Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Finest Hour

The ship slowly began to descend on the ancient Imperial Authority Complex. The builidng had been abandoned ever since the reorganization of the kingdom, and this lead to a massive decaying brick structure overlooking the entire city which made a good landing area outside of manned anti-aircraft weapons. The ships landed and the men poored out. The early daylight rays streamed through the trees to the east. Vickers looked around at the men. Three transports, around 45 men, this force was way above his paygrade. He lightly let out a chucle before raising his arm.

"This Way!"

The men and women in their assortment of marine armor, Imperial blues, and stormtrooper armor all walked single file across the overgrown courtyard. The team snaked around old speeders and crates before vickers haulted at one. He leaned down and opened it up before smiling. He stood in front of the stopped line of snaked men and women and pointed at two random marines. He waved them over and leaned down to reveal the contents of the boxes.

"Do you think you could use these?"

"Well, they'd be heavy and weigh us down, but we could manage."

"Good, grab them."

The Two marines reached in, each pulling out a rocket launcher and swinging it over their shoulders. Vickers raised his hand again.

"Alright, lets move again."

He move his hand forward in a straight line and then put it down, grabbing his slung rifle and continuting. The group moved onwards in the direction of the sunlight for about ten more moments, entering and pushing through heavy woods before reaching a clearing. In the clearing stood two AT-AV's, A man stepped out as Vickers told the platoon to hault. He walked ahead and began talking with the man in imperial blues. After a moment they parted and Vickers returned to the group.

He yelled, "Friendly armor getting ready for their attack. Let's get moving again!"

Vickers took off with the battalion matching his every step. They crossed the clearing and pushed back into the woods. They descended down a steep incline before reaching a break in the trees. The battalion fanned out, taking in the view. They stood on a cliffside. Looking outwards, they seen the entire capital below them to the east with the morning sun gleaming off the metal rooves of the homes and shops. Off in the distance, like a gurdian angel, was the shape of the massive imperial palace overlooking a great part of the city on a hill. They stood taking it in for a momnet. True beauty, this was what they were fighting for. Vickers without words began down a steep incline along the side of the cliff, he was followed by a long line of platoon members in their assorted uniforms and massive rutsacks. Before long, all of them had disappeared beneath the incline and began their final march to the city.
When Rexus asked for ammo, Adenn obliged. After all, the ammo pouches on his belt and chest weren't just for show. But when he heard Rexus' threat to throw a T-D at the window, he decided to help out and gave [member="Rexus"] an extra thermal detonators, along with some explosives.


Ressurected by a cult
"I'll throw a thermal detanator at the window!"

Deadeye dropped his weapon carelessly to the floor and twisted his helmet. He ordered the troopers still standing to hold postition. He dropped his helmet off and it hit the ground with a lound smack.

Deadeye ran his hand through his brown hair. He looked at the cover with his piercing blue eyes and lifted his hand to his mouth to project his voice.

"Do it!"

There was no response. Deadeye pulled a thermal detonator from his own belt and activated pulled back the priming switch, one button and this thing would go into countdown. He marched up to the cover. [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and [member="Rex no Jin"] ,completely shocked, began firing. A round from Rex struck Deadeye in the shoulder, yet he continued on. Deadeye got close and yanked Rex to him feet.

"You Trandosian slime. You threaten me?" Deadeye leaned into his face, he was almost touching his face when he initiated the grenade powered up. He lifted it and stuck it in his hand. "I'll call your bluff nerf herder, Throw it at the window. I dare you."
Adenn was honestly shocked, [member="Deadeye"] had guts, he'd give him that. But he thought it was a bluff, ha when [member="Rexus"] threw the detonator he'd be dead. Then he looked at Rexus, and noticed that he was indeed bluffing. The fear of death, of what was to come was clearly visible. Adenn sneared under his helm, never make a threat you won't go through with. So Adenn stood up and stared Deadeye straight in the eyes. Then he started to laugh, visibly confusing all present.

