Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Party Under the Dome

Nora Laan

Prime Minister of New Cov

A sly smile accompaning a raised eyebrow was what Nora gave as Joran seemed to have guessed her drink of choice when she was not on duty, as it were. A shot of whiskey tended to be her nightcap for the evening. "I do have a nice collection of whiskey in my study at home. I could always use some more. And a dance would be perfect for this evening, if you can spare the time." She had already arranged a dance with Diarch Reign Diarch Reign tonight, yet had lost sight of him for the moment. So that would have to take place after she regains sight of him once more and he isn't preoccupied with another.

With a knowing nod, his suggestion of his fee overcoming thievery made sense. What else could she expect? Loyalty to the all might credit was the greatest loyalty of them all. "You would be properly compensated of course. There is no reason to concern yourself about that. And you are correct in your assumption on the type of shippers that we would seek to hire."

Nora had sip of her wine, nearly finishing it as another lady entered the conversation. She had clearly been listening in, apologising only to Joran and even made her own offer of work to the Captain. That in and of itself was amusing to her, for it would be entirely comical if the two were to go on a bidding war for the mountain of a man as though this was some charity dating auction, to which she couldn't help but offer a playful quip. "The Captain here offers many services he tells me. I mean just look at him. So suave and charming, not to mention very easy on the eyes. Should I give you both some privacy?"

Tags: Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn Magdalena Bloodscrawl Magdalena Bloodscrawl

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
Objective: BAR
Tags: Nora Laan Nora Laan Magdalena Bloodscrawl Magdalena Bloodscrawl

"I do have a nice collection of whiskey in my study at home. I could always use some more. And a dance would be perfect for this evening, if you can spare the time."

"It's settled then, yeah? A dance sometime tonight," Joran could dance, why not? He was no G'rrzak Six-legs, a famous Dug that he saw perform on the N'ed Sullyvnn Show on the holo as a kid but he could go if the occasion called for it. "And a drink a whiskey in your study at a later date." He should really save the cheek for after contracts were drawn up and signed but so far the prime minister didn't seem to find him too abrasive. He found her interesting enough for a politician with her gold curls and glittering dress.

It was almost too bad they were getting along so well.

"Not concerned at all prime minister," he shooed away that notion with a wave of his hand. He moved his head from side to side exaggeratedly "I trust that you can afford it."

The conversation was going very very well, it was looking like all that need to be settled was the numbers and that was just details.
The prime minister's wine was getting low and Joran's glass was still empty, he looked again for the barman, can't toast a successful partnership with an empty glass after all when someone new sidled up to the pair.

"Pardon my interruption, good sir, but I couldn't help but notice you seem to be in the market for work...and the company I represent would be very interested in acquiring your services..." Magda said

Another woman and another job offer. His cup runeth over. His first instinct had been to tell her to feth off for interrupting but the offer for work changed his tune before ever started playing.

Before Joran had a chance to respond to the newcomer, the prime minister interjected playfully.

"The Captain here offers many services he tells me. I mean just look at him. So suave and charming, not to mention very easy on the eyes. Should I give you both some privacy?"

Full of surprises.

He thought as he spared the golden haired woman a glance.

"The prime minister speaks quite kindly, but not a word of it is untrue," he said "Captain Joran Del-Finn." Joran held his hand out to take the dark-haired woman's in his. If she was so inclined to offer her had, he would just like he hair with the prime minister lightly brush a gentlemanly kiss across the back, quite respectfully it must be mentioned but not too respectfully either. A delicate balance.

"I'm sorry, love but I did not catch your name nor that of the company you claim to represent."

Work was good, work was important, and work was what he had come to New Cov hoping to find, well that and maybe a different bed to wake up, he'd found the work and the night was still young. What was more important however was making sure he wasn't getting into bed with the wrong kind of people, you know, Jedi or Sith or big sector spanning government. Joran preferred to cater to locals.

