Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Finest Hour

While waiting for the lightsaber wielding Mando to do something, Adenn received a message.
Gunner-"Sir, we were just contacted by the associate that was with you. He requested that we turn off the shields to the bridge. Simply wished to inform you, should we comply?"
Adenn-"Yes Gunner, cat the same time. I want you to turn off all lights throughout the ship. Scare the crew, and send random com messages to parts of the ship to let them know that resistance is futile. Now if you'll excuse me, I have someone to beat. Over and out"
Shortly after that the lights began to flicker and die. All the while, Adenn and his men waited for the other Mandos to make their move.
"All Acclamators this is the Starcrest. I'm giving you one chance to stand down and abandon this rebellion!"

David laughed as the Star destroyer flew into view. He turned to a gunner. "How about we shut them up for a moment, I believe that our message wasn't clear enough. Open fire with port side guns."

The gunner uncomfortably zoomed in on the Indomitable with his computer. David looked over the man at the terminal.


An array of turbolaser fire rained downrange at the loyalist fleet.
[member="Kalic Daws"]


Ressurected by a cult
The second that [member="Adenn Kyramud"] seemed distracted deadeye struck again. He agressively swung his blade towards Adenn who at the last moment deflected it away and returned with a blow himself. Deadeye slowly paced around Adenn, not turning his back to him at all.

"I am." Quickly he lunged forwards and thrusted the saber up towards Adenn's face.
[member="Mig Gred"] began to say something but was interupted by Alexander lifting a finger and shushing him. He raised his arm up to his hand and listened to [member="ES-06"] 's message. He shook his head.

"Question him ES, if he won't rejoin you then kill him. Harris told me what happened last time a high profile criminal was arrested, last thing we need is another coup when this is over."

He put his arm down and nodded at mig.
In his momentary distraction, Deadeye had struck trying to hit Adenn, he however blocked it before Deadeye came back for more. He lunged straight to Adenns face, who while expecting it wasn't expecting the ferocity of the attack. He knew he probably couldnt dodge the attack properly. So, deciding to use this to his advantage, Adenn fell backwards while kicking out with his legs at [member="Deadeye"] s mid section. He then flew back with his jet pack and did a small flip before landing. There, he touched the newest scar on his helmet.

"Is that the best you got?"

Adenn taunted Deadeye


Ressurected by a cult
Deadeye quickly swung his lightsaber rapidly at [member="Adenn Kyramud"] . He struck five times with all his strength and then pushed Adenn back. In the split second of Adenn's wobble, Deadeye shot his arm upwards, aiming at Adenn's hand wielding the saber and shot a small grappling rope onto his hand. The rope hit off his body and twirled around the hand wielding the blade. Quickly, trying to disarm his opponent, and restricting the swinging of the saber with wrist grapple, deadeye engaged his jetpack, attempting to further destabilize his opponent.
When the grapple hook attached itself to Adenns , he had to think quickly or risk losing his lightsaber. So Adenn grabbed the rope with both hands and gave it a sharp yank. Then he activated his own jetpack and flew straight at [member="Deadeye"] trying to impale him.


Ressurected by a cult
In a last ditch effort deadeye pushed his jetpack to full. The blade of Adenn's lightsaber cut lightly through the back of Deadeye's armor and severed the right thruster on his jetpack. The pack spun out of control and threw him into a wall. He smacked into it head first and crashed onto the ground. He slowly lifted his head up and heard a rapid beeping from his back. He struggled to get up and pulled the jetpack and through the thing at Adenn just seconds before it exploded. He lifted his arm and said "Now!"

A firestorm of blaster bolts came down the hallway from Tod and Jack. Two Mandalorian soldier who had been watching were shot down to the ground as bolts ripped through them. The others sprung into action aiming towards Tod and jack. Just then, a loud thud came from behind them. One of the men turned to see Maria aiming a blaster at him. Quickly she shot a bolt from her modified DC-15 and it struck the man in the dead center of his helmet. Deadeye got up to his feet. He noticed a little bit of blood on the ground from being grazed. He pulled his own EE-3 and began firing from the hip at the now incircled group. No one noticing as [member="Rex no Jin"] slipped away to cover.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked at Fel, about to answer him before being interrupted. Apparently there was some decent in the ranks of a loyalist group. The king then turned and nodded to Mig, apparently a signal to continue. Mig nodded back and quickly spoke. “We don’t have many pilots. There’s Liddin, our Kom’rk pilot, and Ordan, pilot of the MC-18. My clan specializes in melee combat mostly. The MC-18 is armed with a pair of heavy lasers.”

