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The Elysium Empire

Monarchy with a council and senate, Imperial-Alliance Mixed Ideology, Goal is to unite The Galaxy and end The Chaos.

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Second King of The Elysium Empire
OOC Information


Heath Valhoun: Owner
Rex Valhoun: Owner's Sub
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun: Admin
Grand Admiral Burtch: Admin
Martin Dux: Moderator
Var-Sulis: Moderator

Founders/Old Guard:
Loreena Arenais-Valhoun: Admin
Grand Admiral Burtch: Admin
Martin Dux: Moderator
Var-Sulis: Moderator


The Elysium Empire was created by Dixon/Akaan Dixon/Akaan , who was previously one of the highest ranking Bryn'adul members. It has been around for about 2 3 years, and most of the faces in it today were not around in its' early days. Since its' creation The Empire has grown into a significant power on Chaos.


*Create Cool Stories
*Help Minor Factions go major
*Make an impact on the story of Chaos

Thread count:

Phase One: The Nomads
Revelation (Rebellion against The Agents of Chaos)
An Unlikely Alliance (Allying with Sularen's Shadow Triumvirate)
Confronting Nightmares (Allying with Broka)
A More Permanent Ally (Recruiting Var-Sulis)

Phase Two: The Heir's Ascension
Fortuitous Talks (Rowena and Heath Arrange a marriage)
Jack in The Box pt 2 (Keatoch and Burtch meet for the 1st time in forever)
I have a bad feeling about this (Rex meets Lori for the first time)
An Expected Journey (Rex and Lori take a trip)
The Future is uncertain (Heath and Lori talk, Heath tries to get Lori to accept the arranged marriage)
The Lion's Mane (Part one of a plan to acquire Sluis Van Shipyards)
Status Update #1: Arrest of Arken Dobson: Learn about Arken's Arrest and Burtch's Reassignment
Shabla Oyu'baat (Keatoch is at a Mandalorian Bar)
The Duties of an Heir (Rex and Lori offer aid to an exiled Noble)
The Great Imperial Migration: Learn about The Imperial Migration
To Recruit a Mandalorian (Keatoch tries to recruit a Mando)
Minefield (Viken and Lori mine some asteroids)
Imperial Thanksgiving (The Empire hosts a feast)
Honor above all (Loreena and Var Sulis talk and eat)
The Lion's Roar (Keatoch and Burtch Talk)
Live Aid for the galaxy (Elysium representatives try to give financial aid on Alderaan)
A Loose Chiss Agent (Rex recruits Regel)
Ploy of The Necromancer (The Empire aids Liberators in a civil war)

Phase Three: Make The Empire Great Again!
Scortched Fur: MandalArms has been attacked!
The Republican; Lies!: Read about Rex Valhoun's inauguration, Burtch's promotion, MandalArms' recovery, and more!
The Lion's Order: Introductions: Members of The Order of The Lion meet up.
Wipeout: Rex, Lori, and others are stuck under water in a ship infiltrated by a Sith and surrounded by a sea creature.
An Allegiance Born of Duty: A mysterious old man speaks to Rex in the night.
A Meeting of Similar Standards: Martin Dux meets Burtch to discuss his new resources.
No Longer a Buc: The Fall of Ekun Vagabond pt. 1: The Empire confronts a pirate fleet led by an immortal vampire.
Show of Unlimited Power: Rex leads a demonstration of Imperial Firepower.
And Yet The Sun Still Rises: Rex, Lori, Burtch, Martin, and Dorthea meet up with SJC representatives to discuss the future. Meanwhile, Omar Dobson is doing Dobson things back home....
Flatlined: The Empire helps liberate Culroon
FreeDOM: Anti-Slavery Special Military Operation on Lionus
Just Out Fir a Rip are ya Bud?: Beach Party!
Chicken, it's what's for dinner: Natives cause problems and get bombed.

Tython: The Empire rushes to Tython to participate for the first time in The 2nd Great Hyperspace War
Crisis on Belsavis!: Imperial Aid to Belsavis causes a showdown with The Eternal Empire!
Pride of The Party: Damascus Station Opens
Damascus Station Corporate Expo: Damascus Station's Expo is interrupted by a group of cultists...
The Blood Arena: Damascus Station hosts a great tournament!

Phase Four: Are we Great Yet?

King Rex, where art thou King Rex?: Var-Sulis admits his love of Lori to Rex. Rex goes crazy.
The Shadow Looms: Loreena discusses plans with her allies following Rex's downfall.
A King's Court: A Sith reaches out to a King in need of allies...

