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Organizing the Military (Dev. Thread, Open to All)

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Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Rel's thaissen-core Lightbringer sensor node -- Silk had finally gotten one of his original designs right -- glowed gently as the representative from Mnencheiasus used the Force. All it told Rel was that someone had used the Force in a significant way, somewhere within fifty metres or so. It might be nothing. There were certainly enough Jedi here that it very well was probably nothing.
@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]
OOC: she hit me first, mommy

"Chick, I'm always welcome. I'm Kaiden. And it'd be wise to not provoke the only guy in here who's not bound by a moral code and wouldn't exactly care shoving you out the window and watching you fall a considerable height before..."He made a ground level with one hand, and a falling person with his other hand, complete with sound effects. Doc then stood up quickly, feeling the probing of his mind. It was a brutal feeling, someone else being in your mind. He pulled out his S-6C pistol, and leveled it with the Mnenchei queen. He never even took it off safe, it was always on fire.

"Last time I checked, Mandos don't care about some Commander. Mandalore and the rest of his big boys wanted your head on a plate. And speaking of head, you ever, ever come into mine again."He narrowed his eyes, turning the gun sideways. The gang banger in Doc was coming back up."You ever come at me with that mind trickery, I'll blow you away where you stand. And, let's talk about you and Circe. That's a funny topic, ain't it?"Doc's eyes never left the Mnenchei queen.
Yusan's eyes turned on the soldier as the gun was drawn and his voice sounded. "I think, that you have no need to draw that soldier, return it to its resting place if you would so please..." His voice was clear and directed solely at @[member="Doc"], his eyes focused on him for a few full moments. After a few moments had passed he turned to everyone else in the room and spoke for several full moments. "As for the subject of Jedi receiving additional training, they should do so if they wish to take up a military command, as for the healers and normal soldiers let them go on without extra training, they are defenders of the republic but the amount of power they are given has been a little large in the late years." @[member="Doc"] @[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] @[member="Alachei Mnemenos"] @[member="Alena Beswin"]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
"Point of order. The sergeant's accusation of Force-based mental manipulation from the Representative for Mnencheiasus comes about five seconds after my thaissen crystal-based sensor detected Force use. I move that censures be applied, but more importantly, I move that ranged Force detectors be installed in the Senate room immediately. Mental influence, here of all places, is absolutely unacceptable, as no party can prove the nature of the mental influence."


Telepathy and Corprehesion were non-invasive abilities, ones Jedi even used frequently. The idea of probing, even if she were capable of it, was without any merit whatsoever.
Alachei merely smiled humbly once more against the presence of the pistol in the subject, completely unwavered in patience even still. "Telepathy, all of these Jedi know of it. Would you rather I yell and bicker and disrupt an important political proceeding as you seem to have? There is nothing invasive about it; ask any one of them. As for Circe. Yes. Most are aware, and the Chancellor approved, it was I who suggested Circe face exile and have her charges - at least until violated - dismissed. This is no secret. I am unsure of your methodology or what you hope to achieve, but from all I have heard first-hand you have been rather rude. Please do not take offense to this, but this is an important meeting and demands a level of cordial behavior. I'd expect one of your stature in the military to know that."
And with that, Alachei simply continued on attentively like all the other girls and boys.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The Bard coughed apologetically. "As nobody can prove the nature of the unwanted mental influence, it could have been anything. All that's certain is that it happened."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"The issue of Circe is not important, the issue of the former Dominion is not important. Focus on the bill and have the detectors brought in with the senatorial judicials. They'll keep everyone honest hopefully. Or as honest as senators and junior senators can be." Ayumi had a look on her face before she leaned back and brought her hands up to fold them carefully in front of her. letting the light and shadows illuminate her mouth and smirk while casting a shadow on the upper portions of her face. The brute of a soldier was good for something.
"Nah. See, there's a need for people like me. You can't have everyone be cordial. I could give a kriff about the opinion of everyone in this room."He didn't lower the gun."Jedi don't probe, Jedi don't go into people's heads. That ain't right. Circe was a class A murderer and pyscho, and I can safe to bet that she had her green little tongue stuck down your uptight little throat more than a few times, didn't she?"He smiled a wolf-like grin.

