Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OPERATION: Shattered Spear; TCP Invasion of CIC Nyeon Hex


Vindicta; Artificial Intelligence
Location: Inner System Gulf – Nyeon, Nyon Pass, At the border between the Mid Rim and Core Worlds Region
Objective: Observation and continuing efforts to secure sensor network within the System
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation
Enemies: The Corporate Protectorate
Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis II "Psyche"


With the first wave of reconnaissance droid rippling across the system at the initial order, followed soon by her <own> wave as a way to ensure that even the merest deviation in the stage of conflict would not escape them. As such, the reversion of more hostile vessels from hyperspace were perceived with calm interest even as streams of data continue to flow through 「Vindicta」.

The reestablishment of the interdiction field would have given <her> pause were <she> on a cusp of developing a semblance of emotion. While most of the vessels within Psyche were designed with a counter-measure in place, <she> had several corvettes and picket ships that were not of the same make as its ilk. After a moment of contemplation and several variation of simulations, 「The Black Swallowtail」 decided that it would not be too severe a detriment, considering Classis II has always been composed to complement Classis I. <She> would just have to relay <her> orders more frequently and insistently to the vessels under <her> command.

With <her> calculations finalised and the results falling within acceptable parameters, the Artificial Intelligence focused <her> regard back on the command deck of the Guerdon in time to observe the predatory grin that graced the Hapan’s features. And with the words interjected by the Thyrsian Warlord, 「The Black Swallowtail」 could only conclude that the Navarch considered the abundance of hostile vessels as a situation that was received with much delight. Once again, the being turned <her> regard towards the yonder.

Assured that 「Designate: Astarii Saren」knew exactly what she wanted to accomplish to sow chaos and sunder their proud lines, the consciousness remained silent and continued to track and adjust the trajectories of its various weaponries as they advanced and analysing simulations of various scenarios. Most of them projected that the gilded Warship would emerge victorious from this passing skirmish, even with the numerical advantage the 「Hostile」held, if they remained vigilant about ensuring their vulnerable stern had a semblance of defenses prepared.

And there it came, the order from the Supreme Sun Guardian. 「Vindicta」, ever keen to expand <her> repository of knowledge, marked the conclusion that <she> had arrived at as being ‘correct’ and collated the information for further review on a later date. Even as <she> acquiesced and passed the orders to the officers, the Artificial Intelligence continued her primary function of tracking their position in tangent to the hostile’s vessels, and ensuring that <her> brethren were always kept aware of any change in data even as the Guerdon stalked forward, keen to test their edge against the mettle of these new players to the galactic dejarik-board.

Even as the first exchange of salvos began to light up the infinite night, the first whisper of an incoming missive attracted <her> notice.

Designate: Astarii Saren. Designate: Khonsu Amon. There is an unknown vessel from beyond the border of the system wishing to open a line of communications with the Guerdon. Should I receive them?

[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]

[member="Nova Storyteller"] | [member="Ari Zanareth"] | [member="Credius Nargath"]
[member="Renn Garrick"]
| [member="Chris Walker"] | [member="Cypher Rage"]
OOC Note
Edited to fix tags

Adaska Raythe


Adaska Raythe
Asteroid 77; "The Golden City"
Objective: Revolution Cancelled (Bring Your Own)
Post #: 2
Core Imperial-Aligned Characters: [member="CC-239"], [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Marriskcal Lati"], [member="Theodore Royce-Clarke"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Varian Alaric"], @Vindicta.
Corporate Protectorate-Aligned Characters: [member="Ari Zanareth"], [member="Credius Nargath"], [member="Cypher Rage"], [member="Renn Garrick"].
Interacting: [member="Varian Alaric"], [member="Theodore Royce-Clarke"]

Mikkel attempted in futility to persuade Adaska to abort their intended mission of raiding a Winter Revolution clubhouse nestled deep within the Golden City's carnivorously-sized subterranean levels. Their airspeeder settled down onto the floor of a damp and fetid dark street even as the Golden City's executive government declared martial law and elements of the local Imperial Army Garrison was deploying methodically throughout the city and ordering residents to remain in-doors. "It might be necessary for us to move our Randezvous after I've completed the search." Mikkel gave Adaska a sideways glance dipping his head with a disrespectful bobbing motion, though he straightened at first sign of the woman's Brass-coloured visor turning in his direction. Little did the young proud and dismissive Mikkel know but Agent Raythe had detected his gesture but elected to allow its' passage unchallenged for the sake of their working relationship.

