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Duel Padawan Fight Club

Silas was able to deflect his first punch to the stomach only for the second to find its mark. The padawan leaned forward and gasped out in pain before a strong uppercut snapped his head back up. Spit flew from his mouth as he stumbled into the sitting Iris Arani Iris Arani behind him, his chin revealing a noticeable bruise underneath as he groggily got back up.

Just as he gained his footing he didn't see the headbutt till too late, leaving his temple of Kai to slam into his nose. Almost instantly blood flew out as he fell back into Iris, a flowing stream of red liquid pouring from his nostrils. The pain was immense, and it felt like Kai had broken his nose. But, right now that was the least of his worries. Kai was still standing above him as he tried to shake off the cobwebs, leaving him open for another attack.

Going back to his duel with Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan he remembered something she did to him in order to turn the tide of a fight. It was dirty, but Kai did say nothing about what he was going to do next. Without warning, Silas slammed a swift punch between his legs when he got close enough. Giving him a piece of his own medicine in cheapshots.


"A fight, but not to the death,"

“Oh,” Jasper frowned. “Good?”

His thoughts were cut off by Silas being send back into the crowd of gathered Padawans. He quickly ran back in and a series of back handed moves occurred. A headbutt, a strike at the groin…

“Jeez,” Jasper muttered to himself. “I just wanted a quiet place to eat my sandwich…”

He almost felt obligated to stay and watch now. Nobody was peer pressuring Jasper into staying, so why didn’t he just leave. Morbid curiosity? To support his Silas? Was he peer pressuring himself? Like always, Jasper did have an answer to these questions.

Only confusion.


Iris watched, mostly in silence. Every punch, every bruise. It was just another thing she was going to have to fix. She frowned the first time the two brought the crowd into it, but said nothing. Corin would handle it, he was the ref.

He said and did nothing.

And then Silas bumped into her. She narrowed her eyes for a moment before huffing. Grant it, she wasn't the only one annoyed. Her gaze shifted towards Jand in particular as she cleared her throat. He looked about ready to kill them both.

And he would, if it came to that.

"Bump into another person you two, and I'll take you both out. Keep it between yourselves."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Kara Jade Kara Jade | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Calix of Thyrsus
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Calix of Thyrsus


The Thyrsian brought a hand up to his head, a finger tapping against his chin as he continued to take in the fight.

A head butt. A groin strike.

This fight was definitely personal. And both had something to prove. He'd suspected it was flirting, but now he was starting to think it was more than that.

Had they invited an audience to observe a lover's spat?

That would explain the failure to communicate. And the intensity he was reading. Tapping the finger against his him, the Thyrsian just gave a nod as the notion cemented itself in his mind.

Definitely flirting. Super toxic relationship. But flirting.

That they invited a bunch of random people to.

Humanity was so weird.
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ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


With his arms folded, Jand continued to stare with his dark eyes, as he watched the 'fight' with some level of... confused transfixation?

Even the youth with the large hair nearby seemed perplexed.

Both combatants were wild, engaging in attacks that were far from honorable, and seeking to land unorthodox strikes. But when the pair started to bump and jostle into the onlookers, that was when Jand began to lose his patience. The challenge lacked many of the elements of combat etiquette, the foremost of which was to avoid pulling others into the duel - and in fact, when Iris was pushed into, Jand's crossed arms tensed and his knuckles became taunt as he most certainly lost his patience with the two.

That's when Iris spoke up, to which Jand glanced her way and gave a tight-lipped smile.

Good, at least she had made the pair aware, and the Nagai wouldn't feel the need to step in, should they bumble their way back over.

Still, the challenge seemed to stoop to new lows. Literally. A very dishonorable strike occurred, one delivered by Silas to Kai's groin.

"What is this?" Jand hissed, mostly to himself. His eyes glared. "This is... insulting."

Were it not for Jand's own sense of honor, which precluded him from interfering with the pair, he might very well have stepped in right then and there... but that didn't mean he couldn't offer some much needed advice:

"Either one of you, aim for a knee or equally weak limb, shatter the joint and be done with this."


Calix of Thyrsus


"What is this? This is... insulting."

First Iris Arani Iris Arani had reminded them to keep their duel among themselves -- again, observing a proper duel circle would seem to remedy this -- and then the pale-skinned male seemed to pick up on the same suspicions that Calix had regarding the fight they'd become observers to.

Though, the pale one -- he could have passed for Echani, except for the hair -- seemed to have a remedy for the matter.

"Either one of you, aim for a knee or equally weak limb, shatter the joint and be done with this."

The Thyrsian just blinked.

That was sound strategy, but a rather decisive tactic, the kind that would be reserved for a real honor duel. So, did that mean..?

