Honestly, not sure a map wipe will bring about more RP without a limitation or rework of Dominions. People will just focus on them again. For transparency's sake, I just wanna see the faction teams who've prioritized growth over a narrative burn.
I think we should develop different types of dominions. Design them so they give different rewards, but different requirements have to be met or something.
Maybe instead of three Dominions for 50 posts, you can have a Dominion that requires another faction's interaction. Instead of 50, its 100 posts, but it'll provide all three hexes in one thread, rather than just one. Territory is arbitrary as
said, so why not provide a means of getting that territory quicker, at the cost of an SSD (which is also arbitrary), but fewer posts? Or maybe that still only counts as one dom, so you can still do the other two doms AND get that arbitrary SSD at the end of the month? Maybe if two territories border a hex, you can include a type of "border skirmish" dom, where if both factions interact, the faction who claims it is safe from that hex being taken by invasions, to signify the opposing faction's forces being weakened in that area (for a limited time).
I think just designing a few different ideas, most of which suggesting interaction with other factions for bonus rewards, will not only make doms less lame but also incentivize factions into working on them together. While only one faction might actually gain direct benefit from an idea, nothing is stopping those factions from working together in the future, telling a collaborative story, helping one another with expansion, yada yada yada.
EDIT: Said "border skirmish" wouldn't need an RPJs influence beyond typical dom judgment. The faction who initiated the dom would just win. Its up to the writers to tell that story. It is a fun exercise in collaboration imo.