Sending an amended set of co-ordinates to Mikkel his hazel spheres widen slightly heart thrusts up into throat. "That....That is right outside their clubhouse. You're going to walk straight out the front of an underground political headquarters, filled with communist armed guards?" Wordless came Adaska's reply and she nodded helmeted head affirmatively, which earned an impressed scoff from Mikkel. With a Stealth Field Generator wrapped around hips atop armoured 'belt' her features and colouration appeared to turn transparent with light passing straight through her silhouette even as its' shape remained. Reaching to the door her fingers gently pulled its' release the seals hissed lowly and it pivoted upwards towards the Rocky ceiling, stepping into a street filled with cascading Nyeon lights Adaska's ears detected distant accented speech no-doubt belonging to an Imperial Soldier likely from Coruscant's upper levels.

Walking over to a large square-shaped portal nestled in a narrow alleyway, Adaska pulled a white featureless sanitary worker's identification card from a nylon pouch attached to her breastplate and hovered it above a card-reading panel. The glorious reality of unrestrained capitalism and weak local government She thought permitting the faintest evidence of a smile to rise in the corners of her mouth. "A prostituted society where everything has a price." Grim and damning was her assessment of Nyeon, if she could have her way the Core Imperial Confederation would excise and purge the local Government and replace it with a reconstituted Central Government. The great Durasteel portal began to screech open loudly the telltale bellowing whine of a heavy repulsortank approached rapidly and the sound of Mikkel's airspeeder zooming off in a panic told Adaska all she needed to know about what was coming. It's little wonder the Winter Revolution are from here, shouldn't have taken it this long to locate them. It is hardly a coincidence given they play nice with Orlov's chosen pets.

Descending down an incline into the darkness below with door closing in her wake. Adaska marched through the taft tunnels with a rifle held authoritatively across breast, their icy blue spheres studied every slight movement, light-amplification made engaged within the neglected passageways beneath what was supposed to be a gleaming civilised bastion of commerce. "Knight-Leader this is Rogue-Alpha, I'm advancing on the target, over." Breaking radio-silence, the Rogue and Fugitive Agent Raythe sent an encrypted comlink message to one of her allies of the "Loyalist Coalition" and Minister of Foreign Affairs: The gentlemanly and aristocratic Theodore Royce-Clarke. Despite the man being a politician, Adaska was somewhat fond of his maturity when contrasted to Tanomas Graf's often impassioned speeches and outbursts.


Another Snake
Location: The Chalice
Allies: [member="Marriskcal Lati"]
Enemies: Corporate Protectorate
Objective: Defend the Prison Facility

What personal gain could Cedric get from this invitation?

None whatsoever. The only thing he could gain was educate himself in the politics and culture of the Nyeon system. So far he understood the system was governed by a pact of corporations and the like, sending their own minions to be elected democratically by the people in order to achieve power in a, ironically, fair manner. Culture was somewhat similar to city planets such as Coruscant or his homeworld of Empress Teta, only thing that differed was the corruption and greed that ruled the place. People apparently needed spice to buy themselves the emotion of happiness. He considered that much more depressing than what he currently was exposed to.

A surgical procedure on an inmate of the Chalice. The prisoner was not the first and certainly not the last rat to be tested on with such torture. The atmosphere was not surprising when technological companies were the overseers and fancied in expanding the limit of cybernetics. Unlike the ISB Captain he escorted with he was not directly watching at the procedure with such wonder in his eyes. He had his back against a wall adjacent to the glass wall that separated them from the surgery. His eyes mostly kept on the wall opposite of him, thought sometimes he took glances at what was going on the other side of what they were separated with. Had it not been her he would not be here today, seeing that his House or the other Houses of Teta were not contacted by these corporate oligarchs.

”I’m fine, thanks for the offer though,” he curtly replied back to the Captain. There were some rather provoking images from the surgery, but the trick was to not pay attention to the majority of the procedure. ”No offense, but I do hope you find some...professional aid. Finding this with a sense of awe is for mental people.” Just an opinion of his from what he observed.

