Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Out of place, out of time

The place wasn't much, but oh, it smelled great. A beautiful young woman walked out and asked in a silky smooth voice, "can I get you boys some seats?". Burjjh followed her to a booth in the back, sparing a glance back at Mit, but when he sat down, a different sight met him. He was looking up at a male Twi'lek. "What?" he mused, and then a look of realization came across his face. "You fooled me, changeling," he said with a smile. "You clawdite's can be tough," he went on. She returned the smile. "What can I get you?"


Well-Known Member
Mit walked over and sat down, amused, the enhanced visual sensors in his helmet had told him that this was a changeling, and he couldn't hold back the slight chuckle at [member="Khalifa Burjjh"] 's expression. "What are you getting" he asked him, still amused.
"To tell you the truth I haven't the slightest clue what Zolan food is, but..." he turned to the waitress, "give me whatever I'm smelling right now, it smells great."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"I started out at Corusaunt but i've hung around Naboo recently, they've got some great food, just came here looking for work honestly" he told the trandoshan

[member="Khalifa Burjjh"]
(ooc: haha Corusaunt auto corrects to 'Coras Aunt')
"Interesting, I was thinking of heading to coruscant looking for work actually. And I would have to agree, Naboo has some good food. Work is hard to come by anywhere though." He told [member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Yeah its been pretty slow the past few months." he was getting to like [member="Khalifa Burjjh"] "How long does it take to get food in this place? Its not even that full."
"Perhaps they're just, how do I say this, preparing it with care," he said with a chuckle. "And as for work, it's very hard to come by. I'm just now getting in to my first bounty."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Sounds interesting, whats the bounty for?" he asked, as he pulled off his helmet, figuring there was no point now, considering he already knew the workers were changelings.

[member="Khalifa Burjjh"]
"I've gotten a bounty for any Darth sith below a master. An interesting and challenging first bounty, but I wouldn't turn down anything with the minimal amount of work I've been able to find." Explained Khalifa. "Perhaps you'd like to join me, considering you're line of work. I'd be willing to go 50-50." Burjjh continued. "It's quite a payoff too, 1,000,000 dead, 500,000 alive."

(OOC: this is the bounty we talked about earlier, I just thought this would be a good way to bridge it IC)


Well-Known Member
"hm, sounds like a great payoff, what are we looking at? an apprentice, knight?" he thought about the siths abilities, "either way thats a hefty sum"

(ooc: yeah that was a great idea, for once something is IC before it happens for me)
"I have my eye on Darth Tyrana, she's a knight, but not overly experienced. Then there's Darth Erebos. I'm still working on finding locations on them."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]
"I'd have to say Tyranna, Erebos has some really dangerous powers. Tyranna is a skilled pilot, but I am as well, so I doubt she can escape."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

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