"I do love it when the badies believe others are bluffing. Granted, Rexus here is bluffing, but I'm not. Afterall, never make a threat you won't keep. Now" Adenn glanced at the crew, "To anyone loyal to Premier Harris, leave now. He lives and his currently coordinating this war to kill the hu'tuun Revere. Leave and live"
The bridge crew was shocked even more so now, but several began to file out of the door right past the stormtroopers and Mandos. Adenn then turned fully to Deadeye when the last loyal crew member had left. He was most likely concerned as to what would happen next. Best not to keep him waiting.

"Before I go through with my plan, let me just get that from you." Snatching his hand forward, Adenn grabbed the golden lightsaber from Deadeyes belt before shoving him back and pulling out a pistol and shooting him in the leg. Adenn grabbed Rexus and placed a rebreather on his head. Then, whipping his arm towards the Admiral, he shot him square in the head, while pulling a thermal det pack out of another pouch. He flipped it once before chucking it at the forward window.
"Happy swimming"
Holding out a detonator, he blew the det pack at the front of the bridge. Those who weren't mag clamped to the ground went flying out of the busted window, which was practically everyone. They all went flying while Adenn stood there mag clamped to the floor holding tightly onto Rexus, and laughing maniacally the entire time.

Lightsaber taken with permission from @Premier Harris
The Admiral was killed with the owners permission
[member="Deadeye"] shot with permission from character owner


Ressurected by a cult
Deadeye ran forwards grabbing his helmet before being sucked out. The vaccum threw him and the troopers out. Deadeye lay heavily breathing on the edge of conciousness. His hud lit up. Out of breath and spinning out of control, deadeye opened a link with his team. "Call your ships and return to mandalore, I'll meet you back home." Deadeye's legs lit up as two stabilizers powered up, stopping his spin. A red marker appeared on his hud as his ship zoomed close, stopping in front of him. Deadeye twirled to his stomach and grabbed on to the side of the modified A-wing. He pulled himself up as the cabin completely depressurized. He pulled himself in and sealed the cabin. Before it was even fully preasurized he removed his helmet. A second later the air beeped as the air scrubbers kicked on. Deadeye sat in the seat heavily breathing, his AI popped up on the system in front of him.

"Can I help you?"

"Get me the hell out of here."

The ship accelerated forwards before disappearing into hyperspace.
Boy did that feel exhilarating, watching all of those fools fly out of the bridge was just too funny. Adenn thought to himself.
But fun aside, he still had a mission to complete, and he would complete it. With that in mind, Adenn opened up a public PA to all aboard The Lawbringer and all other ships in Osseriton orbit.
"To all ships within Osseriton orbit and all troops on the ground, this is Adenn Kyramud and I have a message for you all. Premier Harris is alive and well, he's currently coordinating the attacks against the aurutii Revere. I am giving you this chance to enter back into the fold. 5 ou have no hope of winning, your Admiral is dead, best fighters defeated. You are beaten. Surrender and serve the Premier."
With that, Adenn turned off the comms, while noting that the safety precautions had set in and the blast windows had closed. He left Rexus standing where he was, the trandoshan was still in shock. As he walked to the door, he heard hushed whispering, and when the door opened the crew members that were standing there gaped at him in shock. They had most likely heard the decompression of the bridge and thought all hands dead.
"Well, what are you waiting for. Get back to work, coordinate the repair crews and make sure no one attacks the Mandalorian in the engine room. Hop to people, you have a chance to make it up to the Premier for betraying him. Don't squander it." Adenn told the crew, slowly they walked in, many would remember this day for years to come. But for now, they all began to work.
Gunner, come in. This is Adenn. The bridge has been secured, and the crew is loyal again. Keep the engine room secured, and make sure they don't blow anything up. But help them with repairs as needed. I need to tell the King of our success, more directly. I'll be calling him soon. Keep me informed of the situation down there. Over and out."

Adenn then decided to contact the King and tell him of the successful mission.
"Come in [member="King Alexander Fel I"] the mission was successful. Though we did run into some trouble in the form of one Deadeye. I dealt with him by sending him out of the ship. I also retrieved Premier Harris' lightsaber for him. Admiral David is dead, and the crew is working on fixing the ship. What now sir?"

