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 Partial Mapwipe Poll

Should we have a partial map wipe as outlined below?

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Acaadi Acaadi


Just all depends on what screen shot you want to use to make your point.

The point still stands there is room for new factions to emerge.

2 months ago... the GA was much smaller, and the pace they pushed doms was awesome. Their influence cloud is a pretty decent size. They could even push west and have a bigger cloud if they weren’t hyper focused on owning the core.

Ariel Yvarro

cries Muh cloud.

Man, when we used to own the Unknown Regions. Funny how things worked out with those blobs though, definitely outlived their expiration dates for sure. I mean sure there's room for factions to emerge and there's plenty of room for factions to develop their worlds and write out their lore. Flesh out their narratives... Assuming they have one.

I think partial map-wipes would be great if added to a flashpoint and given notifications to the respective major faction owners so they can decide what they're going to do. Should it be frequent? Not really, it gets old after a minute, but would it spice things up? Yeah, definitely.
2 months ago... the GA was much smaller, and the pace they pushed doms was awesome. Their influence cloud is a pretty decent size. They could even push west and have a bigger cloud if they weren’t hyper focused on owning the core.

To be fair, this is a founding principle of the faction and a narrative that makes sense for us given the history of the Core. I'm not concerned about the challenges/obstacles we may have to navigate because of it, they'll make for interesting stories that are in-line with our IC goals one way or the other.

I'm sorry if you've gotten the impression that we're looking for the path of least resistance. I can assure you that my support for these suggestions is solely to make things (in my opinion) more interesting longterm.
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Dak Dak

All good man... you just have a very clear goal so it’s an easy example. Just like the CIS is an easy example of a large faction with a lot of hexes despite the fact the TSE is the same size.

Some factions just get the attention.

My point has always been there is room still, and that a map wipe of any kind will only produce the same result as the last map wipe.

Regardless whatever happens I’m gonna roll. I’ve been here 6 1/2 years exactly come Tuesday and I’m not going anywhere. Almost half of that has been helping the CIS build what it is, and that‘s a lot of creative energy.

In the end what happens, happens.

Masayu Kimura

I have exactly 0 investment in a wipe, but IF a wipe were to happen in the future what if something similar to the OP outlined post were implemented? (Fwiw I think there's plenty of open hexes around the map)

TLDR concept is as follows.

When the Galaxy Map reaches ~90% saturation with only 10% of its hexes unclaimed by major factions, the wipe triggers a 10-20% hex loss for each major faction. Those numbers would scale universally and so it would be enough to make a difference but also not enough to undo stupid amounts of work imo. Just a slight modification on what's already being talked about but increasing the threshold so it could in theory happen but there would be a real need for it.

Literally not more than 2c worth of opinion. I could go either way but currently I don't see a need for a wipe.

EDIT: Of course those hexes lost by "Attrition" triggered by the 90% saturation would be chosen by the factions themselves.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Honestly, not sure a map wipe will bring about more RP without a limitation or rework of Dominions. People will just focus on them again. For transparency's sake, I just wanna see the faction teams who've prioritized growth over a narrative burn.

I think we should develop different types of dominions. Design them so they give different rewards, but different requirements have to be met or something.

Maybe instead of three Dominions for 50 posts, you can have a Dominion that requires another faction's interaction. Instead of 50, its 100 posts, but it'll provide all three hexes in one thread, rather than just one. Territory is arbitrary as Enlil Enlil said, so why not provide a means of getting that territory quicker, at the cost of an SSD (which is also arbitrary), but fewer posts? Or maybe that still only counts as one dom, so you can still do the other two doms AND get that arbitrary SSD at the end of the month? Maybe if two territories border a hex, you can include a type of "border skirmish" dom, where if both factions interact, the faction who claims it is safe from that hex being taken by invasions, to signify the opposing faction's forces being weakened in that area (for a limited time).

I think just designing a few different ideas, most of which suggesting interaction with other factions for bonus rewards, will not only make doms less lame but also incentivize factions into working on them together. While only one faction might actually gain direct benefit from an idea, nothing is stopping those factions from working together in the future, telling a collaborative story, helping one another with expansion, yada yada yada.

