Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Peace or Death (Open)

" you better listen to him make your call you aint got no one to save your bantha hide " I said this then calming down " sorry jedi I dont know why Im doing that. ever since i got that blasted chip out Ive been feeling weird. but uh choose to join us ... or do that " he jumped back into a sprint back for cover startled by the weapons
The appearance of Nathan again was surprising. Then again, when was it ever not going to be in the future? Being thrown the lightsaber, he would snatch it and strangely attach it onto his belt from behind. Forcing both hands back, he focused on the Force as something violently broke through the wall behind him as Ultrachrome chains connected to his palms. Flicking them back for a moment, he would flick his arms around as two different lightsabers from the end of the other chain wrapped around his forearms.

Breathing out for a moment, he really did not want to touch these so soon but Fate seems to always have a different reason...a different reason to move forward. With Mordius attempting to fight Bloodscrawl, he breathed in and focused on his emotions once more, the feelings he had repressed even with he turned into a Dark Jedi, the same kind of raw emotion and control that he had lost so long ago with his body completely standing up as Mordius walked towards him.

With the snap-hiss, the activation of both lightsabers came to life as they glistened in a glow of gold, these were not, they were unlike anything ever seen as his face was full of determination. Slashing out with both of his blades, the chains whipped out almost like whips but with lightsabers attached to the ends as he jumped up into the air. What fighting style was this, what was taught even? What strange Ataru/Juyo Style is this?! Jumping high, he felt as if he landed on something, something a bit...large.

Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Tango112 Tango112 Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
"YES PADAWAN! Good training! You are doing you feel the power I am giving you?!"

The sith backflipped out of the fight laughing with pride. He knew something was going to happen that good on his side of the table.

Milos Echo

The ripples in the force were loud... like throwing larger stones into the water and she had responded. Gleaming fur from a fresh session in a sonic shower and as the air was below her wings lifting her into the air she was able to move faster with the force projecting her towards a fellow jedi in trouble. Her hooves were tucked in... tail pointed out and the ring on her horn prepared to defend as the disc saber could be activated and used to fight as needed or adjusted with telekinesis. The force guiding her towards him as she saw a handful of people in the distance but four on one from the looks of it was not exactly the best odds... Then she saw him.. a fellow jedi going itno the air and it was her moment as she focused the force into her flight and burst of speed... the feeling of someone landing upon her back when her wings spread out and tilted to send her back up into the air with someone on her back. "WOOOOOO Now this is pod racing." She shouted it and went up into the air allowing herself to steady and banked around to catch the air and looked down but spoke. "Sorry about the delay."
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor
Little did Nathan know Darth Valor sensed his presence. Before the saber would strike Valor he would force choke Nathan making him drop his saber.
"I don't die this easily." Valor would say laughing tightening his grip on the force choke.
Nathan grunted, getting clutched by the neck, barely moving his hand out of the way from getting the blade shoved through it.

Something switched off in Nathan as the boot went to his back, these pair swearing to break them.

Nathan's eye twitching under his mask he broke the various Force holds on him, letting off a burst of green lightning infused with the light side at both Tango112 Tango112 and Darth Valor Darth Valor , shot up and gripped Darth Laesis Darth Laesis by the neck, strangling him as brutally as he could, trying to crush his esophagus, before launching his fist into that skull mask again and again as hard as he could, trying to cave in Mordius's face.
Nathan grunted, getting clutched by the neck, barely moving his hand out of the way from getting the blade shoved through it.

Something switched off in Nathan as the boot went to his back, these pair swearing to break them.

Nathan's eye twitching under his mask he broke the various Force holds on him, letting off a burst of green lightning infused with the light side at both Tango112 Tango112 and Darth Valor Darth Valor , shot up and gripped Darth Laesis Darth Laesis by the neck, strangling him as brutally as he could, trying to crush his esophagus, before launching his fist into that skull mask again and again as hard as he could, trying to cave in Mordius's face.
"Ha---gghhg-Ha--ha..You idiot.."

Little did Nathan know I activated my saber when he grabbed my neck. The saber deep within the stomach of Nathan now.
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor
Valor would block the lightning with my saber and force pushed Captain Fordo out of the way saving him.

"Idoit. Do not underestimate me and my brother again." Said Valor laughing.

Milos Echo

Guest he could even comprehend WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED, he had to realize he had to focus on the fight and not just...WHATEVER THE HELL HE IS ON! Seeing Nathan trying to fight all of them, he focused with precision and jumped off, speaking fast as he slashed both of the lightsaber like whips down, the ends of them just like regular lightsaber blades.

"If you will excuse me Mystical One!"