"Wait..." the afro-headed youth uttered aloud, as the proverbial light bulb seemed to go on above his head.

"You mean they're not flirting?"

Everything he thought he knew about humans was a lie!
The headbutt didn’t hurt as much as it had when he did it to Corin, Kai’s forehead having found a cushion in the soft cartilage of Silas’ nose. It still left him somewhat disoriented—which was why the cheap shot to his groin came as a total surprise.

Well, that and because Kai had never experienced that kind of pain before. He folded like a cheap lawn chair, collapsing on the ground with his hands clutching the agonized area.

Ten seconds. That’s all the time he had to recover.

"Either one of you, aim for a knee or equally weak limb, shatter the joint and be done with this."

<You picked a great time... to start handing out advice,> Kai muttered sarcastically, struggling to get to his feet.

"Wait... You mean they're not flirting?"

At that, Kai turned toward Silas, stupefied. His face turned beet red with embarrassment, the pain forgotten. His eyes narrowed… then he grinned, his teeth stained with blood.

<I’m surprised they figured it out before you did.>

Hopefully, while Silas was still trying to process that response, Kai could get a leg sweep in.


"You mean they're not flirting?"

“What?” Jasper reacted, looking at the boy in bewilderment. “Flirting?”

What kind of flirting involved beating the other to a bloody pulp? Jasper was starting to think about it. Upon closer inspection of his social skills, Jasper realized he knew literally nothing about flirting. Maybe some people did fight each other in a romantic way.

“I-I never thought about that…” he muttered, scratching the bridge of his nose.

Jasper was now questioning everything he knew about social interaction.


She'd been keeping to herself amongst the others, hearing their tittering as the dishonourable little spat carried on, taking in the incredulity, irritation, surprise, and other feelings freely projected by the gathering. And when the combatants started to end up pushed into the onlookers, into Calix of Thyrsus who was nearby, she had hopped back, finding herself with mere inches between her heels and the edge of the rooftop, thereafter deciding to find herself another place to stand on the other side of Jand Talo Jand Talo .

And she got there as one socked the other in the groin. Seeing the cheap-shot made her brow crease and her lips take a downturn, but this was not her place to interfere, and the Nagai put a voice to the flash of what she had felt.

"What is this? This is... insulting."

She glanced sidelong at the pale-skinned warrior, agreeing with his words. If honour could be maintained, all well and good, but outside of a sanctioned fight in a competition ring, your opponent couldn't always be relied upon to be honourable or fair. Without enough training, much the same could be said... this did not mean you had to stoop to their level, but both were doing plenty of stooping and the Nagai put a voice to that, with his suggestion on how to quickly end this farce. Then the young Thyrsian had a realisation...

"Wait... You mean they're not flirting?"

...and she shot the boy a look, as the dots started to connect ( Thyrsian... Echani... ), her eyes widening just a touch, her pink darkening at the cheeks in second-hand embarrassment as she fully realised how he came to that conclusion, and turned her eyes back to the utter mess of a duel. That most certainly wasn't what she was witnessing! It had no grace, no honour, no warmth!

[ And that's supposed to be private! ]

Or at least, as far as she was concerned, it was. Her nose wrinkled for a moment, as she shook her head in disgust, "I should hope not!"

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When the fight between the two started to spill out towards the onlookers, Kara took a probably wise step and distanced herself in case of any future incidents. Silas had been backed into Calix, who the poor naive teen had been watching the two spar with fascination, and presumably confusion.

Kara had found a reclining chair, where? That was for her to know, and for others to speculate. She set it down just to the side of the group, giving her a good view of the fight happening.

The blonde let out an amused snort at Iris’ threat, although in part wondering what would happen if the teenager decided to follow up on her words.

But Kara’s focus was on Calix, watching the Thyrsian as his eyes darted around, watching every moment of how Silas and Kai fought. She knew he was analysing it as was his nature as a Thyrsian.

The young woman was admittedly half watching the fight itself, and Calix’s amusing reactions. Every now and then popping a bit of popcorn in her mouth, from a bag she had seemingly pulled out of thin air.

Jand Talo, the Nagai Padawan spoke up, voicing his disappointment about the fight. Kara felt herself silently agreeing, but she was primarily focused on watching the Thyrsian’s reaction to that.

"You mean they're not flirting?"

Without missing a beat, Kara burst out laughing when the realisation finally hit the young teenager. Her laughter almost sent her tumbling over the back of the chair, with how far back she was leaning into it. She managed to realign herself, in enough time to see the stupefied expression on Kai’s face, followed by Jasper voicing his confusion about the new perspective on the fight.

Okay, maybe being around a bunch of teenagers wasn’t going to be too awful after all.

