Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Party Under the Dome

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
Objective: Bar
Tags: Nora Laan Nora Laan Magdalena Bloodscrawl Magdalena Bloodscrawl

"But of course, if this absolute mountain of a man here does might not hear back from him..." she espoused confidantly with flirting tone, staring at Joran

Joran took the woman’s flirting in stride, it was well-meaning after all, and not unreciprocated, he matched her gaze hunger for hunger. That was his way, whatever moved him closer to a deal, and if whatever happened to be flirting, or more, with a gorgeous woman then who was he not to give it his all?

"I'm Magda Crownwraithe, head of Atomic Decoratives, a subsidiary of Bacta-Works of Epica."

“Well met Magda,” Joran said.

If the flirting or the drink didn’t get his temperature to rise, the mention of bacta-works sure as chit did. That was a real amount of credits, a bit more on the legal side than he was used to but Joran was never one to limit his options.

"I shall leave you two to your discussion then."

Before the prime minister could get away Joran, firmly but with care grabbed her by the elbow and leaned close to the golden-haired woman and spoke low and only to her.

“Don’t make me wait too long for that drink.” And with that he let her slip away, the feeling of her skin lingering on his fingertips.

"And we have some highly valuable items that we are discomforted at the thought of using regular means to transport. Men like you... besides looking totally scrumptious..." she added in a subtle manner.

"Are the exact sort of man...we are looking for..." Magda said, intending the we in that statement as something of a double entendre.

" all depends on what you prefer when it comes to getting paid. I'm sure some custom armor would look real good on those exuberant biceps of yours..."

“Magda, Magda, Magda, I couldn't agree more. I am for a certainty exactly the man you are looking for, for any job that may need doing.”

Joran had to make an extra effort but he was satisfied that he did not allow his hunger to slip into his tone. He managed to sound just as casual but helpful as if she had offered him a job hauling crates of hooch to Nar Shaddaa for scale.

“I think a bit off all that could go a long way, yeah?” he said on the topic of compensation

Datapad | Knife Phrik | Blaster | nutrient tube
Tag : | Open
Location : New Cov | Casino

I can't believe it, the sum I've just seen displayed on my datapad is insane. I never win anything, but I've really hit the jackpot. A broad smile spreads across my face. I feel a bad vibe in the air. I think the others are jealous of my success, so I look up from my datapad and am offered a glass of champagne.

I accept the glass of champagne, take my two glasses, reset the machine since I've won. I now leave with my credits in my pocket. What am I going to do with all this? I think this evening can only be beautiful, I just don't understand what's going on. The casino managers saw that it was me who had won the jackpot and so I received the transfer into my account. I've never been so rich in my life.

I arrive at what seems to be a place where there are sofas, and sit down on one of them, totally relaxed, with a smile on my face. I straighten up a little to drink my glass of champagne properly. It's good stuff and I think the beer will wait.

I place my glass of champagne in the space provided on the armrest, and take the opportunity to rest a little. I wasn't expecting anything from this evening and in the end it's been very lucrative for me. I didn't make as many contacts as I'd hoped, but I was able to say hello to the Prime Minister, and on top of that I can earn more than I expected.

I'm planning to train as a biologist, and I think I've just found my financing, so I won't have to take out a loan at the bank and end up in debt. Oh, and I think I'm going to enjoy myself too. For the moment, I'm enjoying my victory quietly as I sit on the sofa, looking at the news on my datapad. What exactly just happened?


Tag: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble

His gaze flickered towards Persie as he registered her remark. She did speak the truth, and the fact that he still held her hand while not engaged in the dance was totally insignificant. A smile graced his features, mirroring the sincerity he currently felt in his heart amidst this current gathering. With a simple nod, his agreement was conveyed to the fashionista.

As the whispered words reached his ears a heartbeat later, his smile grew wider, lighting up his youthful features. Just as he was about to respond, his sister’s voice cut through the air, only adding to his amusement.

Lysander couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped his lips. The mention of waltzing from Cora brought forth memories from his childhood. But as he then heard the words about watching children as she focused her attention to the man in the group, he stood in the background, silently protesting with the raise of a hand and the shake of his head.