To be transparent, Joran would have no problem working with or taking credits from individual Jedi or some Sith but never would he get caught working for either Order. That was too close to picking a side and picking a side meant cutting off half his sources of income, fools work. Morals were for the rich and the full.

"Oh, I always make the droid carry everything. No reason not to. Meanwhile you got community service. Seems about fitting for a Jedi, I suppose."

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania mentioned taking time away studying in the library. Persephone wondered if that was what he did in most of his free time. Seemed like it. She wasn't sure if the teenager was academically inclined, didn't have many friends, or was merely driven to accomplish his goals.

"So, this guy is bigger than a wookie in physical size or are we talking about spirit? It would seem hard to make wookies feel small but I don't know every species in the galaxy so highly possible someone is out there bigger than them. Wouldn't surprise me."

Persephone danced smoothly with the fellow teenager. A less difficult dance, it was easy to keep up with Lysander leading. Anything more complicated though and she would be in trouble, her lessons had in all reality just begun. For her, it was more about fitting into these types of events than a real hobby.

Brows furrowed when Lysander mentioned Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania .Did Lysander not want to see his sister? Again, she was lost on how sibling dynamics actually worked. Perhaps avoiding them and being embarrassed was commonplace.

Keeping Lysander's hand in hers, she was spun away, graceful in her movements. Ballet classes had at least helped so she didn't look like a wild bantha charging across the dance floor.

"Hello Miss Cora."


"Hello Miss Cora."

At the sound of her name, Cora turned. The voice had been familiar, but she couldn't place who it belonged to until her eyes landed on Persephone. Up went the brows in momentary surprise, then down in realization.

"Miss Persephone," she greeted with a warm smile. "I'm glad to see you. You look rather lovely - pink suits you." She took a moment to admire the gauzy, layered skirts, again wishing she'd had the foresight to keep an emergency ball gown on her ship. Her eyes tracked over to the girl's hand, which was clasped in another, and her smile turned a hair more playful.

"And who is your…" she followed the hand of her implied date up to a most familiar face. Her expression flipped immediately into one of stone cold shock, the wine glass nearly slipping from her hand. She caught it just in time, and took a rather prolonged sip before lowering it and pursing her lips.

"So this is why you were being so cagey, brother." She swirled her wine glass gently, scrutinizing the pair.

"I hadn't know that you two were courting."

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell



"Hmm.. We could give the Padaawn's a task or two about watching the little ones. Good responsibility lessons." Was he thinking about using padawans as free babysitters? Yes, yes he was. With how much childcare cost why wouldn't he? He did pause though as Cora's attention was pulled to her brother. And what looked like his date. He chuckled a bit, glancing to Valery.

This was a good evening.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Magda smiled at Nora Laan Nora Laan 's quip.

"I suppose you could give us privacy..." Magda mused pleasantly, allowing Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn to take her hand and plant a kiss on it.

"But of course, if this absolute mountain of a man here does might not hear back from him..." she espoused confidantly with flirting tone, staring at Joran all the while with a subtle hunger...alien though her thought processes were in many ways, she was still a woman who could appreciate muscles. Then again, she preferred this because the creature behind her eyes, wearing her face and mind liked muscles. It was more difficult to tell where Magda ended and Magdalena began since joining House Bloodscrawl. But Magda had a much, much easier time staying in control than most of the Personas in this particular Force Spawn.

"I'm Magda Crownwraithe, head of Atomic Decoratives, a subsidiary of Bacta-Works of Epica."

As in, the Trillion Credit Medical Corporation.

"And we have some highly valuable items that we are discomforted at the thought of using regular means to transport. Men like you... besides looking totally scrumptious..." she added in a subtle manner.

"Are the exact sort of man...we are looking for..." Magda said, intending the we in that statement as something of a double entendre.

" all depends on what you prefer when it comes to getting paid. I'm sure some custom armor would look real good on those exuberant biceps of yours..."



