things made her ill with each passing.

Sybila turned her attention to the cuff links of the uniform, slowly undoing each button at her wrist exposing the body glove hidden. Keen eyes caught the reflection in the foreboding figure of the Imperator himself as he swept down the Lobby, unchanged. The outline of a man stood there but all she saw truly was a void amongst lively men-the moving Force.

Irveric was still stuck somewhere between the living and dead. Maybe once upon a time another woman had hoped he’d come back, that was a hope long spent and she exhaled. The realities of their dynamic had been sundered before they had ever fled the Empire.. A shame truly, the revile had long grown stale.

Their wounds had been carved open too many times until they were just scars, and Sybila simmered in her burgeoning anger. It was nothing to her now but another vein to trace with a finger and raise the question of ‘remember when?’-it would be left there to fade. The quietness traded between both parties until Irveric spoke first. The unease in the men only mounted as the encroaching siege sounded, the percussion from explosions shook the grand span of windows; threatening to shatter.

Sybila raised her chin, stoically as she discarded layers of uniform for armor-sealing plates to joints until she mirrored the mechanical mess himself. The murmur’s show transformed in to the beasts he so closely hunted. Irveric’s voice grated her ears, his voice distorted by layers of Tenebrae. His brand of pragmatism no longer stung.

She listened precariously, slowly donning the final pieces of gear-ending as she swiped her thumb across each eye. She didn’t want to give him any ounce of hope as she betrayed her true sight. He had one foot in the trench now, a man made to command the methodical order and the game was over. He was married to this cause yet that was both of their strengths and flaws. If it was not the fray where else would they ever find resolve, him for the Imperial Cause-and her’s was in a grave. Sybila’s eyes never left the hazy glass of his visor as she flicked the grey contact off of her servo’s digit.

“They’re not my Rangers anymore, they’re the Major Appw’rii’s-legal difference, remember that,” Sybila offered the man finally, turning her chin to the young Captain. “This is where we part ways Cinn, he’s your commander.”

“A pleasure ma’am, as always. Evil Eye’s on me, we’re regrouping with the Major and she has the head start. Eta is fifteen minutes, standby for target zones-sir!” Captain Cinn’s pale visage disappeared under his helmet, he offered Irveric a two finger salute as he hauled his rifle on to his shoulder; voice drowned out by heavy ventilators.

<”Genesis-Actual, Imperator needs eyes in the sky. Give us something to work with,”> Sybila raised her vambrace speaking into the half melted twist of metal, adjusting the frequency dial as she radioed the woman. The trooper’s foot fall echoed through the lobby as the handful of remaining Rangers peeled out after the man into the streets. Their loyalties and service would be called into question, she’d shoot first before the consequences dropped-her expression sobered, servo aching as she flexed the inferior cybernetic.

<”Us..something to work with..right-”> Nima’s voice was scratchy as it blared from the transmitter in hand. <”Teams enroute to eagles nests, hold tight.”>

"So I see you forgot to get me flowers for our anniversary,” Sybila spoke up after the radio cut out, distracting as she answered his call to arms. She ran a heavy strap across her cuirass, fixing her saber hilt off it. The polished metal was long dulled by blaster marks and scratched like the rest of her arms.

There was no hiding the truth here and venom dripped from each word as she surveyed the security task left to her and the men at the Imperator’s back. Of course she was ready for a fight. In one breath, vigor filled the woman as she hooked her boot on the case-sliding it across the white sheen floors at his feet. A pang twisted around her heart, something so possessive it nearly sent her to her knees and Sybila’s attention did not leave the unassuming container where the holocron lay.

She had learned well but enough was enough-“I was kind enough to bring you a gift, three days late admittedly. It’s just a little something from our mutual abuser.”

<<"Alarms were tripped at the city center, proximity is a concern, no visuals-”>> a trooper reported over the speaker, interrupting her.

<”I want essential Genesis, unless they’re targeting states buildings or investments.”> Sybila took a moment to respond, grinning to herself as a pit grew deeper in stomach.

“We’ll see what becomes of that.”

The woman’s form shied from the man, counting under her breath as she conducted her business. She welcomed herself to the final jewel of the cache and retrieved her rifle from the bottom of the heavy container arranged by Ban.

<<"Radio chatter is picking up droid units going down-no visuals on the main sector yet. Could be S-IMP infiltrates or Cloak movement. Standby-">>

Her gauntlet slid down the stock of the well worn weapon as she checked over the powercell, loading the underbarrel before she turned the blaster over in hand. The rifle snapped onto her back plate with a click, the weight of the weapon reassuring. A clock was ticking as Genesis branched out across the rooftop, stealing away into the city.

<<"S-IMP Infantry have made spear head on Market street, enemy armor, Speeder Units in approach to main city causeway at the top of first avenue targeting anti-air encampments">>

“I think I will be taking my assets as compensation by the way, and that saber you gave me-I am terribly sentimental. I’ll spare you the details as you’ve requested otherwise. It’ll be sweet I am sure, civilian casualties and all.”

Her words were crass matching his own frosty reception-this is what was lay between them now. Vast nothingness, if she wasn’t a soldier to him... A hoarse bout of laughter escaped her. Sybila could live with that. She was almost drunk on the idea, it was just as predicted by none the likes of Maledictus. Even if her own words were foreign to her ears-she expected to get burned on the deal. He’d reap those consequences just the same. Sybila closed the distance between her and Irveric and three strides. Her eyes wandering across his arms to the utility belt-spotting one thing alone.

“Don’t mind if I do,” she whispered between them, a gauntlet relieving him of one of his grenades.