With a sense of purpose, the Padawan stepped forward while fixated on her organic hand. The sight of the prosthetic one still unsettled him at times. Though he knew many Jedi who carried their scars and wounds with humility, for him, it was a reminder of the agony she had once suffered. As he took it and glanced up, his admiration was clear, as he was beyond excited to share this moment. Such were rare with everyone’s duties, and who knew when another opportunity would present itself.

“Let’s see if you’ve kept up with your dance moves as much as your lightsaber training!”

Without hesitation, he guided them onto the dance floor. His expression of readiness could not mask the smile as he felt their hands release from his grip. Feeling both sets of eyes on him, part of him even reveled in the attention, ready to lead. Lysander effortlessly glided across the floor with finesse, every movement precise, and eventually adding in turns. As he spun around, the idea of them all being in perfect synchronization sounded rad.

Putting on my well practiced smile I greet the pair as they approach. "I am so glad that you could attend, Mister Dashiell. Thank you. I hope that the evening is a memorable one for you both. My speech was not too dry, now was it? I do believe that it is the last that I shall ever have to make and I was eager to make it a short one."

Greeting Director Liin Terallo Liin Terallo with a kiss on the cheek, Judah shook his head in disbelief. Last speech ever? There was a great doubt about that, and he was going to voice as such. His hand remained linked with Azula Tindara Azula Tindara as he spoke, trying not to chuckle.

"Director Terallo I hardly think that is your last speech ever. You run a business after all. However, a great speech. Not too long because then one loses the interest of the masses and everything tends to go sideways. You did amazing and Azula and I had an excellent time."

Of course he wouldn't forget his manners.

"Director Terallo, Miss Azula Tindara, my..." Judah paused. Girlfriend seemed childish. Partner? Very clinical. Lover? A little too much information there.."significantly better half. Not sure how she's been putting up with me. Certainly appreciate the night out, took a lot of pressure off not having to plan a date."

Persephone assumed the question was rhetorical and that in fact, Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania taught one young Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania how to waltz. She had the much more boring answer of dance instructor but they weren't comparing muja fruit to juna berries in this moment. Carefully she followed Lysander onto the floor, raising an eyebrow at Miss Cora. How was this going to happen?

Apparently she didn't have to wait long for an answer, with Lysander feeling himself and taking turns between both of them. He even got a little fancy, spinning around and showing off. Persephone wasn't surprised on that front, considering he had spun her around when they said hello to Miss Cora just moments ago.

"Its not polite to show off."

Persephone was joking, her voice light. In all actuality, she was extremely impressed.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila quietly excused herself when Miss Terallo left to handle business, leaving the young darth alone with her apprentice once again. A part of her wanted to address Tamsin's concerns, but honestly, she felt the same. Who would want to dance with a woman like her? No one here knew her save for their ever busy host. And even if they did... she was a walking graveyard. Perhaps that is why she and Tamsin got along so well. They were both ill omens who wished to be more. Outcasts, no matter where they went.

She blinked the thought away, and abruptly turned to the bar until-

Kaila froze in her tracks, eyes wandering over the crowd and up to the second floor, searching for something.

"I sense... a presence." she muttered as if questioning the familiarity of a taste upon her tongue.

"A presence I have not felt since..."

Her eyes widened, and her heart stopped for but a moment.

When Kaila began hastily marching through the gala it was like she had been possessed all over again. The sounds of the crowd faded from her senses, and her lips pursed in thought, as if wandering through a dreamlike state as she followed that familiar presence.

It was unmistakable. A longing inflicted upon another, which she could not bear to see unanswered. A soft warmth, a light in the cold dark stubbornly clinging to life despite the best efforts of a cruel world to snuff it out. It was something she... coveted. Desired to protect. Desired to... keep. The only soul in a rotten world that proved her cynicism false, the only light which could inspire the dark lord to follow it, as if a wolf chasing the moon.

A soul she had foolishly ran from.