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Outfit: Keshian Green Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery shot Kahlil a mock glare, her lips quirking into a half-smile despite herself. "I'm not letting just anybody come near my babies," she said firmly, her tone playful but with a hint of that unmistakable Mama Bear edge. "Padawans or not, they'll have to get through me first."

Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and protective resolve as she looked back at him. "You know how dangerous I can be," she teased, but there was no doubt in her voice that she meant every word.

When Cora's attention shifted toward her brother and his apparent date, Valery's expression softened. The sight of her former Padawan so happy warmed her heart, and she was glad to see her surrounded by family. But tonight was about celebration, and she had one more idea to make it unforgettable.

Valery turned to Kahlil, her smile bright and inviting. "What do you say, love?" she asked, her voice lowering slightly. "Would you like to dance with me? Or maybe we could make our way down to the main floor?" She reached for his hand, lacing her fingers through his. "Let the rest of the room see just how happy you are."

Her amber eyes locked onto his, filled with nothing but love and excitement.


Tag: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble

He observed his sister’s reaction before hearing her compliment Persie’s dress. When her gaze finally landed on him, the expression on his face mirrored that of the Hologram he had sent earlier. It was a smile that carried a bit of warmth and mischief. He also hoped it might possibly break through any lingering tension; in case she was truly upset from his message earlier.

The Padawan felt a blush spread across his face at the last comment, but still found himself holding the girl’s hand although the dancing had stopped. He tried to just ignore it, not entirely sure how to respond at that moment.

"Hi Coco," he started. Lysander was quick to notice that he didn’t receive a compliment. While her own court etiquette was lacking, he would attempt to maintain his own. His head tilted slightly, looking her over with a grin. “I didn't know a tunic could bring out someone’s..uhh.. ears so well.” There was mirth in his tone, hoping to make it clear that he was only joking.

Apologizing in front of others always felt rather challenging, but there weren’t any other options. “I’m sorry about earlier,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. Pausing for a second, he glanced towards the man upon hearing two familiar words. Responsibility lessons. It had an odd way of triggering something within him. He’d had his fair share of those recently. Refocusing his gaze on Cora, he hoped his words sounded sincere. "I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just goofing around, I swear! I thought it would be funny."

For a moment, he watched the other couple. Their body language was kind of cool, and he caught the last part of their verbal exchange. They seemed to give off a peaceful vibe that felt comfortable to be around. He guessed they might be headed for the dance floor soon.

"It would mean a lot if you joined us for a dance. What do you say?”
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Datapad | | nutrient tube
Tag : | Open
Location : New cov | Casino

Honestly I don't expect anything from this machine, I've never really won anything in my life, ah yes, my money I got with my salary as a goods transporter, but that's a job, it's not a draw. Usually I finish in the last ones.

I look at my glass, it is empty. Oh shit. I go back to the bar for a new Tarisian Ale and I come back to put my glass in the base in question, I sit down in the same seat, because I still have a token in the machine. I press the lever and my eyes are glued to the screen, I must have spent a few tokens since my first game, but it doesn't matter, I'm having fun and that's the main thing.

Sometimes simple things are good! I've had a rough day, the music from the machine and the scrolling screen are enough to distract me from my sinister thoughts.

"one or two more and I'll stop there for the slot machine!"

Edit dice : 23

the machine tells me that I have won ten credits, well at least I have repaid the credits that I bet in the slot machine. It's not so bad, I can still play a little!

i insert another token in the machine.

"No. No desire, the burden isn't on me to resolve. Its on him.

"You know you can be very wise without trying sometimes," she mused softly. It took her a little by surprise quite how wrong she had been with her idea.

She tightened her grip at his waist, ignoring tradition as she led a few quick steps into a turn. She hadn't dressed perfectly for this, her skirt was too tight to let her move freely.

"Just want to get through this, stop by and say hello to Director Terallo, and call it an evening."

"Of course," she replied. One hand brushed his cheek and she caught his gaze to offer a smile. Her thoughts were a little torn. She would prefer an evening in together anyway, but had hoped he might have been a more relaxed and enjoyable outing.