While waiting for an answer, he looked out of the bridge window. There he noticed that several dogfights had stopped because one side was still loyal to Harris. At the same time, 3 out of the 5 acclamators had stopped firing at various ships and declared themselves loyal to Harris. The other two where die hard supporter of Revere though, or it seemed that way. Adenn decided to oblige them their die hardness.
"To all ships loyal to Premier Harris, destroy those two traitorous ships remaining. Prove your loyalty to the Premier."

Still watching, a grin began to form on his face, though no-one would notice because of his buy'ce. The loyalists began to pummel the remaining acclamators.
The Warfighter
7 clone troopers led by Drez had secretly and quickly set up a recon camp on the top floor of the tallest building in the outskirts of the city. While they were able to have probably the largest field of view possible from the ground, they'd likely be exposed to any airborn vehicles or aerial threats. They would try to keep their presence hidden while relaying information to their new allies. It wouldn't end well for them if enemies destroy the building's infrastructure beneath them.

Each trooper had a powerful sniper rifle with a scope that had various modes like thermal and night visions and a maximum lethal range of about 10 kilometers. They were each also equipped with macrobinoculars that could track heat signatures as well, which they were currently utilizing to identify the enemy's positions and possibly an enemy base. One thing they hoped is that they wouldn't accidentally harm civilians.

"We have set up the camp and are in position." Drez informed whoever was on the receiving end of the commlink.
Fel turned to [member="Mig Gred"] and smirked. "I need your assistance on the ground. I appologize for the interuptions. We have armor and troops moving into Arch City. All hell is about to break loose and we need some more help to control it."
[member="Kalic Daws"] The torpedo went through the light shields and blew half the top off. As kalic pulled up, an enemy pilot attempted to straif the The Starcrest before being shot down. Kalic looked up to see multiple squadrons of Fel fighters finally regrouped and moving to attack Revere's ships.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled a bit. ​"We can definitely handle that, though we are still on a merc mission. I can have Ordan knock out any heavy armor while we take on the enemy on the surface." The clan then quickly mounted up, walking to the pair of vessels. "Just tell us where."

[member="King Alexander Fel I"]
After coming to grip with what happened Rexus gives a call on his com-link to Adenn telling him he will be spending some time in the bacta tank to treat his shoulder. "I will be spending some time in the bacta, the bolt burns deeper than expected."

[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
Kalic pulled up, seeing the ship above be blasted by the friendly fighters. "Great shot, bud! Now let's finish this!" The Starcrest pulled around as fast as it could before flying quick to Revere's ship. This was it. He had targets in mind. The main batteries of the vessel. Knock those out and she'd have her teeth pulled. He then heard [member="Adenn Kyramud"] 's words. "By the Force he's alive!"

The Miraluka braved another volly of fighters and anti-fighter fire. Thankfully the Y-Wing was more like an interceptor now. Both Kalic and Jee opened fire on any approaching fighters as the Y-Wing pulled into firing position for the starboard turrets, unleashing enough torpedoes for each turret. The bomber-turned-fighter pulled out of the dive, narrowly avoiding a shot sent its way before pulling around to see the damage.

[member="King Alexander Fel I"]
"[member="King Alexander Fel I"], wilco sir. Yes, three of those acclamators have turned back to the Kingdom, and one of the two traitors ships was just severely damaged by [member="Kalic Daws"], it's out of the fight. I will send boarding parties to it shortly." With that said, Adenn cut communications with the King. Turning towards the bridge crew, he told them
"You made the right choice coming back into the fold. Remember this day, and tell your children of it. Treason will not be tolerated. Now, get some boarding craft ready to retake that damaged acclamator. Also, get me a line with the remaining ship, let's see if they won't surrender."
When contact was established, and Adenn offered surrender; he was flatly refused by the bridge crew there. Shaking his head ruefully, Adenn closed the line and told the remaining ships to open fire.

