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Dominion Ophideraan The Schedule | GA Dominion of Ophideraan

if they're watching anyways

Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Faith Organa Faith Organa Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Eboi Seth Eboi Seth Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

"Of course, Senator Athacorr. Legal language is dense, after all, and I know it can be difficult to understand for some," she said -- a small slight for prolonging the discussion, since Auteme was sure that Athacorr had understood what was in the bill. Her prose had been intentionally heavy and legalistic, discouraging the less perceptive senators from going past the basic condemnation of the Corporate Authorities. Having to explain it would be a disadvantage, but only slightly; there wasn't a particular menace or other intention in Athacorr's question, so Auteme would let it slide.

"Our first duty is to the people of the Alliance -- we should be the ones taking care of them, not corporate interests, who lack the incentive to regard the rights of our citizens in the same way we do. While the crackdown on the protesters is the most obvious, when corporations control too many aspects of life on a planet, it can easily lead to things such as the mass evictions at the Hyperi 7 tower, also on Denon. Alliance citizens should be free to vote, assemble, and live without the direct oversight of corporate overlords, under a government of their own making to which they consent.

"The antitrust clauses assembled in the bill limit planetary ownership by corporations, particularly on planets with local sentient populations, as well as a few clauses to avoid loopholes that might arise, such as owning all the land of a planet. Obviously there are businesses that require access to, say, mineral rich planets for mining, and when there is no sentient population present, the necessary exceptions are made for these corporations."
Of course, there were a few places she'd worded things a touch more vaguely, such that a 'sentient population' might include the employees of a corporation operating on a specific planet. Such legal battles were a long way away, however. This was just groundwork.

"The rest of these secondary clauses primarily concern mandating a few basic regulations to allow a corporate entity to remain a steward of a planet within the Alliance, including the institution of basic freedom of press, Holonet access, standards of freedom of movement, and some others. Of course, the application of legislation is not instantaneous, so there will be a six-month grace period for the necessary preparations for such things to be implemented, after which the Alliance can step in and help any... struggling allies."

Tithe watched the proceedings in the Senate chamber from his office as he continued his calls to potential campaign donors, promising them what his staff had recommended he say based on their research and asking around the Senate hall. Even as Chancellor he was limited in what he could hand his allies outright, but the reach of his position was wide. An amendment to shipping regulations here, a recommendation to build an Alliance base there, all small and innocuous decisions that made other individuals exceedingly wealthy. And in return, cold hard credits to fuel the campaign apparatus.

The Member for Epoch spoke out in favour of her proposal, calling out the actions of the Corporate Authorities of Denon and tightening the rules around private ownership of planets. ‘Ownership’ could be an elusive thing to pin down - of the dozen worlds under the control of the Trade Federation, none listed Tithe or Gat Tambor Gat Tambor on their deed of ownership. A planet could be owned by a ruling family or elected government on paper but be vested with an individual or corporation off the books. For as long as there had been lawyers writing legislation, much better paid and scheming ones would work night and day to find a loophole.

And if the legislation took the heat off the Corporatist Party for a few weeks, all the more better.

“Ahh yes, it had been a long time my dear friend,” Tithe exclaimed into his comlink as the call with his next donor connected. “Now, I trust things are well. Now, and stop me if I'm being too uhh, forthcoming, but I was thinking we could discuss the intersection of our interests, and whether there was anything I could do to help in these turbulent times…”
Plutus Incarnate
Objective I
Tag: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

The holocommunicator blared in Dorian's ear as he forced a straight face. They were begging him for help, to involve himself in the boiling situation of Denon - because at one point, the IGBC and Jaeger were the main backers of the Denon Corporate Authority, a puppet state built on his own funds and capital. Now, however, he had little true control over the planet - Darkwire had helped see to that, and the headache they caused forced him to sell off his assets planetside before anarchists rose up to insult his efforts to raise their planet from the gutters.​
"I'm sorry, I have to return to holo tapes.", he finally said as the voice protested. He hung up regardless, and slid the device into his coat pocket before entering the dining hall as Tithe was finishing up his own phone call.​
"Chancellor, it's good to see you. No - please don't stand, enjoy your seat.", Dorian said, disarming any initial disrespect one could pose through subtle gestures - and it certainly placated anyone watching. The Chairmen would take his seat, order a small glass of water, cross his legs, and lean back.​
"Congratulations on passing the SILK Bill. How fares your great Empire now?"​