EDIT: Said "border skirmish" wouldn't need an RPJs influence beyond typical dom judgment. The faction who initiated the dom would just win. Its up to the writers to tell that story. It is a fun exercise in collaboration imo.
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My thoughts on this are as such:

Wiping the map, even partially strikes the final nail in the coffin of major factions that have dwindling numbers and even less motivation.

For all factions, seeing their collective work (with the current dominion caps) cast aside simply to free up space (to race and reclaim) feels wrong. Most minor factions going major don't generally want to be adjacent to a much larger, more established major either, so freeing up nearby hexes won't necessarily commit to new majors vying for that space.

I don't believe the benefit of a wipe is the solution.

That being said, the map is incredibly crowded. But that's the nature of the beast. The map has always slowly become an elephant. When one of these established, old majors implode (they always do) in its wake leaves a massive hole for others to claim, generally new majors without the threat of immediate invasion. (Though not always.)

I believe somewhere there is another solution, and while this idea may not be ideal either, it's at least something to consider.

What if there was a way to gradient the influence of major factions? This would utilize and give importance to capital planets. Once your faction has reached X number of hexes away from the capital planet, you begin to sacrifice influence. Once you've reached X number of hexes away from your capital, you no longer have the ability to influence further planets/hexes. (This sort of works off the cap, but instead of a hard limit, puts a soft cap on it.)

Perhaps at this point a newly emerging major faction could rebel one of those distant hexes at the fringe of influence to claim as their initial influence.
The whole issue I take with the idea of faction permanence and the loss of territory as a de-motivator is that factions should all be assumed to have an expiration date anyway. New ideas come and go, factions rise and fall, but at the end of the day the story they told remains.

Story being the keyword upon which I build, here. Map wipe, no map wipe, regardless, if a faction has to churn out dominions with no substance, they're already teetering.

At the end of the day, if a big faction dies, more take it's place.

If your story is good, if your idea is solid, you thrive. People will flock to it. If your story is at its end, you should gracefully find the ending and move to the next story.
I sort of just had a laugh to myself (It happens alot...).

My thought was "Why don't we just divide up every hex into much smaller multiple hex's to drive everyone nuts".

Then I started to wonder if this might actually slow the overcrowding process that the map inevitably comes to.
Well-Known Member
I sort of just had a laugh to myself (It happens alot...).

My thought was "Why don't we just divide up every hex into much smaller multiple hex's to drive everyone nuts".

Then I started to wonder if this might actually slow the overcrowding process that the map inevitably comes to.

We started out dominions planet by planet and it... didn't really slow us down back then. Not sure how it would affect things now, but personally, I'd say that would be a step back
Fatty Fatty

It was a mostly half-serious post, so I'm not hugely surprised :p

I feel like perhaps I'm one of the few that doesn't actually see an issue with how the map-game currently operates. I love the progression of dominions, they haven't at all been tiresome for me and the character progression within them is no different than private or public threads for me. I don't see the stagnation or the lack of communication and involvement between factions as over the last few months and force knows how long I've been actively involved in such things.

The only motivation for smaller hex's was recalling how the map used to be divied up and having a chuckle at the headache it'd be to rework the map. If it didn't actually slow things down any, then as you say it's a nonsensical suggestion.

I've been trying not to get too caught up in the angst in this thread lol
Well-Known Member
Fatty Fatty

It was a mostly half-serious post, so I'm not hugely surprised :p

I feel like perhaps I'm one of the few that doesn't actually see an issue with how the map-game currently operates. I love the progression of dominions, they haven't at all been tiresome for me and the character progression within them is no different than private or public threads for me. I don't see the stagnation or the lack of communication and involvement between factions as over the last few months and force knows how long I've been actively involved in such things.

The only motivation for smaller hex's was recalling how the map used to be divied up and having a chuckle at the headache it'd be to rework the map. If it didn't actually slow things down any, then as you say it's a nonsensical suggestion.

I've been trying not to get too caught up in the angst in this thread lol

Personally, I don't see much wrong with it, but I like the discussions going on

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