"I'm Havoc Squad. My ranking in the military is best classified as...expendable. Hence the death wish that I have right, pulling a strap in the middle of a Senatorial hearing. See, what I think of you, is a cowardly little girl who didn't want to get stomped by the big bad Mandos or the Fel for aiding and abetting a Sith...fringe....whatever Circe is nowadays. You're a god damn oxygen thief, I tell you what."Doc noticed the clicking of weapons from the Senate guard and placed the pistol back in it's thigh holster.

"I'm rude. But I'm effective. You? You're just whiny."


Alachei turned in place to face the man, and his cute little pea shooter - which laid little threat to one of her abilities - yet still patient and polite.
She wasn't about to go over the 'telepathy isn't invasive' argument again, as it clearly didn't register and everyone else was was familiar with it so it would have been a redundant address to repeat.
"With all due respect, the matter was dismissed. You claim I am 'whining' yet are the only one to continue to argue. It is of no relevance to the draft. You should care about the opinions of the others present, they are your highers and one is even the vice to your leader. Do the decisions of your senate and your chancellors mean nothing to you? I had a widely different impression of you. So if you'd please, holster your weapon." Alachei gave its safety a slight little nudge of the Force so that it would not be fired, something that no one in their right mind would misinterpret or resent, though he ended up holstering it anyways. "It is a danger to all of us to bring firearms here at all, so while I can clearly tell you don't care about the opinions' of others including me, you should be concerned with the safety of the individuals within this room who you are sworn to protect as part of your military office, even excluding me for sake of argument."
She chose her words as best she could as to not offend him any further than he had already taken to, or as little a possible, and wondered why they had let a man in with a gun in the first place, letting out a sigh of disdain at the thought. They were worried about civil telepaths and Jedi, but not armed - even emotionally compromised - occupants in a Senate meeting.... Their idea of security was certainly... different... than she was familiar with. If he had readied his firearm again, at least he would be witnessed to make a tempered fool of himself and his duties.
Honestly, Alachei understood he was already compromised from his prior debates, but had no idea why he was so rife with discontent for her. Perhaps it was racism. Regardless, with his gun doing no harm to anyone, she would simply ignore his tantrums posthaste as she had made her point.

Edit: Fixed typo "opitions" to "Opinions."
Edit #2: Edited a line because I didn't read that he holstered his piece because #failcoloring.
Yusan sighed at the bickering and turned back to looking out the nearby window and half thinking half listening, the conversation was dragging on. He could not stand being here any longer than need be, there were more important things he need to go do than sit here and have a soldier wave a gun in the faces of those he is suppose to protect then get off scotch free.

@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"] @[member="Doc"] @[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] @[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]
Doc looked around the room."These guys need me to protect them? Man, you're stupid. These people could wipe the floor with me up and down, save for maybe a shock-boxing fight. And it's also a danger to- GO INTO SOMEONE'S HEAD. You don't do that, you don't..."One step towards her. Another. Before his head launched forward, straight for her face. Doc was a particular brutal and accomplished combatant, and he had his mental barriers up now, so the likelihood of predicting the hit was negligible, as even the most accomplished Jedi had a hard time predicting every single move that a person was going to make, especially a surprise attack that a person was going to make.

The Mandalorians called it a Keldbabe kiss, @[member="Kitt Solo"] would probably call it cheating. Doc moved quick-very quick. He was able to fight two of the fringe high council, and then walk away relatively unharmed at O'reen. Doc waited for the sickening impact of his skull against the Mnenchei dominion queen's face.

"I don't have to take that kinda talk from Circe's krifftoy."


