I'm not putting any words in your mouth.
But that's besides the point.
There's an issue with crowding in the map, so when a
compromised solution is brought up for vote, people who have a vested interest in keeping territory (or some strange nostalgia for hexes that have had 1 thread made on them in the last 6 months) come out against this, claiming the map isn't as crowded as it was when Netherworld happened. So we shared some side-by-sides, where the map is
actually as much, or more, crowded than it was then. So then the goal posts shift to not wanting to dominion again,
even though it was stated to be "not difficult", because factions are "tired" of doing dominions and want a cap on territory instead, so that they can focus on other things... even though nobody is forcing the CIS or TSE or OPA to do dominions, and yet
all three of us have dominions going, and have had them going every month since our factions went major.
Maybe this confused you, because the goalpost got moved so far from where it was originally: factions are growing horizontally and not vertically, they're taking up space and are not using it, and they don't want to let go of it but are okay with a limit on how big they can get because it would mean they wouldn't have to focus on something they
already don't have to focus on.
Do you see the circular logic there?
We all know that nobody is going to support a cap on major faction size, the hope is to drown this discussion/vote loudly enough so that the cap goes up for vote (or is just dismissed outright) and this all goes away and then the same factions complaining about not wanting to do dominions will just go
right back to doing dominions again.