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Overrated Books/Movies/Games

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Disney's Princess
Hmm. Overrated eh? Let's see.
* Game: Mass Effect 3's Ending: Yep. I'm one of those people. Lol. I could rant for hours about how much I loved that series. Until the fandom killing laser-beam-of-many-colors hit me too. Bleh. Where is my fracking happy ending you Bioware douches!
* Book: Wheel of Time Series: Some people love it. I kinda just went, Meh. Then spent the rest of the day fantasizing about the sexy wizard women.
* Book: Twilight Series: People read it. I just went, Really?.
* Book: 50 Shades: Again, people actually read it. I just went, Bleh.
* Movie: The Amazing Spider Man: Saw it. Liked it. Didn't need it. Never bought it. Won't follow it. Done.
* Movie: The Hobbit: It captured me and I feel in love all over again. But when the movie was over, I felt no need for another one. 9/10, I suppose.
Felt no need for another Hobbit despite the story not being complete? Come on... really? Movies that give that vibe are things like Taken. Never saw a need for a Taken sequel, cause there wasn't one. There is a need for a Hobbit sequel cause the story isn't over.

I actually love Mass Effect 3's ending am I'm one of the few apologists for it.

I honestly don't consider Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray as being legitimate books, and therefore don't count them as being even over rated cause they're trash tier anyways.

NOW. Something that is WAY over rated mainly because its entire genre shouldn't even exist is Harry Potter. Teen fiction shouldn't even exist in this world cause by the time you are a teenager you should be reading real books. Not trash level garbage. Harry Potter is a fine story, I guess, but it is only that because there is a genre that shouldn't exist that allows it to be.
Yeah, I refuse to actually acknowledge trash as being over rated even if there is a MASSIVE following for it. Reason being... it'll fade with time cause the masses that follow it are fickle. And probably... those that loved it within about ten years will be saying how much they hate it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on everything except HP. come on. Sure it's not a high quality genre and all, but I don't think that only teenagers liked it. Many of the people that liked it will sure thrash it in ten years' time, but then again, some of them won't. I liked them, I still do, even if years have passed. :)

ooh, hobbit. how can you not want the sequel? also, in my opinion, it's way better than LotR. I mean sure, LotR conquered the genre, but Hobbit is just so much more...easygoing. It's not all dark and we're all gonna die. It's a different setting for sure, but I like how the comic input is way bigger. :)
The Hobbit was masterfully put together.

And I don't really have a problem with people enjoying HP. What bugs me about it is how much praise it gets from people. And I'm just like... dang it really isn't that amazing. It is pleasant to read but it is candy. And its major pitfall is that it is largely marketed to the preteen/teen demographic which is the major consumer of teen fiction (though it has grown to the absurd level of having far too many older readers as well). Teen fiction just should exist. Its weak. And really, as I said before, there is so much better that people should be reading by the time they are of that age.

Ugh... teen fiction. Nothing is worse than the terrible thing known as Hunger Games...


Well-Known Member
That's a reasonable point I have to agree with. Never said it was super high quality, tho. I think it's good for a summer read, you know? you take it to the beach along with dan brown and the such.

as for hunger games, that's a sheer disaster. especially the movie. at least in the books you're given some backstory (even though it's riddled with plotholes). Characters just come off as stupid and plain unbelievable. also, the vocab is just tear-inducing.
Oh my gosh, I read the first hunger games I've never seen so many flat boring characters. I just... dang. And in the back of my mind I'm thinking that this is nothing more than a Battle Royale ripoff, which isn't exactly exceptionally written either (THOUGH the manga, and I'm not a huge manga fan, does improve it quite a bit in terms of characterization and overall plot development and dramatic story telling) but is still significantly better.

And yeah, I'm not really super anti-Harry Potter. I'll probably get my kids to read it when they're pretty young, just to try and get them reading something before I throw the big dawgs at 'em.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah. See there?! Manga is another thing that's severely overrated. meh. children *will* read. If I ever have them, that is. :p


here for your dad
I think The Merchant of Venice (my favourite) would still be applicable today. Shylock's monologue especially (replace Jew with a more current persecuted religion), oh and Portia. Women power and all that.
As far as overrated books go, I'm going to have to agree with Karen and nominate the "Mormonism meets Metrosexuality with a side of desperate teenage girl" saga known as Twilight. It is, bar none, the most ridiculous, trash-tier waste of paper I've ever had the displeasure of coming across. That paper could have been put to good use as toilet tissue or something!

Now, as far as Harry Potter goes, it's value is in the fact that the majority of its fandom grew up with it (or bought it for their kids growing up). It's the same kind of thing that keeps Nintendo in business (since they basically sell remakes and sequels of the same titles nowadays.)

Next, overrated games. I'm gonna go ahead and say....Call of Duty. All of them. Especially Modern Warfare III.

Lastly, I'd have to say that the most overrated movie I've seen so far is an even tie between Taken 2 and the Hunger Games. Taken REALLY didn't need a sequel. It was amazing on its own, it was one of a kind, it was awesome. BUT, they're milking the cash cow (much like Hangover 2 and HANGOVER 3 =_=). The Hunger Games is just...bad. It's...just...bad.
Boo. The first and second Call of Duty were amazing. They were innovative and forced Medal of Honor to get its act together, which they never did. But that being said, modern Call of Duty is terrible.


Well-Known Member
well, I never even played CoD. it's just unappealing as it is, no need to check it out in reality :S

I of course agree with the Tiwlight thingie. I must admit my sins, tho, as I have thoroughly enjoyed some of its fanfiction. It's no wonder it's written at least ten times better, and, frankly, the ships are wondrous. It was a story that had *some* potential, but it was spoiled completely by bad storytelling, worse plot, even *worse* vocab and, frankly, tear-inducing character. 'cept for alice. I love alice.^^

Oh, yeah. Sequels, if they aren't planned out at the beginning already, just kill every good story. It's for the same reason I dread the upcoming avatar 2. Also, the original is way overrated. Like, *big* time.
I agree that Avatar is overrated but I'm somewhat withholding judgement until the second. Mainly because its main selling point was Pandora and seeing more Pandora definitely intrigues me.
Well-Known Member
*Shakes head* No I think it recieves the appropriate amount of praise, it is really pretty cool in my opinion. Did they need four games? Well probably not, so I think in my opinion Halo 4 should be called overrated. What I think is overrated is Television in general. To me, it is one big bowl of S**t. Anyone agree?
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