if they're watching anyways

"Of course, Senator Athacorr. Legal language is dense, after all, and I know it can be difficult to understand for some," she said -- a small slight for prolonging the discussion, since Auteme was sure that Athacorr had understood what was in the bill. Her prose had been intentionally heavy and legalistic, discouraging the less perceptive senators from going past the basic condemnation of the Corporate Authorities. Having to explain it would be a disadvantage, but only slightly; there wasn't a particular menace or other intention in Athacorr's question, so Auteme would let it slide.
"Our first duty is to the people of the Alliance -- we should be the ones taking care of them, not corporate interests, who lack the incentive to regard the rights of our citizens in the same way we do. While the crackdown on the protesters is the most obvious, when corporations control too many aspects of life on a planet, it can easily lead to things such as the mass evictions at the Hyperi 7 tower, also on Denon. Alliance citizens should be free to vote, assemble, and live without the direct oversight of corporate overlords, under a government of their own making to which they consent.
"The antitrust clauses assembled in the bill limit planetary ownership by corporations, particularly on planets with local sentient populations, as well as a few clauses to avoid loopholes that might arise, such as owning all the land of a planet. Obviously there are businesses that require access to, say, mineral rich planets for mining, and when there is no sentient population present, the necessary exceptions are made for these corporations." Of course, there were a few places she'd worded things a touch more vaguely, such that a 'sentient population' might include the employees of a corporation operating on a specific planet. Such legal battles were a long way away, however. This was just groundwork.
"The rest of these secondary clauses primarily concern mandating a few basic regulations to allow a corporate entity to remain a steward of a planet within the Alliance, including the institution of basic freedom of press, Holonet access, standards of freedom of movement, and some others. Of course, the application of legislation is not instantaneous, so there will be a six-month grace period for the necessary preparations for such things to be implemented, after which the Alliance can step in and help any... struggling allies."