The music started to wind down to transition between songs and they took the chance to slip from the dance floor.

"Why don't we go do the circuit around your business contacts and head off?"

She gave him a sly, sideways glance. She would need to send a message ahead. Azula had asked the hotel to put champagne in an ice bucket for them, but they would be returning earlier than planned.



Outfit: Clothing
Weapons: Holdout Blaster | Vibroknife | A few more concealed somewhere

Nos watched as the atmosphere in the dance hall grew less formal after the official statements. A leisurely air provided a much more comfortable sea of emotions to ease through.

The atypical Zeltron accepted the feather and business card from Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale , once more expressing his gratitude.

Nos once laid eyes on Lady Sylvia Organa Lady Sylvia Organa once more; she seemed to have offered the aid she intended to Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren , somehow roping Thel Bloodscrawl Thel Bloodscrawl of Bacta Works into it almost competitively. More aid from multiple parties meant healthy competition from both the GA and corps - this should mean both will bring their best in a sort of political pissing match. Plenty of support for the planet in a timely fashion - the best outcome for the people. Nos wondered if that was Sylvia's goal from the outset?

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to lend an ear."

I'm sure we’ll keep in touch” Nos replied warmly. “It seems the Nobles are a bit busy with their news - perhaps I could introduce you to the newest Senator of Alderaan in the meantime?”​

Nos offered, providing a chance to both offer diplomatic inroads for Sylvia in addition to reuniting with her before the dancing began in earnest.

Nos gathered himself, tucking the business card in his suit’s jacket pocket alongside the feather which happened to tuft elegantly along the lapel behind the kerchief as if it were an intentional decorative accessory.

She happens to be my charge, and I think my allotted break time is up”​
Nos joked, buttoning the top of his jacket in a practiced motion as he stood.

Without properly waiting for an answer, Nos adorned his face with a smirk of mischief - he knew where Sylvia was, but she didn't seem to have noticed him yet.

Nos once again stepped into the crowd, utilizing a pillar to circle around Sylvia’s line of sight and emerge directly behind her wordlessly.

The Zeltron towered over her head, his shoulders wider than her entire frame - Nos’s silhouette outline Sylvia entirely from the perspective of Caelan and Thel.

Satisfied with the little game he made of his approach, Nos cleared his throat gently but unobtrusively, a subtle but well-practiced signal to alert Sylvia he was present.


Nora Laan

Prime Minister of New Cov

Nora dipped her head in a bit of a bow as Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn accepted her proposals, and there was more than one that she had given him. She then rose her glass in a bit of a toast and followed it up with the customary sip.

Her eyes then returned to Magdalena Bloodscrawl Magdalena Bloodscrawl as she interjected herself in the conversation with her own offers. There was no desire for Nora to try to compete, afterall it was perfectly acceptable for him to have more than one client. Such was business. And Nora knew very well on how to treat such situations like these. It was never anything personal. "I shall leave you two to your discussion then."

And without another word, yet wearing a smile, she slipped past them. Her eyes scanned the crowd as she looked for Diarch Reign Diarch Reign . He owed her a dance and she had yet to dance with anyone this evening, as shocking as that may be. If she could not find him, then that was nothing for her to lose sleep over. Afterall it is quite common for politicians to say one thing, yet mean another.

Regardless, tonight had not been a total loss for her. On the conteary the fact that so many diverse people have come without a hint of aggression towards one another was an amazing thing. That gave her plenty of hope for the days ahead.

"Why don't we go do the circuit around your business contacts and head off?"

"Agreed, I still need to speak to Director Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . After all, she is the reason we were invited. Very least we can do is say hello." Judah caught her expression and looked puzzled, wondering what was churning in her head. "What? You're plotting something, I can sense it. Either way, the bodyguard for Persephone is outside the door, so I know she will make it back alright."