There wasn’t a thing an explosive charge and saber couldn’t do in her hands. The woman ground her jaw savoring her words nonetheless. Sybila would cause him worse issues and her mind fleeted with ideas, and even as the city and siege held a certain priority. Her own desires would not be cast aside in the end

When you had seen one city burn, you had seen them all as far as the woman was concerned. One knee planted itself on the marble as she fixed her helmet on, running her finger along the seal as the HUD came to life. The back glow on the empty screen was a stark reminder she was cut off from the rest of them and the woman rose up, armor creaking-faceless behind the polarized screen. She only nodded to Irveric.

Hitting the streets, an orange glow dominated the horizon. The thunderous roll of explosions grew closure and closure as the S-IMP forces laid down their assault. Tracking through the streets, down the blocks still untouched.

<<"Communication tower down south sector, radios negative for ground units. Support teams requested,”>> another observator reported in.

The faint scent of smoke passed over the filters as the city was targeted, far above head the screech of tie fighters grew close as dog fights broke out over the heights. The fleeting crowds hummed with one thing alone; fear. Sybila and the stragglers of the once security task melded with the likes of Irveric’s own Task, and she shadowed the man’s footsteps. The crack and ricochet of blaster fire sounded only streets over, lost in the chaos of the siege itself. It wouldn't be long she knew, they'd be in the thick of it soon enough. Something worse told her Irveric wasn't picking the good fight. Suicidal had lost the glamor of martyrisim, her heart steadily rising as they ran down the black top in the shadow of the city...From behind the visor, her eyes burned in to the man's back. Seldom had they ever fought beside each other either-Sybila silently chasitied herself, she was sentimental. The risk had been too much-

<<"Second wave of drop ships approaching. Sith Imperial drop troopers have reached the first city districts, rogue S-IMP units have landed behind our lines near the south sector.">>

<"Where we going Engima?> Sybila demanded, only along for the ride.

NIO // Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
TSE // Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

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Objective 3
Allies: Eva Betrik Eva Betrik
Foes: Bernard Bernard Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Thar be lightsabers. Dammed cruel weapons of Force users. Bastian swore to himself at his ill fortune. He motioned with two fingers and a raised arm for some of his troops to flank left. The rest would charge down their lane. Straight for the foe and in to a close firing distance. Jedi could easily deflect blasters with their sabers. Overwhelming fire from all his men though, well he was banking on it.

Noodle cart. Noodle cart? The little hover cart exploded as it traveled at the two enemies. Bastian dove forward for fear of shrapnel. His luck must have not been so dry as he thought as he was spared any injury, save just being more soaked. His troopers carried on ahead. Bastian collected himself from the ground and took cover behind a crate. The confusion of the explosion caused him to lose sight of the, Jedi, or whatever Order they belonged to. He'd regain the tactical picture soon. He trusted his own troopers could at least shoot on sight of them without him having to tell them.

Point Kanos, Harnaidan
End of Watch



Whatever the Commissioner believed about his operation, it was hardly so clandestine as to go beneath notice. During the height of battle, perhaps it might be misinterpreted or construed as accidental; but the Imperial Agents who screened orders scrutinized even their commanding officers. Once, it was asked, "who watches COMPNOR?" Today, the Grand Vizier would afford all of them the answer they waited so long for with baited breath.

"These accusations are grave," the King looked sidelong toward the female Chiss who hurried to his side to deliver the news. "And if true, I lack the luxury of time to launch a formal inquiry. Tell me, Lora, are you willing to stake the career and life of a dedicated COMPNOR agent on this?" He saw no hesitation in her, though that could easily be attributed to the stoicism inherent to her people. Erril'ora'sabosen had dedicated her life to the Imperium in the wake of the tragedy of Csilla. Many believed the New Imperials to be opportunistic with how they approached the ruling families in defense of the planet, but she had witnessed the Grand Vizier's pragmatism firsthand. He trusted her word, but this situation was fraught with nuance.

"Grand Vizier, I understand your hesitation," she said, "but I am not prone to acting for political gain. It is the way of my House to strive for the good of the people. This brazen act of wanton destruction only serves to further divide us."

"On that we agree," he nodded. "Have you attempted to override the command sequence?"

"The command was authorized under protocol Upsilon Delta Imperatus, meaning that only the Sovereign Imperator and the Commissioner who issued the order are able to withdraw it." It was clear by her elevated heartrate that she felt they were wasting time, and the destruction of her homeworld bore heavily on how she viewed this situation. Enlil could empathize. It was too soon to watch another population burn to ash. "We're doing no good talking about this. We should walk."

"Tavlar is preoccupied with other matters," he stated as they began their trek toward the Imperial Shuttle that would bear them to Harrsk. "The burden falls on me as Grand Vizier to uncover the truth of this situation and confront Harrsk, and if necessary, force him to withdraw his orders. Attend me, Lady Sabosen."

"Of course, my lord." She gave only a slight bow as they stepped aboard the shuttle and made the ominous journey to Harnaidan.

It is with painful sobriety I reflect on that day,
When the bonds and the vows we forged
were cast upon the anvil and tested.

The Galaxy will yet have order
even should my own Brothers
be made to pay even greater a price.

"The price we pay" -Enlil of Ketaris, 865 ABY
Memoirs of the Second Battle of Muunilnst

Divided we Fall

He'd watched the juggernauts slowly lurch toward definitive positions. What little he knew of Naval combat was more than adequate. "It was wrong of me to doubt your word, my lady," the King uttered dutifully as he suppressed the urge to vomit that came when his heart plummeted into the pit of his stomach. They had known strife since the Imperium cleaved from the Sith, but many believed that with Kyber Dark, the morally bereft factions within the New Imperial Order were extinct. The selfish actions of Rausgeber and the Galidraani apartheid on Archais bespoke a battle for the very soul of their leadership, but never did the King anticipate the depths of their depravity.