Location: The Senate
Objective: Debate legislature
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Faith Organa Faith Organa Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Eboi Seth Eboi Seth Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Obj 1. A Denonstration of Order

Why was this even a debate? The Alliancs should have condemned the violence without question. Xashas spoke up. "Senators of the Alliance, my planet has had its troubles in the past with protests, what planet hasn't? But should be all be given free reign to turn on our citizens if it threatens out business interests?"

"We are not like the barbarians of the Maw, The warlike Imperials or Enclave, or Zealots like the Ashlans. Our civilisation should be a shining example of peace and democracy, where citizens should feel safe and protected at all times."

"Please, I implore you all to vote in favour of this Bill to send an example that we are better than that, that we will both roll around in the dirt with the less enlightened. If the local laws allow this level of control of the populace, we should signal that the law is not in keeping with the virtues of the wider alliance"

Her second clapped for her, she had little content to add to the meet of the legislation as it was fairly simple, so he had suggested maybe a short rousing speech. She was unsure of Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn intentions, failure to condemn the actions was correctly supporting local law, but sometimes local law was wrong, she deeply respected a planet's right to its own laws and customs, but there had to be a point where the alliance stepped in, by choosing to be a member, planets agreed to certain virtues. That was the theory anyway, the alliance was far from perfect, but rather that than most of the other civilisations in the galaxy.

"Economics aren't my strong suit," Alicio admitted to Faith Organa Faith Organa , cradling his jaw with a gloved hand. "But from what I've researched at the University, when corporations are large enough to take credits off-planet to do business, they will. Local economies don't do well after that."

Alicio was still very much a novice when it came to the political stage. Even having the power and position of a noble was new, and he was still getting used to just how loud his voice could be, and how to deal with voices louder than his. But he was learning quickly.

It wasn't a question of if the Alliance would respond, but how.

"I think you're right. It's hard to disagree with the proposal as is. Which, if I had to guess, is why Chancellor Tithe is absent," Count Organa shrugged. "He might jeopardize his new supporters... er... support, if he vocally backed a crackdown on them. But it's obviously going to pass, so fighting it would damage his reputation as well. Thus, his best course of action is to take a sudden sabbatical."

Alicio suddenly leaned to the side, massaging a temple with his fingers. "My head hurts from all this thinking. Please tell me it gets easier with time."

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective One:
A Denonstration of Order
Action: Making a Comment