It did not take the Grandmaster or a rocket scientist to see when one - already clearly compromised and confrontational in nature - was approaching and heated. Alachei was no Jedi and she was no Mind-reader. She was both a shaman and a martially-mastered individual of great patience and cunning. Let alone that, he was not even a Jedi himself and thus there was little in his repertoire of attacks that could truly pose a threat to her. It was a fool's offense.
Letting out a swift, long sigh, Alachei simply held against his chest with the force once he was within her personal space - something it didn't take a mind reader or telepath to plainly see and predict, and laid a small but layered barrier over the front of her head so that his face would likely plant softly and cush into it. She could have broken his nose with it, dragged him halfway across the room, or even simply sidestepped and let him fall into it brutishly and trip him to the floor, but that was not how Alachei operated. She was far too patient and far too honed. She simply let shame tear away at him from the inside, out.
"Corpsmen, please escort the good soldier out of the room," she calmly communicated, still completely unmoved by the fact that she was just attacked.
Two TJR-armored marines which the Doc would certainly not be causing any harm to if using headbutts, fists or the sidearm, entered the room followed by a couple of native guardsmen.
"Alright man, let's get you out of here," one stated, casually nodding to come with them as they swiftly approached.
"Vice chancellor, I am sorry if this has been of any recourse to the meeting. I would suggest, in good faith, he be let off of any possible charges."
Alachei presumed if she couldn't simply reason with him, at least she could kill with kindness. It certainly never hurt.

Carn Dista

Aaand that was about the time that Carn unleashed a Force Push straight into the soldier, with such force that it would have easily thrown him into the wall. His precognition and general foresight enabled him to bring forth the Force moments before Doc managed to cause damage to the girl, although a little part of him wished he had waited till she had hit the floor. Why? Well, attempting to use the force to communicate mentally with someone incapable of doing so in reply was at best, rude beyond belief. And then there was the matter of Circe. The Jedi Master had finally been roused to action.

"Enough of this!" his voice roared, practically silencing the room in doing so. "By attempting to attack a senate representative, soldier, you have broken the law. Havok squad or not, that places you under my domain." he signalled with his hand to the senate guards, who had run in to hear what the feth was going on. Immediately they moved to arrest the soldier, regardless of how the push effected him.

However Carn wasn't quite done there.
"And as for you..." he turned to look at Alachai. "You will inform all present, immediately, as to the details of your alleged "relationship" with Circe Savan. Be it business, or personal. Before you ask why, or deem it irrelevant, realise that she is a wanted enemy of the Republic and that by helping her in any way, you will be deemed to have aided a known criminal - a crime within itself. And do not think to lie, or you will find my questions poised in a much less reasonable manner."

Carn wanted answers. And he wanted them immediately. Doc had played this incredibly well - he had forced violence, which compelled the Jedi to act, and potentially casted lasting disrepute on the Queen if her alleged allegiance with Circe turned out to be fact. To top it all off, as a member of Havok squad, his superiors would likely drag him out of the cells before the week ended. If the soldier had planned this, well. Kudos to him.

@Doc@Yusan Fenn@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]@[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]
Yusan watched the master react before he could speak and sighed, 'This one is highly over dramatic...' he said within his mind before speaking allow. "I think the nature of Miss Alachai's relationship with Circe Savan should be explained before you brand her a criminal, Jedi. As for the Soldier he drew a weapon a republic representative and should be tried for attempted assault of a government official not once but twice. So until you have plausible reason for arresting the queen here the only one that need be taken into custody is the trooper." This jedi was annoying, first the whole ordeal with Hion and now this, Carn was slowly becoming an annoying ever present example of the over extension of Jedi influence. @[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Alachei Mnemenos"] @[member="Doc"]