But no more. It ended today. It ended with Harrsk.

The charnel stench of o-zone and all too familiar, unpalatable taste of blackened flesh hung heavy in the air as the door slowly ground open. Reports about Jaeger's horrific ability to exhaust every resource and commit any atrocity in the pursuit of his goals were not exaggerated. Enlil did not look to the corpse. He felt the man's last sentiments lingering in the air all around them, feelings that he shared with his fallen compatriot. For all the rage he wanted to feel, something else guided his approach.

"I think it prudent you leave this situation in my hands," he instructed the woman. She had briefed him and apprised him of all but the details of the situation he would soon learn for himself. Lora bowed and stepped back, leaving the two men alone.

"Commissioner Harrsk." The greeting was cool, but there had never been any love lost between these two men. "Would that this situation surprised me a bit more than it does. I take it there is little chance I can persuade you to rescind that last order peacefully?"

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Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline



Objective II : Rising Resistance

Location: On board of the Pride of Anaxes, Orinackra's debris field
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

ALLIES | NIO | GA | SoM | SJC | NJO | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak | Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck | Commodore Curtis Rheardon Commodore Curtis Rheardon | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Delvrarus Sanders Delvrarus Sanders
ENEMIES | TSE | CIS | EE | Grand Moff Decimus | Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Tranquility Tranquility | Errix Feh'room | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Calruss Shiman | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | The Amalgam The Amalgam

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-1 Foudroyant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


"Sir, I'm picking a strange signature on the radar!" announced the Ops Officer.

"Where is it located ?"

"Somewhere in the debris field"

Herlock suddenly stood up and got close to the bridge's windows, took out his telescope and watched the debris field, looking for an eventual ship.

"I see nothing here" he said as he got back to his chair. "Do we have something that acts like a sonar on board ?"

"No Sir. But we can launch a fighter to scout the area."

"Tell Alpha One to get ready for take off."

"Aye Sir!"

Five minutes later, the rear hangar was opening, a single fighter getting out and beginning launching sequence.

"Alpha One, you're clear for take off!"

The fighter took off from the Pride's left catapult, and began its scouting mission in the field. Then, a voice raised in the bridge's loudspeakers:

"Pride of Anaxes, this is Alpha One. I'm going back to the ship for replenishment. There's no ship out there apart ours. Alpha One, over."

"Roger Alpha One. You're clear for landing."

Then Herlock had an idea. "Tell the Silencieux to engage cloaking device and to remain on alert. Open a link to Pride of the Emperor."

"Silencieux, this is the Pride of Anaxes. You are to engage cloaking device and stay on alert. Pride of Anaxes, over."

"You can now speak to the Pride of the Emperor, Sir."

"Thanks". Herlock took the microphone and said, in a calm voice: "Pride of the Emperor, this is the Pride of Anaxes. We are picking strange signatures on our sensors but the scouting mission revealed nothing. The Silencieux is engaging cloaking device. I suggest you stay on high level alert. Pride of Anaxes, over."

"Sir the Silencieux has disappeared from the radar. It has engaged cloaking device."

"And now we wait."


On board of the stealth corvette Silencieux, head of the the Task Force 58's battle line.
Commanding officer: Lieutenant Lucas Traumen

"Silencieux, this is the Pride of Anaxes. You are to engage cloaking device and stay on alert. Pride of Anaxes, over."

"You heard the thing guys" said Lucas. "From now on, there are no broadcasts on board. we remain silent, just like this ship's name. Engage cloaking device!"

"Aye Sir!"

As the ship was engaging its cloaking device, a small alarm rang inside, telling the crew that the ship was now in stealth mode. Lucas was nervous. It was his first time commanding a ship and it was his first mission as a commanding officer.

"Don't worry Sir, we'll do fine. We've done it plenty of times during exercises."

"You're right XO. There's no point to worry. I leave you the bridge. I f you need me, I'll be in my cabin."

"Aye Sir."

Allies: Grand Moff Decimus Kuben Woods Kuben Woods Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Errix Feh'room Seela Leini Seela Leini Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Enemies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana

Hull/Shields Name
Fleet: 1x Harrower-class Cruiser 800/800 Decimator
1x Tammar Class Corvettes 168/168 Exar Kun,
1x Tammar Class Corvettes 168/168 Jurak Uln
1x Squadron of Caedus-class Superiority Fighter (12) Deployed, to intercept, enemy fighters
3x Squadron of Scorpio-class Sith-Imperial Droid Starfighter (72) Deployed, to intercept, enemy fighters
1x Squadron of Caldoth-class Bomber (12) Prepped for quick Launch
2x Squadron of Vindican-class Troop Transport (24) fully loaded, with one space free For Darth Banshee

She was sat comfortably on the command deck of the Decimator, she was hoping for a quick clean victory. She was after political capital, that this mission would afford her, as then she might gain some favour, and help to reclaim Serenno, from this Newish Imperialish Orderish. As her small fleet dropped out of hyperspace, and the lines faded into stars. She saw the rest of the fleet drop out hyperspace, then her jaw dropped at the size of the enemy fleet, it must have been at least ten thousand kilometers in total length. Her deck officer started to chime in, he spoke with slight fear in his voice, which irritated her "We Must, fall back, and get reinforcement, Raise the Grand Moff Decimus, Now N......." She killed him with a flash of force lighting, she was not going to have cowardice on her ship. His body pulsed as the force lighting hit him, and then began to smolder when hit the deck. She turned to her Bridge Crew, "WE FIGHT TODAY, WE ARE NOT HERE FOR OURSELVES, WE ARE HERE FOR THE EMPIRE!" That bit was a lie, she was here for herself, but that mattered not. "ALL HANDS TO YOUR STATIONS!" As she spoke the general alarm went off, to get the crew ready. She then began giving orders. "Launch all fighters, and keep a close formation, and protect the ships, bombers stay on Board" There was no point risking them yet, they were not that maneuverable. "Boarding crews to the transports, and save a place for me" She needed to be seen fighting on the enemy flagship, and leading troops into battle. She then raised her two other ships on the comms, to give them their orders. "Captain Teramo, and Commander Palmera, take up parrel postins on the port bow and Starboard bow of the Decimator. Then fire all cannons at The Pride of the Emperor hanger bays, and head towards it at ramming speed." Then Captain Teramo asked a question, Do you mean to RAM that ship?" She gave a quick smile, and replied, "NO, but you will ram anything that gets between us and them!" She could sense they were uneasy with the orders, but they were loyal, and they both replied, "As You Command!"