Due to the sheer firepower aimed at the remaining acclamator, it wasn't so much destroyed as much as it simply ceased to exist. First to go where the shields, they held out under the sustained firepower for about 20 seconds or so. However, the destruction of the shields caused the generators to blow, lacing explosives all along the ship, damaging remaining systems. At the same time, the fire from the ships had reached the hull as well. The fire simply melted through the ship and ate into the inner workings, the corridors and the crew. From bow to stern plasma fire shot through the ship. Sinking through the entire ship, eventually nothing was left. It was as if the ship hadn't even been there.

"Now, with that out of the way, send boarding parties onto the remaining acclamator and have them secure it." Adenn received a chorus of "Yes sir!" and then he had an idea, turning back to the bridge he told them, "Send some troops to down to the surface to help deal with the remaining forces of Revere. Ill stay here and coordinate as I can, I'll have to check some things first." Looking around the bridge, Adenn nodded to himself. I really could get used to this, he thought to himself. Leaving the crew to continue repairs, and do their jobs, Adenn simply looked out over the city from his vantage point inside of the star destroyer. After receiving a call from [member="Rexus"], stating he would be in a bacta tank for a while, he simply acknowledge him with a grunt making a mental note to confront him later about his bluff. Turning back to the view ports and occasionally reading some reports, Adenn knew that he had found a place that would prove useful in the future.
"We have set up the camp and are in position."


Vickers snapped off his commlink and motioned his men forwards. The 40 odd men and women were split into two groups, one on either side of the road. Vickers marched in the middle of the road. Every time they came to an intersection or open door, it was promptly searched. The group continued onwards for some time.

Vickers froze. Directly ahead was a checkpoint. There was maybe 300 men here in this park near the middle of town. Vickers watched from behind cover, knowing they were drastically outnumbered and trying to come up with a plan. A marine walked up to Vickers and knelt down beside him.

"Need me to raise some hell?"

"No, I think we need to-"

Vickers was cut off by a loud static noise. The inside of his helmet, a speaker inside the checkpoint and base, all the men in armor hearing the same thing. There was loud static before silence. A voice started off, unfamiliar, but friendly sounding.

"To all ships within Osseriton orbit and all troops on the ground, this is Adenn Kyramud and I have a message for you all. Premier Harris is alive and well, he's currently coordinating the attacks against the aurutii Revere. I am giving you this chance to enter back into the fold. 5 ou have no hope of winning, your Admiral is dead, best fighters defeated. You are beaten. Surrender and serve the Premier."

There was another rush of static and then total silence. Even the small rumble of voices from behind the sandbag wall and within the tents was silenced. Vickers pulled some binoculars and zoomed in. He seen a group of men walk into a tent in view, suddenly there was the distant echo of blaster fire, followed by returning. The entire base exploded into a firefight. Vickers smirked in his helmet. He climbed onto the cover and raised his weapon.

"Onwards! Free our brothers and sisters, Long live the Premier, God save the King!"

He violently motioned his rifle forwards as members of the battalion began charging towards the base. Vickers dived off the cover and rolled before getting to his feet and running at a high speed past troops to regain his spot in the front.

The troops flooded into the base to see strange flag's burning. It was the emblem of Revere. There was a rush of troops falling back before they nearly ran into the battalion of people entering in. A stormtrooper turned, noticing the flag pinned to his arm and screamed, "Long live the Empire!"

The site of the rush of support from outside encouraged the man. He ran and slid to cover behind a crate. He pulled a thermal detonator from the black harness above his armor and threw it over. It exploded next to a munitions crate killing a few troops. Vickers and his men began offensively pushing towards the command tent. As they closed in, resistance got stiffer and stiffer. Finally they had reached it. Vickers yelled, "Get an MG over here!"

Two reservists in Fel blues with OD backpacks and DLT-19's ran up. They set the bipods and began firing off volleys of rounds down range. Vickers used the suppression of his enemies as cover and quickly moved into the command tent. Upon pushing through a blaster bolt flew through the air, almost hitting him. Quickly Vickers set his weapon to stun and blasted the man who fired at him. Vickers approached the man who was partially responsive. He slid a pair of cuffs onto him, saying "Under the authority invested in me by the Constitution of the Fel Empire, His majesty the king, and Our Premier, you are under arrest."