Phase Five: You thought we were done? (~30 years later)

A Lion in The Darkness: Former King Rex returns from his retreat into The Wilderness, and meets with an aging Burtch and Var-Sulis.
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
The Government

      • The King of The Elysium Empire has absolute authority in almost all things. However, he may not directly alter the constitution; that duty is given to The Senate.

      • The King is appointed by the previous king. If the previous king does not chose an heir, The Senate votes for a Council member to become king.

      • The King can only be removed by an unanimous vote by The Council.

      • The Council advises both The King, and The Senate. They may advise the king directly at any time, and represent the senate and citizens of The Empire. Furthermore, Any member of the council may directly propose a law to The King, who will then either accept or veto the bill.

      • There are 21 members, each representing a group:


        Active Military


        Factory Workers

        Big Business Owners

        Small Business Owners





        Force Sensitives

        Bounty Hunters



        Justice Officials

        Law Enforcement

        Emergency Services

        Non-Emergency Doctors



        Other Factions and Neutral Planets

      • Members of The Council are appointed by The King. They must be approved by a simple majority in The Senate before taking office.

      • Members of The Council may be instantly removed if The King sees fit. Furthermore a 2/3rd majority in The Senate can remove a council member from office.

      • The Senate is the largest ruling body in The Elysium Empire. It can have infinite members. The Senate proposes laws to The King. Unlike The Council, The Senate requires a simple majority to propose a law.

      • Anyone may join The Senate, regardless of age, stature, job, race, sex, or religion. To join, they must file an application. Members are accepted two at a time, to keep the balance.

      • A senator may be removed by any Council Member with permission from The King, or directly by The King.

Free SpeechUnrestricted; Constitutionally protected
Freedom of ReligionUnrestricted; Constitutionally Protected but monitored
Planetary AutonomyVery High; Right to a militia, Judiciary System
ImmigrationModerate Stance; Increasing Restrictions due to heavy immigration
Right to bear armsUnrestricted; Constitutionally protected
Monetary/trade LawsFree Trade, Protectionist, Dual Currency System with required exchange.
Military PositionExtremely Heavy Military Spending
Anti-Discrimination LawsDiscrimination is allowed in speech, but not enterprise
Gambling LawsUnrestricted
Drug LawsSome Light Restrictions
The Constitution
  • Article One: Freedoms of All People
    • Freedom of Speech
    • Freedom of Religion
    • Freedom to Bear Arms
  • Article Two: The Government
    • The King
    • The Council
    • The Senate
    • Amending The Constitution
  • Article Three: Planetary Freedoms
    • The Right to a Militia
    • The Right to an independent Judicial System
  • Article Four: Foreign Rights
    • Immigrants
    • Refugees
    • Diplomats
    • Government officials

Article One: Freedoms of All People

Every citizen of The Empire is entitled to free speech, the ability to practice whatever religion they desire, and the freedom to purchase, own, hold, and use weapons for recreation or necessity. The rights are considered essential and may never be infringed.

Article Two: The Government

As Established by Heath Valhoun, First King of The Elysium Empire, The King is to have the ultimate authority. The King is the head of all military and government branches. The King may only be removed by a unanimous vote of The Council. The King may appoint and remove council members as he sees fit. The King has the authority to create, pass, or veto laws.

The Council will consist of 21 members. Each member is to represent a large demographic within The Empire. Council Members are appointed by The King with a simple majority vote from The Senate. Only The Council may remove The King by an unanimous vote. Members of The Council may propose laws to The King at any time, without restriction or delay, as they see fit. The Council may remove senators with permission from The King.

The third governing body shall be The Senate. The Senate shall consist of an undefined and indefinite number of individuals. The Senate, with a simple majority, may propose laws to The King.
Amending The Elysium Constitution is restricted. Only The Senate, by a 4/5ths vote, may amend The Constitution.

Article Three: Planetary Freedoms

It is decided that planets within Elysium Imperial space are granted the following freedoms.
The Right to a militia against foreign and domestic threats.
The Right to an independent judicial system, overseen by a single overseer appointed by The King.

Article Four: Foreign Rights

Immigrants into The Elysium Empire must take a political science test showing they understand The Government of The Empire. Immigrants must speak galactic basic to be given residency. Immigrants must live in The Empire for one galactic standard year before they are granted citizenship. During this year it must be proven that they have contributed to The Empire, or else they will be refused citizenship. Until citizenship is granted, the rights granted in Article One are invalid.

