Joran Del-Finn
Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
Objective: Bar
Nora Laan
Magdalena Bloodscrawl
Joran took the woman’s flirting in stride, it was well-meaning after all, and not unreciprocated, he matched her gaze hunger for hunger. That was his way, whatever moved him closer to a deal, and if whatever happened to be flirting, or more, with a gorgeous woman then who was he not to give it his all?
“Well met Magda,” Joran said.
If the flirting or the drink didn’t get his temperature to rise, the mention of bacta-works sure as chit did. That was a real amount of credits, a bit more on the legal side than he was used to but Joran was never one to limit his options.
Before the prime minister could get away Joran, firmly but with care grabbed her by the elbow and leaned close to the golden-haired woman and spoke low and only to her.
“Don’t make me wait too long for that drink.” And with that he let her slip away, the feeling of her skin lingering on his fingertips.
“Magda, Magda, Magda, I couldn't agree more. I am for a certainty exactly the man you are looking for, for any job that may need doing.”
Joran had to make an extra effort but he was satisfied that he did not allow his hunger to slip into his tone. He managed to sound just as casual but helpful as if she had offered him a job hauling crates of hooch to Nar Shaddaa for scale.
“I think a bit off all that could go a long way, yeah?” he said on the topic of compensation

"But of course, if this absolute mountain of a man here does might not hear back from him..." she espoused confidantly with flirting tone, staring at Joran
Joran took the woman’s flirting in stride, it was well-meaning after all, and not unreciprocated, he matched her gaze hunger for hunger. That was his way, whatever moved him closer to a deal, and if whatever happened to be flirting, or more, with a gorgeous woman then who was he not to give it his all?
"I'm Magda Crownwraithe, head of Atomic Decoratives, a subsidiary of Bacta-Works of Epica."
“Well met Magda,” Joran said.
If the flirting or the drink didn’t get his temperature to rise, the mention of bacta-works sure as chit did. That was a real amount of credits, a bit more on the legal side than he was used to but Joran was never one to limit his options.
"I shall leave you two to your discussion then."
Before the prime minister could get away Joran, firmly but with care grabbed her by the elbow and leaned close to the golden-haired woman and spoke low and only to her.
“Don’t make me wait too long for that drink.” And with that he let her slip away, the feeling of her skin lingering on his fingertips.
"And we have some highly valuable items that we are discomforted at the thought of using regular means to transport. Men like you... besides looking totally scrumptious..." she added in a subtle manner.
"Are the exact sort of man...we are looking for..." Magda said, intending the we in that statement as something of a double entendre.
" all depends on what you prefer when it comes to getting paid. I'm sure some custom armor would look real good on those exuberant biceps of yours..."
“Magda, Magda, Magda, I couldn't agree more. I am for a certainty exactly the man you are looking for, for any job that may need doing.”
Joran had to make an extra effort but he was satisfied that he did not allow his hunger to slip into his tone. He managed to sound just as casual but helpful as if she had offered him a job hauling crates of hooch to Nar Shaddaa for scale.
“I think a bit off all that could go a long way, yeah?” he said on the topic of compensation