Seto raised an eyebrow at the explanation, it was for the most part straight forward, the only concern was the language used in the Bill. A memory of his time dealing with the Nobles and Industrialists of Teta was rather reminacisent to these talks and the dealings of Unions and strikes and how to “not” deal with them. Just thinking about the amount of “subtle” persuasion I had to use with the Force makes me want to forget it ever happened. With a sigh, Seto leaned forward and deliberate for a moment before standing up to speak up.
“The utter travesty of witnessing such actions committed on Alliance worlds will forever stain this moment of history. Words cannot express the sheer depravity on display of these corrupt Officials and alleged hired Security Forces.” Seto offered, he had to quickly agree lest he appear anywhere near sympathetic to the atrocities committed on Denon.
“And I do believe we all feel that a grievance was carried out on Denon, for which we must seek not just answers but Justice.” Seto continued, his eyes casting across the Senators from his pod, “- I perfectly understand the Bill’s purpose to curb the excess of abuse that corruption causes, but this is a clear over-reaction that will backlash heavily against the people that this bill purports to protect.”
The young Du Couteau heir turned his attention to Senator Auteme, for she had brought up this bill to a vote. “-Now I am not here to simply criticize your efforts without offering up proportional solutions to the wrongdoings committed on Denon.” Seto began, “-The Committee of Finance and Commerce have begun the preliminary investigations and with the assistance of the most honorable Federal Officials from GAMA, we will see a great justice for the citizens of Denon delivered in a timely manner.”
“One complaint often levied against us has been the amount of bureaucracy within the Alliance, that it over encumbers our great markets from providing the necessary goods and services to our citizens. Now, perhaps in the future with proper revisions this bill might be worth consideration, but as it reads; This bill will only succeed in harming the mark-people of the Alliance and bring no closure that the injured people of Denon seek.” Seto offered his boyish smile, his old habits of smiling for the cameras kicking in.
He detested being the spot-light among his peers, while it offered him a great stage to perform on, it also brought a long target for tomatoes to be thrown at him. Not like I don’t have enough targets already. Seto wearily mused. But what made this worse was how it would be taken, the last thing he wanted was to insult the competency of the bill provided. How the times have changed. Now I’m worried about other parties now and their view of me outside of fashion and choice of wardrobe.

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Horcull Thorwel

Objective: A Denonstration of Order
Tags: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Auteme Auteme | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto

Senators and other delegates of the Senate spoke in turn on the incident that occurred on Denon with the introduction of a new bill. A new bill with good intentions, but terrible ramifications. A bill to further divide the illusions of unity within the Alliance; so much for the promises of Democracy.

And he would exploit that.

After the Senator of Empress Teta yielded the floor, the Centrist Senator of Carida rose.

“Honorable Senators of the Senate, this is merely a reaction to the incident on Denon without much thought given at all.” Surely his words would cause an uproar and many would criticize him harshly.

“Do not mistake my words as condoning the actions of the security forces that acted out against the protestors, but this is a matter for the planetary government of Denon to handle not for the Senate or one of us intervene.”

“Supporting this bill will only give more central power and reduce our planetary governments the ability to govern themselves. This will only serve as a gateway to authoritarian rule and crumble our democracy.”

“I yield the floor.”
if they're watching anyways

Auteme rose to speak again, pushing her pod to glide past the Senator of Carida's -- just close enough to give him a glance, and a mocking smile.

"While I appreciate all contributions to this discussion, I would of course request that our most respectable members keep themselves from shouting what will get the most tabloid headlines tomorrow. Though I admit, Senator Thorwel, you've never struck me as a man desperate for the spotlight," she said. Granted, he'd never 'struck' her at all, given this was the first time she could remember hearing him speak in the Senate chamber.

"It is, of course, folly to give no response on such a pressing issue; furthermore, leaving it to the hands of the Corporate Authorities will likely lead to no change -- if anything, it will only further oppress the people of Denon. Since the protest, the CAD have doubled down, declaring many of the protesters terrorists." Admittedly a half truth, but with the responses she was getting, she suspected no one was up to date on the issues of Denon. Glad to see there were few other souls who cared, other than what would best push their agenda.

"I suspect investigations by a monetary authority will not be enough. Empowering the Marshals, officially, to investigate what happened is imperative." She paused briefly, looking at Du Couteau. He had her respect, at the very least for his consistency, but she could see his hesitancy at speaking. For some reason she decided not to hold off -- she continued, pressing her words and gaze both at him. "I also fail to see how ensuring the rights of the people of Denon will in any way harm them. Could you, perhaps, clarify to this august body what you meant, Senator?"

She wasn't about to let him wiggle out -- real answers were needed, if they genuinely wanted to oppose the bill.

She had held her tongue for long enough. She pulled her pod forward as Auteme Auteme was finishing up and, once recognized, proceeded to contribute to the conversation.