Then it happened, he slammed both of them down hard as he could when the lightsaber activated, smashing Darth Mordius lightsaber down and backhanded him with his right wrapped around Ultrachrome fist and proceeded to flick the whips hard as he could back onto his arms before flicking them down as a large arc of electricity of golden right at Valor when he blocked his own...only to feel that it was wild, uncontrolled and not as directed like a Jedis. Flicking both of his lightsabers to the side, he held the hilts as he pointed each one at each of the Dark Lords.

"Here is what you wanted! You wanted the Legend of Echo, YOU GOT IT!"
Darth Valor Darth Valor Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Serana Serana
"Ha---gghhg-Ha--ha..You idiot.."

Little did Nathan know I activated my saber when he grabbed my neck. The saber deep within the stomach of Nathan now.
I drop to the ground as my Saber is inside of Nathan. I kick Nathan to the ground leaving him there, not sure if he isn't fully dead yet.

"Now...Echo...or should I say MY padawan. Surrender.. I have shown what you can be!"
Nathan, not nearly so witless as Darth Laesis Darth Laesis had imagined had shifted his position as he was attacking him, the Lightsaber missing his stomach and going harmlessly through his jacket, missing his insides as Nathan teleported away and to the side.

"You missed. Grandson of Darth Malgus My Ass."

Nathan fired more green lightning at Darth Laesis Darth Laesis
Voxer removed his helmet and put nearby water in it toss ing it on Nathans hands as he was shooting electricity " some one forgot about water 101 haha " he reequipped his helm
Nathan, not nearly so witless as Darth Laesis Darth Laesis had imagined had shifted his position as he was attacking him, the Lightsaber missing his stomach and going harmlessly through his jacket, missing his insides as Nathan teleported away and to the side.

"You missed. Grandson of Darth Malgus My Ass."

Nathan fired more green lightning at Darth Laesis Darth Laesis
The hits are somehow not doing a thing to Mordius.
He laughs.

Milos Echo

The hits barely did anything, what kind of strange Force Magick is this? Standing up, he slung them around his arms again as the people were fighting, he looked around rather fast and dug part of his saber rather suddenly into the wall, looking back up at the strange pony like creature.

"You can sense it! PULL IT OUT! For I am no ones padawan...I am over nine hundred years old and I be damned if I have to be under someone like you or anyone else ever again!"
Serana Serana Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Darth Laesis Darth Laesis
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor
Darth Valor would use Force Drain to drain up all of Nathan's force left and energy, stopping him from shooting lightning. At this point Nathan is on his knees since he has little to no energy left to even move.

"You are worthless without energy." says Valor as he walked up and removed all of Nathan's equipment. Darth Valor would then ignite his 2nd saber using both of them to surround Nathan's neck. "Give up." Said Valor.

Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
"It's not that kind of lightning, dumbass!" Nathan called back to Tango112 Tango112 .

He ceased the lightning attack and drew his saberstaff again, teleporting a fair distance away from Darth Laesis Darth Laesis and spinning the blades in rapid strikes at his foe's torso, in an attempt to cut off his limbs.
The hits barely did anything, what kind of strange Force Magick is this? Standing up, he slung them around his arms again as the people were fighting, he looked around rather fast and dug part of his saber rather suddenly into the wall, looking back up at the strange pony like creature.

"You can sense it! PULL IT OUT! For I am no ones padawan...I am over nine hundred years old and I be damned if I have to be under someone like you or anyone else ever again!"
Serana Serana Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Darth Laesis Darth Laesis
He looks at the people yelling around him. He enjoys this, this is what he really wanted...he wanted the stress from his foes, and them to be tired.

"You are blind...Echo. Your only companion even muttered against you! You are BLIND! Who cares if I am your mentor, I still taught you something of value. And this is what I get from you?!"

Milos Echo

"Taught me?"

Flicking both lightsabers forward, he intentionally missed as they struck right beside Darth Valor feet before the killing blow, making a loud crackle in the ground around them as a loud blast of Force Electricity arced around the area. For a brief moment, one could see something strange about Echo, as if every part of him was changing, as if seeing many past versions of himself.

"You think you can just teach something, something of value? You are nothing, I have fought people far greater in power, I have seen the end of stars in the night sky, I have seen what Death is and have tasted it time and time again. You are the blind one Mordius...For I am Echo, One with the Force and by my namesake, HEARD THROUGH THE FORCE!"

As if a switch flipped, he rather in expert fashion dueled with Mordius, each time now the hit will be focused on the Force itself around Darth Mordius, even he did not feel it...he will strip away his force signature, he will drain him like he did Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl earlier but this time...he did it to end this.

Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Serana Serana Darth Valor Darth Valor Tango112 Tango112
" ok this is getting confusing ... lets skip to the part where we all agree to disagree and the jedi comes with us " the Captain was getting a bit exhausted from all this fighting wanting the end of the conflict to arrive so that the empire might expand

seeing the 2 fight he leaned on a tree and watched

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