A soul which made her do and feel things that no Sith ever should. Someone who could make her challenge everything she knew and preached. Someone she ran from because... she held a power over her that not even her insidious master could. She made Kaila want to be a better person.

She stopped again, practically spinning as she frantically searched.

Nothing. She ran slender fingers through her golden hair, frustration tinging her cheeks in rose. Another ghost then. Was she losing her mind? That was the exact thought which had caused her to flee from that radiant sun which warmed her that autumn day on Stewjon.

She closed her eyes and sighed bitterly, turning around make her way back towards the dance.

But when they opened, She was there, as if a figment of her imagination.

Ala emerged from the crowd and Kaila suddenly placed herself between her and the exit. Her lips twisted and contorted into words and yet no sound came from her breathless throat for a time.


"I uhm. You, that is-"

. . .

How could anyone else reduce her to this, she wondered.

"Gods you look stunning in that dress!" she blurted out finally.

"I'm so sorry, that was much too forward especially after how we parted."


Ala Quin

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Light was Ala's modus operandi. Lightness was the tune of her heart. She would need to meditate further regarding this matter. Perhaps it was some remnants of her battle with the Bryn'adul all those years ago.

It made sense that once a certain threshold of mental fortitude had been overwhelmed that it would be easier to do so again. The Bryn'adul had broken her in more ways than just her spine. Her spirit had been crushed. Yes, she had recovered, but did anyone truly ever return to who they were before? Were there not scars, easily opened wounds? Ala had believed it unlikely.

However, her persistent lack of joy in this crowd seemed a remnant of her failed attempts at reaching out to new people. Where as she would once had taken a crowd as an opportunity to get to know everyone, now she looked at the crowd and felt...intimidated. It wasn't that way before Stewjon. A deep wound, one she thought to have recovered from, had reopened there, and she was only now realising it.

She was so completely in her own mind, that she did not sense a familiar spirit among the crowd, one that grew closer.


Her heart stopped for a moment.

"I uhm. You, that is-"

A sincere, small smile crossed her lips.

"Gods you look stunning in that dress!"

She blushed deeply and averted her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, that was much too forward especially after how we parted."

And her heart sank.

A Sith of all people had made her become a besotted fool, and then reminded her that it could not be. That the Sith herself had not let it be. The Sith. Why would she not think of her by her name? Her name was already begging to depart Ala's lips in whispered greeting, but she would not say within herself. Because she had been hurt.

Her smile began reserved, though still as sweet as always. Ala pulled her enthusiasm back within herself and she simply nodded. "Thank you for your compliment. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance again," she said, though she was not sure yet if it truly was a pleasure. Her heart was being pulled in two directions. Especially as her job was to keep the likes of her in line at this event.

In the back of her mind, she had a million questions running in and out of her thought process. Do you still have the flower? Why did you leave? Did you not like the kiss? Did I do something wrong? Should I have not kissed you? Is it OK for me to kiss a Sith? What would my brother think? What would other Jedi think? Do you still have the flower? Why was I not good enough for you?

Instead, she kept it official. "I trust there will be no need for us to take sides this day?" She said and then winced. Why was her go to question, "Are you going to behave yourself?"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves
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Theme: Devils Dance Floor
Wearing: Dress
Tags: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Ala Quin | Open

Tamsin listened intently to Liin Terallo Liin Terallo as she told her kind of how these events worked and how some people invited where not known to her. It was interesting to Tamsin how you could invite a strangers to something this meaningful just to get to possibly know them. She wondered if there was like some big book with a list of potential business associates for the galaxy. The book would have to be massive, and before she could pull herself out of her bit of a daydream Liin was off again to converse with other people.

That woman had one hell of a life Tamsin thought to herself, she wondered if she would ever be one of these people one day. Nah she was to much of an outcast, and not to mention a bad omen to everyone around her. Then she heard Kaila mutter something to herself. "What wa…." She turned to her master just to notice she had vanished into the crowd. God dammit she thought to herself for a moment as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She stood there alone in a crowd of people she did not know, lost in the sea. As her eyes closed, she could feel the direction Kaila was moving in, ever since she had made her oath to Kaila she always knew where her master was. Still in this crowd of people she felt so lost one of the faceless masses unseen and unheard. Her eyes opened but just the split second before they fully opened a vision hit her for a split second where she was standing alone surrounded by a sea of corpses on the dance floor.