Knowing his hatred of droids, Judah was lucky his son had sent a sentient one instead, a Duro. Due to Persephone's teenage embarrassment, the bodyguard would wait outside the ballroom, checking in every so often. Again,with teenage freedom in mind, the kid was staying in an adjoining room, enjoying room service far too much.

"Let me message Director Terallo. I don't see her."

(( Director Terallo, I do not see you in the ballroom. I'd like to say hello before I go this evening - where can I find you at? ))

Sliding the comm back in his pocket for now, arm pulled her closer, kissing her cheek as they awaited a reply. Tonight had been one of those need to show up for business sake. Director Terallo was a friend but this event was more about the government than companies. Still, it was nice to go out with Azula and enjoy some time together. Time that didn't involve getting shot at.

"Thanks for coming with me."

"So this is why you were being so cagey, brother." She swirled her wine glass gently, scrutinizing the pair.

"I hadn't know that you two were courting."

Persephone looked to Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania as Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania mentioned the courting thing. An inside joke? Was this a sibling thing she was not privy to? Confusion colored her features as she looked between the two blondes. Did Miss Cora not just see them dancing.

"Not sure how you're supposed to pull off a box waltz without holding hands Miss Cora."

"It would mean a lot if you joined us for a dance. What do you say?”

Carefully, Persephone leaned in closer to Lysander. Was it rude to whisper in front of another? Incredibly. It was also incredibly rude to ask aloud what she was currently thinking. Yet given the question about 'courting', Persephone wondered if Miss Cora had gotten into too much wine. Her parents were big fans of wine, but she had never seen them drunk, so the behaviors were unclear.

"Lysander....I am unsure she knows how to dance. She doesn't even know why we are holding hands."


As I converse quietly with Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves and Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , one of my staff approaches me and touches my arm. I know what that signal means. I give him a nod and then look to my associates. "If you would please excuse me for a moment. Duty calls. It appears that I am still on the clock." I let out a light chuckle. "As I have told many people; I never have free time. I am always working. I shall be back soon. Please enjoy yourselves in the meantime."

I bow my head to them and turn to follow the staff member whom takes me to the far left wall. He pulls out my datapad and shows me a recent message from Mister Dashiell. Our last evening did not end very well, and so I had not been quick to even attempt an evening out or anything of the sort again. I suppose that it is just not what I am made for. Having any sort of social life outside of work was merely a dream. Or rather it was beyond the reach of someone like myself. But one did not get as ahead in life as I have while being lazy and unproductive.

I take the datapad in hand and write up my response:

~Mister Dashiell,

I was just over at the bar for a drink. I shall meet you by the main door so that I can see you off.

Director Liin Terallo.~

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
Objective : Casino
Tag : Open
Dice score : 99
I'm having a great evening, it's really nice, and I'm having a lot of fun. I also need to remember to go pick up my ship—it's finally here, and I'll be able to start playing with the big leagues with it.

So many projects to plan, to draw, to discuss, to work on, but tonight, there's only one rule: forget all that. Tonight, it's about having fun and enjoying the atmosphere, the surroundings, and the people here. Even though that other captain gave me a rather bad impression, I prefer to conduct myself with dignity in public; appearances are very important here. Just like manners and everything else.

And I even crossed paths with the Prime Minister! My goal for the evening is accomplished, so there's nothing else I need to do—just explore the place and go wherever my whims take me. I look at my glass, it's half-full, and my eyes turn back to the slot machine that's still spinning since I haven't pulled

the lever yet. I'll probably try some other games later; there's blackjack, betting, roulette, a lottery where you can try to win a prize.

Just when I wasn't expecting it, the machine starts flashing a 7-7-7, and I hear a melody. I don't understand what's happening—did I win? What did I win? Last time, I only won 10 credits, which wasn't much.

Since it's the first time I get something like this, I don't know what to think. I tilt my head to the side—this machine is really weird. I furrow my brows, how am I supposed to claim my prize if I've won? I look to the left and right... No one in sight.

Well, I take out my datapad to read the game rules. That might be smarter. I don't understand anything about these things. I wasn't planning on winning at all—how does this work? What am I supposed to do?

