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Overrated Books/Movies/Games

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Disney's Princess
Halo 4 is ma' shizzle. SR50 baby. Woot woot! :D :p
But ya know whats overrated... Movies. The book is always better. :)


Well-Known Member
yep, television sucks. :D it's more advertisements and less movies anyway, so why watch it in the first place? It's not as if those reality shows are enticing. right?

mmmyeah. I'm kinda with you on the book/movie thingy. kinda, tho, because there are some shining exceptions. LotR, for example. If they had made it by the book, everyone would've fallen asleep 10 minutes into the movie. :p


Well-Known Member
whyyyy? I fail *completely* in seeing the appeal of football (or any team sports, really.) what's the deal about watching sweaty men run after a ball across a mowed lawn? :p

Flint Pherson

It's all for the love of the game. And, ugh. Well. It helps if you've played the game, attempted fantasy football, or know all the rules, or sat in the stands and cheered on your high school team, or just have a love of HD TV and spending lots of money. Ya know. ...Stuff like that. :D :p


Well-Known Member
Gee, that does sound enticing! :D

only it doesn't, really. the only sports I like to watch is swordsmanship (or martial arts, on that matter). that's where it ends, really.
oh, and pole dancing, of course! which is, in fact (or at least definitely should be) a sport. yum.
I love football. It's the second passion in my life, right after my girlfriend. And Ima start hatin pretty bad if someone bashes it. Oh and I am not talking about the handegg sport but the real football.
Well, I don't mind when someone says he/she doesn't like football but I get agitated when people compare it to stuff like "men running after a ball" or that statement you said. Football's much more than that... No wonder it's the most popular sport out there.


Well-Known Member
ach, you non-europeans. :D

I'm sorry if I insulted you, zef. :) I don't doubt that some people find it fascinating because of the reasons I fail to comprehend. :)
Harry Potter is alright as a standalone kids fantasy series. (Even though the plot literally plods along as if its legs have been chained to the ground) however when it had come out and druing the frenzy that followed there was almost a tidal wave of people going about and shouting how "Harry Potter was the best thing written ever" on and on and on (ironically most of these switched to Twilight and did the exact same thing when thatc ame out, much to the annoyance of HP fanboys/girls). This peeved me to no end. So I decided to read the books, which were out till 3 then. I read through them and found them mediocre at best, her world did not seems one bit original, her spells were all made up latin and although she had created interesting characters, they grew didly squat from one book to the next. Which is my whole point, Harry Potter is a big resounding "Average" in my book. Which is why I consider it overrated, you wont get sucked into Harry Potter unless it is your first fantasy series. Which is pretty much why it became so big, people had forgotten most of the great stuff that had been written in the genre by then and Rowling just managed to be first in line on the bend.
On to football. It is the ultimate team sport. The things that go into building a team is insane. The amount of thought that goes into playmaking, and schemes is crazy. The way it changes as new kinds of players become more an more common. For instance, this year we saw the Read Option become a big thing, because we had some quarterbacks that were more mobile. Now, I am someone who doesn't see it lasting as a big thing. I see it just becoming another formation, and not an entire offensive style, but this year saw it be a huge offensive style that defenses just were not ready for. It was interesting to see it change. Just like how the art of pass rushing has changed tremendously over the recent years.

Then you've got the money side. There is a salary cap, which basically is that all the players have to have a combined salary under a predetermined number. This creates a sort of dilemma where you have to decide who you want on your team, what you value, what kind of team you want to be, where you think you can get away with less experienced players with high upside, and where you want to go with proven veterans.

I'm honestly way more into the team building side of things.

Though I will say, and this has been true for years, Go Ravens! Superbowl Champs!

And they did over pay Flacco... had to... but they over paid him.
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