”Then again, what I do isn’t for mental people either.”

Suddenly the klaxons cried in alarm, symbolizing something had changed the calm atmosphere. Something he welcomed to the uncomfortable theater he was in.

”Is this part of the show, Lati?”

Ari Zanareth

Jumping in; Engaging Golden Company
Local Allies (Thus Far) ; [member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Cypher Rage"] [member="Credius Nargath"] [member="Chris Walker"]​
Bad Guys: [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Vindicta"]​


Aurek Command

CPS Fang; Shield Class Destroyer

CPS Vengeance; Jast Elite Destroyer

CPS Tomahawk; Jast Elite Destroyer

CPS Thunder; Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Valour; Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Hawk; Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Anvil; Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Dragon; Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Dawn; Jast Carrier Destroyer


Besh Command

CPS Carrick; Jast Blackout

CPS Vector; Jast pocket Carrier

CPS Denigrator; Jast pocket Carrier

CPS Riptide; Jast pocket Carrier

CPS Reagal; Jast pocket Carrier

CPS Demon; Jast pocket Carrier

CPS Crown; Jast pocket Carrier


She was still silent as the final decision was made. Major Commander Richten was adamant they join the fight. His XO was not. A shouting match lasting several minutes had ensued, before the XO crossed the line. He'd gone for his Pistol, knowing full well the gambit that Richten was about execute could well lead to their demise.

Things on a TCP vessel were not so standardized, nor civilized. XO's were in high supply and little demand. Their automated voice command systems meant they were effectively relegated to paperwork. Discipline was tight, swift and severe, unlike in other Navys.

For all his trouble the XO found himself with a slug burrowed deep into his brain. The Major Commander lowered the smoking barrel of his Outback Revolver and grimaced. His face changed to fire and brimstone like a tidal thunderstorm rolling in.

"Anyone else please to disobey my Orders?"

The bridge was silent as a mouse.

Ari remained motionless, face set in stone.

"Execute Option Besh."

Within moments they found themselves with that lurching feeling in the pit of their stomach. They micro-jumped right into the fray.

Notably they micro-jumped just behind where the Guerdon had unknowingly laid her mines. Ari smiled as the Chaos on the bridge broke loose. Immediate alarms blared, and explosions rocked the Shield Class like a rowboat in a hurricane. Two of the Pocket Carriers took hits to their belly armor and began to vent into space. Ari watched the bodies fly, followed by spirals of blue crystallized O2 and Water.

"I expect this was deliberate Major Commander?"

The Major Commander nodded.

The interesting part was that they had anticipated some kind of counter, though what was not certain. Yes the mines had already crippled two of their Armada, but they had failed in other aspects. The Zone control that the Golden company had sought was now denied, and they would find themselves roaring headfirst into the wrong fleet. The sacrifice of a few lives was well worth the tactical advantage...

"Full stop, Spin all PDC's and point defenses to target these damn mines. Deck Chief's prepare for full Launch of all Wings!"

"Aye Sir!"

Ari continued watching from the floor, then bowed her head once more. This time she focused on the Guerdon, and swirled what dark energies she'd been holding into a cacophony of dark and un-settling imagery. These images were whipped into a frenzy and amplified. She was building a storm of mental fear, which would soon be unleashed....

Their Artmeis PDC's began to whir and buzz, ripping into mines close, and then far. Some exploded, while others were knocked off course into the void, creating an even larger opening for them to maneuver. They;d been deployed in two Wedge formations. CPS Fang and Aurek Command first, with the Besh Command behind in a second wedge.

"Standby for maneuver!"

Meanwhile the weapons of CPS Fang and her escorting group began to charge, preparing to fire a withering volley....