Yet fully open there she was with people dancing and moving by her. "Guess I better go see what trouble she is getting herself into." Tamsin said to herself as she moved to go find Kaila. As she moved through the crowd nearly bumping into people, most who didn't see her because of her diminutive stature. "Excuse me." She said politely to a few people she moved by. She made one slight turn, and her eyes caught sight of a group of individuals among them was a woman Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania that caused her tense up turn direction. She didn't know why but something inside her told her to turn away quickly.

She chose a new direction to reach where she could sense Kaila. She came up to a stop by a pillar and there she saw Kaila Irons Kaila Irons stopping and talking to Ala Quin . Her body froze by that pillar for a moment as she watched from a distance. She didn't know the woman Kaila was talking to or did she there was something familiar about her. Something deep inside her knew who this person was, even if Tamsin herself had no idea who it was. It wouldn't let her move any closer. Her feet began to move on their own as she ducked behind the pillar and just peeked around. Her eyes analyzed tried to read their lips and body language. There was a weird tension between the two, Tamsin understood it found it interesting but that thing deep inside was disgusted by it.

Look at them enjoying themselves as if nothing had happened. Almost the entire upper crust of society is here right now, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here. The Republic and the Galactic Alliance are supposed to consider me dead. Yet here I stand, leaning against one of the balconies. I watch people dance from the heights of the dance hall.

I hold my glass of alcohol in my right hand, swirling it slightly to reveal all its aromas. I take a sip of champagne to my lips. You have to admit, these nobles have good taste.

One detail in particular catches my eye: there's the senator herself present at this event. Does she have anything to do with this sinister corruption affair? I'll have to investigate.

For the time being, I prefer not to mingle too much with the crowd and observe in silence, all I can get at the moment are snatches of useless conversation. What's-his-name is happy to find this, others are flirting, the mood is festive. I look down on them from my perch.

I take another sip of my drink, then decide to head down the steps to the dance floor. As Urielle suggested, I put on a nice suit and tie to avoid looking out of place with my black coat.

Tag : Open

Lysander took her hand in his own, and Cora was surprised to find that it was no longer smaller than hers.

It made sense, logically. He was no longer the round-face cherub who'd eagerly toddle after her, laughing as she guided him through the steps of a box waltz on unsteady little legs. He was nearly her height now, or perhaps the same. There may have been only an inch of difference between them, but Lysander was still growing.

The way he looked at her had not changed, at least. Cora felt her heart swell at the stars in his eyes; yet she felt as though she did not entirely deserve them, and at the same time, sought to protect them fiercely. The life of a Jedi was not an easy one, but Lysander had chosen this path for himself.

He guided her into a twirl, to which she laughed softly in surprise.

"Not bad," she commented. Persie's mention of showing off tickled her. "Oh, but he does like to do that."

With her mood elevated, she hadn't noticed the startled glance of Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves .

Her attention drifted between Persie and Lysander. "How was it that you two met?"

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell



Outfit: Gown
Weapons: Minor self defense weapons

Sylvia couldn't keep herself from giving a light chuckle. Despite the situation she was being asked about, both the boys before her clearly had a level of spunk to them that made her certain they'd be able to accomplish whatever it is they decided to set their minds to. She just hoped that such an energy wouldn't be used poorly as they got older.

"Sometimes, just a little bit of charity can go a long way in bringing new and better business to a company, Mr. Hahn. Either way, I look forward to seeing how well you all do against the competition." She said with a warm grin. As much as the concept of corporate cynicism as a whole could get on her nerves at times, she was well versed in the understanding of business practice in order to be the best mediator and civil servant that she could be to the people she served.