“It appears that the Senator of Carida has reinterpreted the definition of democracy before our very eyes.” She waved a dismissive hand in the direction of Horcull Thorwel as her words came out rather biting in their nature, “For in order to propose that empowering an investigation into the actions of unelected corporations is somehow undermining the very fabric of democracy is to mistake the very nature of what democracy is. It is the responsibility of this body to uphold democracy and the rights of each planetary government and its citizens. No one has elected these corporations to represent them on these planetary systems such as Denon, so please… do not be so pretentious as to imply that you are making some bold stand for democracy, Senator. I myself believe strongly in decentralized government and the ability for more power to be given to planetary governments. But these planetary governments must be democratic! All this bill aims to do is to keep powerful corporations from overreaching within the sphere of local government and obtaining unelected and undiplomatic power over a system. This bill, at it’s very core, aims to uphold true democracy within the local governments of independent systems, and to empower those who have been elected by the people to truly stand for the people and not be overrun by the corporate interests of unelected power mongers.”

She turned and glared at the Senator of Carida, almost daring him to attempt to add any more of his propaganda to the conversation,

“To stand against this bill is to stand against democracy in favor of corporate overreach.”

Horcull Thorwel

Objective: A Denonstration of Order
Tags: Auteme Auteme | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | Barrac Hivlar Barrac Hivlar | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce

Just as he expected. Two senators already taken aback by his words and mocked him before the senate chambers. As quick as they were with their response, so was he. Foolish to not be prepared for this debate.

“Heh, you serve a double standard to what you represent, my fellow senators,” quick to bite back after Tiresh’s monologuing. “Especially you, Senator Tiresh,” returning the glare to Lujo’s Senator.

“Is the Alliance not a bastion of freedom and democracy, allowing its many systems the right to govern themselves? Denon was a neutral system before its annexation into the Alliance, and now here we are dictating how it should operate like a chamber of despots. Wanting Denon to govern according to our own political ideals. An abhorrent behavior to adopt, truly. It is not my business how Denon should conduct, and neither it should be of anyone else’s concern. I’d say this bill is befitting for Imperialists, for those supporting it. Finding loopholes to undermine systems’ right to govern. I wonder if that’s your true intent behind this bill, Senators Auteme and Tiresh.”
Tags: Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Barrac Hivlar Barrac Hivlar | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

She nodded, "you are right one reason we encourage business at home try to help as much as we can but sometimes it isn't enough to just survive they want more. So they go off world I cannot blame them they have their families to think of."

She listened to Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Auteme Auteme and Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix oh and must not forget Horcull Thorwel . Seto was very good at walking the neutral line yes be appalled at how the people were treated but let's take a closer look. A true politician. Senator Thorwel spoke with a bit of passion pushing the actions back to the planet of Denon.

She could not help but smile as Auteme questioned the Finance and Commerce Committe looking into how to serve justice on Denon.

Faith looked at her hands resting in her lap as her fingers twitched with each conversation. "Alicio I can't see say it gets easier, it is perhaps that one learns the rules that everyone is playing by, develop your own rules of play and then figure where to stand on the issue." She sighed sightly, "I have to admit that if a force that was not of Alderaan began to punish protestors on Alderaan I would have issue with it, as would the people."

She looked toward her young cousin Alicio Organa Alicio Organa she reached over to put an assuring hand on his. She pulled her thoughts together and stood up,

"We as a body often sit here and make laws that we expect all within the Alliance to follow, Senators from every world speak their mind, offer argument for or against proposals. This proposal brought up today is brought with the intent to protect the rights granted to every individual across the galaxy, the right to assemble without fear, the right to speak without reprisal, and not fear their lives in danger by those meant to help and protect them. I agree that the events on Denon should be addressed as representative of Alderaan we condemn the actions taken on Denon. If it was due to a lack of understanding of how much power the CorpSec forces are to have then yes we need to review and adjust these policies to prevent another such incident. CorpSec authority should be restricted until an investigation is completed. Since it is a matter of Health and Welfare we would like to assist Senator DuCouteau in the investigation." She started to sit, "one more thing I would like to talk to all those involved, let's get a complete picture of what everyone perceived or saw during the protest. Thank you"

Faith sat back down looked to Alicio, "We weren't on Denon we don't know what they saw, what buttons were pushed to provoke these reactions. The bill has good intention and should pass." She looked down again.