  • Both Commands jump into minefield
  • 2x Jast Pocket Carriers take 50% Hull damage
  • Aurek Command 25% Reduction in All Shields
  • PDC's and Point Defense begin clearing mines
  • Fighters Prepped to launch
  • All Weapons charging
  • Ari doing Sith stuff
  • Aurek Command; V formation; forward deployed; Tight Formation
  • Besh Command; V formation; rear Deployed; Tight Fomration
  • Fleet Facing "Guerdon's" Stern.
Location: Assembling in Protectorate space, Arriving shortly within Nyeon system
Objective: Support role, reserve
Allies: [member="Ari Zanareth"] [member="Renn Garrick"] | TCP
Enemies: CIC & Allies

TCP Testudo Reserve Fleet
Total Fleet: 8050 [+personal Arrow class interceptor]

CPS Argent: 100|100 Jast Disabler Destroyer "flagship"

CPS Malevolent: 100|100 Jast Carrier Destroyer

CPS Elucidor: 100|100 Tyrant Missile Cruiser

CPS Thorn: 100|100 Tyrant Missile Cruiser

CPS Solomon: 100|100 Tyrant Missile Cruiser

CPS Argonaut: 100|100 Tyrant Missile Cruiser

CPS Marauder: 100|100 Tyrant Missile Cruiser

CPS Corynth: 100|100 Jast Pocket Carrier

CPS Rapier: 100|100 Jast Pocket Carrier

CPS Glave: 100|100 Jast Pocket Carrier

CPS Martyr: 100|100 Jast Pocket Carrier


212 x Gala Fighters

36 x Peltast I Interceptor

1 x Arrow Class Interceptor

As Credius waited for any response to come in as he was hailing the flagship of the Golden Company, the arrival and subsequent minijump made by Lady Zanareth's fleet not only hurt her own fleet, but it also managed to destroy three of the eight interceptors the marqui had sent to check out the open space between the golden company and his own advancing fleet. The cries of terror coming over the comms when the interceptors were forced to do their best to avoid the exploding mines in the wake of Lady Zanareth's rather unorthodox and brutal strategy. With a nod to Commander Harmon, Credius decided to use this opportunity created by Lady Zanareth to sent both Tyrant Missile Cruisers the Elucidor and the Thorn forwards, allowing the Solomon, Argonaut and the Marauder to close ranks and tighten the defensive forwards formation in front of the Argent.

"Damn that woman, she's throwing away her assets just to try and batter her way through," The marqui's hand pressed against his forehead, calming down by combing his hairs backwards and walking over to one of the ensigns. "Try hailing the Golden company again, we'll see how long they can ignore us now," Walking over to the back of the bridge again, Credius tapped a few buttons on the main control panel, with two uniformly dressed men appearing holographically atop the panel. "Prepare the high yield missiles, my dear Captains. I want the Elucidor and the Thorn to concentrate a volley of missiles on that resuregent class ship when in range. Only drop your shields when you are within firing range."

-Putting CPS Elucidor and XPS Thorn forward, preparing full missile ring volley of high yield missiles
-hailing khonsu second time

lost 3 peltast interceptors.
Guerdon Quentin, Lieutenant Colonel of 'Winter Revolutionaries'
Golden City Outpost #451, The Golden City, Asteroid 077
Objective: The Fire Rises (BYOO)
"Allies": [member="CC-239"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | [member="Theodore Royce-Clarke"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Capitalist Filth: [member="Ari Zanareth"] | [member="Credius Nargath"] | [member="Cypher Rage"] | [member="Renn Garrick"]
Interacting With: [member="Adaska Raythe"]

Capitalism struck currently within this orbital period, it struck with grace and a timeliness that would prove most opportune. While everyone was focused on these pirates, or whomever they were, the Winter Revolution could begin once more. In truth, nobody of the communist rebels knew who had staged the attack. Though they believed that they were supporters of capitalism given their attack on Nyeon, and their supposed affiliation. Though the communications officer's could not be certain as to the identity of these individuals, no normal pirate would so openly attack the Core Imperial Confederation. Despite what hate had begun to fester towards the Imperials, the revolutionaries knew they could not be trifled with easily. Pirates were not off of the table, far from it, and yet it was known that whoever staged this attack...was a planetary force of some make, of some design. There was no doubt about that. Having monitored nearby systems as of late, the commies had discovered the new fledgling Corporate Protectorate.

The Corporate Protectorate was trash, it was capitalist filth from which the bloated and fat pigs drank from to fill their coffers and their over-sized bellies with gold and jewels and luxurious foods. Yet, they served a help overthrow the government of Nyeon. At least, they would act as the staging ground to do such a thing.