"As I said, Prince Valoren, make sure you have everything in writing on what occurred to the best of your ability. The stronger your case is, the more likely we can argue support for it. The first step will probably have to be information gathering on the current state of the planet as well as an attempt to offer aid or negotiation. Though I can't currently offer concrete funds for relief in this moment, I can put you in contact with a couple of non-profit organizations that could pay for whatever may be needed in this exact moment if you need it." She took a moment to pull up a tab on her bracelet that doubled as a datapad and projected them to whatever memory device he might carry on him currently. "I would urge you both to continue discussion about what can be done until we can formally discuss better details."

Before Sylvia had the time to dismiss herself, a familiar voice of the man she'd been looking for before this chance interaction sounded from behind her. It wasn't startling in the slightest, only making her eyes light up with relief. She glanced quickly over her shoulder, just to be certain, before turning her attention back to the boys. "I believe it's about time I excuse myself. Thank you for bringing this to me, and I hope both of you have a lovely rest of your evening."

With that, she gave them a quick bow and turned to leave, taking the elbow of her bodyguard as she did to lead away from the two. She stopped before too long, though, to give him a tight hug—or as tight as she could muster anyway. She glanced at the feather now sticking out of his suit jacket pocket and chuckled a little bit, "Where did you get that? I don't remember you having it when we came in." She teased but didn't leave the question too long, "I did say we should try to enjoy ourselves, though, so I think you owe me a dance."

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila frowned. The moment those words left her lips she knew she'd said the wrong thing. She knew because she always said the wrong thing. The only thing she was good for... was lying.

She blinked the thought away, trying to focus on Ala.

"I trust there will be no need for us to take sides this day?"

It was a colder response than she'd expected from one who'd been so kind when they first met. It was so painfully obvious what she was, with so many damned souls hovering around her unseen but not unfelt, and her sickly golden eyes, and yet Ala had been the first person to treat her like... a person.

So why now? why was she acting so differently?

Kaila squeezed her eyes shut, and it soon became apparent that the pain she felt was not all her own. She expected Ala to be... hurt. But perhaps she had underestimated just how deeply the consequences of her actions would affect them both.

"Ala, I..."

Darth Anathemous had to remind herself that they were in a place for the powerful. Various factions had eyes and ears upon, and for a moment, she slipped into the paranoia and cautious which had seen her survive her youth.

A youth characterized by denial. Oh her desires, her needs even. And everything that made her more than her master's slave.

"Fuck that."

But for once in her life, the desires of Kaila Irons burned brighter in her eyes than the ambitions and cold cunning of that manufactured persona. After all, what was the point of all this power if she could not even use it to love whom she chooses?

"Fuck the politics."

She could hardly believe herself, cursing in such a formal setting. She almost looked surprised that she had, and certainly concerned for how this would all turn out. But most of all, she silently prayed to whatever gods might listen that she could make this right again.

"I never asked to be Sith, and I should never have let it come between us. I'm... so sorry. I panicked, about a lot of things, and I've been thinking about it ever since."

"I know you don't owe me a second chance" she let out a pained sigh.

"But can I do... something, for you? Anything. A drink, a dance, I don't know. I can feel you're in pain... And I just... I don't like that."

Ala Quin

Magda smiled. Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn wanted the job. He would get one alright.

"I'm delighted you're so receptive..." Magda said to the burly man graciously "You are, of course welcome to take a combination of all three as compensation. But this is hardly a place to talk details."

She reached into her handbag and pulled out a small datapad containing contact information and a meeting place to discuss the contract. 10,000 credits were listed as a reward just for showing up. She was serious.

"And as a personal observation...if only all the smugglers had that level of..."

Magda bit her lower lip as she said the next word.

"Muscles..." Magda said flirtatiously before departing with a well practiced feminine sway to her hips...

Nora Laan Nora Laan

Ala Quin

The Jedi’s eyes grew twice their normal size in response to Kaila’s outburst. Ala glanced about nervously with heat growing in her cheeks. very few people seem to be looking in their general direction, so Ala looked back at Kaila with those same wide eyes.

She felt like chastising the Sith for her language especially when she used it a second time. Ala looked around thinking that she was going to get told off by some aristocrat with a high opinion of themselves. Ultimately though, Ala just looked at Kaila with surprise and trepidation.

”Kaila,” she whispered. Her voice felt more constricted than she thought it would be.