Refugees into The Elysium Empire are allowed two years residency before they must pass the immigration requirements.

Diplomats and government officials of foreign nations are treated as citizens of The Empire. No additional rights are granted.

Heath Valhoun, First King of The Empire
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
The Culture
As a nation of refugees, The Elysium Empire has a very diverse population. Therefore, it has a very diverse culture. However The Empire as a whole seems to have its' own culture as well.

Due to immigration requirements that include taking and passing a political science test, citizens of The Empire are typically well-versed in the nation's politics. Citizens of The Empire are typically Patriotic to a fault, fiercely independent, and notoriously hard working. They are also typically well-informed of galactic events, and well-versed in galactic history.

Despite being a Monarchy, The Elysium Empire is heavily Libertarian, with The central government adopting a mostly hands-off policy toward its' subjects. Planets are allowed to have their own militia, and even their own courts and judicial systems. Individuals are allowed to practice their religion and political views freely, though Force-wielding "cults" are heavily monitored due to their potential for destruction.

Citizens of The Empire are encouraged to pursue their dreams. Anyone can work their way up the ranks of the Empire, becoming a high ranking military official, a well-known politician, or a successful businessman. The Empire is heavily capitalist, though it adopts a protectionist stance on the economy, banning monopolies, heavily monitoring trade routes, and nationalizing some of the largest businesses to avoid their collapse, or to keep them from crushing smaller businesses. Therefore, many citizens are small business owners, and companies are always in competition with each other.

The Elysium Empire has no political "parties", but instead has "Blocs". Blocs are essentially portions of the populace that politicians align themselves with, rather than parties, which are politicians taking a stance that the populace picks a side with.

Blocs within The Empire:

Elysium Imperials

Created by Heath Valhoun during his time in The Unknown Regions, The Elysium Imperial Bloc is the original and most popular faction in The Empire. Elysium Imperials believe in a mix between Imperial ideology, and ideas of The Rebellion. Elysium Imperials tend to be respectful of other cultures and beliefs, but strongly believe in law and order. They are militaristic, but not warmongering, and believe in limited isolation. Elysium Imperials try to balance a strong central government, with strong planetary governments as well.


Traditionalist Imperials

Briefly the largest and most powerful bloc, The Imperial Bloc is as old as The Elysium Empire itself, as the vast majority of the founding population of The Elysium Empire were Imperial descendants found in The Unknown Regions. Since the creation of The Empire, The Imperial Bloc has quickly declined in numbers as thousands of refugees have moved to The Empire, bringing a plethora of ideologies and cultures with them.

The Imperial Bloc pushes for reforms to bring The Elysium Empire closer to the old Galactic Empire, with increased centralization, militarization, and Bureaucracy.


The Dobsons

The Dobson Family is a family of millionaires that exploit The Empire from within. Led by Arken Dobson and his children, The Dobson Bloc consists of every bought-out politician, soldier, businessman, and spy within The Empire. The Dobsons are in it for themselves, and have no specific political beliefs apart from the desire to profit. King Heath Valhoun has let the Dobsons expand greatly, though recently he arrested Arken Dobson, throwing a wrench in their plans.

However up to this point, The Dobsons have been allowed to entrench themselves in every aspect of The Elysium Empire, from The Senate, to The Council, To The military, and many fear that soon The Dobsons will set their aim at the throne.

The Refugees

The most rapidly expanding bloc within The Empire, The Refugee Bloc consists of every refugee and immigrant in The Empire. This Bloc has hundreds of cultures, religions, and beliefs, but almost always pushes for more aid to refugees around the galaxy. There is also a strong pacifist sentiment within The Refugee Bloc.​
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
Ground Warfare Doctrine
The Elysium Empire has adopted a "Shock and Awe" doctrine that consists of two strategies...

First, Deterrence. Utilizing propaganda videos, massive ships and stations, strong statements on the diplomatic stage, and examples of previous conflicts, The Empire discourages its' foes from military conflicts in the hearts of both their civilians and their government officials.

The Second part of the Shock and Awe strategy is "Rapid Dominance via Overwhelming Firepower". This involves heavy aerial and artillery bombardments, followed by lightning-fast, all-out assaults to obliterate the shaken enemy.