They soon took up formation and began plowing forward, as fast they could. Then forward batteries were taking aim at the ship the Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim the Eternal Empress was on, her plan was simple, damage the hanger bays, so she could get the ship to board it, and then take the ship, and hopefully, have hyperdrive left to get out of here. As she doubted there would be much left. of her ships, with the pounding, they were about to receive. She knew her tactics were reckless, but it would get her to her objective in short order. She waited to get hit by the first salvo, as her batteries let out its initial salvo. The battle had been joined, may the force be with her.
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Adrian L’lerim Terassi Vandiir
Prince of the Eternal Empire, Disciple/Acolyte, assassin, sorcerer and alchemist
Uncrowned King of the Pocket Sand, Heir of the House L’lerim, Member of the Primyn Group
Location: ???, Definitely not Kalidan
Objective II.: Braking the Silence; Survive
Equipment: Mnami Mirsûra, The Crow Cane | Deck of the Pocket Sand | Estran Attire | G1 OmniLink || Empyrean gland
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio (planning) | Open
[ Supreme ]

The first day, almost as an adult, was really not what Adrian had imagined. A few meters next to him, a rocket crashed into one of the buildings, and the boy had to dodge to one side. Her entire dress and hair became pure powder. He dusted it off a little finely and shook his hair. From a distance that was unfortunately close rather than far enough away he heard someone approaching. The way he looked from behind the debris they were soldiers, but they definitely were not Ultranauts.

He may have grown up in the Netherworld, but from that he still learned the language and how their soldiers look in his own state. These were not them. Feth! No, these were NIO soldiers, and according to his latest information, they were just not friends. He tried to sneak away so they wouldn't notice, which luckily worked because something else distracted them. Sith soldiers. He knew the war was going on, though there had been no battle since he was taken away from the Serenno. Only a few months…

Who attacked whom? He had no idea about it, just as he still didn't know whose planet he was on. Because it was not such an easy question. He should have been better informed about the situation. Plus, he was out of luck because the NIO soldiers noticed him. Unfortunately, he didn't look like a startled civilian, he didn't know if he was recognized, but he was called to surrender.

Because he hated to fight, he stood up with his hands raised towards the soldiers. One was surprised and began to talk about his resemblance to one of the Sith Lords. He actually looked almost perfectly like his father. The soldiers raised their guns, and the boy began to flee, running for his life.


Darth Ahriman



Objective: Sabotage the communications.
Location: Landing on Ord Thoden.
Allies: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , Laertia Io Laertia Io & Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova .
Enemies: Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter , Djorn Bline Djorn Bline , Hakon Fett Hakon Fett .

"Sir, I'm reading a carrier in low orbit. Its designation show that it's friendly. It's begun to drop pods onto the planet, they look like they are heading towards other broadcasting facilities" Valen overheard the Pilot reporting to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , his expression shifting to one of anger and disbelief at the news.

"This is supposed to be a covert operation, what idiot has gone and blown our cover!?" Valen exclaimed. Now that they'd been detected and the New Imperial Order aware of a hostile presence over Ord Thoden, their chances of success had dropped vastly. Imperial Propaganda had been a blight on the political scene for far too long, and Valen had been looking forward to shutting them up, at least for a while.

"Get ready we're landing now and they spotted us! Drop us off here and get somewhere safe, hopefully, that carrier should keep them occupied" Alisteri instructed the Pilot, and in doing so earning himself some favour in Valen's eyes. They'd been given a mission, and Valen was glad to see that his peers were prepared to see it through no matter the risks. It was suicide to go on, yet failure in his Master's eyes would have been equally horrific and he had learned very early on that Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano was not a compassionate, nor forgiving sort.

Chit, Ali had mentioned a Carrier. Someone had brought in troops to Ord Thoden which would likely turn their objective location into a war zone. Security would no doubt be raised to the maximum level, but then perhaps the numbers of Sith Troopers would keep them busy long enough for Valen and his two strike-team members to get the job done. He could only hope.

Their landing was a swift descent from the craft and the trio left no time to spare in getting out of sight in order for the shuttle to continue on its way with as little a compromising sign they could manage. From here it seemed that they'd be going ahead on foot, however Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova was looking a little worse for wear already.

"What's wrong with him?" Valen asked Alisteri as the other Acolyte helped up their newest team member; "Are you going to be able to handle this fight?" he further enquired, this time looking to Aurelion directly. "We're going to be in it up to our necks now. We can't have any dead weight keeping us down".



W H Y _ S O _ S E R I O U S ?





The mechanical pocket watch set carefully on the table of the tact-map counted down the time until total deliverance - freeing the New Imperial Order of the weaklings that had infested its leaderships and crippling the Sith in the process. Muunilinst would be the baptism of fire that would usher the New Order into a new age, a rebirth of true Imperialism. The archaic watch, ancient by any contemporary standards across the galaxy, held a dearer - more personal - meaning to Jaeger Harrsk.