The man groaned as he was lifted by Vickers. As Vickers pulled him out, the sound of gunfire died down. They had taken the checkpoint, and could make it to the parliament building by sundown at this rate.


Objective - 4
Allies - Harris and his allies
" Looks like luck was not on you're side "

" 08 take him to the holding chamber and question him using any force needed "

The soldier nodded forcing the traitor down the corridor, ES-06 downloaded the data from ES-10 communications device for any info proving he was on Revere's side. As was expected he had made communications attempts recently, he gathered what he could and sent it to a slicer friend of his.

" Jim, I only got basic input from him what now "

" I will come down and talk with him myself "

ES made his way to the armory, he grabbed the rest of his equipment before he made his way to the holding chamber, ES input the security codes and entering. He saw ES-10 restrained, his whole face had been done in pretty good, it seems brute force would not break him, ES-06 had other plans.

" Looks like 8 worked you over pretty well "

ES-08 was always the meanest of them all, but he was loyal to the core, and that quality was more important than any to ES, the traitor broke it so he would be treated as such. The screams could be heard from most of the ship, Jimmy used his Vibro-blade and bio viruses to brake ES-10 down.

" Captain set course for these coordinates, it's time [member="Lord Revere"] pays for his crimes "

[member="King Alexander Fel I"] |
Men all around were marching, marching in their blues across Arce City, Osseriton. Among them, Maximilian. Max walked along in his blues tainted by urban warfare. Dust and grime covered his legs and knees. His boots, covered in ash, were tinted grey. His blaster holstered on his left side, and his fibrosis-protection glove still from before all the fighting, still firmly situated on his scarred hand.

Max and the men he fought with had recently taken a hostile camp, and are now moving towards the Fel parliament. The very thought sent chills down Max's spine, he was nervous, not of the combat or dying in battle no, now he was nervous of the Fel losing during its finest hour, the point where at last the state could experience peace and prosperity.

Max looked up from his feet, his anxiety began to kick-in and he began to breath at a rapid pace. His O2 unit implanted in his back began to beep, he wasn't taking in enough air in every breath. This began to make him worry more, Max walked over to the side of the road as waves of men in blue marched by. He had to take a breather. He looked up and saw a structure, half standing, piles of rubble lay all around it. Max tried to slow his breathing.

"Father Akaz, I must see father Akaz when this is all over."

After saying this, Max began to calm down, he began thinking of home, Mustafar, the life inside the habitable colonies of Mustafar still held a significant place in his heart, but Max also knew one thing.

"This is a nation which I can call my own, one I am willing to serve for."

Max looked down at his left hand, the scarred hand which was gloved, although with lots of pain he clenched the hand into a tight fist. Then he looked back, back at the marching Fel troops, clothed in the fine imperial blues. And once again Max was filled with patriotic spirit. Max said to himself...

"When this is all over... When this is all over..."

"Akaz! I'm coming.... with news..."

"I have a nation!"

Max walked back into the formation and once again continued the long march towards the Fel Parliament.


ES made his way to the bridge to meet with the Captain, they had received the coordinates to his latest position thanks to ES-10 capture, ES-06 walked into the bridge past the crew and into the head office where the Captain waited.

" Land us on that PLANET "
" That is not what the Avi ordered "
" And she does not concern me, If she comes to you send her my way too much rides on this "

The Captain nodded hesitantly, after a few hours of flying they entered the atmosphere of the planet, the whole ESU squad was geared up for this battle. They only had 4 out of the 5 normal members but that did not matter they will get their job done and no one will stop them, each of them climbed into their starfighters.

" Ok stop here, open the bay doors we are ready to launch "

All four of the members launched the starfighters had multiple sensor jammers, stealth was a high priority and their gear was optimized for stealth conditions. They landed 5 clicks west of the building, they would have to walk but their armor was sprayed with reflec and other sensor jammers within the armor. After two hours of hiking and moving they could finally see the building it looked secure but had some major cracks in security design.

" Ok 07 stay here keep this point as a lookout, the rest of us will infiltrate "

The three men moved up to the Parlimentary building, ES-07 started it off by taking out a few of the outer troops on the outside of the building with his DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle, this cleared the way and allowed the other three to enter the building. They made their way around the corner.

