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Duel Padawan Fight Club

Thesh-Mart Roof, The Works, Coruscant

When Kai had challenged Silas to a duel, he had expected it to be a quiet affair. But once Corin Trenor Corin Trenor got involved, offering to be the referee, it seemed like suddenly everyone else wanted a piece of the action. By the time he arrived at the appointed time and place, Kai not only wasn't sure who else was going to be there, he didn't even know whether he and Silas would be the sole combatants tonight.

They had at least managed to keep the fight a secret from the masters, who no doubt would've stepped in to try and break things up. There was a certain thrill to the secrecy, an intoxicating sense of getting away with something. But it was all in good fun. The only people they were hurting were each other, after all.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard + Open to Jedi Padawans​


Was this a good idea?

No, not at all. But compared to everything that was happening in the Galaxy, it was small. It was simple. And it could be solved without them being thrown into war. So yeah, it was something teenagers did. Right? Books said this was a teenager thing. Might as well be a teenager for a little while before they got thrown back into the meat grinder that had already scarred her so much.

That, and she was curious if Kai was actually stronger than Silas.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | @Others probably
Referee. Sure. That was one word for it. Corin wanted to see it, entirely all too careless as to what lie needed to be told in order to be in the audience of it. If he intended on an intervention if ever needed, it was yet to be seen. But based on how the Padawan lazily lounged on the roof of the stairwell access with headphones on, Corin had little interest in any duties tonight. His responsibilities reside on Denon, maybe where he should have been.

Part of him wanted to see both of them put in their place, but only one of them could afford that today. Better one than none, should it be a real fight and not a slap-fest that amounted to a handshake and fairwell.

Calix of Thyrsus


The Thyrsian youth crept in, his pale Echani eyes betraying a feeling of uncertainty as to whether he was in the right place or not.

He hadn't been back on Coruscant for long, recently returned from Socorro and his ill-fated mission to the Rim, but it seemed there were whispers about the Jedi Temple of a fight club.

Humans seemed to have rather strange reactions to this concept -- some supportive and others hostile, but both insistent it be kept in secrecy from the adults. It seemed a human outlook. To Calix, this was a perfectly normal social activity for meeting new people. Of either gender, for that matter. Duels were, after all, the best way to get to know someone.

He didn't know anybody here, but that was the point.

It was just going to be awkward until he met someone. Or fought them. From Calix's perspective, the two concepts were one in the same.

And, if he didn't, then perhaps he'd at least gain a better understanding of his peers by observing how they fought.
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


There had been rumors of a martial challenge between Padawans.

It had also been said to be hush-hush, though Jand had been unfamiliar with the term, until it had been explained. But if there was one thing that drew the attention of a Nagai, it was combat. With a culture steeped in battle and combat training, it was no real surprise - at least to those who knew Jand - that the pale-skinned Padawan would appear to observe.

While Jand had only been on Coruscant for half a year, in that time he had become more familiar with some levels of the planet itself, and so had found his way to the appropriate rooftop. He wore his cream and brown Jedi robes, which had become his daily attire since joining the Jedi Order, and approached several individuals that had also arrived at the spot.

Jand noticed Iris, Corin, another Padawan who looked perplexed, and the apparent instigator of the challenge, Kai.

"Who will the challenger be fighting?" Jand asked, as he stepped over to Iris and looked to the others. He motioned to the perplexed Padawan. "That one? Or someone yet to arrive?"

Jand raised his eyebrows, glancing back to Iris, as he whispered:

"Will it be to the death?"

Location: Thesh-Mart Roof, The Works, Coruscant
Objective: Slap the cheek out of Kai
Tags: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

The fact he was going through with his was beyond his thinking, but Silas wasn't going to back down from a talker like Kai. The teen would have thought he'd drop it after the events on Ilum, yet the rage of being left in a whole was still burning brightly inside of his soul. There was no way out of it, if he no showed the padawans would make sure he didn't hear the end of it. Valery Noble Valery Noble was probably going to kill him, but that was something he'd just have to deal with later.

"I see someone didn't keep their mouth shut..."

Appearing on the roof Silas looked around at all of the different padawans who had come to watch. Kai was an idiot, did he not realise it took one padawan to let slip of this for them all to be in deep water? either way, it was far too late for any of the masters to show up and stop this now. They both needed to squash this hate and indifference once and for all.

"How was your time in the hole? I see it hasn't fixed your maturity" he grunted out, his hands slowly taking off his jacket and throwing it to the side "Well, I'm here to play this silly game now." Silas lightly rolled his shoulders and glared at the boy coldly "Rules?"
"I see someone didn't keep their mouth shut..."

Kai grinned upon hearing Silas’ voice. His opponent had arrived.

<I knew you’d show up,> he replied with a smirk. <You just couldn’t resist.>

For all that Silas might consider himself more mature and superior to Kai, he was still here, playing the “silly game” he scorned. Kai didn’t even need to say anything; Westgard’s actions spoke for themselves.

