Hey a fellow Talkcity user!
I started out on Talkcity with a chaotic group in the Star Wars chats. There were various rooms, like Naboo and such, and somehow people had sectioned themselves off for RP. Had a lot of fun and was sad when it ended.
Moved on to The Gungan Council and various other smaller forums. Did that for a while before calling it quits and giving up RP for years.
Wanted to RP again and went back to TGC and was there for a bit when this site was catching traction. Joined here and straddled both for awhile until this was my main source for RP.
Heya! TalkCity was my first introduction to Roleplay; I was an addicted fourteen-year-old. My roleplay was absolutely terrible but it paved the way for where I am today in my literacy and creative writing
I had met another former member here, though they have since left Chaos sadly. I always hoped something like Talkcity would come about again, but thankfully we still have Chaos and it's wonderful ways <3