Reclining in her seat, Dyxra'a - now clothed in her customary shirt and waistcoat combination - was bathed in a blue sheen as she sat, reclining back in her seat, before three translucent screens from which the blue light was being emitted from. Grey eyes flickered from screen to screen in rapid succession, passion and a dark sense of joy shining within their slate-hued depths, reading the scrolling mass array of numbers and text as it ran before her eyes. Information was the lifeblood of all societies, all conquests and all objective and, at her fingertips was the lifeblood of gangs and criminal enterprises that grew upon Nar Shaddaa like mold, the lifeblood of the corrupt security and the lifeblood of her family. For Dyxra'a, it was always a euphoric experience whenever she sat down and was able to bask within the depth of the electronic world of the holonet.
Fingers danced across the keyboard before her, inputting and altering commands as the programs she had long since embedded within the systems she now so easily exploited - left to fester, inactive, within the systems since she had first returned to the so-called Smuggler's Moon - were brought around from their slumber. Low, hissing chuckles would sporadically sound from her as she would notice the futile and desperate attempts to halt her in her tracks, manned by the desperate gangs who were watching their access to their own systems slowly be locked out one by one and sought to get ahead of her before they ran out of time, and turn her attention briefly towards them. Which, due to the suddenness of her attack and groundwork she had set months prior, always lead to the same result: the budding enterprises left to hopelessly watch as funds and information began to slowly drain from their reserves.
Shell company after shell company would be the ones to momentarily benefit from this loss before it was transferred from one to another. In the end, the muddled trails and a mix of legal and illegal activities would soon mean that it would, eventually, be deposited into one of the many second-hand accounts that she controlled - not that the person who's account the name was under would realise, due to the fact that they wouldn't even know of the account in the first place - and beyond the grasp of those she had stolen. Whenever such an event would happen, a stuttered sigh of pleasure would drop from between green-tinted lips. Oh how she loved the sense of victory.
A sudden anomaly in one of the data dumps scrolling in front of her eyes quickly caught the Falleen's attention as a low, husky chuckle sounded out into the quiet. "Naughty, naughty."
"So, what this job again, ma'am?"
His question earning him a baleful glare from the Chiss sat next to him as he began to lower the speeder he was piloting into an empty bay beside one of the many bars that populated the underbelly of Nar Shaddaa, this one just as filthy as the rest of them. Of course, he already knew the answer, had committed it to memory the first time that he had been told. It was an order from the Boss after all. She had been the one to drag him up from being a street rat hooked on spice and gave him a job, responsibility and duties - the very things that had helped him order his life - after all. Yes, spice still called to him and yes, he listen to that call often. But, the Boss did not fault him for that weakness, the Boss still accepted him as he was and continued to employ him, continued to ensure he had a roof over his head and a bed beneath his body at night and food three times a day. So, an order from the Boss was an order he would follow no matter what.
But, he would never fool himself into believing that the Boss truly cared and loved him like family would. No, that honour belonged to Lady Kana'sosu'ligue; a title she had been jokingly given by his mates years prior and one that had stuck. The two women had blown into his life together, bound to one another through whatever trial it was that had forged them both. Neither one cared for anyone like they cared for the other and each showed it in unique ways. The Lady by worrying and fussing over the Falleen, letting her guard down around the Boss and even letting her address her as 'Asosul' - an honour she allowed no other. For everyone else, she was stern, never cold but always controlled apart from in the times that she would worry over the Boss and was to always be addressed as Kana'sosu'ligue; even if him and the others chose to address her as Ma'am or Lady. As for the Boss, well, the Lady was the only one who could control her, reign her in and address her as 'Dyx'; no other could get through to the Falleen, especially when she got into one of her states.
The worry that curled across the Chiss' features, the worry she only showed for the Boss, was what lead to him asking his question. Let her annoyance towards him bubble and grow and, most importantly, let it overwhelm her worry for the Boss. As such, when that baleful glare was directed towards him all he did was let a cheerful and dumb smile curl out from beneath the knotted whiskers of his beard as the engine of the speeder shut off.
"I am not answering that damned question again. Now, get your useless arse out. We've got to get moving." Jumping out of the speeder, Asosul chose to ignore the chuckles of her human companion and instead send a message to Dyxra'a through her connection to the holonet through her cybernetics. 'Arrived. Directions to meet up with these agents?'