[member="King Alexander Fel I"]
"Clever bugger", we're the only two words that went through Adenns head as the jetpack exploded right in front of him. When the jetpack exploded Adenn was flung a fee feet back, to slide to a rest again the wall. He heard a shout of "Now" before a massive firefight erupted. Staggering to his feet, and most likely concussed, Adenn tried to save his men. Slowly clipping his own lightsaber back tk his belt, Adenn pulled a DLT-19 from his back. He pointed in the direction of his enemies and opened fire. Then he stammered out an order.

"Get o.o..out of here men. Get the mission completed."

He staggered a step forward before dropping one of his smoke grenades into the group fighting. When his men slowly retreated, he decided to do the same thing he ordered them to do. Adenn backed away, down the hallway to where another elevator was situated. Then, once inside threw another grenade before clicking on the bridge button.
Kalic was only answered by turnolaser fire towards the Indomitable. the pilot quickly turned towards the firing ship, dodging any anti-fighter weapons that tried to splash the Starcrest. There were definitely a few close calls. Jee whistled through the comms of the fighter with a surprised tone. “(Where are the fighters?)” Kalic thought for a second. “Maybe the pilots abandoned them? Let’s just take our current luck.”

The fighter soon maneuvered itself under the firing vessel, screeching by as flew as close to the hull as possible. Once the fighter had passed the capital ship, it pulled a reverse split-s, pointing its nose towards the engines. The Miraluka took a short breath before pulling the trigger to fire an advanced proton torpedo, aimed straight down the engine exhaust.

[member="Admiral David"]
A tie interceptor zoomed in front of [member="Kalic Daws"] before being struck with the torpedo and spinning out of control, crashing into the ship and causing a large explosion near the rear of main engine, multiple squadrons of fighters began to close in on kalic and the small group of loyalist fighters. The Ships were hot on the starcrest's tail, locking on. David, inide the bridge watched out as the lights began to flicker and shut down. He quickly turned as the low hums of a distant generated shut down. Quickly the admiral whipped around as the emergency red lights kicked on. He whipped around looked at an engineer.

"What is going on?"

"We are loosing power due to a short in the lower levels."

"Somebody radio the wolfpack, there may be trouble. Send troops to lock down all elevators and crucial components. Request a special unit sent up here to the bridge. Have them use the emergency tunnels and shut down all the elevators. This ship is going into lockdown people."


David looked down a couple seats to a man raising his hand. "What's the problem?"

"The surge from the reactor powering down is shutting down the shields and main defenses."

"Damn..." He looked at the row of engineers. "Alrighty people, this is why we have safeguards. Jenkins reboot the main reactors, Thomas push the power from the backups into keeping our shield up."

Another engineer raised his hand. "Sir! Major issue!"

"What is it Willson?"

"One of our interceptors was destroyed going after a bomber."
"Okay, and?"

"It took a proton topedo that exploded and tore the ship apart. The explosion somehow screwed up what was left of the ships engines and.."

"Spit it out man!"

"It smacked into a tiny area where there was a glitch and the shields rippled. It smacked into the hull and tore a hull exposing a major fuel line. The explosion that followed from the interceptor ruptured the line. We are leaking fuel to engine 3, and fast."

"God damn it! Send a crew out to make repairs as fast as possible. There has to be some sort of way to cut the fuel line."

"The ship destroyed two of the shutoff valves and damaged the third. We can slow the rate at which this ship is leaking, but we can not stop it. We have to power down engine 3."

"Do it then."
While in the elevator, an explosion rocked the ship. Temporarily the elevator stopped, before starting again.

Adenn-"Gunner, I need you to do something for me. Shut down all the elevators on the floor squad 1 was. [member="Deadeye"] is there, and we can't have him interfere with the mission. Open whichever elevator [member="Rexus"] may need, if he's still on that level."
Gunner-"We'll try to sir, but that explosion was engine 3. The boards here are lighting up. We may need a quick exfil. Over and out."