It had belonged to his father. Heinrich Harrsk. A staunch imperialist from Teta who had given every minute of his life to the Imperial cause. A flash of memories rushed him for a brief moment, the Commissioner recalling vividly both father and son co-writing "If I were the Emperor" book that agitated for the imperial ideology. Ever since the days of his youth, Jaeger knew he had to carry the torch of his father's legacy and light the galaxy into a new era.

No matter the cost.

The doors sliding open to the command room brought him back to the reality. The ticking of the pocket watch grew louder in anticipation of what was to come.

"Commissioner Harrsk. Would that this situation surprised me a bit more than it does. I take it there is little chance I can persuade you to rescind that last order peacefully?"

There was no surprise strewn across Jaeger's face. Who else, other than Enlil, the Grand Vizier - the personification of the growing sickness that had weakened the New Order - would come stop the inevitable. Who else would try to defy what fate had decreed?

"You know the answer to that question, Vizier." he replied before turning around to face the man, a nasty smirk sharpened his scars, "The cancer that you and your likeminded have brought upon the New Order needs to be purged." his trained fingers itched for the trigger on his blaster.

"If there was one thing I learned best from our former masters, the Sith, it is that herd must be culled every now and then."

"Starting with you."

Jaeger's arm snapped forward and fired an onslaught of blaster bolts at the man that embodied the obstacle standing in the way of a new galaxy.

ALLIES: NIO | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Zakaria Black Zakaria Black | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Willan Tal Willan Tal

ENEMIES: Grand Vizier of the New Imperial Order Enlil Enlil [ENGAGING] | TSE | Lady Marrow Lady Marrow | Darth Mori


Objective: Rescue Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Location: Space
Equipment: See Sig
Allies: TSE/EE
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak | Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck | Commodore Curtis Rheardon Commodore Curtis Rheardon | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Delvrarus Sanders Delvrarus Sanders | Grand Moff Decimus | Tranquility Tranquility | Errix Feh'room | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken | Calruss Shiman | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | The Amalgam The Amalgam


An amused smile took over as she turned her gaze towards the door. She didn't get up as the shocktroopers descended upon their enemies, more content with watching Damian and his crew work. Her guard, however, did. The large Wookie beside her and the few others that occupied the other pods rushed out in a blur of movement. Where the shocktroopers descended as fire and vengeance, they carved through the immediate area as a blade in the night.

Ripping through armor and throats alike, all to drain every living body they came across. Corpses were laid out as the Sith Lord finally decided to step down from the pod. Her golden eyes narrowed as she observed the scorched hall.

"I would be careful about how you address Sith you don't know. I've met all too many that would have no issue cutting you down for your tone." As she spoke she lifted a hand, focusing elsewhere. It mattered little what Damian was doing. The plan was simple. Create chaos and let another find the Empress. At least, that was Alina's plan. The flow of the Force twisted under her reach. Streaks of red pooled into the air, blood manipulated under her direction. Then, into the corpses.

Any body that wasn't too mangled or disintegrated roused back to their feet. Staggering as the tried to stay up right. Mindless eyes staring at their new master. The Sith simply raised a hand.

"Go. Feast."

Then they were off. Running, sprinting down halls. Every step they seemed to grow more in control of their motor functions. These husks ended up faster and stronger than they had been alive. But they held no sentience. On an open battlefield these would of been a double edged sword. Either she would need to keep her attention on them so they didn't eat her allies, or she'd let them run amok and let them kill whoever they found.

But this was a New Imperial ship. There were only the commandos to worry about, and she didn't send these husks anywhere they went. The mess hall, the barracks. Anywhere with the most bodies. Once they were gone she turned her gaze to the Wookie beside her. They spoke no words and only exchanged nods before she turned down a different hallway.

"Find the Empress and get her to the hangar. I'm going to secure the bridge." She flashed one last grin before she disappeared around the corner. Some of her guard, five in total, faded from visible sight. Blending into their surroundings with the tech they had to stay with her. The Wookie and the rest however stayed with Damian. They had their orders.

Drawing no dividend from time's to-morrows.
In the great hour of destiny they stand,
Each with his feuds, and jealousies, and sorrows.

Can't Play Dead

Harnaidan, Muunilinst
+0:46 h after First Contact
Damask Plaza, Southern Cultural Centre

BLUFOR: GA, NIO, Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
OPFOR: TSE, Eva Betrik Eva Betrik , Bastian Briareos Bastian Briareos

Though as he stared out at the street, apprehension flooded his chest. Chains wrapped his shoulders and pulled down toward the earth, crushing the breath from his lungs. He swayed on his feet, propping himself up against the table with a forearm. The world spun, and, for a moment, he swore to have caught a glimpse of silver hair disappearing behind a rack of carpets.

A red bolt whizzed through his poncho, and another by his neck. Colours rushed back into the world as though they were eager to fill a vacuum. The prattle of rain against the back of his head and his shoulders stirred perception's attention back to its surroundings. Bernard stood hunched forward against the table's edge, muscles taut with tension. He cut aside the next bolt that came, locking eyes with a trooper that came charging up the street but thought better of it a moment later. It felt good to hear the familiar sound of plasma cutting through air and rain up close again.

With the moment of appreciation out of the way, more pressing matters called for his attention.

He glanced over to Ishida. The Padawan's impatience was more than clearly communicated. He took the moment to flash an apologetic smile, the only gesture of apology he could muster at short notice.

<I'll just need some time to get it prepared,> he said, mind already somewhere else.

