Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
A formal meeting was, at this particular time, not the best idea. Officially, Grand Admiral Shira Karrde was not on Coruscant. She was most certainly not wearing a Naboo dress in soft reds and yellows, with a half-veil, waiting on a balcony beside a well-travelled Senate walkway. She was absolutely not waiting there on the understanding that she'd be meeting unofficially with the new Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
Her Force signature was absolutely gone. Qey'tek Meditation, Palpatine style: she still existed in the Force, just not as a Force-user.
With the Jedi Council, and the entire Jedi Order, abuzz with rage, now was not the time to blare Dark Side all over the place. The Lords of the Fringe had told their people that they were free to hire on to either side of the battle of Metalorn, a planet still contested, its fate in doubt. And a good number of Fringers had hired on with the Sith for very good terms -- even if the Fringers' best battle meditator had hired on with the Republic.
Under another name.
The Republic being what it was, angst had resulted. And there were other issues, not least Ashin's grandparents serving in the Jedi as Masters.
Suffice it to say, this would interesting day.
A formal meeting was, at this particular time, not the best idea. Officially, Grand Admiral Shira Karrde was not on Coruscant. She was most certainly not wearing a Naboo dress in soft reds and yellows, with a half-veil, waiting on a balcony beside a well-travelled Senate walkway. She was absolutely not waiting there on the understanding that she'd be meeting unofficially with the new Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
Her Force signature was absolutely gone. Qey'tek Meditation, Palpatine style: she still existed in the Force, just not as a Force-user.
With the Jedi Council, and the entire Jedi Order, abuzz with rage, now was not the time to blare Dark Side all over the place. The Lords of the Fringe had told their people that they were free to hire on to either side of the battle of Metalorn, a planet still contested, its fate in doubt. And a good number of Fringers had hired on with the Sith for very good terms -- even if the Fringers' best battle meditator had hired on with the Republic.
Under another name.
The Republic being what it was, angst had resulted. And there were other issues, not least Ashin's grandparents serving in the Jedi as Masters.
Suffice it to say, this would interesting day.