Ala’s head felt like someone had released one hundred butterflies within. She was struggling to keep up with all that the Sith was divulging. She did want her. She had just been scared. The possibility of this enigma of a woman being afraid of their connection had never occurred to the Jedi. I was scared about their feelings, their feelings for Ala.

She smiled. It was free of the pain. A smile laced with awe.

“There is no pain. Not any more,“ she said.

Her body eased into herself. The calming ease with which they had flirted, laughed, and embraced returned.

”You should’ve left your contact details. Can I have them now? That is all you need to give me today.”

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves

Tag: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The Padawan grinned when he heard Persie’s joke. “I mean, someone’s got to show New Cov how it’s done, right?” As Cora’s words reached him over the music, they only fueled his growing confidence. A single eyebrow arched, suggesting that the twirl was nothing short of flawless. “Don’t tell me you're actually doubting my moves now!”

Each step felt completely natural as the music enveloped him. The dance floor was also like a canvas, and the myriad of emotions Lysander was experiencing were like strokes of a brush. When he saw the other blonde, his heart swelled with affection, as if the sibling bond could’ve been the brightest light at Ilic's City Hall. Regardless of his constant antics, there was a part of him that wished she could see through the facade and recognize the strong sense of protectiveness he, too, possessed.

Whenever Lysander's gaze fell upon Persie, a smile would tug at the corners of his lips. The more he observed her, the more his intrigue grew. Every encounter he found himself wanting to learn more about the fashionista.

As the last question lingered in the air, Lysander couldn’t help but laugh softly. "Well, it all started at a dig site on Challon. I was taking a slight break from the curse of constant labor, and began to consider a little stroll through the nearby forest. But then Persephone stepped in and sort of prevented what would have surely been me getting eaten by a Nexu.”

His eyes narrowed, but it was paired with a smirk. "I have also found myself wondering if you knew exactly what you were getting me into by going there," he added.

Lysander glanced back to the girl, inviting her to fill in the blanks of the story.
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Datapad | Knife Phrik | Blaster | Grappling Hook | nutrient tube
Tag : | Open
Location : New cov | Shopping | Expo

Without realizing it, I've finished my two glasses of spirits. I've lost count of how many I've had since the start of the evening, but one thing's for sure: I'm clearly enjoying my drink.

I stand up from the sofa, lean forward a little and catch my balance at the last moment. It's not my fault the booze is so good!

I take my two glasses to the bar, put them on the counter and thank the bartender. His service is excellent, I suppose having good quality also helps with the change. After I've had enough to drink and party, it's time for me to head for the shopping area.

I make a stop at the toilets, as I really want to take a break. I go into a stall and lock the door to be on the safe side, come out again to wash my hands and finally head for the shopping and exhibition area to do some shopping.

With the credits I've just earned, I can afford to treat myself to one or two little pleasures. I look like a businesswoman, so I might as well enjoy myself. It's busy outside, and I start wandering around the stores, looking at different objects and accessories that might come in handy - maybe I'll buy myself a new beauty kit, as mine is getting a bit old.



EQUIP: Lightsaber
TAGS: Thel Bloodscrawl Thel Bloodscrawl | Lady Sylvia Organa Lady Sylvia Organa

"Doing so would be useless when my world doesn't have the right people in control of it,"
he said to the boy across from him.

The kid was pushing really hard to make a sale. A useless sale. Caelan wasn't going to waste the people's money buying bacta and other goods and having it shipped when the world was under the control of assailants who would take that aid for themselves, and not allow the people to have or utilize it. No, if anything, he was pushing too hard and forming a dislike between himself and the future king of the Kingdom of Dewit. He no longer had any interest in speaking to the boy.

Granted, he had little interest in what Sylvia had to say either. Her words were largely bureaucratic platitudes. It was obvious she didn't care all that much about the plight of his people considering she had more interest in the ball they were in, and finding some Zeltron that had wandered off. If there were someone else to go to for aid he would do it. The Alliance seemed to be failing him.

"If you'll excuse me, I feel I must retire for the evening. I'm feeling a bit under the weather."

