Omi Rin
The Yevethan Hitman
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] oh sorry
By planet sized Nexus, I assume you mean making the entire world a force Nexus like Ziost, Korriban, or Tython. If that's the case I'd like to say the judge would ask for anything from 50-75 posts in development (maybe more) for a planetsized Nexus. Another mention is that it's a pretty hot topic regarding whether or not a planet should be able to have two(or more) restricted materials.Sanya Val Lerium said:Question - is phyrik(large), Cortosis(large) and a planet sized nexus to much or would I need to remove one of these, or can I still do it with the work?
You can create a submission for canonical planets/celestial objects. However; It would be more appropriate to sub it as an Astronomical Object via the Location Creation area of the Codex, rather than a Planet, since it's a moon. Just make sure to include the wiki article in the submission's 'links:' field so that the judge is aware that the location is canon.Roshki Belawiiks said:Do I need to create a sub for one of Ruusan's moons? The planet has 3 of them called the Three Sisters, but the only one really referenced was Ruusan 2. I am creating an exploration thread of one of the moons, which I am calling "Ruusan 3". The wiki article for Ruusan says there are supposedly ruins on one of the moons, but neither specifies nor elaborates on which moon. Similarly, I was wondering if it'd be logical to assume that the moon had a breathable atmosphere? Especially if I went off the principle of the ancient Mayan ruins.
Anja Aj'Rou said:ge would ask for anything from 50-75 posts in development
Only Major Factions are allowed to own worlds, and are also the only ones who can do dominions, too. So your options are pretty much A.) Get a faction going and apply for major in a month, B.) find an active major faction and cooperate with them to dominion the planet on your behalf, or C.) roleplay rulership over the world (although you have no OOC ownership over it).Zanthos the Snake said:Ok. To my question. My character is the king of said world. Am I obliged to do a domination of the planet or do I own it already, since I'm the one who brought the Map Update up and fleshed out the world?
Yes.Zanthos the Snake said:But if someone wanted to come and dom the planet, could they?