Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pick on someone your own size!

Gherron walked through the vast city of Coruscant, unsure of what to do. He was bored. He couldn't go back to his favorite spot on Tython unfortunately, and cities didn't have massive rushing waterfalls. Besides, wasn't Master DragonsFlame always encouraging him not to be so secluded? Ever since he'd met the man, he had given him loads of advice- even when Gherron was being stubborn and a fething idiot. Especially then. Josh was a pretty awesome guy, it would do well to listen to him once in a while. The Padawan was just considering going to a public center when he heard screaming. Female screaming, coming from just out in front of the building across the street. A hulk of a man was trying to steal her purse. Running in to help, he stepped right in front of the man and shoved him back. "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" The mugger, now busy picking himself up, began to crack his knuckles. "Maybe you outta take your own advice, punk." Gherron shrunk back, looking for a chance at redemption. There was none, of course. He'd made his move. No sooner did he accept his fate did a fist the size of a baseball come hurtling at him. T.K.O. The young man went down for the count, a black bruise covering his left eye. He wasn't completely unconscious, but through the stars he could make out the man running off with the purse, the woman right behind him. 'Good going, idiot.', he thought to himself.

@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala Tu had just exited one of the book stores on Coruscant. She was excited that, on holopad, she'd managed to secrue a copy of an old Jedi history novel depicting the life of an Jedi Master group that helped defend an entrie planet from a Sith invasion. She loved to ready stories like this, often being her inserpation for wanting to be a grea Jedi as well. Holding the holopad close Nala began to walk off back to the Jedi Temple when she heard screaming.

She perked up and looked about before seeing some comotion going on nearby. Not a moment later she saw as the larger man had punched out the smaller one, making her cringe for a moment on how it must've felt. Seeing the man ready to continue, Nala quickly made her way over, pushing past the crowd of people in her way.

When she reached them she said "Hey!" catching the muggers attention. She recoiled a bit when she saw the position she was in before putting on a brave face and saying "I don't know what you think you're doing, but I'm giving you one chance. Give back whatever you stole, leave that man alone, and walk away or else.....please?" she finished with an awkward smile.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
As the man was just rounding a corner, a Kaminoan had stepped into his path. He couldn't see clearly, but what he saw was a defenseless girl about to get the same welcome as he did. He might get another black eye, but he couldn't let that happen. Struggling to get up, he was surprised when he was aided by a few other men, who seemed to respect him for what he did. They stood by him for a second, and realization hit him. Nodding as he understood, he made his way over to the thief once more, this time with the backup of three others. Soon, he was behind him, and he tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, I believe you dropped something. Your teeth." The man turned around, just in time to receive a waiting fist to the jaw. As soon as he dropped his guard, the other men jumped in and began giving him a beating of his life. After a minute, he called them off and handed the purse back to the woman. She cringed a little, seemingly afraid of him. He gave her a cracked smile, grimacing from his own pain. "It's alright ma'am, he'll be fine." He bent down for a second and helped the man up, making sure he could stand, then patted him on the back. "Don't do it again, alright buddy?" He slowly nodded, and made his way down the street. It was now that Gherron's vision began to clear a little. Looking at the Kaminoan, he recognized her clothing as a Jedi Padawan, and rolled his eyes. "Just what I need. Now you're gonna report me to my master, aren't you? They all do."

@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala looked confused by what had happened. For a moment she though she was going to have to pull her saber out in order to handle this thug but the came in all the others and then the little man stepped in and, basically, wagged his finger at him and gave a warning. Nala felt it a bit odd but at the same time it was a relief that things didn't become too violent. She walked over to him and heard his question.
"W-what?' she asked, not sure what he meant. At this poitn she managed to see his clothing and said "Oh! You're a padawan too. That's what you meant by..." she stopped when she realized more of what he'd said and asked "Wait, this happned to you before?"

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
(OOC: lol thanks for all the likes ^_^)

Gherron took a moment to look at her before slowly nodding his head. "Yes... I'm a Jedi, and yea it's happened before. Unfortunately, people jut don't know when to quit. I honestly hope it never comes down t the point where I have t use my lightsaber for persuasion." He shook his head softly. Still, he was surprised that she hadn't run off to go tell his master about the situation. "It isn't the first time I've gotten one of these souvenirs either." He pointed to his blackened eye, which was now swollen. "But... I guess that doesn't matte right now. I'm Gherron, the little guy who stands up for the little guys. And you?" He gave his classic charming smile, at least what could be seen as charming with a massive bruise in your face.