<No weapons and no Force,> Kai announced to everyone present, both familiar and unfamiliar. <Those are the rules.>

Someone asked if it would be to the death. Kai blinked. <Uh, no. We go until one of us falls down and doesn’t get up within ten seconds.> He was surprised he had to clarify that.

It was a fistfight, a sparring match. Not exactly under friendly terms, but Kai wasn’t out to leave Silas dead or disabled, so he wasn’t worried. The dude who had asked if they would be fighting to the death, though—maybe they would all think twice before fighting him.

<If there’s no more questions…> Kai trailed off, raising his fists and beginning to circle around Silas.

The Padawan fight club was officially in business.

Looks like the challenger is going to be Silas.” Kara made herself known, walking up behind the small gathering that was Iris, Calex and Jand. There were a few other Padawans around, but this trio seemed to be the most talkative.

Kara’s previous life had revolved around a lot of eavesdropping, info gathering and rumour listening. So it wasn’t particularly difficult to hear about a secret fight going down, a duel of fisticuffs rather than lightsabers. All under the noses of the Jedi Masters.

How positively scandalous, and something Kara wasn’t going to miss.

It seemed she had arrived just in time, watching as Silas approached Kai. She hardly knew Bamarri that well. Only having directly met him once; before knowing he was even a fellow Padawan. But she recognized that look in the teenager's eyes, he was all too eager to start throwing some fists.

This was going to prove an entertaining spectacle.


Jasper had always enjoyed going to the works. Most people might be frightened by the prospect of getting dragged into an alley and mugged. Jasper knew how to fight, so that wasn’t an issue. Instead he got the opportunity to be in the moment, sit down on some secluded rooftop and listen to the sounds of the city. He needed that now more than ever, even when considering recent revelations about his creation. Jasper was in a pretty good mood all things considered, especially given his recent state of mind. Time to clear his head and think was what he needed, or at least he hoped that was the case.

The young duelist made his way to the rooftop of a nearby Thresh-Mart, hoping to find a quiet area to eat his sandwich. What he found instead was a gathering of Padawans, many of which he knew. Almost immediately, Jasper’s plan for a quiet evening seemed to go up in flames. The anxiety was beginning to take hold once again. He turned to Iris, hoping the scarred Padawan could shed some light on what was going on.

“H-hey,” he greeted with a half wave. “W-what’s going on?”

Hopefully he hadn’t walked in on something he shouldn’t have.

Calix of Thyrsus


The event was starting to fill in.

Calix was hopeful that people would begin pairing off into challenges and duels -- as the Echani would have done -- but, instead, they seemed to be waiting around.

Was it their tradition to wait for a particular duelist to arrive before making their challenges? Was there an elder who got first pick of opponents?

Suddenly, Calix was even more nervous as he realized he had no idea how humans did these sort of events. What was the custom? He knew the Echani protocols, but what about humans? And were there non-humans? Were there protocols for duels where different species might have entirely different sets of expectations in issuing or responding to a challenge?

"Who will the challenger be fighting?" a voice asked.

Turning his head, the Thyrsian's blue eyes found a pale-skinned male who seemed to indicate the afro-headed boy as he asked, "That one?"

"I'd love to fight someone!" Calix uttered, his eyes alight as a large smile split his face.

To the others, he was probably entirely too happy or enthusiastic about this.

But he was Echani. Not to be stereotypical, but a fight club was pretty much their entire culture in a nutshell.

<I knew you'd show up.>

The telepathic message prompted a startled jump from the Thyrsian. But, it seemed intended for a new arrival.

<No weapons and no Force. Those are the rules.>

The Thyrsian found his skin crawling at the telepathic speech, without even being certain why. Shrugging off the gooseflesh, he nodded his head as though in silent affirmation of the rules. The Echani followed that protocol as well.

Well, Thyrsians might add Force Pikes, but unarmed was still a common norm in both Echani and Thyrsian cultures.

"Looks like the challenger is going to be Silas," a female with blonde hair supplied.

So the dark-haired male who had arrived was Silas? Calix tried to tuck that detail away in his mind.

If this Silas fought well, then perhaps he would consider dueling the Thyrsian at some point.

Craning his head around, the boy looked over at the onlookers.

Were they only going to watch? It would seem a shame for such a large social gathering to focus on only a single battle. But, perhaps that was not their way.
Location: Thesh-Mart Roof, The Works, Coruscant
Objective: Slap the cheek out of Kai
Tags: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

"No... I just had a day off" he said back to him with an expressionless face as he listened to what the boy had to say about the rules. Simple and to the point, Silas could work with that. Even though he and Kai were at odds they weren't going to hurt each other too badly or aim to kill. This was to put something behind them, not to make things work.

Ignoring someone who asked if they were going to kill each other, he slowly raised his fists up "Let's get this over with" he grunted out, beginning to circle the boy and figure out a plan of action. He didn't know how good Kai was at fighting, but the fight he had with Corin gave him a brief idea.

Shuffling over with his guard up he feints a few jabs at his nose before suddenly snapping a lightning fast kick into his thigh to give him a taster of what was to come
Hey, if other people wanted to fight, they were welcome to it. But they’d have to pair off themselves, because Kai was more than a little busy at the moment.