After reading the rules, I look at the right side of the machine and press the button to notify the casino that I need assistance. After pressing the side, I remain seated on the side, quietly sipping my glass of beer.
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"You know what? I could really go for a giant piece of cake. Not sure why....typically don't have a sweet tooth. Might be a stress eating response."

Judah shook his head, amused. He and Azula Tindara Azula Tindara were milling around, awaiting word from Director Liin Terallo Liin Terallo to get back to him on her exact location. Dancing was still in full swing and he did spot Persephone on the floor still, seemingly enjoying her evening. Considering the girl was grounded back at home, no doubt she was going to be living it up.
~Mister Dashiell,

I was just over at the bar for a drink. I shall meet you by the main door so that I can see you off.

Director Liin Terallo.~

Comm went off and he read his message. He popped off a quick reply

(( Excellent. Meet you there . ))

He turned to Azula, slipping his data pad back into his pocket. Taking her hand, he gently started to lead them towards the main exit.

"Come on, Director Terallo will meet us at the door. I'm really not surprised she disappeared, parties don't seem to be her thing."
"What? You're plotting something, I can sense it. Either way, the bodyguard for Persephone is outside the door, so I know she will make it back alright."

"I have no idea what you mean," she replied. Her tone let him know that she had been caught, but that it was nothing to worry about.

"Thanks for coming with me."

"Of course," she replied. She tugged him a little closer to place a kiss on his cheek.

"You know what? I could really go for a giant piece of cake. Not sure why....typically don't have a sweet tooth. Might be a stress eating response."

"Why don't we see if we can get some little chocolate treats to take back to the room?"

Even if he was stressed out, she thought that a few truffles and some nice bubbly would form a welcome retreat back at their suite.

"Come on, Director Terallo will meet us at the door. I'm really not surprised she disappeared, parties don't seem to be her thing."

Arm in arm, she joined him on the way to the entrance. With it being a political event there was more security than just the personal guards.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

I make my way towards the main door, no longer carrying my wine in my hand. I had dropped that off onto the tray of one of the waiting staff that happened by. It was not too difficult to reach my destination, afterall everyone was preoccupied with their companions. And I am no longer the woman of the hour. That honor now belongs to the Prime Minister. It is a burden lifted from my shoulders for sure.

Once at the main door I pause and turn to face the hall. My eyes scan the crowd for Mister Dashiell and given the number of individuals in attendance, it comes to no surprise to me that he could not find me earlier. Other than when I was on stage, I easily blend in with all of the rest.

I spot Mister Dashiell at last with a companion on his arm. Given the joint co-ordination of their steps and their closeness, I do believe that they are courting. How pleasant for him. I do not really know much of his history, but his children should at least be pleased.

Putting on my well practiced smile I greet the pair as they approach. "I am so glad that you could attend, Mister Dashiell. Thank you. I hope that the evening is a memorable one for you both. My speech was not too dry, now was it? I do believe that it is the last that I shall ever have to make and I was eager to make it a short one."

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Azula Tindara Azula Tindara


Cora flushed at the use of her childhood nickname, teeth gritting for just a moment before she forced her jaw to relax. His message had riled her up, but seeing that he was safe - and in good company - did help her concerns to ease. Perhaps she was being a tad overprotective.

Lysander, mischievous as he was, never crossed the line to malice.

She grumbled something unintelligible into her next sip of wine at Persie's comment. Lowering the glass, she raised a brow and decided to take the bait.

"Who do you think taught him to waltz?"

The corners of her lips lifted at the distant memory of her dressing up a toddler Lysander, frilly dress and all, as they danced around the floor of the nursery.

Her attention tilted back to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and Valery Noble Valery Noble as they prepared to head to the dance floor. "Lysander would make an excellent babysitter - he's years of childcare experience with our siblings and my seal of approval."

She smiled, saccharine sweet, at her fellow blonde.

"Lead the way, dear brother."

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell


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