Sith troops still poked out from behind cover all around the northern crescent of the plaza, and dozens of crimson helmets now poured in to bolster the ranks. The Alliance stood at less than two dozen in comparison, Jedi included, with maybe just short of a hundred civilians in their charge. It would be utter chaos. Red and blue bolts were about to make the plaza an inhospitable place in only a few short moments, and the civilians would be caught in the crossfire left out to dry with nothing but their own, panic-fuelled, wits. The Sith had to be distracted or their lives made difficult enough to abandon their attack for long enough to get the people out safely.

He cut aside another bolt, more aware of his surroundings again. From the direction where the trooper had disappeared down came a food cart speeding down the duracrete, right at him. At first, he was unsure what to make of it. A hovercart, at those velocities, could budge the heavy wood table, at best knock it over. He frowned, unable to piece together the motive of the trooper's culinary attack.

Unless she'd done something to the cart while he'd been busy strategizing a way out of this.

It was moments like these when he missed the preternatural foresight of a Jedi the most. He turned and ran, right as the cart bumped into the table with a quiet thump. A few heartbeats passed. He managed a few wide lunges, then the trooper's scheme was revealed.

The cart went up in a massive fireball, a roaring boom travelling over the plaza. It bounced against the skycutters which caged it in and echoed it back across the open space. Near the epicentre of the explosion, silence settled where no rain fell. It drew on for a few moments, then the water returned in a deluge.

Bernard was flat against the ground. He felt as though burning sandpaper had run over every inch of his back, and it wasn't until he stirred that he also became aware of a sharp sting waning across his cheek. A batch of noodles had slapped against his face during the explosion, propelled at dangerous velocities. He'd consider himself lucky if this vicious revenge for years of
Gung Pao Wak loyalty left him without scars. With a grunt, he pushed himself off the ground and surveyed his surroundings.

The blast wave had ripped apart the tents around it, flattening several more in a circle further out. Small fires battled raindrops for their lives, scattered in patches across the debris. Produce lay scattered and smashed, clothes, torn and singed, soaked in the rain, and a colourful spray of shards marked the remnants of a glass-smith's shop. No bodies though, none that Bernard could see. He let out a sigh of relief as he picked up the hilt of his lightsabre and did his best to disappear into the tents and stalls still standing.

<I lived,> he groaned the words, voice hoarse and strained, <how about you?>

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//: Objective //: Blood Hunter //:
//: Target //: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru //:
//: Allies //: NIO/GA //:
Viers thanked the Force; she could lurk in the shadows and go unnoticed for the most part. With Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze ’s help, she could find a place on the New Imperial Vessel. Luckily for her, it housed the infamous Empress of the Eternal Empire. When thinking about Ingrid’s title, Viers wondered if she really just liked the letter E. It was a fun letter to write constantly, but it also looked like the number three. Viers liked the number four far better because it was more than three.

As her mind ran a mile a minute, she remained invisible to the naked eye and a void within the Force. Her small stature weaved through the mobilizing forces. Something had boarded the ship, and things were about to get dicey. Viers continued to move against the flow of people until they all stopped and gunfire littered the hallways. She stopped and turned to face the swarm of undead that began to make their way down the hall. Bullets littered their corpses, and Viers felt the tiny hairs on her neck stand at the sight of them.

Her mind instantly knew what and who caused the dead to walk again. It was a grotesque display of power and disrespect; the holy weapon on her back found its place in her grip with a spin of her wrist. Quickly she leaped and used the Imperials that were now fighting or running from the horde as steps. The girl flickered through the air, visible and then gone in the blink of an eye. The bulbous end of her quarterstaff made contact with the undead, heads splattering their internals against the walls of the ship. Viers quietly assassinated, putting the dead back to rest as she made her way through, searching for their maker.

Tearing through the chaos, the girl cut off Alina’s route - almost smelling the foulness of her creation.
Blood-soaked white robes hung off her slender frame, a far cry from the spacer look the Vampiress would have remembered.

The quarterstaff at the ready tucked gently against her body as she held her open palm out in preparation for the fight. Breathing heavily from the previous combat, watching Alina with something akin to hatred. “I thought you wanted to stop the killing? Why do you continue it?”


Objective: Rescue Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Location: Space
Equipment: See Sig
Allies: TSE/EE
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak | Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck | Commodore Curtis Rheardon Commodore Curtis Rheardon | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Delvrarus Sanders Delvrarus Sanders | Grand Moff Decimus | Tranquility Tranquility | Errix Feh'room | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken | Calruss Shiman | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | The Amalgam The Amalgam | LT-137 LT-137 | Viers Connory Viers Connory (Engaging)


The Sith's glowing gaze narrowed as she focused on the Jedi that appeared before her. Of course she would be here. If the Force truly had a will, it likely wanted these two to face off until only one stood triumphant. A fate Alina once would of stood against. But fate was cruel. There was no path forward but through, not if she wanted to survive the Sith. She said nothing in response, instead standing there. Still, watching. Waiting.

And not for the Jedi to act. Beside her the five cloaked figures flickered into existence, rifles raised. Firing. The lesser Sangnir fulfilled their main purpose without hesitation or remorse. Protect the head of the Tremiru family. Perhaps before Alina would have stopped them, but now she only watched. Waiting to see if the Jedi would survive.

Secretly hoping that she would.

The Azure Hammer Command rocked and dashed as Gallius refined the position of his vessels. He hated to say it, but all was according to plan. His most heavy ships were going to spearhead the maneuver, and the more specialised Task Force 58 was already flying its own wings, probing the field debris to discover the enemy position. They were here. He knew it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been recalled, and the voices would not have anticipated the blood to come with such a rewarding vision. Nothing was yet to be seen, but there were many means of discovering the opponent's position.

Gallius turned to his staff, who was trying to avoid collision with the debris in the field. The threat that lone debris posed was negligible, but there were many, many debris here. And so everyone was busy calculating new ways not to be annihilated. Like Csilla had been annihilated. The Commodore shrugged. There was no need of recalling shameful memories now. He had to focus on the unfolding of his strategy. And for that, he needed to make sure the fleet was in place.