@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala gasped a little when she saw his blackened eye before kneeling down to take a closer look.

As he made his introduction she said "Nala. A big girl who.....well a big girl." She looked at his wound while saying "Hold still. Let me see." She stood and said "Come on. We should get some ice for it. There's a little restraunt right around the corner. I ean so we can get ice for your eye and a drink. I mean me. I could use a drink." she shook her head and said "Sorry. Rambling. Bad habbit. Anyway, if you want I can help with it."

Nala really wanted to help this man after seeing what he had done as well as for what seemed like an apparent hobby of his of getting into fights with others. She gave a friendly smile and offered her heand to help him up while trying to relax a little. To be honest she wasn't sure why she was so jumpy to begin with.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]

(OOC: No problem. And here's another to even it out to ten :D )
(OOC: haha :D)

Gherron smiled and accepted the hand, standing up straight. He had never seen a Kaminoan in person before, but it was an interesting experience for him. As he looked at her, he realized how different she looked from everyone else. She was beautiful, an elegant kind of beautiful. One who you wouldn't mind seeing in a display case for all to see. After a moment, he finally escaped his dream trance and came back to the real world-where Nala was talking about a resteraunt where he could get an ice pack, and her a water. He smiled and nodded at the idea, following her. "So, a Kaminoan jedi. I've heard of the concept, but never seen it in front of me." He chuckled a little. "How long have you been a padawan?"

@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala had noticed how Gherron was looking at her and looked oddly back at him. By the time he came back to his senses she didn't really know what to make of that look. She'd never seen anyone else give her that sort of look before. Had she done something wrong or had something on her face? Maybe this was just his first time seeing a Kaminoan.

Regardless, as they walked she answered his question with "About a year now. I might've been sooner if not for...well....I wasn't exaclty the best student when it came to certian Jedi arts." she sighed and said "I could never assemble the stupid saber's right." She waved it off and said "What about you? Have you been part of the order longer than me? You almost look it, if you don't mind me saying"

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron chuckled again at the comment. "Almost two years now. I would probably be a knight already if it wasn't for my disobedience, rashness, and stubbornness in my master's words." He smiled wryly to himself. "He's actually right. But you know, I can't help myself. I lived on the streets here for years. I had to find a way to survive. A lot of that involved helping where I was needed. I learned really quick how to adapt an fight." 'And steal', he added mentally.

@[member="Nala Tu"]
"Ah. I see." she said, thinking to herself about what he said. He definalty seemed the type to be a bit brash and stubborn, but she didn't want to comment it on the idea of probably insulting him in some way. She just nodded to herself while comment on his two years of being a Jedi. "And I thought just trying to get a handle of the force down was a problem."

Eventually they reached the resturant, which wasn't very crowded when they enetered, and were seated by a service driod. Nala made the order of a drink, non-alcholic, along with a bag of ice for Gherron. She waited to hear if he wanted anything before the service driod left. For a moment she was silent, loooking back between him, people passing outside, and anything else in the resturant, before finally clearing her throat to try and dispell the awkward slience.

"So... you grew up on Coruscant?"

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
"Yea, I grew up here. Didn't exactly have a happy life, I could tell you that. I ran away from home." When his ice pack came, he immediately placed it on his eye, sighing softly at the relief. "You know, I actually grew up having no clue whether or not I was force sensitive. I found out when I-" He bit his tongue, stopping himself. Too far. "Anyway, when I did find out, I sought out the jedi. Went to Tython for a while, then returned here with a different master. My original one was killed in action. You ever hear of an Ewok named Azar?"

@[member="Nala Tu"]
She tried to remember the name but nothing came up in her mind. She shook her head a little before waiting until he was done explaining the rest of his story. Once he wad done she felt it best to give hers next.