"As I stated before, there are no secrets." Alachei had, for the first time in a long time, wanted to really speak her mind about this one, but she was quick to just presume he was either new to seat or just uninformed which made him innocent of bias or ignorance in turn. "The one you have mentioned was pardoned of her current crimes and banished from the Galactic Republic's domain. This action was approved by Republic staff itself, though I wholly admit to being the one to suggest it be done."
Alachei began to pace, arms folded behind her back like a hermit, in that habitual motion during speeches that she had always leaned to.
"I have no direct relationship with the one called Circe Savan whatsoever. I had met her once during the event of the Bakuran Arms show under the supervision of the governor of Bakura. From her, I have made purchases on several occasions for my lightsabers, including the relics Mourning Star crafted by the royal domain. Since then, I have only encountered her one other time in which I brought her to a location I am bound both by honor and millenia-old Mnenchei code to not disclose with anyone but royal and or theocratically ordained blood, for a customary contest of power to retain my status as a Shaman of the Force. Circe Savan was not a criminal of the Mnenchei Dominion in which this encounter occurred and, while still banned by order of the agreement, is not directly the enemy of the Monarchy. The idea of the pardon itself was not suggested by me, but requested by a hireling of mine who had helped me secure a facility on Obredaan and - at least for a time - volunteered her employ and services to the betterment of the Domain. I was bound by honor to oblige, on the day of her engagement."
Even if she wanted to or had reason, Alachei couldn't give the true name of such individual up; she simply didn't know it as times had changed and even they were banned from at least the royal city.
"If I may be so bold, Jedi Master, I would request to know just exactly how one such as himself would know any of this. As I am certain you are aware, espionage and assault are a high crime in the Dominion and by extension the remaining Monarchy, with the former still being criminal within the Galactic Republic."
A novel attempt, but spite never won the day. Certainly, Alachei had even prepared for such menial attempts with very strong counters. Naturally others were to be reluctant to trust an outsider at first, one not of the Order no less, but as long as they'd stop trying to either attack or incarcerate her, all would be well and their auspicious attempts at a relationship would be fruitful.

He metagamed - at least I have reason to believe such. Why not mention this earlier? I didn't think this kind of bias was going to be condoned here, so I let it slide in good faith. I can do two things. Report it, demand proof he was ever anywhere or with anyone relevant to that knowledge, and probably have half of his posts edited or voided; or we can stop accusing me of stuff and stop trying to have me killed. I'm sure you understand why I'm a little more than disdainful at this situation. This should not be alright behavior in the Republic. :(

Edit: Fixed another two typos - super fidgety about that.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
As the 'everything that moves must be brought to justice' part of the night had apparently arrived, the Bard opted to toddle off, out of his senate box and out of the scene.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[[it is not allowed behavior but none of the faction admins can say anything without you telling us. We don't read every thread]]

Ayumi rubbed her fingers to her temples again and stood up as she walked and towards the exited following the bard and hopefully no one would shoot each other. She was a junior senator with a planet that recently joined the Republic this wasn't her place to debate the military her people were not really contributing to. Sure some ships and people but 3% of a moderate population wasn't much. "Good day and looking forward to it"

Carn Dista

@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]
Or you could drop the blackmailey tone and continue to roleplay once you've decided on your action of choice as far as suspecting metagame goes.

Carn ran his fingers through his beard while he listened to Alachei. All through her answer, he had been studying her face, and gently probing the Force with his senses to try to detect if she was spinning false truths or not. In honesty it wasn't an exact science, however Carn was somewhat inclined to belive that she was telling the truth thus far. However, he did intend to follow this up with some investigation of his own at a later date.

"You would have to contact the commander of Havok Squad. I belive the Supreme Chancellor will be able to direct you in the right direction.


@[member="Carn Dista"]
If you knew what some of us knew about the situation, you would be sympathetic to my dismay. I'm not able to discuss it publicly, but if you want to Skype or PM, we can do that and it would be appreciated even.

"Very well," Alachei replied and bowed. "I believe I must join our peers in taking my leave. Please notify me of the impending meeting concerning the inclusion of forces to the military. I bid you all farewell."
With that said, Alachei turned about face and headed towards the exit.
"That will be all. Leave him to the guards," she requested of her detail, who followed her out.
It was not quite time to leave the planet yet as other matters were naturally forthcoming to which she needed to attend for the better of both her people and the Republic, but for now she had just needed to retire and relax. While she wasn't exactly stress-prone, much of her time was spent in work and sometimes that left things to weigh down on the soul; the state of a Shaman's soul was directly affective to the quality of their ability.

Senator Beswin looked around the conference room. "Any more specific suggestions for modifying the proposed legislation, ladies and gentlemen?" she asked again, for the final time. People could continue their debates on unrelated matters elsewhere. Alena found herself for the first time running slightly low on patience. If no one else had useful input towards the legislation draft at hand, she was ready to put it to a vote on the Senate floor.
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