The vessels had risen high above the classic plane used by most enemy fleets. The most useful point was to have a fleet able to avoid classic eye sighting detection, something even boosted by the passive sensor mode, which Gallius was able to do right now. With his sensors on passive mode, the officer would get just enough amount of intel he needed to detect enemies, but this low-profile scan mode also made his vessels undetectable by other ships' scanners. The perfect tool for counter-ambush.

Furthermore, being so high up forced enemy warships to rise too, slowing them down and leaving them open to longer attacks from above. If anyone was to climb to brawl on his own battlefield, one would have to spend a considerable amount of energy on the engines, diverted from the weapons and shields. Meanwhile, the Anaxsi vessels would have to focus power on weapons and lower shields: why could anyone attack them from above? The plan was in perfect shape, now Gallius only needed to activate his last card and wait for Javelin to show up.
And that was when the first enemy flotilla was spotted. Exiting hyperspace without any precaution, the Sith walked blindly into the New Imperial defence system. The weak force of two Corvettes and a Marr-class Cruiser was nothing that challenged the Imperial might, but Gallius suspected it was only the first wave of attack. They would have to fend off many more if they wanted to have the Empress out safe, but if they were coming in small pockets, it would not pose a threat at all. Truly, the Sith Empire was on the verge of collapsing if their only leaders were such inept commanders.

The beginning of the battle would be simple. As the Sith had been spotted, Gallius drew his plans, preparing the engagement. From what he was seeing, the flotilla was going to target him directly. They were at extreme range, but the Commodore could close in without a problem. Could the same be said about the Sith? He doubted it. They were below his forces, and the field of debris was clouding the space separating the two fleets. If they wanted to get his throat, they would have to give in their guts first. Blood.

With a wave of the hand, the officer let loose of the dogs. Task Force 58 would go on its own rampage, he trusted. Captain Herlock was trusty, and Gallius had no doubts he would himself collect a few heads. His agile battle group was one of the most experimented of the Anaxsi Navy, and they had Csilla to their board, something the Commodore respected. Csilla. Enough! He had to focus. He had to focus. He had to focus. He breathed in and out as his vessels started trading volleys with Darth Banshee Darth Banshee 's fleet.

"Sir! Incoming transmission from Captain Herlock! a young non-commissioned officer shouted across the bridge.
"Stop shouting on an Imperial vessel, soldier! Where do you think we are? You've left Ord Lithone's marketplaces, Gallius grumbled as he made his way to the comm station, directly referring to the non-commissioned's homeworld. Put him in. And do we have any news about Javelin or Rausgeber?"
"Excuse me, Commodore, it won't happen again. No sir, nothing from either of them, the young Lithonian replied shamefully as he opened the communication array.
"Anyway, let's see what Herlock wants."

Pride of the Emperor, this is the Pride of Anaxes. We are picking strange signatures on our sensors but the scouting mission revealed nothing. The Silencieux is engaging cloaking device. I suggest you stay on high level alert. Pride of Anaxes, over.

"Not like we were learning anything, though... Gallius whispered before answering his officer. Captain Herlock, this is Commodore Orcana. Authorisation to hunt whatever you find. We have spotted an enemy flotilla and are engaging. Orcana over."

The Commodore closed the communication and got back to the observation pane. From what he was seeing, the Sith were aiming at his hangar bays. Nothing too dangerous, given the fact that his lower shields were reinforced. And also, two Corvettes were trying to rise at ramming speed. How peculiar. Two sacrifices. The two light vessels had put themselves in great danger by doing this. Two against seventeen? Only a fool or a god could believe he would win this. And if what he saw was right, then he was facing a fool.

"Enemy coming at ramming speed, sir. I have fifteen fire solutions on them. Asking permission to override the artillery crews, the Ensign told, in a moderate, soft voice. The crew was learning the lesson, one way or another.
"Negative Ensign. Take control of the tractor beams and unveil our... Csillan surprise."
"Aye aye sir. Tractor beams turrets aiming... Optimal range in three seconds. We are ready to proceed."

A god could have caressed the fleet. A mystical hand turned all the ships simultaneously as they aimed towards the same place. It was a strange spectacle that was playing there: two crazed corvettes trying to ram ships far above them, and the said ships, patiently waiting, without caring to open fire or launch fighters. The scene looked surreal. Seconds passed. Nothing seemed to change until, suddenly... Blood.

"Now! Activate tractor beams, disengage hangar bays hold and prepare collision maneuvers, Gallius shouted, as his timely plans unfolded.

The crew executed calmly the orders, and the tractor beams of the whole fleet hummed to life. Something had touched the fleet a few moments before, but now, the field of debris seemed to have gained life. The Csillan trick was repeated again, although with less success. The Commodore had learned the strategy, and knew perfectly well he could not use it with the same efficiency. He had not invented it, he wouldn't be as skilled when using it. But still.

A giant shield of debris began to form as the Imperial ships used the tractor beams to manipulate the field of wreckage and asteroids. Slowly, what seemed like an open corridor was looking like a death trap: the corvettes would have to blast their way into the shield, effectively cutting themselves from the rest of their forces. And as the shield loosely formed, Gallius used the respite to finally switch the sensors to passive mode and launch the fighters. Who would challenge him so high up, protected by a living shield of debris, asteroids and wreckage, torn corvettes and disebowled frigates?

The voices demanded blood. They would have it.