Just then, the doors opened and Adenn was faced with the bridge. He stood there in his smoking armor ansd noted the organized chaos. So he decided to add his own.
"Attention bridge crew. This is your one and only chance to surrender."
Priming a stun grenade and turning his weapon to stun, Adenn awaited a reply from an [member="Admiral David"] at the front.
Into his comms...
"[member="Rexus"] are you almost here? I could use the backup shortly."
It seems like a long time has passed, while Rexus was waiting in the vents above the bridge. But he has been keeping an eye on the targets, takings and counting the weapons on the officers. After what seemed like he heard a ruckus in the rooms. Taking this as a sign of the bridges impregnation. He Kicks the vent grate off its hinges and drops into the room before. Looking around he see`s Adenn to the right holding his com-link in his hands.

"Hello there" he hisses to the audience. "i got your call, where are the Mandolorians. Ive lost their scent?".
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
Adenn looked to his left and saw [member="Rexus"] standing next to him. Noting the open vent above him, and suspected he had snuck throught there.
"The other Mandos led by [member="Deadeye"] were still on the other floor when I had to leave. Gunner has tried to disable the elevators on that floor. I don't know if he's been successful. Hopefully he has been and we'll be fine."
Turning back to the shocked crew, Adenn awaited an answer from [member="Admiral David"]
Kalic yelled as the torpedo struck the interceptor, causing him to push the Starcrest to the limit to avoid any debris. He didn't need to waste a torpedo and using one on an interceptor was definitely a waste. But he couldn't worry about that right now. He called back to Jee to open fire on any fighters. TIEs didn't take much to destroy, so no need to concentrate fire. It was also time to show these traitors the Starcrest wasn't a normal Y-Wing. The fighter banked hard to point nose first at the enemy, show maneuverability parallel to its TIE opponents, and opening fire on the squadron with both the turret and the main guns. It was then that Kalic noticed some of the damage from his last attack run. "Dang! We must have the Force on our side today, boys!"

The fighter then quickly pulled towards one of the Acclamators. He targeted the bridge this time, letting Jee handle any fighters that got on the ships tail. Kalic focused in and let another torpedo fly.

[member="Admiral David"]


Ressurected by a cult

Deadeye pulled the lever to release the hydralics on the blast door in the rear of the bridge. He and his mandaloians slowly slid the door open enough to slip through then turned. There was a storm trooper captain and about 10 storm commandos preparing to breach the room. The men were wearing white plastoid with black accents, the armor was sleek, streamlined, and deadly looking. Deadeye had the men and Maria stack up against either side of the wall. He watched as the Admiral lifted his hands to surrender.


The troops quickly funneled through the small opening and poured into the main section of the bridge, partially surrounding [member="Adenn Kyramud"] . Deadeye let out a light chuckle.

"We have your surrounded. Give up, and we'll only arrest you."
The Admiral had just said
"Let's not do anything drastic now."
When there was a hiss from behind them, it was the door to the bridge. With his 360 degree helmet camera, Adenn saw as a group of 10 storm troopers entered the bridge along with Deadeye and his Mandos.
"We have your surrounded. Give up, and we'll only arrest you."-Deadeye
Knowing full well what might happen if things went bad, Adenn decided to do something drastic. Whispering to [member="Rexus"]
"Trust me on this one."
Adenn slowly clipped his stun grenade onto his belt while grabbing a frag grenade. At the same time he discreetly set his blaster to kill.
"Now [member="Deadeye"], the place where you went wrong is that you believed this would be easy."
With that said, Adenn spun around chucking the grenade at the stormtroopers and then spraying the whole group with fire from his DLT-19. He then grabbed Rexus and jet packed into cover on the side of the bridge near/in one of the pits. From there, he kept firing at the group on full auto. He had downed some, but knew more were still up, so started readying himself for melee combat.
While they were in cover Rexus turns to face adenn, and ushers quickly "quick give me some ammo". " I dropped my backpack while climbing through the vents." he hissed in a most somber tone. suddenly an idea appears in his head.

he begins to yell over the ledge. "One step closer and i through this T-D at the window!!" He loudly hisses at the opposer`s. "You may survive, but your lapdog troopers will surely go space bound!".

He unbuckles his A280 and holds it in his free hand.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Deadeye"]

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