Corin should have made an effort to stop it. It was the responsible decision, to end the brawl. If one could even call if that. Instead, Corin found himself in an endless sea of comparisons; forced to focus on each move made and the one his more experienced self could have chosen in place of it. Denon hardened the Padawan, with bruised knuckles and a bloodied nose. It was not their fault, he conceded, the decision to don a mask and hurl violence in the dead of night was his own. If not with some slight persuasion.

Perched on his hideaway, groaned at the mentions of flirting. Children.

No one was comatose, or under threat of death as of yet. He was content to say nothing and allow it to continue.

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Iris Arani Iris Arani Calix of Thyrsus Jand Talo Jand Talo Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Kara Jade Kara Jade

Location: Coruscant

Was she surprised? Not really.

Was she going to stop it? Without a doubt.

From her own days as a Padawan, Valery remembered the tension that could sometimes be created between students, and she understood that these things were part of being young. But it was still not something that could be condoned or left unaddressed, so while their fights continued, Valery quietly and very swiftly jumped her way up from one building to another until she reached the rooftop they were all fighting on.

For just a few seconds, she watched, making sure she knew exactly who was there before stepping in. They could all try to run in different directions, and she wouldn't even bother trying to go after them. She knew enough and all she really cared about was stopping it before it got way out of hand.

"Strange location for a midnight training session, don't you think?" Valery asked after she finally hopped down from her hideout, and landed where all of them could see her. She looked from one student to another, making sure they knew they were busted, but more gaze lingered a little longer on the pair of Padawans who were fighting each other.

"What's the meaning of this?"

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


Others had started to show signs of agreement, regarding the fight, and how it had become little more than a brawl. Both challengers seemed more intent on giving - and taking - hits, rather than ending the engagement with elegance and superior skill over the other. Unless, of course, it was simply their level of fighting capability... Jand supposed that was possible.

Not everyone had been raised in warrior cultures, after all.

There also seemed to be confusion from the young Padawan with the large hair, as to the point of the bout, which seemed to be misunderstood as flirting? Jand wasn't sure if that was a serious assessment, or if he - and others - were being sarcastic. Nonetheless, clarification seemed to follow after hilarity and laughter, as Daisy stated it wasn't. Even with the others sharing in the joke, Jand remained stoic and unimpressed.

Despite the fight itself, it was still a combat between two individuals.

It was then that a familiar voice, and sentient, landed amid the Padawans gathered. It was none other than Jedi Master Noble, and her tone and expression did not seem pleased.

"These two Padawans have engaged in a challenge," Jand answered with a look toward Master Noble. He shook his head. "But their fight has become little more than a poor display of combative knowledge and execution to defeat an opponent. I am thoroughly disgusted. Perhaps you might offer some advice to help one best the other, Master Noble."

Jand continued to stand with arms crossed, as he sighed and looked back to the fight.

Very unimpressed.

"They certainly need your help."

It didn't occur in the slightest than the Jedi Master might actually be displeased with the situation as a whole...


Things escalated quickly. The fight was rather underhanded it seemed, something most watching seemed to acknowledge. Jasper didn’t care about that. He was still trying to process how he had gotten here… that was made worse by the arrival of a familiar face.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Jasper had to think about it for a moment. What was the meaning of this? What had led Jasper to choose this specific rooftop to hide away and eat his sandwich. Better yet, why didn’t he leave? He had no interest in the fight, and he hadn’t even considered the prospect of getting in trouble for being in its proximity. He was to dazed to think, staring blankly off into space hoping for an answer to hit him. Nothing came to his head.

How was he supposed to explain any of this? Being in the wrong place at the wrong time was the answer, but he was certain that it would get him nowhere.


She had chosen to come, ostensibly, to witness something that could be very normal back home... and all she'd gotten for it was a better idea of how some of her peers felt about one another. Then Master Noble appeared, and all she could do was frown, and sigh quietly out her nose.

There was no use in feeling surprised at being caught in the act, it was a possible outcome, but she didn't know if she would have been willing to go to a master about it in the first place. It was proverbial rock and a hard place: she didn't know how her peers felt about rats, and wasn't certain she wanted to find out. Simply ignoring that this was happening was also hard to do, and all in all she believed she'd made the best choice... though she could be wrong.

But why were they, the combatants, here? What was the meaning of that?

"I believe this is little more than a disagreement," she chimed in on the heels of the Nagai; considering what she saw in the fight, and the impressions she gathered over the course of it, that appeared to be the answer, "and a sloppily executed one at that," her head turned, and blue eyes drifted to the Sword of the Jedi, her face lightly etched with concern, "they may need more than just assistance with their technique, Master."

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Incapable of sensing her approach, Kara still had a suspicion that Master Noble was going to appear at some point. Whether it was tonight, or sometime in the future if these little ‘fight club duels’ had gone unnoticed until then.