"Lieutenant-Colonel Quentin, reports indicate that the Corporate Protectorate..."

"We do not know that it is those capitalist pigs, private, we are running off of rumor, military chatter, and assumptions here. Now, continue."

"Y-yes Quentin, I mean...Lieutenant-Colonel Quentin. Sources and our infiltrators say that the bulk of the Imperial Navy is focused solely on defending the system of Nyeon, and as soon as the attack happened the planetary shield-gate went online. There is no feasible way for anyone at Outpost #451 to get inside of the the control station for the shield-gate, however, we have two individuals on-board who can potentially capitalize on the tense conditions inside of that security station and sabotage it from within. Despite the shield-gate negating the majority of communications from the planet to Imperial forces above, we can communicate with our agents through morse-code, of course. With that, and when the shield gate is down..."

"If, if the shield gate goes down, do not make any absolutes. Remember that is what has killed Hector Vondoon and his accomplice, Joaquin Cortes when these imperial wretches first arrived. Have communications send out the morse code, use the code 'Cherry,' and then have them wrest control from those loyalist scum. Once that is finished, await further orders. Do not allow anyone to know we have taken control of the facility. With that facility...we control who goes in, and who goes out of the planet. Now, go."

The short green-faced mirialan gave a curt nod to the man before heading off. Now, Quentin was left on his lonesome as he trudged through the halls of Outpost #451, it was one of many, many outposts that the Winter Revolution had, and it was one of the smaller outposts surprisingly enough. He had been here on inspection duty, act act which the man despised despite the recent promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. The promotion itself had been taken with glad tidings, of course...and the promotion couldn't have come at a better time. With Hector Vondoon and Joaquin Cortes KIA, there had been a power vacuum. Yes, the communist-centric revolutionary group did house many leaders within it. And yet, such a simple thing as the death of one of them and one of their second-in-commands was enough to send the faction into internal strife and turmoil. Guerdon was one of the lucky few who had been able to take advantage of the power vacuum and now here was the sum of his work, his years slaving away within the Winter Revolutionaries.

The man's right hand went to the breast pocket of his tan uniform, pulling forth a carefully wrapped joint of corellian spice. Fingers brought the object up to his lips, his lips falling down to clench the spice in place as his left hand reached into the pocket of his tan trousers to pull out a silver-plated lighter. The lighter was brought to the end of the spice joint and it was lit with a burst of orange flame, sending out a billow of light orange smoke as the spice inside began to cook and release it's chemicals into the man's systems and nostrils.
Renn sat there and ordered his disabler to cut engines and fire 5 Conner nets at the Guerdon. Then ordering his missile destroyer to fire 50 misses at it. While the squadrons held back and fired on anything that got close. The Typhoons fires 5 rounds each at the Bellerophontes and the Korybantes. His skimishers moved to assist the transit firing at anything (the high class ships that aren’t being attacked by anything else). The pocket carriers then moved in front of the destroyers and deployed all squadrons (2 sets from ships see action summary for squads). Positioning his Typhoons behind the Disabler.

The missile destroyer was in the forefront surrounded by squadrons of Fighters, the Disabler was surrounded by the original squadron. The pocket carriers were taking the brunt of the hits one even lost its shields temporarily but it was a trick to draw in what it could, (you choose if successful).

Action report:
The Disabler was now behind the missile destroyer.
Typhoons are in the back surrounded by the Typhoons squadron.
Squadrons deployed include 4 peltast, 2 Jast Heavy 4 Hawks 3 Gala 2 HK Fighters 2 blood darts 2 Archons
The fleet is engaging with 1 squad of HK, 1 squad of N-1 Hawks 1 squad of Gala 1 squad and 1 squad of Peltast
The skirmishers are engaging the ships attacking the transit
5 Conner nets have been fire, these disable ships. At the Guerdon
50 Missiles have been fired at the Guerdon (these were fired after the conners even if it hit or not)
The Typhoons fires 5 rounds each on the Belle and Kory

Additional OOC notes:
I will be updating the doc and putting it in here later tonight
I will not be tagging if I am on my phone
If there are any inconsistencies, tell me and i will fix it
I will deal with In my next post

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