Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Out of place, out of time

"Interesting. I'm a bounty hunter by trade, but that's not going so well right now. Honestly, if something pays credits, I'll do it. I'll bodyguard, salvage, anything. Just trying to make a reputation for myself." [member="Mit Tuxaire"]
"Hah! Job at all'd smashin!" Jaani said. "Yousa gotta quick moves," he added to the trando. "Drank'd be fiine too," he said with a smile, shifting his heavy bag to make room at the bar. He found the galactic concept of purchasing intoxicating drugs for each other a little odd, but he was getting the hang of such things.
"I'd take a job for minimal pay right now. Haven't found a single one yet. Hopping from planet to planet. All the bounties are on huge sith lords, or there are none at all. Can't even find one in the Black Sun Syndicate. I'm just trying to make connections hoping it will lead me to bounties. What do you do, Gungan?"

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"that really sucks, i've almost always had some kind of job," he slid the drink to the gungan, "yah what do you do to make your credits?" he asked him
[member="Khalifa Burjjh"]
[member="Jaani Doosun"]
"Yeah, you've got to earn it though. Can't just come in and start making bank." Khalifa said in his hoarse, reptilian voice.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Jaani Doosun"]
Jaani took a tentative sip of his drink. His pallet was tailored to a very limited selection of Gungan cuisine and he was very slowly learning to explore the wider range of food and drink available. There were foods that had blown his mind, yet there were some drinks that had given him less...pleasant reactions. "Name's Jaani use to be bombad warrior in da Boss' grand army. Gottena few credits to go out and explore. Mesa...I am... gettin some food soon, join me?" Jaani grumled in his deep voice, trying to avoid the broken pidgin-basic as much as possible. Nice to meet some friendly faces for once, his own people had always been hospitable to neighbours. It had started to seem a unique trait in the Galaxy!


Well-Known Member
"I've owned this armor for years... got it at a spaceport a while back, its got some enhanced sensors and hearing modifiers, helps in guarding missions," he told [member="Khalifa Burjjh"] "yeah, where to?" he asked [member="Jaani Doosun"] "I could do with some food."


Well-Known Member
"No, cant think of anywhere, you?" he asked [member="Khalifa Burjjh"] and [member="Jaani Doosun"] "not many people ever do expect it." he said grinning, in response to [member="Khalifa Burjjh"]
Burjjh nodded his thanks to the bartender and walked out, surprised by the wind that wasn't there when he entered the establishment. "I believe it's this way," he informed the group.
"Neither have I, but I hear it's good." He said. They continued to walk down a relatively crowded street until it began thinning out. "I believe we're close," he said. "Ahh yes, this should be it,". Situated on a corner the place wasn't exactly pristine, but it just may be a hidden jewel. With a quick look between them, they stepped inside.

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