" Ok split up, turn on your communication jammer and contact me if you find anyone of importance "

ES took the left hallway, he made his way down the corridor he hid behind the wall dodging troops but as luck would have it he turned another corner and was face to face with a group of traitors. He quickly drew his Vibro-Blade and cut down a small group of the men before they could react in such a small space.

Once he stumbled upon Revere's location, he quickly alerted his team over watching the position, he had a full squad of men in the room once they take them out, Revere will be next.

The others arrived but in doing so alerted some of the soldiers who began to fire on the ESU squad they quickly dived for cover, ES-06 pulled out his heavy blaster rifle put down cover fire for his team. ES-09 would be gunned down in the middle of the battle as the other two members traded fire with the traitors, ES-06 quickly pulled an explosive charge throwing it near a couple soldiers feet and setting it off as the blast killed some of them and temporarily knocked others down. ES-07 heard the commotion and began to run inside to help, ES-08 would also be gunned down by traitors.

ES-06 ran out of ammo in his heavy blaster he looked over the cover and saw the last two soldiers who were gunned down by ES-07 who had finally arrived. ES-06 looked at [member="Lord Revere"] who had nowhere to run with his entrance blocked and no soldiers left to protect him, ES-06 shot towards him with his Vibro-Blade and impaled him through the chest kicking him out of the window that was shattered with the explosions.

" This is ES-06 from the ESU squad we have taken the prelimentary building and Revere is dead "

He established contact with the King to deliver the news, he was breathing heavily and his words sounded slightly mumbled but one could still understand him.

[member="King Alexander Fel I"] |
As Adenn stood on the bridge of the SD, he realised that he still craved a fight. The boarding action and work through the ship had been hard work, but not an actual fight. With that in mind, Adenn decided to head to the planet and join in the clean up operations. Turning towards the communications officer, he told him to contact Gunner.
"Gunner, I'm leaving you in charge. Keep the place secure and stay on guard for possible traitors. I'm headed down to the planet."
With that said, the comms officer closed the comms again. Adenn then turned to another bridge crew member.
"Get me another wave of troops. I'm headed down to the planets surface to help with clean up operations." It was at that moment that Gunner arrived with some more of his men."Gunner here will be in charge. This rebellion is almost over, and by the nights end we'll be celebrating."
Turning around and nodding to Gunner, Adenn made his way down to the hanger bay. When he arrived, dozens of people were ruing around working. However, when they saw Adenn they offered salutes or bows. It seems that who he was had spread throughout the ship, possibly the fleet. Adenn wasn't concerned with this however, he simply looked around before spotting a company of marines waiting on someone. They were the troops that he had requested, so making his way over to them, Adenn inspected their weaponry. They were kitted out with some top of the line weapons, second only to special forces. As he inspected 4 hem, so too did they inspect him, all while standing crisply to attention. Nodding to himself, Adenn began a small speachless he had planned.

"Troopers, this is a clean up operation. Revere has failed and will be dead soon. What remain of his forces are being routed as we speak. You have come back into the fold, and rightly so. This is a chance for you to begin to redeem yourself. We're headed to the city of Are. Let's get to it people."
With that said, the troopers boarded the ship, as did Adenn. The short shuttle ride was silent, as if the marines were uncomfortable in saying anything near him. Adenn was fine with this, after all, you are often respected when feared. So instead, Adenn gazed out at the city. There were firefights, and fires in many places. Smoke rose from a good chuck of the city, and there was general distrust ion all around. However, all of that was not noteworthy. No, what was noteworthy were the sheer amount of troops in navy blues all around. They marched in formations, simply walked down the street, we're fighting or guarding things. Scenes like those, repeating all across the city. As they got closer to the ground, the less people the saw. Until they landed at the end of a street parallel to the main group marching on the parliamentary building.