"I use to love the discussion, I think I am getting too old at times" It had nothing to do with the bill at hand but Faith surely felt age seeping into her bones young as she looked she did not always feel so young. Compared to Alicio she felt like an old dinosaur.

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective One:
A Denonstration of Order
Action: Answering a Question


Seto raised an eyebrow as the next speaker who followed after him, a Senator of Carida, who seemingly felt no inclinations to parse his words. Seemingly this would only antagonize the other Senators, and even Seto felt slightly offended at this Senator’s slippery slope logic. Before he could step up and attempt to ease the tension, both Senator Auteme and Senator Tiresh rebuffed the Senator of Carida.

It was a rather poor argument from Senator Carida who quickly responded with more ludicrous acquisitions towards not just the Senators supporting this bill but to the entire chamber. Seto silently mused with the idea of charging Senators per word spoken, perhaps Chancellor Tithe might consider it if he was here to witness everything.

“-Ah, to simply answer the question posed of potential harm to the people of Denon. I simply meant the harm to the chances of the people of Denon seeing justice. Having several Federal Agencies might cause confusion between the Officials conducting the reporting is all.” Seto hated seeing four reports of the same thing from four different agencies.

The young Du Couteau heir wished to respond to Senator Auteme’s question about a monetary authority conducting the investigation. I mean, Committees come from elected officials. Seto kept those comments to himself. Better to let the combative nature of this open discussion to end with Queen Organa’s reassurance to assist with the investigations.

Honestly who really claims the tyranny of the majority is an actual reasonable critique of the Alliance.
if they're watching anyways

Part of Auteme -- the petty part -- wanted to respond, to clap back. There was a lot to insult, given the man calling her imperial looked like a knock-off Gilad Pellaeon, and dressed like he played captain with a toy Star Destroyer. He'd also just repeated his previous points exactly, despite the thorough refutations given by both her and Tiresh.

But the words of Senator Organa were welcome and calming. A reminder of how convenient the crisis on Denon had been; those with any moral obligation had to support this bill. Organa and Du Couteau would, of course, likely be disappointed in their efforts to control the investigations. The protections and independence of the Marshals were enough to keep things on track.

"Thank you, Senators," she said. "Save any other points, I will now motion to table this bill."

Alicio had begun to dissociate a little from the present moment, instead focusing completely on each speaker as they talked, and trying his hardest to understand them from their words. He knew of most of them, although didn't know them enough to understand their political leanings.

It was easy enough to guess given their words for or against this bill.

He was brought back to himself from Faith Organa Faith Organa touching his hand. He blinked a little, and returned his cousin's gaze. He'd been listening to her as she had been talking, but obviously not as much as he should have. He gave her his full attention now. Especially when she stood up, and began to speak.

And Alicio realized, suddenly, that all eyes would be on his cousin until she sat down. And some of those eyes would stray to him.

Count Organa stayed very still as Faith spoke, looking into the middle distance as if he were listening to the Senator from Alderaan. Truly, her voice was in his head, but much more prevalent on this thoughts were the hundreds of scorching gazes levied his way, each one a sun burning his face red.

Once she sat down, Alicio tried to compose himself once more, straightening out his clothes. It took a lot of bravery to stand up and address this crowd of divided opinions. Bravery that this noble did not possess quite yet.

But it was rather exciting, wasn't it?

"Well spoken," he muttered to Faith. It was. The speech highlighted Alderaan's values of charity and free speech, and married them succinctly with the matter at hand, stating clearly where they stood as a planet, and as a people. She came up with it on the fly. That was the difference between them. Experience, and talent that Alicio didn't possess yet.

"Don't say that. There are others here that I'm afraid may crumble to dust if a stiff wind entered the Senate."