You didn’t have a number of Padawans; those directly under Valery’s tutelage, those adjacent, and those just generally associated with her, suddenly all disappear and not raise some suspicion.

So when the Jedi Master suddenly made herself known, Kara didn’t seem overly surprised. But she did let out a sigh though, knowing the little event was officially over. She popped one last bit of popcorn into her mouth before standing up from the chair.

Just teenagers being teenagers, gotta blow off some steam.” Kara shrugged in response, turning to look at Valery. “They’re not going to be that forever.” Although, she was fairly sure a majority; if not all present, had already been marked by war.

However…” Kara began, glancing around at those present. A small smirk appeared as she passed Jand and Daisy, before finally landing on the two combatants. “I’ve seen womp rats fight better.” The blonde had to try her damndest to keep a straight face.

Hopefully they can swing their blades better than they can their fists.


Calix of Thyrsus


"Strange location for a midnight training session, don't you think?"

The Echani turned his head upward, a warm expression greeting the sight of Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Hi, Master Noble!" the afro-headed youth chirped brightly, with all the naive innocence one could expect from the kid who was likely the youngest of the group.

Then the woman jumped down, and her body language seemed to suggest a different tone than what the Thyrsian had expected.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Was something the matter? Tilting his head to one side, the boy adopted another confused expression. Had they done something wrong?

The pale man and a pink-skinned female chimed in, both critical of the form and technique used by the combatants, but also being critical of the event itself. Something echoed when the light-skinned female with blonde hair chimed in.

"Are these not typical hang outs?" the Thyrsian asked, glancing between the teens and Master Noble.

He'd heard about the fight and figured this would be a good way to meet some new people.

"Well, this one was a little personal," the youth uttered, rambling on as a he gave a bubbly laugh at the thought of their (not) flirting. "But, I mean, this is how Echani... hang."

Should he start carrying a pocket dictionary of galactic cultures? Because he felt really lost right now.
"Bump into another person you two, and I'll take you both out. Keep it between yourselves."
"I'm sorry Iris... we didn't mean to" he grunted through the pain just after sending a punch into the groin of his opponent. He took his time to get up and felt the blood run down the lower part of his face. Silas spat out the blood that found its way into his mouth and slowly began to get up, glaring at Kai with cold, determined eyes.

Ever since the headbutt breathing through his nose had gotten harder to do, which more than likely indicated a break or dislocation. The pain was incredible, but he had to push on and finish this once and for all.

Everyone around them was saying a mixture of things to confuse them, one being about flirting and another talking about going for the legs. For now, he drowned their strange comments out and slowly raised his fists up to face Kai again.
<I’m surprised they figured it out before you did.>
Silas's eyes widened slightly when he saw Kai going for the legs, this time he was able to avoid it. Rushing forwards he sends a stiff kick into his stomach to try and send him back first to the floor. Like a shark to blood, he jumped on his chest and placed a hand on his throat, drawing back a fist to drive a punch into his face. Yet, before the strike could be thrown another voice spoke up rudely.

"What's the meaning of this?"
"Oh, can you please shut u-" his aggressive shout was cut off when he saw the face of his master behind him. The sight of her made his face look like he had seen his doom "M-master?" stumbled the padawan, lifting his hand off the teen's throat to stagger to his feet.


Silas evaded the leg sweep, kicked Kai in the stomach, and then got on top of him, placing his hand on his throat. Thankfully the flirting comments had stopped by then, or else the onlookers would’ve had a field day with these moves…

But everything was brought to a crashing halt by the arrival of none other than Master Valery Noble. The sight that greeted her—Silas, his face bruised and with blood streaming from his broken nose, kneeling on a battered Kai’s chest with his hand against his throat—couldn’t have been any more incriminating if they’d tried.

Silas quickly released his hold on Kai, who could barely contain his overwhelming urge to flee the scene. But there was no escaping the consequences of his actions. Not when he’d been caught red-handed.

Wiping his bloodied mouth on the back of his hand, he heard the onlookers critiquing Kai and Silas’ lack of skill when it came to unarmed combat. He scowled.

<Welcome to Padawan Fight Club,> he replied to Val, one eye swollen shut. <Silas wanted to put me in my place and Corin offered to referee. Everyone else was invited to fight, but opted to sit on the sidelines and spectate instead.> His tone suggested they lacked the guts to do it themselves. <If I have to fight every Padawan in the Order just to get a little respect around here, I will.>

On that queue, Corin decided an immediate departure had been in his best interest. Idiot, stupid, moron. The Padawan climbed onto his own two feet as subtly as one could in the moment, never so much as turned around as backwards steps had seen him off the ledge. Set to plummet far, far below.

He could be thankful for the acquired skill and experience needed to soften the landing.

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