As a new member to chaos it is VERY hard for me to get anything going for my character. Granted that is largely on me for how I write Jake Daniels and his motives in the galaxy. That hasn't stopped me from observing a trend though. I typically see the same writers (I say writers because I do profile snoop and see who writes what characters) write with each other. I usually see establish characters/writers write with other established characters/writers (not counting training threads). I suspect though that I may not be the only new member to experience this either in the past or currently.
For a project like this I would like this to be used as an example of a "veteran board member of a rival faction" roleplay out something with a new member of another faction. Does it always have to be Master v Lord or Lord v Knight? No. Of course people will probably say "but omg the new person will lose!!!" So what? #wontsomeonepleasethinkofthestory
Going back to my background in writing novels, I always knew how it would start (which it seems like there is a premise here in the works which is great!) but the question is conclusion. I always knew how the story would end. My goal as the author was to fill that void in the middle of the beginning and the end with a story that made sense and was enjoyable to read. That is why I never liked invasions on several other boards. The end was never worked out. It was a free for all. People got angry because they didn't want their characters to lose. I do understand not everyone writes like me and may not want to write something out they know they wont win before hand. As an Author the goal, though, is the story overall.
The other issue is how welcoming will this be towards new players. The reason I say try and aim for a vet rping with a newer member is for two purposes:
- It gives both writers new experiences
- It established both characters in the others "universe", even if its their one and only encounter. People meet each other.
I wouldn't even give people a choice as to whom they would rp with. So long as there is a commitment to rp and both say they are going to, then the two honchos putting this together pair people up and tell them "work it out and make your story grand". The worst thing that can happen is "roflstomp" all over a new character. For anyone to enjoy a new character they arent going to want to read six back to back posts about how cruddy and infantile that character is who is ultimately dismissed with a single lightsaber swing.
Likewise, it should also expose the new player/character to the power of their opponent and what they may want to ultimately strive for. Respect for both characters and both writers. Get people to rp with other people; not the same ones repeatedly. How do you not portray a character thats weak and inferior without coming off as dismissing? How do you adequately show the power of a Lord or Master or a well trained Knight? Through open dialogue between writers. Showcase both characters with the respect that both writers and characters deserve.
Again I understand preplanned outcomes are not a popular thing and I don't know if it would ever work in something like this. My focus would be entirely on working new players with board veterans and see how it goes! If you just cannot find enough new members to partake, then so be it but at least you tried. The key though... you'd have to reach out to them. Trust me a new member would love to get a pm from a board vet asking if theyd like to join a cool new idea
Its hard enough for new members to reach out to board vets; harder still when a said vet completely dismisses and blasts your character via PM as weak, inferior, and not worth their time to even entertain (that happened to me on my first outreach to someone for a potential rp on Chaos). Bad taste in my mouth that will probably take very long while to get over.
Ill be honest. I wont participate in this. That's only because as a character Jake just isn't the whole invasion, dominion, uprising kind of guy. He never has been. However I would
love to read this as it unfolds in a story. I support it but with a splash of vet - new player interaction mixed in.