A motion was put forward to table the bill, and Alicio watched on, head still aching slightly.



Veles Oshu Veles Oshu


Tithe watched a holo of the proceedings unfolding in the Senate chamber above him. Intertwining the actions on Denon - which few could argue against - with the more contentious issue of corporate planetary ownership was a masterstroke. The Corporatists were effectively wedged and had to choose between voting in favour of an overzealous regime to protect their own interests, or fold under public pressure and risk their net worths. No one moved a motion to split the matter, and the full proposal went to a vote.

The Chancellor would need to watch the Member for Epoch closely. The young Jedi was proving herself far more skilled in the political realm than her detractors had given her credit for.

“Ahh, Director, yes your laudations are greatly appreciated,” Tithe exclaimed, suspiciously happy to speak to the head of an organisation that was a direct competitor to his beloved Trade Federations. “I do trust you’ve found your position in the Senate to be, uhh, auspicious.” The two business moguls had a complicated and often confrontational past, but some things needed to be looked past in the name of profits.

The results of the division came into - the vote was successful, the split working out to 8-7 in favour of the motion. After a loss with the passage of the SILK Trade Route, the anti-corporatist bloc had fired back. And Tithe suspected this was just the beginning.

“Now if I could be so bold, I find the changing tides of the Senate to be most, most concerning,” Tithe explained. The Corporatists had enjoyed control of the legislature since his ascension, but that power was now under threat. A clear message would need to be sent to his opponents. “I fear the time is soon approaching that we must all take a stand to protect the prosperous government we’ve built in the Core, and of course, our valuable shareholders.”

“All we have achieved, all we have accrued for the betterment of the… the Alliance, must be safeguarded, less these social crusaders drive us into another dark age. From one businessbeing to another, the time may have come for aggressive negotiations.”

Faith smiled at Alicio, "You are very kind to say such warm words to me. I would like you to come here to sit with me here, to work with the other Senators...I would ask if you would and you are allowed to say no." She tilted her head, "This arena is not forgiving. I walked into the Senate chambers a young widow deep in my grief over the loss of my husband and son. My mother felt I needed purpose so she sent me here. i've learned the hard way all of it, speaking, listening, playing the game."

How could she tell him. As she contemplated the way forward a call for the vote came, and of course Faith voted in favor of the bill.

She looked to Alicio, "by saying yes or no the members in this room affect law and history."

Her presence here was no longer needed, "Alicio will you walk with me please." She wanted to explain something and then make him an offer.

tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Plutus Incarnate
"Advisement in fiscal policy is certainly not a new endeavor for the IGBC - I was a key player in overturning Confederacy First. It's something I am very used to."​
He gracefully slid past the fact that implementing the policy in itself was something he was an outstanding opponent of along with Caulder Dune Caulder Dune - but the Confederacy Viceroyalty seemed more interested in fictional autarky than true economic superiority; essentially crippling their economy. No doubt the damage done to their economy, even after they rescinded the policy, helped lead to their downfall and collapse.​
His attention fell from the momentary thought of failing governments, and back to Tithe. His demeanor, attention, fell into the realm of conspiracy - and Dorian knew that spelt trouble for the Corporatist. While he had certainly faced notable resistance from the elected officials, choosing to push Trade Federation contracts over the IGBC's own - overall corporatist law had seen him become very profitable in the Core. Empress Teta, Coruscant, Kuat - the list went on.​
The fact there was no a rising resistance to the Corporate Order spelled something he had long thought likely - that Tithe and the Corporatists had pushed on the Alliance too hard. Dorian much preferred subtley, mutual beneficial policies, such as he had made with Chandra. Tithe, in this moment, felt very much like her lesser - but that was only an opinion made by an outsider.​
So instead, he'd gauge the situation -​
"And what would you propose? Surely you're not short campaign funds, or 'political gifts' in holding. The IGBC is hardly more than an advisory position after many of our government contracts were rescinded."​
Tithe would know which one in particular he spoke of.​

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