NIV Pride of the EmperorCuirassier-class Cruiser- Fully crewed, Active
Commodore Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana
NIV ConquerorCuirassier-class Cruiser- Fully crewed, ActiveCaptain Kir Ralkhone - NPC
AIV FoudroyantFoudroyant-class Fleet Carrier Vessel- Fully crewed, ActiveCommander Erika Richthofen
NIV RevanchistDonnager-class Star Destroyer- Fully crewed, ActiveCaptain Gar Ventanus - NPC
NIV PercussorDonnager-class Star Destroyer- Fully crewed, ActiveCommander Sev Vatar - NPC
NIV Shadow of the EmperorDonnager-class Star Destroyer- Fully crewed, ActiveCommander Ma'nuu'roduo - NPC
NIV Anaxes's HonourInceptus-class Assault Ship- Fully crewed, ActiveCommander Viel Yularen - NPC
NIV Iron FistInceptus-class Assault Ship- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant-Commander Jurg Haskler - NPC
AIV Pride of AnaxesX100-class Escort Frigate- Fully crewed, Active Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock
AIV CourageousX100-class Escort Frigate- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant-Commander James Halsey - NPC
AIV AudaciousX100-class Escort Frigate- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant-Commander Julius E. Mannerheim - NPC
NIV CygnusEscolta-class Frigate- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant-Commander Len Pard - NPC
NIV Imperial ParagonEscolta-class Frigate- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant Giel Thrackan - NPC
AIV OceanosVeers-class Star Galleon
- Fully crewed, Active
Delvrarus Sanders Delvrarus Sanders
AIV SilencieuxSilencieux-class Stealth Corvette- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant Lucas Traumen - NPC
NIV Imperial HandCaçadores-class Corvette- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant Dek Rakad - NPC
NIV Eternal CrusaderCaçadores-class Corvette- Fully crewed, ActiveLieutenant Fulthius Rax - NPC


//: Objective //: Blood Hunter //:
//: Target //: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru //:
//: Allies //: NIO/GA //:
The sudden appearance of the five guards caught Viers by surprise. Their guns fired and hit true to their target. They had done their job; they had protected their high blood. Viers coughed blood, and her weakened frame slumped to her knees as she looked at the ground. The firing didn’t stop as her body continued to jar against the gunfire. She collapsed, but the image of the monk suddenly disappeared.

Viers had quickly found comfort in the shadows, leaving an essence of an illusion for the bullets to fly through. Because of the illusion and the focus it took, the girl couldn’t mask her force presence. If Alina could, she would feel Viers’ movements as she remained low, avoiding the gunfire the best she could. A few times, she felt the scrape of the shots against her cloth armor, burning the fabric into her skin. Then, covering the ground between the illusion and the guards, she pulled a small sticky bomb from her robes and tagged two guards with them.

As the bombs exploded, the Corellian would appear and toss another two small sticky bombs to the other two. Then, almost in tandem, the bombs went off, igniting the four guards in flames. Popping back out of existence, she attempted to kick off Alina and slap the head of her quarter into the temple of the fifth guard.

With the swing, she came back into vision. Her staff turning on Alina, “Congratulations, you’ve become the monster you wanted to become."


Objective: Rescue Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Location: Space
Equipment: See Sig
Allies: TSE/EE
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak | Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck | Commodore Curtis Rheardon Commodore Curtis Rheardon | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Delvrarus Sanders Delvrarus Sanders | Grand Moff Decimus | Tranquility Tranquility | Errix Feh'room | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Moff Drybis Lyken Moff Drybis Lyken | Calruss Shiman | Darth Banshee Darth Banshee | The Amalgam The Amalgam | LT-137 LT-137 | Viers Connory Viers Connory (Engaging)

Her gaze saddened as she watched the illusion of Viers get cut down. Alina, too distracted by what her eyes saw, didn't notice that the blood scattering wasn't real. That if she had listened to the flow she would know that the Jedi dropped and set up her illusion. No, she had to face the reality of it all. Her choice to fight forward had killed someone she might have considered a friend. Her expression hardened. They were enemies, not friends. This was only natural.

The Vampiress closed her eyes to still her mind. Odd. There was still a heartbeat. Then the first scream came. Her eyes opened immediately to watch four of her guards burst into flame. Fire? Viers had done her studies. The heartbeat got closer, and Viers finally came into view once again. Kicking off of Alina's chest to strike down the last of her guards? Her lips thinned before she reached out. The Sith was faster than in their last meeting, her hand extended to try and catch the Jedi by the same offending foot that had kicked off of her earlier. All to swing the budding illusionist with all her might into the nearby wall.

"I'm the monster I needed to become."

Larro Paeb


Objective: Take out the Sith
Allies: NIO
ENGAGING: Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

The young Knight stood tall as he watched the tanks move onward.

When the warriors dropped from the sky, he knew that they weren’t just any normal soldiers. The booster packs, the shine from the armor, the way they moved, this wasn’t any normal Sith scum. No, these were Mandalorians. Beskar had a unique shine to it, one that he knew all too well.

His saber hilt rested on his hip, a clip connecting it to his belt. Only a small amount of combat training had been given to him with this weapon. The tide of war prevented him from building his own saber, so this one had been given to him for battle. Blasters were never much of his favorite anyways, so this would do well.

Flipping up his rangefinder, he took a gaze out upon the battlefield. The engagement from the Sith had only just begun, and the battle would last for some time. He only hoped this Knights he now called brothers were fighting valiantly.

Jumping into the air, his own jetpack turned on, slowing his fall to the ground. His boots touched down softly onto the ground as he slightly bended his knees. Turning the pack off, he rose back up. He watched as the tanks kept moving forward through the city.

Igniting his saber, the listened to the calming hum of the blade. The white saber would be easily visible from the enemies point of view, but he didn’t mind. Soon these disgraces that call themselves Mandalorians will be punished for aiding the Sith in their assault.

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