Adenn was the first off of the shuttle, and was headed towards the column of troops. The marines were quick to follow him. They had landed near the front of the column, so it wasn't hard to get all the way up there. On the way there, Adenn saw a multitude of various different people. He saw a sulustian(@Maximilian) who seemed to be green. He noted a stormtrooper with a flag around his arm ([member="Sergeant Vickers"]) and many other people who were United in taking down Reveres. Soon Adenn came to the front of the column, and his f marines formed up next to him. A few of his Mandalorian were also there, special body guards you could say. They kept marching for a few minutes and before long the were only two blocks out from the parliamentary building.

Adenn held up his hand, and the column stopped. He decided to take a risk and offer one last chance to any defenders to surrender, before they would be slaughtered to the last. Setting his helmet volume to the max, he bellowed out
"To all the followers of Revere who wish to make a last stand here against us. I give e you 4 his one and only chance to surrender, of you do not. You will be slaughtered, no quarter will be given, no prisoners taken. Surrender now, lay down your arms: or die for a dead cause!"
A few people actually came out of cover and surrendered to the troopers or marines. Those who did were swiftly taken away. Otherwise, everything was silent except the picking of blasters, and the quite sound of shuffling. Sighing contentedly, Adenn decided to stop waiting. He turned to the people.
"Today you fight, not only for the Premier, but for your homes. You have lost something these days, and it is thanks to these fools who followed Revere. Show them what it means to turn traitor, let this event go down in history. Show the galaxy what it means to betray the Kingdom of Osseriton!" Resounding cheers cam pe from the crowd, along with whoops and hollers, calls for blood. Turning his helmet volume down again, Adenn obliged them.

Adenn turned to the defenses ushered a command to his Mandalorians. Bending forward slightly, they let loose a hail of rockets toward the defenses. Shortly after that the marines fired their own rockets. Hen Adenn charged, quickly followed by the mass of people. While doing so, Adenn pulled out his lightsaber and activated on of the blades and pulled out a pistol. He then jet packed forward with his Mandalorians. They fell upon the defenders like scythes to wheat, cutting down any who stood before them. It wasn't so much a battle, as a slaughter. Soon, all the defenders lay dead outside and the people marched into the building.

Within, they found under manned defenses, weary defenders and those who knew they were doomed. All fell before the onslaught of the loyalists. Usually led by a the Mandalorians and marines, and accompanied by stormtroopers. Adenn made it his goal to be the first through, charging forward and allowing his men to use his distraction as an opportunity. And what a distraction, it's hard to ignore or miss a Mandalorian with a lightsaber charging down towards your position. Those men and women learned then why it is a bad idea to fight a Mandalorian. However, they wouldn't learn from the experience, on account of them being dead. Maybe those following him would learn, and spread the word. In the meantime, the troops spread out to search the building for hostiles, and to kill them. They were lead by marines, stormtroopers, and in one case 3 Mandalorians.

As they fought ever inward, they cam across more organised defenses, but also several dead people. Eventually, they made it into the throne room. There, Adenn hoped to out a bolt through Revers head. Alas, it was not the be. As the burst into the room, Adenn say a spec ops squad at the other end of the room. He didn't know them, but it seemed some of the marines and troopers did. He decided to introduce himself, can't hurt to see who it was that snuck in and killed Revere.
"Sucuy ' gar, I'm Adenn Kyramud. And you are? (@ES-06)?"


ES took his helmet off, just then some backup had not arrived in time, ES had lost friends in war it was nothing new but his own brother, it was not the same. Jimmy stepped forward falling to his knees next to now dead family, his eyes were full of sadness and regret, but still, no tears would be shed.

He looked over at [member="Adenn Kyramud"] nodding confirming his identity, he was all that sure of what to do next his orders were finished, he killed Revere although at a very large cost. His emotions began turning into anger at the traitors, the war, but mostly himself for agreeing to let his brother join the squad it was a costly mistake.

" You will be avenged, they will join you in the afterlife, ... you give them hell little brother " he spoke in an unknown language that only ESU members would understand, although the emotion could still be seen.

" My job here is done, you can take over Adenn "

At this point ES was not in any mood to fight in another battle, with only one squad member left it's best ESU retires until a full team can be trained again, and undergo the extensive surgery that is required for every ESU member if they even survive the process.

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