This tactic is backed up by the Empire's large variety of artillery units, atmospheric bombers, and walkers equipped with missiles, rockets, and heavy armor. The tactic is further reinforced by The Makashi Light Cruiser's advanced targeting systems, capable of striking fast-moving targets the size of a fighter within the atmosphere, from orbit.

Space Warfare Doctrine
Designed by Grand Admiral Burtch, The Empire's Space Doctrine is named "Synergy". Every ships is part of one bigger picture. Each ship has its' role to play in the fleet. The Makashi Light Cruisers blast enemies from afar with laser precision. The Rectifier moves in and hammers foes up close with its' dozen Heavy Short Range Double Barbette Composite Turbolasers. The Val-Khaar corvettes and Imperial Lancer-2 frigates keep fighters at bay.

However each ship has enough versatility to survive, even if the synergy line is broken...making the Elysium Imperial Navy a force to be reckoned with.

Furthermore, lately The Empire has been working on space stations, and larger ships including The Patriot Battlecruiser in an effort to deter would-be aggressors from attacking in the first place.
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
Intelligence and Security


The EIA: The Elysium Intelligence Agency was formed by Rex Valhoun, with key members working with Rex before he was even inaugurated. Before its' formation, Intelligence in The Empire simply came from Imperial Sympathizers across the galaxy. Many of these sympathizers became agents in The EIA after its' creation, but the organization is much more professional and accurate, with better leadership and cohesion.

The ETA: The Elysium Trade Authority was another agency formed by King Rex Valhoun. The Agency was formed in response to The Fall of The CIS, the result of a massive pirate coalition. Trade routes were under constant pirate threat, but within a few months of the ETA's formation, pirate raids became rarer and weaker.
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
Diplomacy Chart

The Elysium Empire is one of hundreds of nations in the galaxy. The following is an overview of their diplomatic relations with nations big and small, close and far.

Major Factions
Empire of The LostFriendly; No official relationN/A
The Galactic AllianceNeutral; No official RelationsN/A
Mandalorian ProtectorsNeutral; No official RelationN/A
Sith OrderPresumably HostileN/A
Dark EmpirePresumably HostileN/A

Minor Nations
The Silver Jedi ConcordFriendly; Defensive AllianceYet The Sun Still Rises
The Systems FederationFriendly; No official RelationN/A
The Chiss AscendencyFriendly; No official RelationN/A
Rimworld Trade LeagueFriendly; No official relationN/A
Latharran RepublicNeutral; No official RelationN/A
The Mandalorian EnclaveNeutral; No official relationsN/A
The Ashlan CrusadeNeutral; No official relationsN/A
The AscendencyCautiously NeutralN/A
The Eternal EmpireUnfriendly; No official relationsN/A
The New Imperial OrderUnfriendly; No official relationsN/A
The Kraken CoalitionHostile; Undeclared WarN/A
The Sith OrderHostile; WarN/A
Hutt Space ConsortiumHostile; Undeclared WarN/A
The Brotherhood of The MawHostile; At WarRegarding The Destruction of Csilla, Tython

Companies, Organizations, Houses, Planetary Governments
The Imperial MafiaHostile; Part of The EmpireMost of our threads
Corellian ConfederationNeutral; No official relationsN/A
The Commerce GuildCautiously NeutralN/A
Great Houses of AlderaanKind; Relations VaryN/A
MandaloreFriendly; Extensive aid givenMultiple threads.
Csilla RefugeesFriendly; Extensive aid givenN/A
Holo News NetworkFriendly; Multiple interviews givenN/A
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Second King of The Elysium Empire
Ruling Family:
King: Rex Valhoun
Queen: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Heir: Vacant

Farmer Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Active Military Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Veterans Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Factory Workers Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Big Business Owners Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Small Business Owners Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Crafters Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Scientists Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Droids Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Traders Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Force Sensitives Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Bounty Hunters Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Mercenaries Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Engineer Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Justice Officials Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Law Enforcement Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Emergency Services Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Non-Emergency Doctors Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Alien Population Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Human Population Representative: Vacant (NPC)
Other Factions and Neutral Planets Representative: Vacant (NPC)

Senate: WIP

Navy Leadership:

Grand Admiral: Keatoch Keatoch Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch
Fleet Admirals: Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Army Leadership:
General of The Army: Vacant (NPC)

Other Government Officials:
Director of The Stormtroopers: Vacant (NPC)
Director of The Elysium Intelligence Agency: Steve Apollo
Director of The Elysium Trade Authority: Vacant (NPC)

Order of The Lion:
Meistras: Martin Dux
Ari: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Jude Brax
Augus: Vacant (NPCs)


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