OOC:OOC: I never trust dice rolls,Darth Laesis .
Nathan stood back. This was one of the few things that had him in legit awe, and it showed.
Not one prone to gushing at Miracles, he nonetheless stood slack jawed at the presence ofJegy Sesara .
"That's...new..." he said after a moment, grateful for the save.
Holy chit! I thought that was just a bauble! I thought that hobo was lying when he sold it to me!
Milos Echo
Darth Laesis
Darth Valor
"Your weak."Jegy Sesara Milos Echo
Nathan Bloodscrawl
Where the fleet of ships suddenly came from... the ability to pour out so many trooperss without crush pressure from them crowding the doors... amazing... even more so they were covering a distance from all of the ships quicker then a flea. Serana looked at the situation and raised an eyebrows as she thought about it and how best to handle it. "Everypony, fellow jedi... we have only one option. Please lend me your energy for a spirit bomb.... I mean wall of light. We have a handful of masters and strong force users... we should light these guys up cause sadly alas and with regrets they don't seem to want to join hands and talk things out."
"...Greetings Lord..Darth Mordius at your command. These Jedi, are trying to destroy us, I haven't let them get anywhere near the best of me. I have my army fighting out there, trying to destroy any of the Galactic Empire."
Tag:Darth Laesis |
Darth Valor | Milos Echo |
Nathan Bloodscrawl |
Tango112 | Darth Luctus |
Jegy Sesara
Summoned By:Serana <3
Golden eyes looked toward the ceiling of a ruined building with a distinct sense of confusion.
One moment—She'd been sleeping peacefully on Jutrand and the next, merely, the sensation of something cold and wet beneath her back woke her up. Snow? Her elegant brow crinkled as she slowly sat up with the aid of a piece of broken stone. "…That's...Interesting"
The quiet Echani was used to dreaming of far-off places but not waking up in them against her will. She tightened a dark robe about her waist out of habit and her fierce expression seemed to grow even more irritated by the second. The sharp bite of winter was nothing compared to the glare that she leveled out at the ensuing chaos that seemed to be spilling out. Who exactly had summoned her to this cesspit? Who had the audacity?
It was possible that she could be pulled through space and time via ritual.
It was ancient and mysterious. Saying her name in a reflective surface three times, at the witching hour, while spinning in a circle might do it…But this?
She drew up fully and the snow melted where bare feet found purchase.
"…What is this ruckus."She addressed everyone. No one. There wasn't anyone present that she recognized for any reason. Colors, she knew, of course. As a card-carrying member of the Sith Order she was well-versed with the fact that Sith didn't know any shade other than red. So, their fingerprints were everywhere. But did she recognize any of the fighters? Not so much. Just…Tons of ships in the sky, sith troopers, a Jedi Force Shaman? All they needed was a wolf with huge teeth, a red cloak, and a picnic basket, and the Holo-Net articles would write themselves.
"Are you blind? You would talk to a Lord of Sith without hesitation? This is a war, and if she doesn't kill you I WILL!"She looked at the sithDarth Laesis as suddenly they went from a wall to a platform... and he spoke then kicked... then was teleporting away to stand next to
Srina Talon who was suddenly here. "Hey... it is you're not your if you are going to try and insult me at least have the decency for proper grammar." She said it and moved back a little but was looking as force energy rippled around. "Holy fraking frak you are Srina Talon... I saw you with the CIS in the Atrisian holovids... you were so cool." The real question was how had she managed to get here... had she heard the jedi's thoughts... scary..... or OH MY APPLES.... what if she was like space anakin and all chosen and such.
Out of the dust the Sith appears to the side of the Lord, surprisingly.
Tag:Jegy Sesara |
Darth Laesis |
Duckie Talon
Summoned By:Serana <3
The Dread Empress walked down the broken stairs to address the teleporting supplicant with a certain sense of disdain. This being did not know her. He had no reason to bow before her, save, for the utmost sensibility in self-preservation instincts. "Are you at my command?", she questioned, lightly, though there was no small amount of ice in her tone. That was likely the most normal thing about the entire encounter. The chill that arrived, buried in the soul, when she approached.
"I do not know you. You—Do not know yourself."
Pointed words to a stranger in a strange land. However, true. His power emanated in excellent Sith form. It was a sizeable beacon. Nothing to laugh at, though, he might encounter some issues if he got snapped up by the spirit bomb the Sullustan whelp had cooked up. The tornado dealt with the troopers easily enough. Too, easily. But easy come easy go.
"The Sullustan is correct...The Galactic Empire is dead and gone. It has been for several decades. These Jedi are…"
Srina tried with all her might to remain neutral, though, a faint sneer curled at the corner of her mouth.
"Peacekeepers.", spat, like a curse. Everyone knew that was a lie. #SithDogmaFTW. "Intellectuals. Farmers. Agriculturalists. You trespassed on their newly planted grass—Where did you think this was going to go? What exactly are you trying to achieve?"
Contrary to popular belief, most Sith, were NOT rabid dogs. They had plans. Planception, if you will.
Her head tilted toward a small pink..horse…with a certain level of curiosity. She couldn't decide whether she ought to own one or splice its DNA into other creatures. @Taeli did make the most miraculous Sithspawn out of virtually nothing. "I am, cool. There is snow.", the light correction came with a double entendre that would be left to the rabble to figure out.
A spot of yellow caught her attention.
Karking, little, force-forskaen creature—"Is this your fault?"
Her demand ofDuckie Talon was accompanied by bending down to pick it up while
Darth Laesis moved to defend her honor. Goodness. Did she really appear that helpless?
"I will cook you."
The threat was murmured into the feathered head of her intensely annoying familiar. Her hand rose and she pulled on the Force in a way that would seek to root Mordius to the earth asJegy Sesara took care of the saber. Binding his feet with the dirt. She barely seemed to see the Jedi present...More concerned with what, exactly, this Sith Lord was hunting. They could not harm her with anything but a few unkind words. Evil, mad, murderer, etc, etc... "I need no one to fight, or speak, for me. You exist at my behest…"
"Now. Why are you here?"
And then he disappeared.
...What the...Well..Okay, then.