"I grew up on Anobis. It's a small system in between Republic and Mandalor space. My father was a pilot for trading vessels. Actually it's because of him I leanred how to fly myself." she sighed a little when she went on saying "I...didn't exaclty have a happy childhood either. You see most of the supporters of Reublic space didn't exaclty like the idea of Kaminoans living in thier town, especially since Kamino is owned by the Confederacy. I was picked on by other kids.... a lot. But at least my father and I had the Mandalorians for help. They didn't mind us as much. But one day, when these kids were trying to toss water at me, calling me names the whole time, I wound up throwing it back at them while it was still in the air. Next thing I knew my master, Syn, came and told me I was a jedi and well...I guess the rest speaks for itself." She finshed with a little smile on her face.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron smiled a little. "I've trained with Syn before. He can be a bit... pushy at times, but maybe that's just how he is with me. He really knows how to get to people. With me, I'll almost never back down from a challenge, so he's extra hard when he trains me." At this point, the swelling had begun to go down a little, though he could still barely open the eye "Hey, for what it's worth, thanks for stepping in there. I don't normally see other Jedi trying to help with stuff like that, ironically enough."

@[member="Nala Tu"]
"Oh, really?' she asked, a bit surprised she hadn't heard of more Jedi doing something like that. Regardless she said "Well...I'm glad I could help...kind of. I mean what kind of person would I be if I didn't help someone who needed it. A jerk is a good word for it and then..." she stopped. "Sorry. I was ramblling again."

She gave an awkward smile to him before taking a deep breath to relax. Seeing his eyes starting to heal she had a better chance to look at the, noticing how rather, well, how nice they looked. She usually didn't pay attention to people's eyes, even human eyes. Not unless they was something actually unusual about them. In his case there wasn't and yet she could help but admire them either way. A small smile twitched from the corner of her mouth the more she looked.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
Smirking, Gherron shook his head softly. "Don't worry about it. I'm more of a quiet type anyway. I usually try to stay away from most people, being alone soothes me and calms me down. It also gives me time to think." His good eye widened as he realized what he'd said. "Not that talking is bad or anything. That's good too."

@[member="Nala Tu"]
She perked up and said "Oh, no, no. I know what you mean. I mean you wouldn't belive how much of the more quiet type i used to be. Even when I came to the temple I didn't really talk to anyone....mainly because most of the other younglings made fun of me too...."

Nala looked towards the window, where a decent enough view of the Temple itself coulf be seen, and sighed. More memories of being in the traning area with younglings and messing up in one way or another fludded her mind. The worst was when they all laughed at her for not getting her own lightsaber fully conctructed in time like the others. She looked away and down at the table, sighing again.

"Sorry." she said, not looking at Gherron. "I.... just don't like to look back on things a lot."

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron looked at the Kaminoan softly. "Hey, don't feel bad about not being as able in the force. I'm still learning too, though I tend to pick things up a little quicker than most. If you ever need any help, let me know alright? I'd be more than willing." He offered her a friendly smile. In truth, he hatedto see anyone feel bad, especially Nala, who had gone to such lengths to help him out.

@[member="Nala Tu"]
She looked up to him, a bit surprised he was willing to help, and said "Oh....thank you. That's.. well no one aside from my master and, well maybe one of my friends, ever really offered to teach me. That's....very kind of you."

She smiled a bit more at this propsoal and began to see this human, Gherron, wasn't as bad as she belived to be at first, given how he described his personaility. If anything he seemed just as compasionate as her, but perhaos that was just a rare side of him she had the privalge of seeing this day. Still it was nice to know she had someone else to rely on for support.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]
"No problem, Nala." Gherron looked at her for a few seconds then, considering something. She seemed really nice, and he'd caught her looking at him a few times already. Smiling to himself, he decided to go on it. "Hey, would you like to have lunch with me? It is around lunch time, and we're already here in a resteraunt. What do ya say?"

@[member="Nala Tu"]
Nala gave a question "Hmmm?" before relaizing what he asked. "Oh! Oh yes, sure. Uh, lunch. I'm... fine with that." She quickly got the service driods attention, making it zip over to thier table. "Uh, I'll have a nice squill liver salad and maybe some jama juice. Please."

As she waited for Gherron to order she loked at him and, oddly, found her foot tapping rapidly. She looked down and grabbed her knee, wondering what the heck was going on. What kind of reaction was that? She shook it off and just sat and waited for Gherron to finish and then for the meals to arrive.

@[member="Gherron Vael"]

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