Silas feinted a few jabs toward Kai’s nose. The first one took him by surprise, but the follow-ups were obviously a ploy. The other boy was aiming to distract him before he...

Kai grabbed at Silas’ leg as he kicked him and shoved it away, aiming to knock him off balance. Then he came in swinging with a left hook aimed at Silas’ face.



Iris frowned. And held back stopping the fight once the first punches were thrown. Every part of her wanted to intervene. Probably the healer training. Stop them from fighting, tend to their wounds. She did, though, blink in surprise as she glanced to Jand. To the death?

"I really hope not. That's.. Not the point of this." She whispered back, glancing to the others around. More fights, though? Seemed at least another was up for the extra fight. How many were willing to throw down at this point? The Padawan let out a sigh, closed her eyes.

She was going to be healing a lot of people, wasn't she?

Jand Talo Jand Talo | @Others probably
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


A familiar voice spoke from nearby.

"Hello, Kara Jade," Jand said with a nod of his head. He listened as the blond sentient mentioned Silas as the opponent, before he nodded again, though added in a lower tone. "Ah, yes, Silas. Which one is he?"

The answer was presented quickly, however, as Silas appeared.

With the two main challengers on the rooftop, others began to speak around Jand, to which the Nagai glanced at each in turn with his gray eyes. It seemed a young humanoid with large, fuzzy hair wanted to fight someone - eagerly, even - and that Iris clarified the fight was not to the death. Another young individual with blond hair and a ponytail, Jasper, approached and greeted awkwardly, before he asked what was going on:

"A fight, but not to the death," Jand said in response to Jasper, as he watched both Kai and Silas begin. Their opening attacks were cautious. "It seems this engagement is about honor and pride. Sadly, without weapons or fatality, it will take longer to determine a victor."

With a sigh to himself, Jand crossed his arms and continued to watch.


Sequestered above the rest, atop the roof access to the stairwell and found with his frame leaned on the tilted roof of it, Corin watched. He was the referee, after all, it was the role the Padawan tasked himself with. Or, rather, allowed them to task him with. But there was no need for him, in truth, and thus Corin remained there with near-disinterested eyes as the first bouts of this conflict started; minimal, probing attacks. It would get better, it had to. Unless, well, maybe what little Corin thought of Silas and Kai was true.

The jabs seemed to take him off guard at first, but when he threw a real kick he seemed more than prepared for it. Silas grunted as he managed to push his leg away, making stumble slightly away from his opponent. He looked back to Kai and saw the swing coming his way, a small grin appearing on his lips just before he ducked under the strike and threw a stiff left hook straight into his midsection.

Silas’ punch to Kai’s middle knocked the wind out of him. Doubled over, Kai suddenly lunged forward, wrapping his arms around Silas’ waist and trying to tackle him to the ground.

Unfortunately, his aim was such that whether Silas took the blow or moved out of the way in time, Kai was going to crash into the group of onlookers—Calix, Jand, Kara and Jasper among them.

Silas sunk his fist into Kai's midsection hard, forcing him to double over. However, he wasn't expecting to lunge forward and drive him backwards. Silas grunted as Kai made him pedal backwards towards the crowd, a moment he wasn't able to stop due to how fast it happened.

Silas and Kai slammed straight into the onlookers, his back falling backwards directly on Calix of Thyrsus who unfortunately was behind Silas at the time. The teen groaned and arched his back slightly from the impact, his head looking back to the boy to hold up a hand "Ugh... Sorry about that..." he grunted before swinging a strong left hook towards his cheek of Kai as he tried to gather his bearings.

Calix of Thyrsus


This was...

The Thyrsian's head tilted to the right as he watched the two. Was this what humans called dueling?

This was embarrassing.

From their body language, the Echani couldn't tell if the two were mad or just had something to prove. The communication was stilted. Like they were murmuring, not talking with their movements. And some of what he could make out seemed like gibberish, like they weren't trying to communicate with each other at all.

The two spilled out into the onlookers, with Calix taking a Silas Westgard Silas Westgard to the face almost. Putting his hands up, the Thyrsian tried to brace the older teen's back, even as he took a step back so to hopefully not land on his arse as well. It seemed to work well enough that the teen came back swinging at Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

As Calix continued to watch the... whatever this was... it dawned on him that he should really teach these humans how to draw a proper duel circle to mark out boundaries. These two just seemed to be swinging at each other with wild abandon.

The Thyrsian's head then tilted over to the left side as a thought crossed his mind.

This fight felt personal. Was the initiating human perhaps flirting with the Silas human?
The left hook hit Kai square on the mark, cheek turning red as blood rushed to the site and then darkening into a bruise. He spat out blood, then fired back, spitting out blows in quick succession. Two punches to the stomach, then an uppercut just below Silas’ chin.

Then came, of course, the headbutt. Kai had pulled the same move on Corin back at the Temple, but Silas had been busy sparring with Jasper then, so he might not recognize the body language that preluded it. Not until too late, anyway…


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