He nodded to each and then turned to leave.

"Sometimes, just a little bit of charity can go a long way in bringing new and better business to a company, Mr. Hahn. Either way, I look forward to seeing how well you all do against the competition."

The Senator then took her leave, running off with her Zeltron friend. Thel smirked, though he was slightly buoyed by her words of encouragement. He turned back to face the young prince of an ailing world, confident that he could help him and make a profit too.

"Doing so would be useless when my world doesn't have the right people in control of it."

"We could do a stealth r--"

"If you'll excuse me, I feel I must retire for the evening. I'm feeling a bit under the weather."

Mouth slightly agape, Thel watched as the other boy walked away. He knew he had come on a little too strong, but he thought he had a chance at salvaging it. Even the Alderaanian princess chick made it seem like things might turn out okay...

Shutting his mouth, Thel's expression morphed into a scowl. Fine. If Caelan didn't want his help, that was fine. His people were starving to death while cut off from the rest of the galaxy, but apparently their prince could afford to be choosy about who he enlisted to help them. Hell, Thel didn't know all sides of the story. Maybe the Valorens were tyrants, and their enemies were justified in overthrowing them. It might be a good thing that Bacta Works didn't tarnish their name by providing aid to a monarchy.

Okay, maybe he didn't need to cope that hard. He had fumbled a side quest, not the main mission. Still, the rejection stung a little. To take his mind off things while he waited, Thel wandered back to the refreshments table, picking up another plate full of food.

/exit thread



Outfit: Clothing
Weapons: Holdout Blaster | Vibroknife | A few more concealed somewhere

Nos watches the conversation dissolve as he arrived and felt the frustration of the boy king Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren as he began to walk off.

Offering Lady Sylvia Organa Lady Sylvia Organa a reassuring hand on the shoulder he whispered,

I’m sure you tried your best, I can pick up on a tremendous amount of pressure on the boy from here. Let me see if I can offer some help, off the books

If helping those in need earns me a court marshall that's a cost I'll gladly pay. Even just to ease the burden for the Madame Senator.

Without requesting Sylvia's permission, Nos followed Caelin through the crowd until he was close enough to politely draw his attention.

Excuse me, Lord Valoren, if I may ask just a moment of your time. I understand the beaurocracy involved in getting relief from the Alliance into the right hands can be a difficult endeavor. While Lady Organa means every word she says, sometimes direct action cannot afford to wait for red tape.”​

Nos produces and offers a plain card with his contact information and the initials N.V.

If you need any services in the interim of the Alliance’s delays please consider contacting me. Personal favors I perform off-duty don't require GA approval, and the Lady Senator is generous with my schedule and the… resources available for personal favors. The only thing I ask in return is that you do not dismiss Lady Sylvia’s official aid entirely. It may not show but her heart does weep for your people.

Nos projected an emotion of determination and confidence to Caelan, spiking at particular words to emphasize his willingness and expertise with to assist with clandestine, off-the-record support and willingly set himself up as a lone scapegoat to take the fall if it causes complications with the Alliance.

Thank you for your time, Lord Valoren, I’ll not keep you any longer.

Nos bowed and steps back, not impeding Caelan any longer than necessary before returning to his charge.



EQUIP: Lightsaber
TAGS: Nos Voros Nos Voros

Caelan paused when someone called to him, looking over to see a Zeltron approaching. He immediately wondered if this was the same one that Lady Organa had been looking for. In fact, he was about to ask that, when he noticed whom was beyond him and then put two and two together to ascertain that it was, indeed, her. He nodded his head to what Nos said.

"I'm sure she means well, but good intentions don't always save lives," he said, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I have no idea how many have been lost since my parents were killed. I don't want more to die in the interim."

He looked the man over and shook his head.

"I need more than what one man can provide. I know the people who attacked us had inside help to go along with their own forces. Given that I have heard nothing from those I know on the world since then, I can safely assume they have taken over and shut down our military. I need full scale intervention. But when the time comes, if you wish to help, I will not say no."

When Nos bowed, he nodded his head to him, and then turned and left.


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